The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1450: A game within a game


With a wave of his hand, the Lord of Forgotten River collected all the remaining black demonic energy from all directions, and spoke with a look of contemplation on his face.

This mirror image is very similar to Demon Lord Maoyi. Yunchuan had already discovered it when the Shenhai clone fought against him. If it were just the mirror image of the demonic energy formed by the demonic rules on Yinghuo Disaster Star, it would be absolutely impossible for Yunchuan and the others to capture it. The three of them have been chasing for so long but haven't found any clues at all.

The Lord of the Other Shore heard the words of the Lord of Forgotten River, and also gathered some of the escaped demonic energy around him. After a moment, he said: "That's true. It seems that Demon Lord Maoyi has spent a lot of money this time. The self-destruction of an avatar, I am afraid, can be regarded as a considerable consumption even on the entire Yinghuo Disaster Star. Moreover, this kind of calculated calculation can only be done once, and there is no second possibility. ”

Obviously, this time he was plotted by Demon Lord Maoyi and was almost severely injured, which made the Lord of the Other Shore become more vigilant.

"I thought of a way to bring this evil star from the overlapping void into the real world. If we catch a demon lord-level existence again, with the power of self-destruction, the power contained in it will If you follow the rules of demonic energy, you can break the demonic rules on Yinghuo Disaster Star."

The Lord of the Other Shore raised his head, saw the extremely huge Yinghuo Disaster Star in the void, and spoke again.

"That's true. The power of monsters born on these Yinghuo disaster stars can naturally restrain the Yinghuo disaster stars. At that time, if there is a chance, we can capture the two newly awakened monsters, Maoyi Demon Lord and Death Sky Demon Lord. After letting part of the demonic principles contained in his divine body completely collapse, the Yinghuo Disaster Star will no longer be hidden in the layered void, but will be completely revealed. "

Yun Chuan heard the words of the Lord of the Other Shore, shook his head, and slowly said: "However, judging from the deceitfulness of these monsters, it can be said that it is extremely difficult to do this, unless it is like this situation. , otherwise it will be difficult to capture the opponent alive and blow him up."

The face of the Lord of the Other Shore turned red. With the strength of the Dead Sky Demon Lord, she and the Lord of Wangchuan could completely suppress it by joining forces. However, judging from the previous aura induction, the strength of the Mao Yi Demon Lord was at least as strong as It should be an existence in the late stage of the God Lord Realm. Even if the strength is different from hers, it is still similar. Fighting with such an existence can make it lose, but if it is caught, even if they join forces with the Lord of Forgotten River, she Not much certainty.

";It seems that the current Demon Lord Maoyi has already fled to the Yinghuo Disaster Star.";

Suddenly, the face of the Lord of the Other Shore changed, and he said hastily: "No, the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts just sent word that the two demons Lord of Death and God Lord Galilee have appeared in the Nether Realm. This is their attack on the east and the west. I've been fooled!" ";

In front of the Lord of the Other Shore, the figure of the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts appeared through the jade slips, and he spoke hastily. Behind the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, the original color of the sky in the Netherworld was no longer visible, and instead, It was pitch black, and there were apparently endless monsters spreading in it, raging and attacking towards the Nether World.

And in the distant sky, the huge black faces of the Demon Lord of Death and God Lord Galilee were looming from the distant sky, with evil smiles on their faces.

These two monsters, which had not appeared before, now appear in the Netherworld, and are invading the Netherworld with endless monsters.

This situation immediately made Yunchuan's expression change. He had heard the words of Demon Lord Maoyi before and thought that Demon Lord Maoyi and Demon Lord Dead Sky would come to invade Tianxuan World, but now it seems that in Tianxuan, The Xuan World here is just a pretense, and the invasion of the Nether World is the real thing.

God Lord Jialili had previously devoured several other Lord-level beings in one fell swoop. After his strength was restored, according to the estimations of the previous Lords of Forgotten River, he should be at least at the peak of the Divine Lord realm, and even surpass Lord of Forgotten River. , in this case, with the addition of the Demon Lord of Death, it is absolutely impossible to resist the siege of these two Demon Lords with the Lord of Heavenly Ghost alone.

In addition, Demon Lord Maoyi disappeared before, and only relied on a mirror clone to delay the Lord of Wangchuan and several others. Even Yunchuan now suspects that there is a high possibility that Demon Lord Maoyi did not escape back to the Yinghuo Disaster Star. , but went to the Netherworld, preparing to attack the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts who stayed in the Netherworld.

The siege of Galilee and the Demon Lord of Death is enough to make the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts unable to take care of himself. Once Demon Lord Maoyi is added, the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts will no longer have too much to worry about. He will definitely be among the three Demon Lords fell under siege.

And the entire Netherworld will fall directly.

"Yunchuan, we will go first to assist the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts while you recover from your injuries in the Tianxuan World."

The Lord of Wangchuan looked at Yunchuan's tattered and unrecovered sea of divine power, with a look of concern on his face, and spoke.

"Okay, two sisters, go quickly. When my Shenhai clone recovers, we will go and join together as soon as possible!"

Yun Chuan showed no hesitation and nodded in agreement. The Lord of Forgotten River and the Lord of the Other Shore were so anxious at the moment that they turned into streams of light and rushed towards the Netherworld.

Yunchuan's current divine power ocean is in the process of recovery after being severely damaged previously. Before it recovers, it is impossible to intervene in the battle in the divine master realm again, otherwise his divine sea clone will be destroyed.

"With the return of the Lord of Forgotten River and the Lord of the Other Shore, do you believe that the crisis in the Netherworld can be solved? I hope it can be done in time."

Yun Chuan murmured, and then, the sea of divine power turned into emerald green vines, entering his small world, and set off to return to the Tianxuan world.

Among the original principles, the void principles turned into chains, breaking through the overlapping voids.

Time flows and intersects like water waves. The mirror image of the three who previously pursued Demon Lord Maoyi is no longer an ordinary void. It is like a twisted space-time channel under the changes of the power of various laws.

Suddenly Yun Chuan frowned. He had already walked forward for half a stick of incense in this void, but he still did not break away from the overlapping voids. When he looked at the voids in all directions, he was still a blur. Such a distorted appearance, the Tianxuan world in the distance is also hazy and cannot be seen clearly.

"what happened?"

Yun Chuan stretched out his hand and drew, and the power of the void flowed in his palm, and the next moment he drew the void in front of him.