The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1479: The current state of the starry sky


Yun Chuan returned to Tianxuan World. During this period of time, he introduced many martial arts cultivators from other worlds one by one and made arrangements for them. Although the arrival of so many martial arts cultivators greatly increased the power of Tianxuan World , but in the same way, it also brought some problems. However, with the arrangements made by Arakawa True God and other beings, Kumokawa did not worry too much.

The scenes that Yunchuan saw in the distorted time before, and the history that was annihilated in the Tianxuan world, Yunchuan preserved and recorded these histories one by one, also for those who had previously been in Tianxuan. The mysterious world resisted the invasion of monsters, and the tragic scenes of the predecessors and sages were passed down and erected as monuments, recreating the history that had been annihilated in the past.

These histories should not be forgotten. A world without history is like a world without roots.

Erecting monuments for heaven and earth, asking for orders for the living people, inheriting the unique knowledge of the past saints, and creating peace for all generations, this is what Yunchuan wants to do, and this is what Yunchuan has always insisted on.

During this period of time, the power of the Yinghuo Disaster Star continued to increase with the arrival of the Creator of Darkness. In this area of the starry sky, the demonic energy was so strong that it could not be dissipated, and monsters descended one after another. However, some of these monsters are not very strong, but there are too many of them. The monster armies are coming one after another, constantly impacting the worlds that still have life, making these worlds that still have life, even though there are people from the underworld. However, it also made it difficult for many martial arts cultivators to cross the starry sky again and come to the Netherworld and Tianxuan World, the two pure lands in their eyes.

"I should also go and pick up some of them. Although I can't completely take care of them, I can still do my best."

Yunchuan sighed and looked up at the sky. It was drizzling, but the color of the rain was not a normal color, but a gray-black color.

Although the Tianxuan World is protected by Yunchuan's ocean of divine power, as the power of these demonic energies continues to increase on the Yinghuo Disaster Star, even in the Tianxuan World, it has also been greatly affected.

But even so, the living environment of the two worlds, Tianxuan World and Netherworld, is already far better than that of most worlds.

He jumped up and stepped into the starry sky outside Tianxuan World.

With Yunchuan's current cultivation strength in the God Lord realm, he can cross an extremely long distance with one step. However, what he can see is that much of the world has turned into darkness. , monsters spread and take hold among them, and monsters are born in these dead worlds.

And in each of these dead worlds, if you look carefully, you can clearly see that there are white bones inside.

According to what Yunchuan saw along the way, almost four or five of every ten worlds were dead.

In these dead worlds, the vast majority of the martial arts cultivators in them are existences without world realm. If there are no existences born in world realm in a world, there is no capital to cross the realm. Facing such monsters The invasion, in most cases, was even more powerless, and was soon invaded by an entire group of monsters, wiping out all life within.

This situation had just begun to appear in the Dark Ages. Yunchuan had traveled to other smaller worlds through the Killing Fields, and had also seen scenes of an entire world being destroyed by the invasion of monsters.

At that time, Yunchuan did not have enough ability to stop it, and could only watch such a scene. However, now, with Yunchuan's cultivation strength in the God Lord realm, he can't exist in the Demon Lord realm. , ordinary existences can't do anything to Yunchuan at all.

As he marched, with Yunchuan as the center, in the void in all directions, the monsters that had been born one by one, or those that were still in the embryonic state, collapsed one after another like hot water and snow. Come, there is no trace anymore.

Yun Chuan didn't take action personally, but just by relying on his breath, he was able to make ordinary monsters collapse in disarray.

However, although Yunchuan was able to smash most of the monsters with just his breath, it was far from the vast world, the vast universe, and the monsters that were constantly being born. Not far enough.

In fact, even if the God Lords and True Gods such as Yunchuan and Wangchuan are deployed with all their strength, they can kill these many monsters for a while, and even kill the dead worlds that have turned into demon nests. Annihilation, but all that they can do now is just treating the symptoms rather than the root cause.

Yunchuan also knew this, so he did not concentrate all his efforts with the Lord of Forgotten River and others on destroying those monsters and the devil's nest, because in that case, although the current miserable wind could be The heavy rain has reduced the situation, but it will also greatly consume their strength. Now their strength can be equal to the opponent when the Dark Creator appears on the Yinghuo Disaster Star. However, when their strength is greatly exhausted, , if the Dark Creator and other monsters invade again, in that case, once they are severely injured or even one of them falls, at that time, the current situation will definitely undergo a huge reversal, which will make what they previously thought This state of balance that has been maintained so hard is directly broken.

The current situation requires Yunchuan, the Lord of Wangchuan, the Lord of the Other Shore, and the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts to remain vigilant at all times, because they are already burdened with all the living beings. Hope, once there is a problem with these strongest people, then everyone will be in a doomed end, there is no possibility.

Therefore, even Yunchuan only stepped out of the Tianxuan world after confirming the will of Yinghuo Disaster Star, and the Dark Creator and others had been greatly affected previously.

Yun Chuan raised his head and saw that the bright red star was still dotted in the sky. No matter where or which area he looked from, this big bright red star was dotted in the sky. It could be said that it almost occupied half of the sky. .

This big fluorescent red star is not in ordinary space, but in a dense interlayer of space, and it even involves some changes in time.