The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 63: Test the sword


"Xiaoyin isn't here?" Mi Xiaojing asked.

Rob said: "Sister Xiaoyin has returned to Caorentang."

Mi Xiaojing asked: "When did you go?"

Zhang Ke said: "I've been gone for a long time. I was called by a boy. He said he would come back in a few days."

Mi Xiaojing knew that Chen Shouyi valued Mu Xiaoyin very much. During this period, she had been following him almost all the time. She probably had something going on with Chen Shouyi, so she called him back. As for what happened, Mi Xiaojing didn't care.

"Little Carrot Head, Ah Fu, get dressed, let's go to the woods and look for some medicinal materials."

Robert and Wei Fu cheered, immediately put on their clothes and got off the kang. They had been practicing every day for the past few days, and they were extremely bored.

Zhang Ke said: "Go to the forest, I will go too, see if I can find wild vegetables."

Mi Xiaojing smiled and said, "The snow hasn't melted yet, so I don't know if I can find it."

Zhang Ke said: "It's okay, I have experience."

Mi Xiaojing nodded and led the three of them out of the yard. The snow on the mountain was still there and the sky was gloomy, but due to the reflection of the snow, the surroundings were very bright.

Stepping through the snow, the four of them walked into the forest. Due to the lush forests, the tops of the trees were covered with thick snow. In the forest, there were many places above the ground, revealing clumps of green plants.

Qingmu Peak is huge and the trees are endless. The four of them walked along a path that was used to cut firewood.

After a while, I saw a gentle slope. This gentle slope was very large, with only sparse dwarf trees. It was relatively gentle. From here, I could see distant mountains, wild mountains, forest seas and snowfields, layer upon layer, steep mountains, and dark clouds pressing overhead. They were vaguely visible. On the mountainside, wisps of faint smoke rose.

In the sky, sword light flashes across from time to time, shining from one peak to another. Those cultivators above the foundation stage of the Kenshin Sect are on their way. They don't need to walk on mountain roads, they just need to fly with their swords.

Zhang Ke wondered: "Brother, why did you stop... There is nothing we need here."

Mi Xiaojing laughed and said, "I want to test the sword here."

"Test the sword? What sword?"

Mi Xiaojing took out the magic sword made from lightning strike wood and said, "This is the magic sword."

Zhang Ke took a closer look, with a strange expression on his face: "Uh, this... this black thing is a magic sword... so ugly..."

When Robert heard the word magic sword, he immediately became excited. He had heard of magic sword and knew that it was the most commonly used weapon among cultivators and one of the most powerful weapons for low-level cultivators. Of course he was curious.

"Brother Xiaomi, show me!"

Wei Fu was also curious, but he was still a little timid, so he followed Robert up.

Rob was the most familiar and close to Mi Xiaojing. He stretched out his hand to see, but Mi Xiaojing did not stop him and handed the magic sword to him.

After looking over and over for a long time, Rob was quite disappointed and said, "Brother Xiaomi, is this a magic sword? It's really ugly. Uncle Zhang is right."

Robert used to call Zhang Ke uncle, because he looked very old due to his unkempt beard, especially when he captured the Jianxin Sect from the Xiyan Sect and suffered a lot. The fat man he used to be became a thin man, and the skin all over his body was loose. The aging look on his face is very obvious.

Wei Fu agreed. He said nothing, his little head was like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Ugly? Hey, it's okay to be ugly. If you're beautiful... people will notice you. This thing should be very powerful."

Mi Xiaojing actually thought the Magic Sword was ugly, but he still had to be tough on what he refined.

Zhang Ke was afraid that Mi Xiaojing would be unhappy, so he comforted him: "Although it's a bit ugly, it might be useful..."

Mi Xiaojing couldn't help but roll her eyes, ugly? Easy to use? He said: "Okay, don't comfort me. I don't care about appearance. I want to try this magic sword."

Rob cheered: "Okay, okay, let's see how powerful brother Xiaomi's magic sword is!"

Wei Fu nodded vigorously. The child nodded so hard that people worried whether his little neck could withstand the weight of his head or whether his neck would break when he nodded.

Robb returned the magic sword in his hand to Mi Xiaojing.

Mi Xiaojing's heart was full of expectations. The first time he used the magic sword, he made it by himself. No matter whether it was ugly or short, he made it with all his heart and soul. It carries his desire, a desire to become stronger.

When Mi Xiaojing's incantation was issued, the magic sword instantly began to tremble, and the spiritual patterns gradually shone. When the magic sword was activated for the first time, it was considered to be a new one. Every magic sword has this process, because the magic sword is refined. Finally, the spirit pattern is activated for the first time. If the spirit pattern is not smooth, it is very likely to be reimbursed. Any cultivator who can refine weapons attaches great importance to refining the weapon.

The electric arc jumped on the magic sword, and a trace of arc made a crisp sound. The blue-white silver light lit up little by little, extending from the tail of the magic sword to the tip of the sword. The speed was very slow.

Mi Xiaojing once again realized the terrible loss of true energy. A small part of the true energy was extracted in an instant. As the spiritual pattern spread to the tip of the sword, suddenly, dense mantra characters appeared on the spiritual pattern, and the entire magic sword also began to change. Floating in Mi Xiaojing's palm.

Zhang Ke looked at it in shock. He had never known that this magic sword was so beautiful.

Robert stared in surprise. He did not expect that the magic sword would actually float in front of Mi Xiaojing. The tip of the sword emitted a faint silver light. A feeling of extreme danger made him couldn't help but step back.

Because Wei Fu was just a cultivator, he didn't have the same feeling as Robert. The only thing that made him feel strange was why the originally dark magical sword became sparkling.

Wang Weijun was also paying attention to this magic sword. His purpose was different from everyone else's, because he discovered that when Mi Xiaojing was refining the weapon, he could actually drive the ten-thousand-character mantra tower and imprint the mantra characters on the magic sword on the magic sword. , this discovery frightened him, it was so weird.

"send out!"

Wang Weijun shouted wildly in Mi Xiaojing's head.

Mi Xiaojing subconsciously issued a spell, and in an instant, a very thin silver light flashed away, and then he heard a banging sound from the woods in front of him, and the snow mist rose along a line. In other words, this A line was created with one blow.

Another spell was cast, and the magic sword suddenly appeared in front of Mi Xiaojing. Its speed was too fast for people to react.

Wang Weijun's face became serious. He discovered a big problem. After adding mantra characters to the original ordinary magic sword, the level of the entire magic sword made a big leap. It jumped into another level. It couldn't compare with the spiritual sword, but it was definitely top-grade. Regarding the performance of the magic sword, you must know that this magic sword only has a damn spiritual pattern. This is the most basic magic sword.

Even if the refining technique of this magic sword is excellent, it cannot determine the essence of the magic sword. With the addition of mantra characters, this magic sword actually has the quality of a top-grade magic sword. This is too scary.