The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1472: Go towards time


Yun Chuan's face was solemn. After his true body was promoted to the realm of the Divine Lord, the power of the Divine Soul has become extremely powerful. After the power of the Divine Soul escapes, he can clearly feel that many monsters in all directions are constantly attacking. Erosion and expansion, and even many monsters, have wiped out many small worlds. ,

And many of the true god realm beings sent by the Lord of Wangchuan from the Nether Realm to take charge have also become irresistible. After Yunchuan took control of the Tao of Reincarnation, many of the original restrictions on martial arts cultivation in the Nether Realm have also been easily solved. , it is under this situation that many martial arts cultivators in the Nether World can be sent by the Lord of Forgotten River to other worlds to take charge.

Under normal circumstances, with the power of the Lord of Wangchuan, the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, and the Lord of the Other Shore, it would be impossible to achieve this step. During the purge, all the forces under the command of the seven gods have been divided up by the three masters of Wangchuan. As a result, the power of the three has been greatly improved. Only then can this be achieved.

Regarding the series of influences and changes brought about by the Dark Creator after his resurrection, the three Lords of Forgotten River also felt clearly. Their expressions changed one by one. Although the Dark Creator's strength has not returned to its peak. realm, but the appearance of the Dark Creator is like a channel connecting the Yinghuo Bane Star to many worlds, allowing all the power on the Yinghuo Bane Star to operate without any stagnation.

In other words, after having the Creator of Darkness, although the Yinghuo Bane Star has not completely descended, its power can be exerted to nearly 89% of its strength, allowing the entire Yinghuo Bane Star and the power of many monsters to be harmonized one by one. An almost leapfrog improvement.

"This Dark Creator actually has such methods. Now it seems that this is the will of Yinghuo Disaster Star. Why is he willing to summon the Dark Creator in advance at the expense of the Demon Lord of Death, a god-level existence? "

Yunchuan's face was solemn. Although he said that he had used some methods to limit the power of the Dark Creator, but now it seems that although his methods had played a partial role, they were only treating the symptoms but not the root cause.

Boom boom boom boom!

The power of Yunchuan, the Lord of Wangchuan, the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, and the Lord of the Other Shore all rushed towards the creator of darkness at this moment.

"Haha, Yunchuan, although you said you plotted against me before, you could only stop me for a while. When my cultivation strength recovers, none of you can escape. This time, I won't do it again. Give you any chance!"

The whole body of the Dark Creator was shrouded in darkness. Xiao Xiao sneered, and the huge body became fainter. Although Yunchuan and others attacked one by one, the attacks that hit the Dark Creator's body were It didn't have much effect, and he watched the other party's body continue to fade away.

"This is a special way of time, space and void."

Yun Chuan's eyes narrowed. The attacks from the four God Lord Realm entities did not have much effect on the Dark Creator. This does not mean that the Dark Creator's cultivation strength has now surpassed them, but that Before they took action, the dark creator had already used the power of special rules to dodge away, allowing their attacks to hit empty space.


The Lord of Forgotten River condensed his gaze, and then, the River of Forgotten River burst out. After sweeping out, waves of time and void rippled out, sweeping towards the location of the Dark Creator.

The Lord of the Other Side also took action, and the flowers of the other side bloomed, causing the void to become a little distorted at this moment.

The Lord of Heavenly Ghosts screamed, clenched his fist with his bone claws, and blasted out directly. At the moment of blasting out, he also blasted a big hole directly into the void.

"If you want to deal with the Dark Creator, please ask us first if we agree!"

Not far away, the expressions of Demon Lord Maoyi and Lord Jialilie changed drastically. The moment the Creator of Darkness appeared, the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, the Lord of Wangchuan, and the Lord of the Other Shore all gave up one by one. Instead, they attacked the creator of darkness with all their strength.

Previously, the two of them had accidentally resurrected the Dark Creator in advance, and Yun Chuan had ruined a lot of it. The entire Yinghuo Disaster Star's will had long been extremely dissatisfied with the two of them. If they watched the Dark Creator being killed... If the Lord of Forgotten River and several others are surrounded and killed, then I am afraid that they will end up like the Demon Lord of Death.

Demon Lord Maoyi and Galileo looked at each other. Although they had unpleasant looks on their faces, they still shouted angrily. Without any hesitation, they turned into a stream of light and faced the darkness. Chase the creator in the direction he fled.

The Dark Creator's escape was not in this ordinary starry sky. Yunchuan had previously seen that it was in completely different voids. In this case, the pursuit of the three was also broken. There was a layer of void, and even time became distorted at this moment. All that could be seen from all directions were scenes of radiant light.

It can even be said that when several gods in the realm of Gods take action together, this is already the peak combat power in the entire universe. And various completely different void paths and time paths are intertwined and collided with each other. This caused a strange change in this area.

The body of the Creator of Darkness was looming in this luminous void. However, as Yunchuan and the others continued to pursue, the somewhat faint figure that had originally appeared completely appeared at this moment. Immediately in front of the Yunchuan people, they were hit by the attack of the Lord of Forgotten River, causing them to vomit blood.

"If you can't kill me, if you continue to chase me, you will be the ones who die!"

The Creator of Darkness was chased and beaten by Yun Chuan and others. He was so depressed that he almost vomited blood. He spoke in anger. If it had been before, after he had fully awakened, even if he faced the Lord of Forgotten River and several people at the same time, he would have to confront them head-on. He was also capable of fighting, but due to the influence of Yunchuan, he was in his current state and had to flee in a hurry.

"The direction of the Dark Creator's escape is toward the depths of void and time and space. What does he want to do?"

Yun Chuan pursued in the distance, his brows slightly furrowed. After he was promoted to the realm of the God Lord, his understanding of the laws of void and time also reached a very advanced level, and he was naturally able to detect anomalies in it.