The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1415: Break the confrontation



The Shenhai Divine Power clones writhed and split. Some of the Shenhai Divine Power clones transformed into the previous vine form and integrated into the small world of Yunchuan, while the other part, about one-third of the Shenhai Divine Power clones, However, the form has not changed, and it still remains in the Nether World Wheel, serving as the previous function of the Samsara Heaven.

This part of his Shenhai Divine Power clone cannot be taken back yet, because the reincarnation placenta formed by the previous Samsara Heaven has been absorbed by him. It can be said that the Samsara Heaven has disappeared.

The ignorant will of the Netherworld, which only knows how to seek good fortune and avoid evil, has also suffered heavy losses during this period of time due to the true god Leng Xie and the will of the Netherworld. Although in the instinctive operation of the Netherworld, the new Samsara Heaven has begun to condense, But it will take a long time to fully condense and restore its previous functions.

After all, Yun Chuan, the Divine Sea clone, was able to be promoted to the level of the God Lord because of the Wheel of the Nether World, and one of his purposes was to maintain the stability of the Nether World. If his Divine Sea clone was completely withdrawn and If you leave, the operation of the Netherworld Wheel will be out of balance again just like before.

Although if he leaves one-third of the Divine Sea here, his clone of the ten thousand vines will weaken for a period of time, but facing the existence of the Divine Lord Realm, he can still have the power to protect himself, which is enough. .

"I still have a part of the Ten Thousand Vine clones in the Tianxuan World. Now my Shenhai Divine Power has been divided into three parts. If my three-thirds of the Ten Thousand Vine clones can be completely integrated, by then At that time, our strength will definitely take a big leap forward!”

Yun Chuan was joyful in his heart. After his Divine Sea Divine Power clone was completely separated, he did not stay here anymore, but tore apart the space and walked out of the area where the Nether World Wheel was located.

Although the area where the Nether World Wheel is located is a special space formed by many Taoist patterns and the will of the Nether World, under normal circumstances, there are only the Lord of Forgotten River and others, the God Lord Galilee and others. It took everyone's concerted efforts to open it, which was why the Lord of Forgotten River, God Lord Galileo and others had to cooperate even though they said they were incompatible with each other.

It is precisely because of this constraint that the Lord of Wangchuan and others were not able to enter the Nether World Wheel. They could only compromise with each other and let Yun Chuan and his party and the group led by the True God Leng Xie enter the Nether World Wheel. In the middle of the cycle, a series of changes were triggered, which almost allowed True God Leng Xie to be promoted to the realm of the God Lord, dragging the entire Nether World into the abyss.

However, this time Yunchuan can be said to have made a mistake. If it were not for the existence of many God Lord Realms that restrained each other this time, making God Lord Jiali Lie and others unable to enter, I am afraid that in this level of battle, he would not be able to fight. There is no room for intervention at all, let alone such a huge opportunity that allows him to be promoted to the realm of the God Lord.

Moreover, with this part of Yunchuan's Shenhai Divine Power clone staying here and functioning as the Samsara Heaven, in a sense, this Samsara Heaven has become part of his private territory, his home field, even if he is the God Lord After Galilee and the others were seriously eroded by the demonic energy, they were able to break the rules and enter the Nether World Wheel. This part of Yunchuan's Divine Sea Divine Power clone was also able to make the opponent unable to eat and walk around here.

The light flickered, and Yun Chuan took one step forward and left the wheel of the nether world.



The direction where Yunchuan appeared was surprisingly still the direction where the mass burial plain was when he entered here. In this direction, from their respective areas, there were still ten extremely powerful and terrifying auras, confronting each other. .

This is clearly the Lord of Forgotten River and the God Lord Galilee confronting each other. In these two completely opposite atmospheres, a strong smell of gunpowder can be felt from a distance, and the war seems to be about to break out.

However, on the side of the Lord of the Forgotten River, because Guiluo Zhenshen and others came out first and conveyed a series of things in the Wheel of the Netherworld, the Lord of the Forgotten River and his party have restrained themselves a lot, and their mutual defense secrets are Being airtight, God Lord Galileo and others never found a chance to take action.

Moreover, the changes in the Nether World Wheel also made the God Lord Jiali Lie and others feel awe-inspiring. True God Leng Xie has not returned for a long time. In addition, the appearance of True God Guiluo and others intact also confirmed their speculation. The war between the above two gods in the realm is inevitable.

The emergence of Yun Chuan from the mass burial plain at this moment caused the two major god-level camps that had been facing an extremely serious confrontation before, just like a drop of water dropped into a boiling oil pan, directly detonating the previously tense atmosphere. .

"Yunchuan little thief, die!"

God Lord Jiali Lie roared loudly, and the rolling sound waves formed one sound wave after another that was visible to the naked eye, and suddenly swept towards Yunchuan. These sound waves were not ordinary sound waves. When they swept, they also had a certain sound wave. Layers of divine mark are spreading. If an ordinary true god realm exists here in Yunchuan, I am afraid that just these sound waves can directly severely damage or even kill it.

After the God Lord Galileo took action, the other six God Lord realm beings were also drawn by their aura and prepared to take action.

These existences in the God Lord realm are not fools. During this period of time, they also knew the important status of Yun Chuan. After Yun Chuan appeared, the God Lord Jiali took action, although it seemed that he was going to kill Yun Chuan. Chuan was put to death, but the most fundamental purpose was to break the airtight defense circle formed by the Lord of Forgotten River, the Lord of the Other Shore, and the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, and affect the whole body with one move.

God Lord Galilee serves as the bait, and the six God Lord Realm beings behind him are targeting the God Lord who wants to rescue Yunchuan. The action of the six God Lord Realm beings can definitely severely injure or even severely injure a God Lord who dares to rescue Yunchuan. Kill.

"Galile, how dare you!"

The three Lords of Forgotten River saw Yun Chuan being attacked by God Lord Galilee and others as soon as he appeared in the center of the Mass Burial Plain. At that moment, they all felt anxious and without any hesitation, they immediately launched a rescue operation.

Although they all know that if they take action like this, the previous confrontation will be broken, and there will be loopholes in the perfect defense, which will be seized by God Lord Galilee and others, but no matter whether it is the Lord of Wangchuan or the Lord of Heaven and Ghost , the Lord of the Other Shore, none of them hesitated at all.