The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1448: black sun


An extremely gorgeous and brilliant sea of flowers suddenly rose up and headed towards the location of Demon Lord Maoyi in the distance, hoping to keep the already hidden Demon Lord Maoyi behind.

When the Demon Lord Maoyi saw the return of the existences of the two divine master realms, the Lord of Yunchuan, the Lord of Bianan, and the Lord of Wangchuan, he immediately stopped controlling many monsters to besiege the Tianxuan World, and wanted to escape.

However, in the current situation, Demon Lord Maoyi no longer has the final say in escaping. Under the action of the Lord of the Other Shore, the Lord of Wangchuan also rose up and pursued Demon Lord Maoyi. And go.

"It seems that the Demon Lord of the Dead Sky has not followed Demon Lord Maoyi. However, even if the Demon Lord of the Dead Sky has followed, it is not a cause for concern. The combined strength of the Lord of the Other Shore and the Lord of the Heavenly Ghosts is , definitely more than the two demon lord realm beings Maoyi Demon Lord and Dead Sky Demon Lord combined. Coupled with my Divine Lord Realm Ten Thousand Vine Clone, if it works well this time, it will be enough to defeat the Dead Sky Demon Lord and Mao Yi. Demon Lord, please stay here!"

Yumukawa glanced at Tianxuan World. Although there are still endless monsters besieging Tianxuan World, there is no existence of the God Lord Realm. With the leadership of Arakawa True God and Qinglian True God, plus his divine power ocean Defense is enough to ensure that the Tianxuan world is foolproof.

Yun Chuan's body swayed, and thousands of vine clones burst out, turning into a sea of divine power, rumbling and rumbling in pursuit of Demon Lord Maoyi's escape.

In the direction of the pursuit of the three parties, there were waves of void spreading one after another. The pursuit between the two parties was not an ordinary pursuit, but a pursuit across the void. And this Demon Lord Maoyi was escaping. The direction is exactly Yinghuo Disaster Star.

If the Demon Lord Maoyi escapes to the Yinghuo Disaster Star, even if the three of them join forces to attack, they will not be able to pose any threat to the Demon Lord Maoyi. They may even turn against the enemy and directly trap the three of them. On top of the Yinghuo disaster star.

Swish, swish, swish!

The power of the Void Principle filled the air, breaking through the void layer by layer, allowing Demon Lord Mao Yi's body to keep moving forward at an extremely fast speed. In front of the three people's eyes, the dark red glowing disaster star was getting bigger and bigger. , obviously getting closer and closer to the Yinghuo Disaster Star.

"You devil, don't try to escape!"

The Lord of the Other Shore screamed, and the blossoming sea of flowers on the other shore turned into a giant net, covering the constantly fluctuating void in all directions. As the giant net formed by the sea of flowers on the other shore spread, the whole area suddenly The void that was constantly being broken suddenly came to a standstill.

Two completely different ways collided with each other, causing the voids to continue to shatter. The Lord of the Forgotten River also took action at this moment. The water waves transformed by the River of Forgotten River healed the broken voids again. .

The two beings in the God Lord realm joined forces to take action, and the Yinghuo disaster star that was getting closer and closer became farther and farther away as the void healed again.


Ten thousand vine clones of Yunchuan burst out, turning into chains of divine power, entangling towards the fleeing Demon Lord Maoyi ahead.


With the action of the Lord of the Other Shore and the Lord of Wangchuan, the speed of Demon Lord Maoyi was like being stuck in a quagmire in this imprisoned void, and was easily entangled by the chains of divine power transformed from the clones of the ten thousand vines of Yunchuan. .

"Come back!"

Yun Chuan shouted loudly, and the chain of divine power suddenly tightened, and the power of the divine master realm burst out. The divine patterns formed by the Origin Avenue wrapped around the chain of divine power, dragging Demon Lord Maoyi directly. Pull it over.

Being able to drag Demon Lord Maoyi over so easily made Yunchuan look a little surprised. Although he had the help of the Lord of the Other Shore and the Lord of Wangchuan, according to what he had learned before However, the method used by the stone-man clone of the Demon Lord Maoyi felt a bit too easy.

Moreover, apart from blocking the three of them in the void passage from the beginning, this Demon Lord Maoyi had been running away the rest of the time without saying a word, which made Yunchuan feel... Somewhat incredible.

"Huh? It's too easy..."

When Yun Chuan thought of this, he was suddenly shocked. The chain formed by the divine clone no longer continued to drag Demon Lord Mao Yi over. However, just as he was about to let go, from within Demon Lord Mao Yi's divine body, suddenly An extremely strong force came out, rushing towards the direction where Yunchuan and the three of them were.

"Yunchuan, Lord of Wangchuan, Lord of the Other Shore, this is our first meeting, so I will give you a big gift!"

A strange smile appeared on Demon Lord Mao Yi's face. Then, Demon Lord Mao Yi, who was not far from Yunchuan and the three of them, suddenly saw the fluctuations of divine power in his body. The extreme instability caused his entire divine body to Inflate like a balloon.

"This is not the true body of Demon Lord Maoyi, but just one of his clone traps!"

Seeing this scene, Yunchuan's pupils shrank immediately, and his whole body retreated quickly. The surging divine power of the divine sea burst out, blocking the way of the Lord of Forgotten River and the Lord of the Other Shore, and spoke loudly.

When the Lord of the Other Shore and the Lord of Wangchuan saw such a scene, neither of them hesitated at all. The surging divine power and the power of Taoism also converged into the divine sea of Yunchuan, making Yunchuan's This divine sea suddenly gathered the power of three divine master realm beings.

Boom boom boom boom!

A series of terrifying power exploded, just like a black sun rising suddenly in the sky. The power contained in it even exceeded the power of the sun.

Even above the Tianxuan World, one can see that in addition to the two bright stars of the sun and the Yinghuo Bane Star, the third sun appears again. This sun appears pitch black, but even The pitch-black sun overwhelmed the Yinghuo Disaster Star and the real sun.

"This... this is..."

"Sect Master Yun chased the demon lord earlier. Could it be that the two were fighting..."

Arakawa True God and Qinglian True God, several true god-level beings, looked up at the sky, with unconcealed worries on their faces. To ordinary martial artists, the sun was just a weird celestial image. , but the higher their cultivation level, the more they can feel the terrifying power contained in it.


At this moment, the ocean of divine power that originally shrouded Tianxuan World, at this moment, more than half of the ocean water condensed into thousands of vine clones, turned into streams of light, and moved towards Yunchuan in the distance. The direction he went to suddenly disappeared.