The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1464: dangers and opportunities


It sounds simple, but in the past few months, only he knew all the torture Yun Chuan had suffered, and it could be said that he had a narrow escape from death.

Even during this period of time, the Lord of Wangchuan, the Lord of the Other Shore and the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts have all come many times, consuming the source of the God Lord to help Yunchuan.

The combination of various circumstances allowed Yunchuan to finally find his way to resolve his injuries. All the hardships he had endured in the past had become the capital for his meteoric rise today.


At this moment, his Ten Thousand Dao Vine clones once again turned into an extremely huge ocean of divine power. Previously, due to the encroachment of many dense Dao magic patterns, Yunchuan's Ten Thousand Dao Vine clones could no longer transform into the form of a divine ocean. But now, after many Dao Demonic Patterns were broken one by one by Yunchuan, the self-recovery ability formed by the Ten Thousand Dao Vine clones has also partially recovered, and it has begun to automatically move towards the areas eroded by the Demonic Qi, autonomously Begin to unravel these principles.

Yunchuan's ten thousand vine clones were originally a manifestation of his original Tao. However, because the Tao of the three demon lord realms were added together, his original Tao could not analyze it and lost its self-healing ability. Ability.

As Yun Chuan used the Decline Principle in the entire Shenhai clone as an introduction, the originally suppressed power of the Origin Principle once again devoured other Principles of Principle at an extremely fast speed.

The entire huge divine sea once again enveloped Tianxuan World and became the blessing of Tianxuan World.

The previous trenches with pits and criss-crossing ravines began to collapse and sag. The trenches with criss-crossing ravines were constantly collapsing and collapsing, causing the power of this divine sea clone to continue to bloom. Previously, Those divine powers that have collapsed are also constantly healing.

This endless sea of gods is no longer the black and hazy appearance it was before. In many places, it has completely restored its previous normal color.

Such an astonishing scene quickly attracted the attention of all the martial arts cultivators in Tianxuan World. Arakawa Shinshin and others looked up at the sky one by one, as if they had thought of something, and their faces showed unconcealable excitement. and excitement.

The re-covering of this vast sea of gods means that Yunchuan has begun to recover from the almost unsolvable Taoist injuries. Soon, the Lord of the Other Shore, the Lord of Wangchuan, and the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts The altar that was built also had a hazy radiance at this moment. The three gods also felt the changes in Yunchuan. Although they were far away in the netherworld, they still put their clones in the place. The projection was delivered.

The reason why the three previous figures in the God Lord realm set up the altar of divine power in the Tianxuan world was precisely to prevent Demon Lord Mao Yi and others from coming back, and also to be able to come to Yunchuan for help as soon as possible when something went wrong.

After the Lord of Wangchuan, the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, and the Lord of the Other Shore saw the situation of the divine sea in Yunchuan, their faces suddenly showed shock, and the next moment they were filled with deep joy.

"Yunchuan's Dao injury has actually been resolved!"

"Incredible, incredible, really great."

The excitement and excitement on the faces of these God Lord Realm figures could not be concealed. The Lord of Heavenly Ghosts laughed loudly, and the body on the altar completely solidified from the illusion.

"Yunchuan is expelling Daoshang now, and we will help him!"

The bodies of the Lord of the Forgotten River, the Lord of the Other Shore, and the Lord of the Heavenly Ghosts all completely solidified from the altars where they were located. The surging divine power existing in the God Lord Realm rumbled towards this piece of God. The sea surges away.

At the moment, Yun Chuan's true body has not yet been truly promoted to the realm of the Divine Lord. Although Yuanshi Dao is showing his power and expelling the many Dao injuries that had previously enveloped his divine body, those Dao injuries are not In the ordinary world, if Yun Chuan reaches the power of Taoism and his divine power is exhausted, everything will fall short.

With the influx of divine power from the three God Lord realm beings, the Lord of Wangchuan, the Lord of the Other Shore, and the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, the light in the Yunchuan Divine Sea suddenly blazed brightly, and the ugly black ravines in the Divine Sea continued to form. After being pulled out, the previous demon pattern form was transformed into the most essence of divine power, which completely freed Yunchuan from worries about his future.

"Yunchuan, he wants to... want to take advantage of this opportunity to completely enter the realm of the God Lord!"

Soon, a look of surprise appeared on the face of the Lord of the Other Shore, because she discovered that after being completely expelled, the Taoist wounds in the Yunchuan Divine Sea clone poured directly into the Yunchuan Sea. Within Chuan's true body.

These Dao injuries were originally the most fatal shortcomings and disasters of Yunchuan, but at this moment, after being filtered by the original Dao, they have become the most essence of divine power and have poured into Yunchuan's true body. Afterwards, Yunchuan's real body's strength continued to rise at an extremely fast speed.

"Okay! If Yunchuan's true body can enter the realm of the God Lord, then our strength will really rise a lot. At that time, even the Demon Lord Maoyi will join hands again like this time Come here, we will be able to fight, and we can even keep these monsters!"

When the Lord of Heaven and Ghost saw this scene, he showed great excitement and excitement on his face, laughed loudly, and said: "I was not wrong about Yun Chuan before, he can indeed lead us, truly Breaking this dark prison, he had just stepped into the realm of the God Lord as a clone before, and he already had the foundation to compete with the characters in the God Lord realm. But now, after his real body has entered the realm of the God Lord, even if he has just stepped into the realm of the God Lord From the perspective of breath, it’s on par with us.”

The Lord of Wangchuan felt the rising strength of Yunchuan, and the previous sad look on his face had disappeared without a trace at this moment. He also smiled and said: "This time, Demon Lord Maoyi and others did not expect that, Everything they planned before was directly used to make Yun Chuan's wedding dress!"

The Lord of the Other Shore looked up and down at Yunchuan, whose aura was constantly increasing. A look of surprise appeared on his pretty face, and he said to Yunchuan: "However, the power of Yunchuan's Origin Dao seems to be even greater than that of Yinghuo Disaster. It is unbelievable, really unbelievable, that all the fundamental Dao and Demonic Qi Dao on the star can be controlled. If his Origin Avenue can truly accommodate all the Demonic Qi and Dao, then these Demon Lord Realm There will be no secrets in front of him!"