The Legend of the Moon Princess

Chapter 21: Proclaimed as the lord of the county


It was late at night. Nan Ruiyuan, who had been having a headache for a day during the memorial, wanted to go to the imperial garden, when he saw Xiuzhu in Ganxi Palace brought a food box, saying that it was Ji Yueqin's loss of appetite for the Queen Mother. I do it myself, and if I do more, I want to give it to the emperor.

Nan Ruiyuan motioned to Andrew to take the food box and returned to the Qingxin Hall. Not letting Andrew go to test the poison, he directly picked up the crystal clear sweet-scented osmanthus cake in the food box and tasted it.

The familiar taste and the aroma of sweet-scented osmanthus dispelled Nan Ruiyuan's day's fatigue. He didn't know how long he hadn't tasted this taste, and a beautiful woman appeared in his mind. It is a pity that the beautiful woman has passed away, and everything is endless, only to hurt the survivors.

He only took a bite and stared blankly at the crystal clear osmanthus cake.

Andrew was frightened by Nan Ruiyuan's actions, and he also suspected that the sweet-scented osmanthus cake was poisonous, so he hurriedly had to deal with it.

"Andrew, come and eat a piece too." Nan Ruiyuan didn't move, still looking at the piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Seeing that Nan Ruiyuan was fine, Andrew took a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and tasted it carefully. Let people taste a piece again.

But after Andrew finished eating the sweet-scented osmanthus cake, he was speechless because of the excitement on his face: "This...this..."

"It's Rouer's feeling." Nan Ruiyuan's voice was soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing anyone's movements.

Andrew began to cry. He had accompanied Nan Ruiyuan for thirty-six years. Seeing how Nan Ruiyuan fell in love with Duan Rou and how Duan Rou married Ji Jie, he understood what Nan Ruiyuan felt in his heart. It was painful, but Nan Ruiyuan could only bless her with a smile.

Maybe it's like that sentence, what you can't get is the best, maybe it's like the white moonlight in the distance, and it's like the cinnabar mole in your heart, you can touch it but you can't.

The world often says that if you never forget, there will be an echo. After so many years, the result was only news of her passing. Nan Ruiyuan didn't know if it was the right choice to let her go at the beginning. Now she has only one daughter left, and he should take good care of her.

The beautiful image dissipated in his mind, he looked at the sweet-scented osmanthus cake in his hand, and thoughtfully, the last person ate the whole box of sweet-scented osmanthus cake.

Seeing that Nan Ruiyuan was not struggling like he just did, Andrew wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and continued to serve Nan Ruiyuan with all his heart.

Nan Ruiyuan looked at the bright moon in the sky from the window sill again, he stood alone, his back was long reflected by the moonlight, and he felt an indescribable sense of loneliness.

Andrew looked at Nan Ruiyuan like this, a little unbearable, took the cloak and put it lightly on Nan Ruiyuan's shoulders.

The old monk Nan Ruiyuan also recovered from his thoughts, and said with a hoarse voice: "Andrew, what time is it now."

"It's time to return to the emperor." Andrew respectfully said to Nan Ruiyuan.

Then he added: "It's getting late, let's rest while serving the emperor."

Nan Ruiyuan nodded and went to rest with Andrew.


After a light sleep all night, as the Taihe Drum was played, the civil and military officials also rushed towards the Yuanji Hall.

Nan Ruiyuan was dressed in a court dress with yellow gauze embroidered clouds and golden dragons, with a stern body, sharp sword eyebrows and sharp phoenix eyes, giving people a feeling of not being angry but powerful. He sat on the dragon chair surrounded by golden dragons, with the arrogance of the world.

He watched the hundred officials in the hall salute him respectfully, and suddenly became a little tired of this imperial power. If it weren't for this position, he would not have lost Duan Rou and sent her to others in person.

But the reality is like this, if you get one thing, you will definitely lose something else. This may also be the law of heaven and earth.

"Everyone is flat." He just said lightly, although not loudly, everyone could hear it clearly.

When Baiguan got up, Andrew shouted: "There is a recitation—"

Zuo Zongzheng, Liu Zhiren held the wat in his hand, and stood up respectfully and said: "I will play your majesty, and Daliang has issued an edict asking me to return the rebel Ji Yueqin. good country."

An Ming, the righteous king of Youzong, stood up immediately, and said with a face full of resentment: "Your Majesty, Ji Yueqin is the daughter of Duan Rou, the lord of He Qin, and Duan Rou is the lord of the Qin and Jin Dynasties that my Dayu and Daliang formed a good relationship with, and now Daliang will not let me go. In his eyes, remove the Princess Chang. Now that His Majesty has rescued the daughter of the Princess Chang, he should take good care of her so as to comfort the spirit of the Princess Chang in the sky."

Liu Zhiren did his part, and said Yan Ci chiseled: "Although the chief of the Changjun County is a man of my greatness, he is already considered a man of the great Liang when he is married to his husband."

At this time, Xue Guang, Minister of Rites, also stood up and said: "According to the ritual system since ancient times, all women marry and obey their husbands, but the chief of the county is a relative of our country, and it also represents my great man. You're hitting me in the face!"

Nan Ruiyuan's expression on the throne was dark and unclear, but his face was terrifyingly dark, but when Wang Anming and Xue Guang came out, his expression turned slightly darker.

