The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 6: The path of advancement


The eighteen-element wooden beads are the six roots, six dusts, and six consciousnesses, which represent the eighteen realms.

The Yanmu beads and the mantra in the heart correspond to each other. Every time you practice, the hands, eyes, heart, and speech are integrated into one. Therefore, the mantra in the heart is the mantra in the hands of the practitioner. One is outside and the other is inside. , complement each other.

Every time he recited the mantra, Mi Xiaojing did not know that faint golden mantra words would fly out from the ten thousand-character mantra tower, combine with the words he recited, and then fly into the virtual tower. The words would be easily dissipated. The sounds and words stick to the virtual tower with this power.

At the same time, there is also a small amount of golden mantra sealed into the eighteen beads, gradually changing the beads, and actually blessing the beads. If it lasts for a certain period of time, the beads will turn into special weapons. Now It's just an embryonic body.

After a night of practice, the Mantra Tower became a little firmer and a little taller. It was impossible to tell without paying attention.

The crowing of roosters sounded, and it was the chickens raised by the long-term workers. As the roosters sang, a hint of fish belly white appeared in the sky.

Mi Xiaojing opened his eyes, and after a night of practice, his mental and physical strength was completely restored. He got up and got off the kang, and came to the open space in front of the Zen room. Mi Xiaojing started to punch. This boxing technique was not used for fighting, but It is used to relax the muscles and activate blood circulation. After sitting cross-legged all night, you must move around after getting up.

This set of boxing is very short, consisting of about ten movements, and its name is Yanshou Fist. Mi Xiaojing beat him twice and then stopped. After a brief wash, he climbed to the roof of the house, faced the east, where the sun rose, and began to breathe.

Regardless of the Yan world or the cultivation world, there are similar techniques to collect a little Qianyang purple energy. However, in Xiyanmen, the only person who does this is Mi Xiaojing. This is not taught by the master of Xiyanmen, but by him. He was born like this. In fact, the real reason was that the Ten Thousand Characters Mantra had influenced him.

When the fish belly white gradually turns red, the morning glow fills the sky, and a bit of golden light leaps up from the maple forest. In an instant, Mi Xiaojing takes a long breath, and a trace of purple energy penetrates into the sky spirit and goes straight into the virtual tower of the mantra in his heart. In an instant, the entire The virtual tower emits purple light.

The sun rises from the maple forest in the east, which is only a moment. After this time, it is impossible to absorb this trace of purple energy. Since Mi Xiaojing started practicing, except on cloudy days with rain and snow, he has to go to the roof to absorb this purple energy. A hint of purple, for him, this is an instinctive habit, just like a person who wants to eat, drink, poop and sleep, nothing less will do.

It wasn't until this trace of purple energy was completely integrated into the virtual tower that Mi Xiaojing came down from the roof.

And this trace of Qianyang purple energy was quickly quietly absorbed by the Ten Thousand Characters Mantra. Because Mi Xiaojing's cultivation level was too low, he could not nourish the Ten Thousand Characters Mantra. Only this trace of Qianyang purple energy could still support it. Yan Bao Mantra Building.

The Yanbao is self-obscuring. Once the Yanbao recognizes its owner, it will hide its light. Therefore, until now, no one has discovered that Mi Xiaojing has such a treasure of the Yanmen. Even if the masters of Yanmen come, they still can't see through it.

Mi Xiaojing didn't know that there was a treasure in the Virtual Tower, that is, his Heart Tower, so he always thought that the Heart Tower he cultivated was like this, and anything that appeared was normal. Because he hasn't had this knowledge yet, he won't have any doubts. After all, he has only been practicing for three years. For Yanmen, he has only learned basic Yanshu, and his practice has just begun.

After finishing his homework, Mi Xiaojing does not practice during the day. When autumn comes, he must go up the mountain to pick various wild fruits and vegetables. There are also many herbs harvested in autumn. If he does not go up the mountain at this time, he will wait until the heavy snow falls. There is nothing left to gain.

Most of the Xiyanmen's disciples have to go up the mountain to collect mountain products, such as wild fruits such as pecans, chestnuts, and hazelnuts. After they are prepared, they can go to the market to exchange for some needles, thread, coarse linen, and condiments. Some things can be homemade. , but some cannot be made at home, such as oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, all have to be replaced.

Of course, the cultivators of Xiyanmen will not go to the market to exchange for these mountain goods. Most of them will ask the hired workers or long-term workers in the Yanmen to exchange them. For example, Mi Xiaojing has accumulated a lot of dry goods. At the end of each month, There will be long-term workers going to the market. At this time, you can ask them to take them away and exchange them for the daily necessities you need.

So in autumn, it is the busiest season for the Yan cultivators. The Xi Yan sect only takes care of food, and everything else has to be taken care of by themselves. The Yan sects live a very hard life. Of course, the Yan sect who cultivates hard is always so painful. This is also A kind of practice.

The Xiyanmen's asceticism is quite peaceful. Some of the Yanmen who practice asceticism are the real ascetics. They eat one meal a day and have no clothes to cover their bodies. Not only do they have no house to live in, they also have to practice in the mountains, eating in the wind and sleeping in the open. Without a firm will, it would be impossible to persevere in that kind of practice.

Mi Xiaojing took the broom and cleaned the yard first, and then went to the room to clean it again. In addition, he lit three sticks of incense in front of the altar. This was a daily etiquette homework. Mi Xiaojing was very important in this regard. devout.

After everything was done, Mi Xiaojing picked up the backpack and prepared to go up the mountain.

As soon as I reached the corner door, I saw a seven or eight-year-old child running over.

"Brother Xiaomi, Master Zeng Li invites you to go."

Those children under the age of ten are the preparatory disciples of Yanxiu, and are considered the next generation in Xiyanmen. Most of them are sent over by farmers and mountain people, and many of them are orphans, or were abandoned in front of the mountain gate. Adopted by Yanxiu of Yanmen. This was how Mi Xiaojing was adopted.

Mi Xiaojing touched his head.

"Okay, I'll go."

As he spoke, he took out a few fried pecans and handed them to the child.

Carrying a basket on his back, Mi Xiaojing came to the room on the side of the central courtyard, where the chiefs lived.

Xiyanmen has three heads of Yuanjue Hall, Guanfa Hall and Juexing Hall. Master Zeng Li is the head of Yuanjue Hall. Mi Xiaojing is also under the jurisdiction of Yuanjue Hall in Xiyanmen.

In other words, Master Zeng Li is Mi Xiaojing’s direct superior. In the Yanmen, the relationship between superiors and subordinates is very clear, and the status also has different levels. Like the Xiuzhen sect, the hierarchy is clear, and the first master is in the Xiyanmen. of extremely high status.

After knocking lightly on the door, Mi Xiaojing waited quietly outside.

An old voice sounded: "Come in!"

Mi Xiaojing opened the door and walked in.

This room is twice as big as Mi Xiaojing's room. It also has a large earthen kang, which takes up one-third of the room. The layout is similar to Mi Xiaojing's room, with a bamboo bookshelf and an extra desk. There are also several bamboo cages in the corner.

A niche is placed on the altar table, with an incense burner, two offering trays, three sticks of incense inserted in the incense burner, and smoke curling up.