The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1396: Cut off his hand again


I saw that in this wise sky, there were originally brilliant stars hanging on the sky. Half of these stars had been infected with black devilish energy, and the black stars were constantly attacking Yunchuan. Come.

Big black stars fell towards Yunchuan one by one. At the beginning, Yunchuan on the sky was hit by the power contained in these big stars. Yunchuan kept vomiting blood and retreated, but soon, Yunchuan Having understood part of the reincarnation contained in this wisdom sky, these big stars in the sky can no longer have much influence on it, and even Yunchuan can in turn control part of its power.

In this wisdom sky, the existence born from the will of the entire Netherworld is a huge giant formed by the fusion of stars. But now, this huge giant has fallen into a state of crisis, with the previous soul consciousness. As miserable as the true gods, the two true gods Leng Xie and Yun Chuan respectively mobilized the power of the entire Wisdom Heaven.

Although the arm of True God Leng Xie was said to have been cut off by Yun Chuan, he was, after all, a person at the pinnacle of the True God Realm and half-step into the realm of God Lord. Therefore, with the influx of divine power, the arm grew again in an attempt to stop Yun Chuan. Entering the Heaven of Reincarnation, the power of the Heaven of Wisdom is mobilized along the way.

Although they are said to be the same power in the Wisdom Heaven, this power exerted from Yun Chuan and from the hands of True God Leng Xie has turned into two completely different powers. These two completely different powers are competing against each other. Next, let this entire wisdom sky continue to collapse.

However, the existence of the True God Realm such as the Bone Lotus True God can see the difference. The constant conflict between the two makes the entire Wisdom Heaven continue to collapse, but this power of collapse has passed through Under the guidance of Yun Chuan, they concentrated on the stars that had been eroded by the demonic energy in the Wisdom Sky. In this case, although many stars collapsed in the entire Wisdom Sky, these stars were eroded by the demonic energy. If the stars do not collapse, the entire Wisdom Heaven will not resume normal operation.

Suddenly in his mind, he knew why Yunchuan took risks this time and did not stick to the rules.

Step by step, he went to the highest level of the Reincarnation Heaven, but chose to fight all the way to the Reincarnation Heaven while fighting with the True God Leng Xie.

Yunchuan's approach can be said to have directly cut off the escape routes of many demonic energies and demonic patterns, but True God Leng Xie was bitten to death by Yunchuan. This kind of fight is a last resort, so that Yun Chuan relied on the power of True God Leng Xie for nothing.

As for the regrown arm of True God Leng Xie, after all, it was a newly grown arm, and its strength was much inferior to the previous one. Even with the help of the power of the entire Wisdom Sky, it could not really seriously injure Yunchuan.

When the True God Hechuan saw the two fighting constantly in the sky, his face showed a bit of laughter and tears. He shook his head and looked at the True God Guiluo, and said helplessly: "It seems that we can no longer intervene in this kind of battle. It’s inside, and we are doing our duty to wash the land here.”

In that battle in the sky, both of them had already mobilized the fragments of the law of reincarnation, and could mobilize the power of the entire wisdom sky. It can be said that the strength they can exert far exceeds their own realm. , in this case, these true god realm beings naturally cannot intervene in the battle between the two.

Gui Luo Zhen Shen and others saw that Yun Chuan was not in danger, and felt relieved. They were all dumbfounded immediately. Divine power burst out from all over their bodies, urging other demigod realm beings to start cultivating this piece of wisdom. Repairing and patching up the cracks caused by the battle between Yun Chuan and Leng Xie Zhen Shen.


In the entire Wisdom Heaven, the Wisdom God formed by countless stars, in the battle between the two, is even more miserable than the previous Karma God, the True Soul Soul Consciousness True God, because from the beginning, he did not use any of his power. In the slightest, this is because Yunchuan has understood the principles of reincarnation by as much as 50% after experiencing the previous transformation heaven, karma fruit heaven, and soul consciousness heaven, and this heaven of control wisdom The True God of Wisdom only controls a small part of the laws of reincarnation. The previous True God of Karma and Fruit and the True God of Soul Consciousness were still able to compete with Yun Chuan. The current True God of Wisdom cannot even compete.

There is no ability to compete in the previous competition.

On the sky, there are big broken stars that are falling down one after another, just like meteors. However, the existences of the True God Realm such as Guiluo Zhenshen are busy catching up these extinguished and broken stars. Stay and smooth out the scars and cracks in this heaven of wisdom.


The entire sky of the Wisdom Sky clicked again at this moment, and a huge and terrifying crack appeared. As this huge crack spread and intertwined, Yun Chuan and the big hand of the True God Leng Xie once again emerged from the Wisdom Sky. It disappeared from the sky and entered the next level of the relic sky.

Such a scene naturally made Guiluo Zhenshen and others even more emotional. They were all busy, like little ants, tinkering in this wisdom sky to restore this wisdom sky to normal.

After the huge crack in the Wisdom Heaven was about to dissipate, True God Guiluo flew up with all his strength, passed through the huge crack, and entered the Relic Heaven. Although Yunchuan was fighting with True God Leng Xie, But before leaving, this huge crack had been stabilized, allowing the True God Guiluo to enter the Relic Heaven again after repairing the Wisdom Heaven.

Of course, after Guiluo Zhenshen and others entered the Relic Heaven, they did not want to join this battle, but came just like before to cleanse and repair the Relic Heaven, making up for the relic Heaven's loss in this battle. Cracks formed during the fight.

The Relic Heaven is responsible for wearing away the imprint of the soul and the original body. In this Relic Heaven, the white ghosts that have poured in here are bustling with orders of magnitude, far exceeding other areas.

This is because, with the battle between Yunchuan and Leng Xie True God, all the demonic energy in the Transformation Heaven, Karma Fruit Heaven, Soul Consciousness Heaven, and Wisdom Heaven have been expelled, and the entire huge Nether World Wheel has been Most areas have returned to normal operations, and it is precisely because of this that so many white ghosts have been attracted.

In this relic heaven, the power of the big hand formed by the cross-border movement of True God Leng Xie has also become extremely terrifying, making it very difficult for Yunchuan to deal with it.

(End of chapter)