The Legend of the Moon Princess

Chapter 118: Nagging Qianyu and Concubine Xian


In the early morning of the second day, Ji Yueqin got up early, and she was very excited at the thought of being able to leave the palace and have a good time.

Huaizhu and Ji Yueqin also had the same feeling. After all, both of them were still relatively young, so they naturally yearned for a free and free life outside the palace.

Ji Yueqin originally wanted to take Aunt Xiuzhu out of the palace with her, but because Huaizhu had lived in this deep palace since she was a child and had never seen the folk life outside the palace, she begged the county master to take her out. Gong went to play, and his heart was even more excited than Ji Yueqin.

Ji Yueqin felt very amused when she saw Huaizhu's appearance, and even Aunt Xiuzhu couldn't stop laughing.

However, it is precisely because I want to go out to play in the palace, so I can't dress as formal as in the palace. Aunt Embroidered Bamboo helped Ji Yueqin put on a boy bun, which made Ji Yueqin look a little younger.

"The princess looks more like a porcelain doll this time!" Huaizhu looked at Ji Yueqin's delicate and cute appearance, but did not hesitate to praise her words.

"Okay, you can't call me the princess after you leave the palace, you want to call me miss, you know?" Ji Yueqin looked at Huaizhu and smiled slightly.

"Yes, my good lady." Huaizhu's serious appearance made the two of them smile brightly.

"Yueqin, you must be careful when you are out of the palace, but don't get lost with your two brothers, do you understand?" Qianyu also entered Ji Yueqin's house, thinking of Ji Yueqin leaving the palace this time. , She was really afraid of Ji Yueqin's accident, so she got up early and came over to tell her a few words.

"I've seen Concubine Yu." Xiuzhu and Huaizhu watched Qianyu come in and hurriedly saluted. Since the two of them knew what Qianyu had experienced, they admired Qianyu even more in their hearts, and respected Qianyu from the bottom of their hearts.

Qianyu nodded with a smile, and continued to tell Huaizhu: "Huaizhu, you go out with the county lord, but you must follow the county lord closely, and watch her closely. If something really happens, go find her. Your two majesties."

Seeing Qian Yu's chattering appearance, Ji Yueqin's heart warmed, and she thought of her mother again, and she was full of emotion in her heart.

Coincidentally, at this time, Concubine Xian also came to Xinyue Pavilion. After everyone saluted her, she kindly took Ji Yueqin's hand and warned her.

Coincidentally, what Concubine Xian said was almost the same as what Qian Yu said, but it made Ji Yueqin's ears cocoon when she heard it.

I saw Ji Yueqin smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, two empresses, Yueqin knows that you care about me, and Yueqin promises to follow behind the two brothers, and will never run around!"

Qian Yu and Concubine Xian looked at each other and smiled, but they also teased Ji Yueqin with a bit of tacit understanding.

Xinyue Pavilion has always been harmonious. When Ji Yueqin went to school sometimes, Concubine Xian would come over to talk to Qianyu, or sometimes Qianyu also went to Concubine Xian to talk. After going back and forth, the two became good girlfriends who talked about everything.

"Xiuzhu, go and prepare breakfast. Even if the county master is in a hurry to go out to play, he has to eat breakfast." Qian Yu gently instructed Xiuzhu.

When Xiuzhu got the order, she went to prepare the meal with a smile, and Qianyu thought of something and stopped Xiuzhu and said, "Hey, wait a minute, Concubine Xian doesn't like to eat meat and fishy food recently, so let's cook some light porridge. "

Concubine Xian looked at Qianyu's care and notes to herself, but she felt warm in her heart. She only sighed in her heart why she couldn't meet Qianyu earlier. Some people can only sigh why the years cannot let themselves meet each other earlier.

Everyone sat in front of the dining table, happily talking about the parents' shortcoming, but this Xinyue Pavilion had a somewhat warm feeling.

"Concubine Liang has a bad appetite, but why is it uncomfortable? Can you find an imperial doctor to have a look at her body?" Ji Yueqin listened to Qianyu's instructions to Xiuzhu, and was a little worried about Concubine Xian's body and bones. Come, after all, Concubine Xian had a miscarriage three months ago, and her body is naturally not as good as before.

Concubine Xian looked at Ji Yueqin's worried look, but laughed out loud, "Mother Concubine is fine, it's just that my appetite is not good recently, and I don't feel any discomfort in my body."

Ji Yueqin listened to her words and felt relieved, "It's natural to have nothing to do, but to be on the safe side, you should find an imperial doctor to take a good look."

Concubine Xian smiled softly and said to Ji Yueqin, "You, Concubine Liang's little padded jacket, warms her heart all the time."

Ji Yueqin smiled mischievously and said, "It's all said to be my mother-in-law, so I, as a daughter, naturally want to be my mother-in-law's little padded jacket."

Concubine Xian listened to Ji Yueqin's seemingly happy words, but she sighed in her heart. She had experienced such warmth and coldness at a young age, so why didn't she feel sorry for Ji Yueqin.

Qianyu looked at the two people in front of her, and her heart was also sour. One lost her child and the other lost her mother. The two were also sympathetic to each other and felt sorry for them.

"County Master, the Crown Prince is here." Huaizhu watched Nan Xuanyu walking towards the dining room with sharp eyes, and said excitedly to Ji Yueqin.

The reason Huaizhu was excited about Nan Xuanyu was that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince was really kind to the county master! Every once in a while, I send gifts to the county master without saying, and he is wholeheartedly devoted to the county master, gentle as water, and he is the best husband-in-law candidate written in the book.

However, the county master has always had a tepid attitude towards His Royal Highness, which made Huaizhu a little depressed. However, looking at the county master, it seems that the third prince is unusual. It seems that the person who is interested in the county master may be the third prince.

Hearing Huaizhu's shout, everyone looked outside the house and saw the graceful Nan Xuanyu coming over. It has to be said that Nan Xuanyu really had the appearance of the emperor back then.

Nan Xuanyu looked at everyone looking at him, but smiled heartily, "Why are the ladies looking at me, could it be that there is something unclean on Yu's face?"

"I want the slaves to tell me that the concubines are looking at His Royal Highness because His Royal Highness is too handsome." Huaizhu has always been open-mouthed, and without thinking, he blurted out his debut.

Nan Xuanyu secretly glanced at Ji Yueqin, and said warmly, "Is that what Sister Yue thinks?"

Ji Yueqin looked at him with a smile and said, "Brother Yu is naturally handsome and extraordinary."

Nan Xuanyu couldn't tell what it was like to get Ji Yueqin's unsalty answer. He didn't know how Ji Yueqin felt about him, but Ji Yueqin had always been tepid for his enthusiasm, which made him depressed.

"Sister Yue's little mouth is so sweet." Makes me really want to taste it. Nan Xuanyu didn't say the second half of the sentence, and smiled at Ji Yueqin.

Seeing how well-matched the two were, especially Nan Xuanyu's kindness to Ji Yueqin, Qian Yu and Concubine Xian also saw it, and hoped that the two could be together.