The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 54: Come over here


Mi Xiaojing didn't use all his strength for this mantra character. He didn't want to kill anyone yet, but with just one word, the man covered his head and rolled on the ground. His whole mind was confused. Even if he was beaten severely, It's not as hurtful as this one word, after all, he is just a mortal.

The housekeeper probably didn't expect that someone would come forward. Looking at Mi Xiaojing's clothes, he was quite surprised, because it was the clothes of a typical Caorentang disciple, and looking at the identity plate, it turned out to be the nameplate of an elite disciple of the sect, that is, The so-called inner disciples.

After taking a closer look, he was really a little scared, because on the identity plate, there was a circle of faint white light, which symbolized the alchemy furnace. In other words, this person was an alchemist apprentice and could already make alchemy. This was amazing. Well, in the Kenshin Sect, there are not many people who can make alchemy. Once you have such an identity plate, it means you have considerable status.

"Junior brother... you, why are you here?"

Mi Xiaojing stepped forward and grabbed Zhang Ke's arm. He hadn't seen an acquaintance for a long time. In the unfamiliar environment of Jianxin Sect, he felt very lonely. Suddenly he saw a former friend and someone who had taken care of him for a long time. , I was really excited.

Zhang Ke was also very excited: "Senior brother, I've been asking for a long time, but I still can't find you... I didn't expect to see you here."

Senior brother? Junior brother

A smile appeared on the housekeeper's face. He understood immediately. He knew Zhang Ke's identity very well. He was a remnant of the Yanxiu Sect. He was forcibly captured and taken to Jianxin Sect. So the person who called him Junior Brother must also be a remnant of the Yanxiu Sect. The only thing that made him a little afraid was the identity of the other party. He couldn't understand why a captured remnant of the Evolutionary Cultivator had the identity plate of an inner disciple of the sect

The three ordinary mortals were already frightened after being beaten out by Mi Xiaojing. When they heard the names of the two people, they were frightened to death. Don't offend a cultivator if you offend anyone. In the Sword Heart Sect, this is iron Law, once you offend a cultivator and get injured or disabled, it is a minor matter, and beating to death is not a rare thing. The sect can only deal with it superficially, and sometimes, there will be no superficial treatment at all.

Ordinary people here understand cultivators better than people outside, and are more awe and fearful of them.

The butler stepped forward and sneered: "Who are you? Dare to wear such clothes and wear such an identity plate? You are just a remnant of the training, and you dare to run wild in our Kenshin Sect?"

Mi Xiaojing's eyes narrowed. He was a young man and relatively simple. When he heard what the other party said, he couldn't suppress the fire. In an instant, Mi Xiaojing had already gone up.


Without hesitation, Mi Xiaojing gave this guy a big slap in the mouth, and then Mi Xiaojing turned into a violent beast and beat him wildly. He actually knew in his heart that as long as he didn't kill him, even if the sect fought within the sect, no matter what the punishment, he would not be hurt. The muscles move the bones, so let’s talk first.

Mu Xiaoyin was stunned. She never imagined that Mi Xiaojing was so fierce.

Rob's face showed an extremely excited look, his eyes shone with a strange light, and his two little hands kept rubbing together. It was obvious that he also wanted to do it.

The housekeeper was completely stunned, his head was bruised, his nose was blue and his eyes were swollen, but he kept shouting.

"You dare to hit me... OK, good fight, if you have the ability, you beat me to death!"

A flash of light flashed in Mi Xiaojing's eyes, will I beat you to death? Maybe not, it’s okay to beat him half to death!


A broken leg.

"Ouch... you have the ability to beat me to death..."


A broken arm.

"Ah... ah, it hurts... you, you, you have the ability... hit me, beat me to death... ah..."


Another broken leg.

"Uuuu...ah, you have...ah, please forgive me..."

The onlookers hid and watched from a distance. When they heard the butler's begging for mercy, they couldn't help but burst into low laughter.

When Mi Xiaojing was in Xiyanmen, he was really a gentle and kind-hearted baby who wouldn't even kill a hungry wolf. But since Xiyanmen was destroyed, his concept has completely changed, and he has a bit of ruthlessness in his heart. , missing a kindness.

"If you say spare your life, will I spare my life?"

Mi Xiaojing said coldly and stepped on it.


The last arm was crushed. In fact, such an injury is not serious for a cultivator. It is just a broken hand and foot. It can be recovered after a few months of cultivation. It is just a series of broken limbs. This ruthless force completely frightened the cultivator. people.

Pain and shock caused the man to pass out.

Zhang Ke said nervously: "Will it hurt you, little senior brother, please leave quickly... escape..."

Mi Xiaojing smiled slightly and said, "No, I'll go talk to his master!"

There is no use in escaping. No matter what, if you beat the younger ones, the older ones will definitely come. This is the saying of beating a dog to see its owner. Mi Xiaojing must deal with that person's owner, otherwise there will be trouble.

Not leaving!

Zhang Ke's face showed extreme anxiety, and he said: "Brother, please leave quickly. I will bear all the consequences. Don't worry, I won't tell them...who you are..." He even had murderous intentions and planned to kill him. That butler.

Mi Xiaojing said: "Junior brother, don't worry, do you know whose housekeeper this person is?"

His words were very calm, and Zhang Ke gradually calmed down. He asked, "Is everything really okay?"

Mi Xiaojing said: "No matter what happens, no matter what, we will always have to face it. Escape is the worst solution."

Zhang Ke nodded and said: "Okay, you were smarter than me when we were in Xiyanmen, so I'll listen to you. The worst is, I won't live either... fight with them!"

Mi Xiaojing shook his head and said: "It's not that serious. He is just a housekeeper."

Mu Xiaoyin didn't pay too much attention to it. Although she had hardly seen this kind of thing, she had heard about it a lot, so she was very calm.

Mi Xiaojing stepped forward and kicked the man several times, and immediately heard a cry of mercy.

"Spare me, don't dare anymore... Spare my life! Spare my life!"

He was really scared to death. Although that person was vicious, he was actually a small figure in the sect. He was stronger than ordinary mortals, but among cultivators, he was the weakest. He found that Mi Xiaojing's strength was higher than his own There were too many, and they didn't use any weapons or cultivation methods at all. They just beat him with bare hands and they didn't know whether they were alive or dead.

Mi Xiaojing waved. The three people who had ganged up to beat Zhang Ke didn't dare to run away. They all stood aside and waited. Their faces were all earth-colored and their bodies were trembling like chaff. The housekeeper was beaten half to death. If Mi Xiaojing wanted to kill them, he would probably fight with them. It's almost like killing a chicken, and there is no way to resist.

With a pop, the three of them knelt down in fear.

"Spare my life!"

Mi Xiaojing said impatiently: "Who wants your lives? Aren't you very fierce when you hit people? You bastards who bully the weak and fear the strong, get over here!"

The three of them were very obedient and did not dare to stand up and come over. Instead, they really rolled over.

Mu Xiaoyin couldn't help but giggle, and Mi Xiaojing was also stunned. She really rolled over!