The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1399: After death


And in this Samsara Heaven, this area is also extremely vast. If we talk about the area, it is much larger than the combined area of other heavens on our side that Yunchuan has walked through. And this kind of area There is not only one volcano, but countless volcanoes, all of which are densely packed, making the Samsara Heaven appear extremely hot.

The white ghosts that have poured in from other areas have become empty corpses after passing through the Heaven of Transformation, the Heaven of Karmic Fruit, the Heaven of Soul Consciousness, the Heaven of Wisdom, and the Heaven of Relics. It's like a blank piece of paper.

And these white ghosts, who were like white paper and had no will, lined up one by one, heading towards the craters like long white dragons.

Looking at it, such a scene can be said to be quite spectacular. At a glance, people can't help but feel a sense of shock and weirdness in their hearts.

These white ghosts lined up one by one to enter the crater. One by one, they jumped down and jumped into the crater. The magma in the crater boiled, causing these white ghosts to evaporate.

"Is this the manifestation of the Tao in the Reincarnation Heaven?"

Thousands of vines flickered, and Yunchuan's figure appeared here. After him, Guiluo Zhenshen and others had also repaired many previous areas, and also entered the reincarnation sky and saw the situation here. Then each of their pupils shrank, with a look of horror on their faces.

They had previously speculated about the core area of the Nether World Wheel, and what kind of scene this Samsara Heaven is. After all, this Samsara Heaven is the most central area in the Nether World, the core of the core, and all the ghosts that have entered the Nether World. , will eventually be transformed in this world of reincarnation, but it is the first time they have imagined this scene of white ghosts pouring into the volcano and being swallowed up.

However, they soon realized that these volcanoes were not actually volcanoes, but a manifestation of the law of reincarnation.

";After death, is the final destination like this? Under the burning volcano formed by the principles of reincarnation.

, I’m afraid everything I own will disappear without a trace. ";

Yun Chuan frowned slightly. When he came to the Netherworld Wheel, the scene he saw made him shaken by many things he had done before. He looked into the craters and could clearly see that inside Within this crater, the souls that have been invested in it are all twisting and deforming under the hot magma in the volcano. Although they no longer have much will, they still seem to be enduring. He was in great pain, and his whole face was constantly tangled and twisted.

";I would rather not enter this world after death.";

True God Hechuan shuddered, and a look of lingering fear appeared on his honest face. Although he was said to be from the Nether World, he was not a soul cultivator, but was similar to a super life form. He was naturally shuddering when he saw this situation. .

"Brother Hechuan Dao, don't worry, our rules in the Netherworld are only for those souls who don't have much martial arts cultivation, for those most ordinary mortals who have not cultivated souls, souls like us, the Wheel of the Netherworld The power of the inner reincarnation can't help us yet. ";

The True God Guiluo spoke to comfort the True God Hechuan, but although he said he was comforting the other party, his eyes did not move away from the ghosts. Looking at them, they no longer had any marks, as if It was like a piece of white paper that kept going forward one after another, throwing itself into these craters in a daze and being swallowed up and obliterated, with an extremely ugly look on its face.

"; Hehe, the previous rules of reincarnation in the Netherworld were that it was impossible to reincarnate martial souls who had cultivated the existence of souls. But now, with the advent of the disaster, this view has long become a thing of the past. As long as it takes a while, the Netherworld The will of the Wheel, the Supreme Way of the Netherworld, the Great Way of Reincarnation, can accommodate the souls of martial arts practitioners like you. At that time, as long as the God Lord can control the will of the Netherworld, your souls will have nowhere to escape. ";

At this moment, a vicious voice came from above a volcano crater. It was a god-man with soaring demonic flames all over his body. In this god-man exuding soaring demonic flames,

On the divine body, an arm is missing. Although the new arm is being continuously twisted and reborn, the speed of its rebirth is much slower than before. The sword light of Yunchuan still penetrates and remains on it, and the sword The light also contains the power of Yunchuan's Taoism.

";True God Leng Xie, how did you become like this?";

True God Guiluo and other beings in the True God Realm looked at True God Leng Xie, and they all lost their voices in shock, with incredible looks in their eyes.

I saw the figure standing on the crater speaking, with a voice filled with resentment. When I looked at it, I saw that he was a shriveled, thin and small old man. He was the same as before when he saw the true god Leng Xie for the first time. The middle-aged man looked completely different back then.

As for the Leng Xie True God who looked like a wizened little old man, his whole body was burning with soaring demonic flames, and he looked extremely permeable.

";True God Leng Xie, why are you the only one left? Where are the other true gods and demigods?";

True God Bone Lotus looked around, seeming to be searching for something, but he never found the figures of the true gods who entered it together with True God Leng Xie, and he couldn't help but said in surprise.

Yun Chuan also frowned. In the distance, he only saw the figure of True God Leng Xie. Many other figures in the True God Realm and Demigod Realm were missing, and none of them could be found.

At first, he had some doubts as to whether these true god realm and semi-god realm beings were hiding, preparing to sneak attack on them from hiding in the dark.

However, with his current strength and the fact that he has understood the power of most of the principles of reincarnation, if there are a few true gods hiding in the dark and want to sneak attack on them, they will be killed by him immediately. Direct discovery, it is theoretically impossible to hide it.

After searching the surroundings several times, Yunchuan was finally able to confirm that the many martial arts cultivators who came here together, the existences of the true god realm and the demigod realm, have disappeared one by one, and are now in this huge reincarnation. Only True God Leng Xie was left in the sky.

"Where have all those true gods and demigods gone?"

Gui Luo Zhen Shen spoke, asked again, and said sternly.

(End of chapter)