The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1394: Time and cause kill cold evil


Under Yunchuan's sword, the power of the entire ocean of divine power was mobilized. With the blessing of True God Guiluo and others, the power contained in this ocean of divine power is so amazing, even if True God Leng Xie's This palm is already half-step into the realm of God Lord, but it cannot withstand the terrifying sword formed by the power of the entire divine sea.

However, although Yunchuan's sword was said to have been completed and it could be said to have successfully cut off the palm of True God Leng Xie, it was just like the familiar scene they had seen before. A palm was just cut off, and then it came back to life without any damage, as if Yunchuan's sword didn't work.

But then, as the palm of the Leng Xie True God came back to life, Yun Chuan's Luoyun Sword, which had originally been chopped down, returned to its original point, once again mixed with the power of the entire Divine Sea, with a sudden sword strike Cut off, cut off the palm of the resurrected god Leng Xie.

Every time this palm was resurrected, Yun Chuan's Luo Yun Sword would be slashed down again, and there had been hundreds of confrontations between the two in the blink of an eye.

This is also the reason why those beings in the demigod realm will feel dizzy when they see this scene. Hundreds of such terrifying magical powers burst out, and the power superimposed on each other is also Therefore, it has reached an unimaginable level.

"Every attack is the power of the heyday. Brother Yun Dao, his power in the way of time and space has actually reached such an unimaginable level. It is definitely the realization of the peak of the True God Realm. Moreover, this is The power of several completely different Tao principles when they are superimposed on each other is not just the Tao of time and space."

"He has sealed this sword in several completely different time and space. With one strike of the sword, it seems that it has cut off the arm of True God Leng Xie, but it contains endless Time and space overlap one after another, and each time and space contains such a sword light."

"No, it's not just the laws of time and space. This sword light also contains the laws of cause and effect, forming a circle of cause and effect.

, as long as this sword light does not cut off the arm of True God Leng Xie, then this sword light will always form a cause and effect, and will always continue to cut down, until the palm of True God Leng Xie is completely cut off. It will stop when it falls. "

True God Hechuan spoke, with unconcealable shock and admiration in his voice. From the perspective of a True God Realm existence like him, this situation can already be said to be miraculous. Yunchuan's sword light even When he looked at it, he felt deep amazement and even admiration in his heart. Apart from the dazzling sword light, there was nothing else he could hold in his heart.

The same is true for Guiluo Zhenshen. He can see that although the power contained in Yunchuan's sword light is extremely powerful, if there is only such a sword light, the cultivation strength has been promoted to half a step. The True God Leng Xie in the realm of the God Lord was unable to cause much harm to him. In a moment, the opponent's palm would be reborn again like before.

Moreover, this sword light is the power formed by gathering the power of the entire divine sea. Under normal circumstances, Yunchuan can only perform such a blow at most, but with the power of the origin of the law gathered, several Under the fusion of Tao Dao's forces, such a situation emerged.

"Yunchuan, how dare you!"

"Yunchuan, you..."

"cloud... ... "

Caught in this strange cycle of time, space and cause and effect, various sounds are also constantly coming from the palm of True God Leng Xie, repeating the previous words, and the words that appear on the palm of the hand are also constantly heard. There was also an extremely strong look of fear in his eyes.

His big hand was trapped in this weird circle of time and space, and he was constantly struggling. Although his current cultivation level was already half-step into the realm of the God Lord, Yunchuan's attack was It can also cause him a lot of injuries, and this palm of his was originally able to be constantly reborn and could not be destroyed even if the divine power was offset. This was originally his biggest advantage, but now it has become his biggest disadvantage, because Yunchuan's sword in the reincarnation of time and space is constantly consuming his power.

, and even eroding the power of his body.

In contrast, except for the fact that Yun Chuan consumed a lot of energy when he swung the sword at the beginning and used the power of the entire divine sea when it was superimposed, the countless other sword lights have, to a certain extent, already It is not the power exerted by Yunchuan himself, Yunchuan just uses the power of the original principles to maintain it.

True God Leng Xie wants to get rid of this current situation, but at this moment, the surging power of the divine sea in Yunchuan has turned into ten thousand vines, and the pulling power within it is extremely powerful. Under True God Leng Xie Now that we are in this situation, it is very difficult to get out of it.

"Yunchuan, I remember you, I'm waiting for you in Samsara Heaven!"

And at this moment, a wave of anger suddenly came from the sky. As a result, a force suddenly appeared on the arm of True God Leng Xie that had been trapped. The entire Soul Conscious Sky sky was broken, and True God Leng Xie also took advantage of the spread of this power to suddenly break free from the restraints of Yun Chuan and retreat towards the shattered sky sky.

"True God Leng Xie, you want to escape, but you haven't asked me if I agree or not!"

Yun Chuan's voice boomed, and he stood up, chasing the arm of the Leng Xie True God who wanted to escape.

At this moment, the power of the ten thousand vine clones formed by the boiling Yunchuan Divine Sea suddenly expanded, blocking the shattered sky in the Soul Consciousness Sky.

"Gentlemen, give me a helping hand!"

Yun Chuan stood up and suddenly roared, and as his voice came out, Oniluo Zhenshen and others who had already cooperated with him in a tacit understanding understood what Yun Chuan meant at the first time. The powerful strength from the true god realm characters, as well as several peak demigod-level beings, all passed through Yunchuan's divine sea and poured into Yunchuan's divine body.

In Yun Chuan's hand, the light of Luoyun Sword bloomed again, and the dazzling sword light slashed towards the sky. However, this time, the slash was not towards the arm of True God Leng Xie who was trying to escape, but towards the arm of True God Leng Xie who was trying to escape. It was slashing at the big hole in the sky.

(End of chapter)