The Legend of the Extraordinaries

Chapter 98: The power of the flag array


Wang Weijun gave some advice.

Mi Xiaojing suddenly became excited. He was really curious about the formation and liked it very much. Especially the last time the entire sect sword formation was opened, it was simply earth-shattering. That kind of scene would be unforgettable for the rest of his life.

Therefore, Mi Xiaojing had high hopes for the formation. Especially after getting such a precious Aoki Formation, he felt that he had a trump card.

The original wooden box was retained, but the original formation disk was changed into a simple wooden box, which was used to hold the seven Yuanye Qingmu flags.

Use one hand to cast the spell and recite the spell at the same time.

The seven Yuan Ye Qingmu flags turned into seven green rays of light, which shot out in all directions in an instant. The entire underground cave suddenly shone with dazzling green light. Mi Xiaojing's whole body was green. This was the green reflected by the green light. The surroundings The stone walls are also reflected in turquoise.

Mi Xiaojing has the feeling of standing under the shade of a tree. The green is not pure green, but tender green, dark green, olive green, dark green, all kinds of mottled green are intertwined, like a person in a green ocean* *Yang, full of vitality, renewed.

Silently, Mi Xiaojing noticed that the surrounding scene had completely changed.

What a beautiful forest!

This was Mi Xiaojing's first feeling. Then he realized that this forest carried a strong threat. It was an indescribable feeling. Fortunately, he had opened the Aoki Formation. If someone else had opened it, Yes, just this threat can make him collapse. It's terrible.

Mi Xiaojing stood and did not dare to move. Even if it was the Aoki Formation he activated, he did not dare to move. The threat was too great. In fact, it was no wonder. He didn't know much about the formation and it would take some time to adapt. .

Soon, Mi Xiaojing discovered that the forest was abnormal. There were no birdsong, no roars of animals, no wind, no sound. It was so quiet that it was scary.

Holding a protective spell, Mi Xiaojing took a tentative step.

Just take one step and the whole world changes.

All the leaves were withered and yellow and falling, and the falling leaves turned into sharp blades and circled wildly. However, when these falling leaves reached Mi Xiaojing's side, they would slide to the side.

With just one step, Mi Xiaojing was frightened and filled with murderous intent that penetrated into his bones.

Wang Weijun said: "Idiot, that won't hurt you!"

Mi Xiaojing boldly took another step forward, which further touched the Qingmu Formation.

All the leaves fell off, and the remaining tree branches and twigs turned into a rain of swords that swept across the sky, as if a strong wind was blowing raindrops, and the sharp whistling sound made it impossible to breathe.

Mi Xiaojing stopped again. His eyes were full of sword shadows and whistling green light and shadows. It was very scary and made him very excited. The more powerful the Aoki Formation, the happier he was.

Wang Weijun yelled and cursed: "Idiot, idiot, move quickly... move quickly! You have to arouse the formation to exert its full power, so that you can understand the changes of this formation and know what role it plays at what time. Continue!"

However, Mi Xiaojing no longer continued to move forward, but chanted a spell, began to bless the formation, and activated various uses of the formation.

Boom... click...

In an instant, all the trees turned into blue wooden pillars, and the heaven and earth suddenly disappeared completely. Mi Xiaojing was suspended in the formation. In other words, the formation at this time was three-dimensional, in the sky and on the ground, in all directions. They are all covered with layers of green trees, and every green tree is moving. If you look at it for a little longer, you will start to feel dizzy.

Mi Xiaojing then started the next step.

The green wooden pillars began to collide with each other, and the roaring explosions resounded through the sky. Of course, this was only limited to the green wood formation, and no sound could be heard outside.

Mi Xiaojing was shocked by the huge bombardment and his whole body was numb. He tried to calm down and issued the next spell.

An astonishing scene appeared. As the green wood collided and rubbed, large areas of sparks burst out, and they burst into flames in just a few seconds. Green wood made fire, and wood made fire!

This flame is not red, but cyan. It looks very strange. It burns layer by layer, forming countless waves, up and down, left and right, all full of cyan flames. However, these flames pour into Mi Xiaojing. The surrounding body quickly rolled back, as if the waves hit the rocks, and not a trace of flames could get close to him.

Mi Xiaojing was dumbfounded, this was so spectacular.

The next spell is issued.

Pieces of golden light blades are generated in the flames, and fire generates gold!

The flames gradually turned into golden blades of light, raging in the formation. The sound of breaking through the air was shocking, and the howling sound was unsettling. Mi Xiaojing thought to himself, if he fell into such a formation, he would not be able to resist it. Probably In an instant, it will turn into pieces of flesh and blood, and not even these will be left.

So cruel!

Big green wooden flag array!

This is the large green wooden flag formation that Mi Xiaojing obtained. It is a very abnormal and strange formation. The formation with the wood attribute can actually generate fire and gold.

Starting the formation back and forth, testing various functions and attacks, and then exploring the coordination and the secrets. Under Wang Weijun's guidance, he found many special attack combinations, from comprehensive attacks to local attacks. As long as he fell into In the formation, Mi Xiaojing is the king. He can direct the country and manipulate the people who enter the formation to make his life worse than death.

However, after Mi Xiaojing finished the Aoki Formation, he began to replenish the energy of the Aoki Formation, that is, using spirit stones. This made him tremble.

Eight hundred and sixty low-grade spiritual stones were the price of the experiment just now.

This feeling of burning money and spiritual stones made Mi Xiaojing sour to the extreme, and she really couldn't bear it.

"Why do you need so many spiritual stones to replenish? There are too many!"

"Nonsense, this flag array is not a spiritual weapon. If it is a spiritual weapon, it can be automatically absorbed and replenished. As a top-level magical weapon, you can only use spiritual stones to replenish it. This is not bad. No one is trapped in the Aoki Array. If you trap a powerful cultivator, the consumption will be even greater!"

"Wow, no money... No, if there is no spirit stone, wouldn't this Aoki Formation be useless?"

"It won't be a waste. If there is no spiritual stone absorption, this green wood formation can also recover slowly, but the speed is unbearable for you. Moreover, without the spiritual stone replenishment, the power of this great formation will decrease, and 100% of its power can trap Yuan Yuan. A master in the infant stage, but if you don't have 100% of the power, a cultivator in the Nascent Soul stage can easily get out of trouble, and then it will be your death."

"But... these are more than 800 low-grade spiritual stones!"

"This little spiritual stone is nothing. If you refine the elixir a few more times, you'll have everything. You're stingy! You're stingy!"

Mi Xiaojing was speechless. He was used to being poor. To suddenly spend such a large amount of spiritual stones, which he had consumed through his own experiments, was really heartbreaking.

"It's not that I'm stingy, it's just that I don't think it's worth the money spent!"

"There's nothing unworthy. You can't wait until the enemy enters the battle before you start testing, right? That's unreasonable!"

Thinking that what Wang Weijun said made sense, Mi Xiaojing finally let it go.

"Okay, okay, just spend it, and work hard to earn spiritual stones in the future! Otherwise, you won't dare to open the Aoki Formation."