The Legend of the Moon Princess

Chapter 51: Taixu four sons


I don't know if God is helping me or what, and the queen didn't find anyone else in the house.

Although many things happened tonight, the queen's status is not ordinary. Although she is angry, she still has to prepare tomorrow's costumes, so as to show the royal bearing and her demeanor as a country.

"Mother Jiang, would it be nice to wear this golden-yellow-colored Hundred Birds Chaofeng Palace Dress in the Ming Dynasty?" The Queen said as she picked up her brocade suit.

Mammy Jiang smiled at the queen and said, "The maiden looks good in everything, and the servants also see that the maiden is more beautiful in this palace costume."

When the empress listened to Jiang's mother's words, the displeased expression on her face also faded, and she smiled: "Bengong is so old, how can you say that she is as beautiful as a flower, when compared with those newcomers, Bengong is not comparable. up."

The Queen's remarks were nothing but false modesty. I wonder what woman doesn't care about her appearance.

It was also the Queen and Madam Jiang who said one sentence to another, and gave the man in black the opportunity to put the box back on the dressing table, and put the box away before the Queen found it.

Fortunately, the man in black quickly put the box back on the dresser. He just hid behind the screen and the queen sat in front of the dresser.

The queen was about to pick out a few pearl hairpins to wear tomorrow, but found that her dresser seemed to be a little different, and the queen had a good memory, and immediately found that the brocade box that the man in black had just taken was no longer in its original place. She grabbed the brocade box with her hand, and the brocade box still had the residual warmth from her palm. The queen's expression changed, and she instantly understood that someone was in her bedroom!

Suddenly, there was a slight noise behind the screen, although it was not loud, it was still heard by the empress with sharp ears.

I just heard the Queen scolded: "Who is hiding in the palace's bedroom, get out soon."

The people in black had a bad idea. They didn't expect that they would be discovered by a woman. After thinking about it, they planned to escape quickly. If they fell into the hands of the queen, they didn't need to think too much to know their fate.

So he jumped up and smashed the screen with one palm. Jiang Ma was so frightened that her face turned pale, and she fell to the ground as soon as her legs became weak. The queen was startled when she saw a man in black suddenly jumping out, but there was no expression on her face. Instead, she calmly shouted: "Come here, catch an assassin for this palace!"

The man in black also knew that the queen had raised a group of powerful internal masters. The queen's call to escape made it even more difficult. He turned around and wanted to slap the queen, but was stopped by the guards who came. down.

Seeing this, he broke out of the window, and now he just wants to get out quickly and can't care about anything else.

He flew out, and the guard raised by the queen was not a vegetarian, so he hurriedly chased after him. Seeing that the thief had left the palace, Madam Jiang came back to her senses and got up to see if the queen was okay.

The queen signaled that she was fine, so she sent Madam Jiang to inform the palace people that an assassin had entered the palace.

And after the man in black escaped from the Fengxi Palace, he was caught up by the guards and ran away while entangled with him.

The man in black had good martial arts, and fighting with the four guards who were chasing didn't make the other party get any better, but he didn't gain the upper hand either.

Seeing this, the four wanted to take down the men in black in one fell swoop, so they formed a mysterious formation to surround the men in black.

The man in black also knew that these four people were about to use their trump card, so they did not retain their own strength, and used their internal strength to the extreme to attack one of them.

Since it is a formation, then one can break the formation and escape by defeating one of them. But just when he attacked one of them, he realized that something was wrong, and suddenly, he realized that this was not an ordinary formation, but the famous Taixu formation on the rivers and lakes!

He lost his voice: "Fourth Taixu! How can you serve the queen!"

Speaking of which, although this Taixu Formation is well-known in the rivers and lakes, it suddenly disappeared a few years ago, and now the Taixu Formation suddenly appeared in the palace, presumably these four must be the Taixu four sons, but Why would they sacrifice their lives to the queen, the man in black really can't figure it out.

Hearing that the man in black recognized the four of them, they became even more vigilant, and their leader said: "Since you recognize the four of you, you can't keep you, you should surrender obediently, and you will temporarily I'll leave you with a whole corpse."

The man in black frowned, but those eyes were like eagles in the dark night, sharp and fearless. He scolded the Taixu four sons coldly: "Don't even think about it! Even if you lose both, you won't even try to catch the deity."

The other of the four Taixu sons smiled arrogantly: "Although your Excellency saw the Taixu formation at a glance, you recognized the four of our brothers at once, but I looked at what Your Excellency said, and I'm afraid I haven't seen it before. The power of our formation! Since your Excellency does not eat or punish you for toasting, then we will not be polite to Your Excellency, oh!"

With a loud shout, the man in black took out a sword, concentrated his energy and concentrated his inner strength. The way to break the formation is to find the weakest point of the formation, and if you concentrate on it, you can crack it. Although the man in black didn't know how to break the Taixu formation, he just had the idea of giving it a try, but he still used eight points of his internal strength to stab at the leader of the four Taixu children just now.

But how could this mysterious Taixu formation be so easily deciphered? I saw that the sword of the man in black was like poking into a ball of soft cotton. Although it was full of murderous intent, it didn't work at all.

The man in black saw that his attack with 80% of his internal power did not hit. Although he was a little surprised, he was not discouraged, and instead stabbed in different directions.

But this too imaginary formation really lived up to its reputation, no matter which direction the man in black pierced from, the effect was the same, just like piercing cotton.

After about seven or eight stabs by the man in black, he finally discovered something was wrong, and it seemed that some of his internal strength had been sucked away. He probed into his body with some surprise, and found that he only had four successes left in his body.

He understands that the mystery of this Taixu formation is not that the attacker can't hit people, but that he is trapped in this formation and finally sucks up his inner strength to die.

What a vicious formation! This formation is like boiling a frog in warm water, slowly torturing people until the person inside dies.

The man in black will frown at this moment. If it is not effective to break it with one point, it is better to burst out all the internal power, attack every point, and go against the law. The man in black didn't know what to do, so he planned to unleash all his inner strength. Anyway, the inner strength will be sucked up sooner or later. It is better to let the formation "suck" his inner strength.

It was too late and the man in black wanted to understand, then he stood in the center of the formation and closed his eyes.

Seeing that he was not trying to break the shield, the fourth son of Taixu also smiled and said, "Since we know how powerful our formation is, it is better to surrender obediently. Otherwise, if your inner strength is sucked up and you die, you will be ridiculed in the arena."

The man in black didn't respond to Taixu Sizi, but just stood there with his eyes closed.

But what Taixu Sizi didn't expect was that the man in black was actually lucky? And it's already been a big weekend.

The fourth Taixu wanted to dissuade him, but a faint light appeared on the man in black. This was a manifestation of eliminating internal force from the body!

Only a loud "bang" broke through the silent night of the palace.