The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1430: Plan of destruction


";From the stone statue to reality, in that case, there will probably be tens of thousands of monsters descending into the Tianxuan world one by one, and every one of them will be at least a world-level monster!";

After hearing Yun Chuan's words, Elder Gu Yan and many other World Realm beings suddenly felt horrified and said: "In that case, I'm afraid the destruction of Tianxuan World will become a foregone conclusion. Fortunately, Sect Leader Yun discovered it first.";

At this moment, they remembered the previous situation, because these stone statues were too confusing, and the hazy light they radiated could eliminate all the evil spirits from all directions, which was also beneficial to them without any harm.

If these stone statues had been harmful from the beginning, they would not have let it go as they did before. Even many elders in charge had a non-committal attitude towards these stone statues, believing that the appearance of these stone statues would have a negative impact on the Tianxuan world. It is said to be a beneficial thing, at least it is beneficial to the vast majority of ordinary people.

"There is no benefit to these ordinary people. Now these ordinary people who do not have much martial arts practice can certainly gain more living space by worshiping stone statues, but as long as these stone statues come from illusion to reality, those who worshiped before will Ordinary people with stone statues will be involuntarily transformed into the most devout believers of these monsters. They cannot control their own life and death. They are transformed into monsters. What will happen to them in the end? Needless to say, you all should know. It can be said that after being transformed into The moment you kill a monster, it is no different than real death.”

Seeing that the chief elders of the Huangtian Holy Sect still seemed to be a little confused and unwilling, Yunchuan shook his head and spoke to these chief elders again in a deep voice.

Below, many ordinary people were still cursing and angry, thinking that the vision just now was caused by the devil coming and destroying their livelihood. Elder Gu Yan, who had the most hot temper among the people, turned green and red in anger. Said: "Fools, a group of fools, we are fighting without risking our lives just to protect the entire Tianxuan world and prevent monsters from destroying our home. Not only can these ordinary people not be of much help, but they are also... *, actually helping the monster

, to insult me and so on. "

Elder Gu Yan cursed loudly. Behind him, many of the elders in charge looked at each other, but each of them also had a sense of confusion in their hearts. At the moment, these ordinary people were shouting curses and praying devoutly to the monster statues, which made them feel... Very ridiculous.

"Vision, this is the limitation of vision. The reason why ordinary people are ordinary people is because of this. Only by standing higher can they see further. When monsters invade, they have no other choice but to Can see immediate benefits.”

The gray-haired elder in charge spoke and sighed.

"These ordinary people also have no choice but to deal with these demonic energies coming to the Tianxuan World. Although we and other super sects have sent martial arts to contain them, the Tianxuan World is vast. After all, there are many places that we cannot take care of, and there are many places where we cannot take care of them. How many ordinary people with martial arts skills were unable to resist the demonic energy and died, or were transformed into monsters. Under such fear, it is naturally expected that they would act like this. "

There were also elders in charge who heard the words of Elder Gu Yan and other beings, with a look of pity on their faces, and sighed: "I also came from the ordinary world without much martial arts cultivation, so I can understand this feeling of helplessness. "

The chief elders of the Huangtian Holy Sect were all talking about it, each holding different views.

"These ordinary people do have limitations in their horizons, but no matter what, we can't sit back and ignore it, because it is these ordinary people with the largest base that have endless births of martial arts. If we allow these monsters to kill ordinary people, our foundation in the Tianxuan world will be destroyed."

Yun Chuan saw the vague atmosphere of violence around him, shook his head, sighed and said: "Everyone, let us take action first to contact many super sects and the old people in the killing battlefield. Sect Leader and others.”

Yun Chuan's current prestige is unparalleled in the Huang Tian Holy Sect, or in the entire Tianxuan world. After Yun Chuan spoke, many of the chief elders in the Huang Tian Holy Sect nodded in agreement and looked in all directions.

Fang left with a bang.

One day later, except for the chief elder who was still fighting against monsters in the Shenhai Sea in Tianxuan World, many other super large sect chief elders came towards the Huangtian Holy Sect one by one.

Supreme Arakawa and Qinglian Sword Master, who were in the killing battlefield, also rushed back from the killing battlefield. Supreme Arakawa said: "I don't know how to completely destroy these stone statues. It's better to destroy these ordinary people first." We need to correct our concepts so that these ordinary people will no longer worship these stone statues.”

Yunchuan nodded and said: "It is indeed necessary to do this, but it is enough for the ordinary disciples of their respective sects to publicize these practices. After all, the current stone statues do not rely on the power of Tao to force so many ordinary people to believe in them. , but actually provides blessings to these ordinary people, and these ordinary people are relatively short-sighted. It is not something that can be changed overnight, and we have other things to do. "

"What's going on? Since these stone statues are the culprits, it's best to blast them to pieces and get rid of them once and for all."

Qinglian Sword Master was impatient and said: "If we attack with all our strength, even if we cannot destroy them all, we can still prevent at least half of the stone statues from re-condensing. It just requires more divine power."

"Even if one stone statue is not destroyed, the situation in Tianxuan World will not be changed. What we have to do now is to completely solve this situation once and for all. Everyone, I have a way to destroy these stone statues. Completely annihilated, but it is undeniable that from the current stage, these stone statues have indeed played a role in protecting ordinary people. During the period of time when I destroy these many stone statues, you must annihilate the original evil energy and do not let it spread too much. many."

Yun Chuan opened his mouth and said: "I believe that in this way, the destruction of these stone statues will not have any side effects, but you should be careful. It is possible that these stone statues can enter the Tianxuan world through my divine sea. It will be an existence in the realm of God."

"A monster in the Divine Lord Realm. If this is really a Divine Lord Realm monster, I'm afraid it won't be able to compete with the current power of the Tianxuan World."

(End of chapter)