The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 5: Ten Thousand Words Mantra Building


There is also a futon placed on the earthen bed, which was used when Mi Xiaojing was practicing and reciting mantras cross-legged.

There is a small niche next to the kang head, a small altar table, and three small pottery bowls arranged side by side. The pottery bowl in the middle is used as an incense burner, with a few burnt incense roots inserted on it. This is Mi Xiaojing worship. In the position of Yanzu, the pottery bowls on both sides contain wild fresh fruits. This is Mi Xiaojing's offering to Yanzu.

In front of the Tukang, next to the entrance, there is a small bamboo bookshelf, which was given by Junior Brother Zhang Ke. When he was a layman, he knew how to weave bamboo utensils. There are some scriptures neatly placed on the bookshelf.

Beside the bookshelf are several bamboo boxes and cages built up. In fact, there is nothing inside, just some worn-out replacement clothes, and some needles, thread, and scraps of coarse cloth. If the clothes are torn, you must sew them yourself. Mi Xiaojing has learned how to do it when he was five years old. .

The whole room is extremely simple, but it is clean and spotless. No matter how old it is, Mi Xiaojing must keep it clean. He will never allow himself to be dirty. The same goes for the room. Every morning, after Mi Xiaojing gets up, , I will clean the room and the courtyard carefully.

After sorting out his backpack and placing some wild fruits and herbs on the bluestone platform to dry, Mi Xiaojing carried a wooden bucket to the well next to the corner door.

I fetched a bucket of water, returned to the house, took a simple bath with a piece of coarse cloth, dried my body, changed into a pair of robes, and tidied the room.

A long-time kitchen worker came over carrying a bamboo food box, and he saluted respectfully.

"Little master, this is tonight's meal."

"Uncle Zhao, leave the food box at the door. I will send it back myself later."

Uncle Zhao, the long-term worker, nodded, put down the food box at the door of the meditation room, and turned to leave.

Mi Xiaojing picked up the food box, put it down on the kang table, and then opened the food box.

In Xiyanmen, as long as you reach the third stage of Pratyekabuddha stage, which is the stage of enlightenment, you are qualified not to eat in the canteen and enjoy the right to have food delivered to your door.

Because he belongs to the Yanmen sect that practices asceticism, the food of Xiyanmen has always been extremely simple. When he opened the food box, there were only four large bowls of steamed noodles, a large bowl of vegetable soup, and a small plate of pickles. This is Mi Xiaojing's dinner.

Of course, Mi Xiaojing has long been used to it over the years. At most, he would just take out some pickled pickles or some spicy sauce to adjust the taste. A steamed bun weighs half a catty, and four miscellaneous The noodles are enough to fill his stomach.

After eating and drinking, Mi Xiaojing returned the food box to the big kitchen, then sat down on the earthen kang, sat cross-legged on the futon, and began to practice in the evening.

This is the time for Mi Xiaojing to truly practice.

Cultivation to this stage is a process of accumulation. It requires persistent practice. It does not require any special methods to practice. It is just ordinary practice. To put it simply, the current practice is to recite the mantra, evolve the body, and develop the body. treasure.

The so-called cultivation means that one has treasures in one's body and evolves with one thought.

Every Yanxiu disciple who takes refuge in the Yanmen, once he reaches the stage of refuge, will have some kind of Yanmen object in his heart, such as an imaginary fish, or imaginary supplies, most of which are daily things, all kinds of , almost no similarities.

These are low-level transformations. Generally, after taking refuge, it is difficult for a disciple who has such transformations in his heart to have a high level of cultivation. The internal transformations of his mind are relatively poor, and of course his understanding will not be high.

Those with better qualifications will have virtual weapons such as cauldrons, war pestles, axes, and swords. Those who possess such weapons are more inclined to fight and belong to the fighting cultivators of the Yan sect.

The more high-end ones include long banners, canopies, lighthouses, treasure buildings, mantra buildings, etc., and there are even images of Yanlong, Jintai and Yanzu.

But after Mi Xiaojing converted, what appeared in his heart was a tower. When he first came out, there was only one layer of the tower. After practicing, it has grown into a two-and-a-half-story virtual tower, also known as the Heart Tower.

But what Mi Xiaojing didn't know was that in his virtual tower, there was an extremely obscure dot. This small dot was at the base of the virtual tower. If Mi Xiaojing could see it clearly, he would You will find that this is another tower.

In other words, there are two towers in Mi Xiaojing's heart, one inside the other.

This tower is famous in Yanjie, a tower of ten thousand words of truth!

Of course, with Mi Xiaojing's strength, he still cannot see this treasure of the world. This treasure is hidden in Mi Xiaojing's virtual tower. In fact, his conversion is also due to the influence of this ten thousand-character mantra.

Mi Xiaojing's recitation of mantras are all basic mantras, mainly one word. He can now recite two-word mantras. He has long been familiar with one-word mantras and can speak them easily, but with two-word mantras, he Still a little bumpy.

Once the two-character mantra is proficient, Mi Xiaojing's strength will rise to a higher level.

The power of the mantra can be divided into release and collection. When practicing, reciting the mantra is a virtual tower in the heart of cultivation, allowing oneself to understand the wisdom and power of the mantra.

Every time the mantras are recited, these mantras will be revealed on the virtual tower in the heart. Just like the Mi Xiao Sutra is recited once, the virtual tower will become stronger, and the recited mantras will be brushed on the tower and the base of the tower. In part, there are already many words, which can be revealed without reciting.

Mi Xiaojing has understood that this tower is actually composed of mantras. Of course, he didn't know that the mantra tower in his heart was actually formed and grew under the influence of the Yanbao Ten Thousand Word Mantra Tower.

Mi Xiaojing was already very familiar with reciting mantras. Before he learned how to speak, he listened to various mantras every day. Until he started practicing at the age of ten, he was already self-taught without a teacher and could recite many mantras. .

Holding a string of Yan beads carved from Yan wood in his hand, as he recited the mantra, the Yan beads were quickly plucked on his fingertips. Every time he moved them, it was a blessing of Yan thoughts. The Yan beads followed Mi Xiaojing. As one's cultivation grows, a certain kind of will will be born.

This string of Yan beads was made by Mi Xiaojing himself. When he converted to the Yan Sect, he accidentally got a Yan wood core. The quality was so good that even the leader of the Xi Yan Sect was a little jealous, but he was too embarrassed to compete with a child. This core of wood was left behind.

Yanmu and Tianlangmu are also known as the two major woods of the Yan family. They are excellent for making Yan beads. Of course, the Yan family also has Jianglong wood, western sandalwood, agarwood, etc., which are top-grade for making Yan tools. Wood, but when it comes to making rosary beads, yanmu is the best.

Mi Xiaojing polished eighteen Yanmu beads with his own hands and has been keeping them for three years. This is his only self-made pearl. Every time he practices, he will take it off his wrist and recite the mantra while flipping it. Over the years, it has become black and shiny, and the light can be discerned.