The officials of Zuo Zongzheng's faction were all talking about it, and they made it clear that they wanted to hand over Ji Yueqin. In fact, Zuo Zong was on the Queen's side. The Queen's hatred for Duan Rou, her own family, was clear to them. Chu.

The faction of Youzong Zhengwang Anming belongs to the royalist party, so it is also according to the emperor's will.

The rest of the officials whispered below, and this was Nan Ruiyuan finally speaking: "Du Zihuan, you say."

Du Zihuan was the head of the Hanlin Academy. As a representative of the Qingliu faction, he did not say a word, but silently lowered his head and looked at the ground.

Nan Ruiyuan felt that Du Zihuan should support Wang Anming's faction. After all, Du Zihuan was a student of Duan Shizheng, and he also admired Duan Rou.

When Du Zihuan heard Nan Ruiyuan calling him, he just stood up silently and said loudly, "Report to the emperor, this minister is a disciple of Taifu Duan. If the minister said it, it would be biased."

Nan Ruiyuan looked at Du Zihuan deeply, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes, but when he saw that Du Zihuan was still hanging his head, he ignored Du Zihuan.

Wang Anming and Liu Zhiren didn't dare to make a sound when they saw Nan Ruiyuan speak, they just stood upright in the hall.

"Duan Rou, the chief of the county magistrate of my Dayu, naturally represents my great face, and Daliang has swept away my face. It's what it should be." Nan Ruiyuan glanced at the civil and military officials.

"Now, I want to make Duan Rou's daughter Ji Yueqin a princess and give her the title An Ning." Nan Ruiyuan looked at Du Zihuan again, "Du Zihuan, do you agree?"

When Du Zihuan heard Ji Yueqin, he was indeed stunned for a moment, as if something was touched in his heart, but then he returned to normal. Hearing Nan Ruiyuan mentioning his name again, he said respectfully, "My Emperor Jinkou Yuyan speaks for itself."

Not knowing what Du Zihuan wanted to say, he saw Liu Zhiren kneeling on the ground: "Your Majesty! This is not in line with the etiquette!"

Nan Ruiyuan was displeased with Liu Zhiren and said, "Master Liu means that the Ministry of Rites is also under your control?"

Knowing that he had made a blunder, Liu Zhiren was afraid that the emperor would think that he was in power, so he quickly said: "Emperor! The old minister has been wronged! It's just the identity of the chief county master, her daughter can't be higher than her title at one time!"

So the Queen's faction echoed Liu Zhiren's words, but the corner of Du Zihuan's mouth raised slightly, Nan Ruiyuan was playing a trick on Liu Zhiren.

After Liu Zhiren finished speaking, he realized that he had approved in disguise that Ji Yueqin could get the title, and that the emperor had put himself together.

Although Nan Ruiyuan felt relieved, he did not show it on the surface, so he gave Xue Guang a wink. Xue Guang also understood that the emperor wanted to stand up for Ji Yueqin himself, so he bit the bullet in the queen's party. With a burning gaze, he said:

"Your Majesty, according to the etiquette system, the daughter of the chief county lord cannot surpass her mother's position. Although she cannot be named a princess, she can be named a county lord."

Wang Anming also stood up: "My emperor is wise, and it is in accordance with the etiquette to appoint the daughter of the county master as the county master, and it also shows the kindness and kindness of my emperor." Wang Anming glanced at Liu Zhiren, who was kneeling on the ground.

Nan Ruiyuan nodded and said loudly, "Andrew, it's your intention."

Andrew came over and spread the bright yellow scroll on the table. Nan Ruiyuan got up and picked up the wolf on the table. With a wave of the pen, he finished writing the will in a smooth manner, and then he slammed the jade seal on the scroll. .

Andrew carefully accepted the imperial decree, cleared his throat and said loudly: "All the Aiqings accepted the decree."

All the civil and military officials looked respectful, raised the wat in their hands to their foreheads, and said, "Wei Chen accepts the order."

"Fengtian, the emperor's edict said, now, I will kill Duan, the chief county master of my Dayu, with Daliang Bunian, who is close to me in the Qin and Jin Dynasties. Nian Duan's father called me the merits of Dayu, and now I will The daughter of the Duan family was named the county master, and she was given the title of An Ning."

Wang Anming looked at Liu Zhiren slightly, but Liu Zhiren was upset but couldn't show it.

Du Zihuan, who was not making a sound, suddenly stood up and said: "Your Majesty, the matter of the Anning County Master may not be completely resolved. My minister thought that I should send an envoy to Daliang to test the attitude of Emperor Daliang. They do not understand. If you want to kill my Da Yuchang County Master, I'm afraid his heart will be punished."

Du Zihuan's voice was clear, but the coldness in it made people tremble.

Nan Ruiyuan looked at Wang Anming and Liu Zhiren, "What do the two Ai Qing think of Du Zihuan's statement?"

Although Wang Anming and Liu Zhiren have been at odds over political views, they still have many complaints about this.

I saw that Liu Zhiren was the first to stand up and say: "Your Majesty, I agree with Lord Du's opinion. It is really necessary for the messenger to go. At least Da Liang has to give me an explanation."

Nan Ruiyuan looked at Wang Anming, and Wang Anming also said with a serious expression: "This minister agrees."

Representatives of several parties all spoke up, and the rest of the officials also agreed.

Nan Ruiyuan frowned, this matter is really difficult to handle, while Da Yu needs an explanation from Da Liang, Da Liang is also waiting for Da Yu's response. If there is any trouble over the beam, Da Yu will have enough time to prepare.