The Legendary Roll

Chapter 1499: I'll help you deliver the baby


As more and more demonic energy gathers from all directions, it can be clearly seen that the flower net of the other side formed by the Lord of the other side is under tremendous pressure, and some flowers are already in the Under the invasion of the demonic energy, they collapsed and disintegrated, and disappeared. Some withered, and some were assimilated by the demonic energy.

Facing the many demonic energies flowing from the entire universe, even the strength of the God Lord realm appears extremely small and insignificant in front of this kind of power.

"Lord of Wangchuan, Lord of Heavenly Ghosts, you can also stop these demonic energies. I have a way!"

At this moment, Yunchuan suddenly frowned and spoke hastily. After hearing Yunchuan's words, the Lord of Wangchuan and the Lord of Heaven and Ghost also did not hesitate at all, and directly encouraged** The endless power all over Qi's body poured into the sea of flowers previously supported by the Lord of the Other Shore, blocking the influx of demonic energy from all directions.

Even the thick black tube like a blood vessel formed by the Dark Creator and others had stopped flowing at this moment due to the cooperation of the three gods.

"You can't stop me. When I am born, the will of darkness will be shrouded in the entire universe. At that time, you God Lords will stay on the Yinghuo Disaster Star forever and become the most delicious among us. nourishment!”

Without the infusion of endless demonic energy from all directions, the black dome was suddenly filled with cracks, and an extremely angry rumbling sound came from the black dome that seemed to be about to burst out of its shell at the next moment.

Although the beings in the Demon Lord Realm such as the Dark Creator are also affected by the Lord of the Other Side and others, with the current state of the Dark Creator and these monsters running out of fuel, they feel quite helpless. However, , the eyes of the Creator of Darkness and Demon Lord Maoyi also showed sarcasm, although now that they have gathered the power of the three gods in the realm of the Lord of Wangchuan, the Lord of the Other Shore, and the Lord of Heaven and Ghost, they have caused an influx of people from all directions. As a result, the demonic energy in the black dome came to a brief stagnation. However, in the face of the overwhelming demonic energy of the entire universe, the actions of a few people could only stop them for a few breaths at most. For the overall situation, It doesn't matter, on the contrary, at least half of the power of several gods will be consumed in the time it takes to stop these few breaths.

However, at this moment, a smile appeared on the corner of Yunchuan's mouth. This smile did not have the slightest sense of sunshine, but on the contrary, it had a kind of solemnity and madness.

The next moment, before the Dark Creator and several other monsters could react, Yunchuan had already taken a step forward. When his figure reappeared, he was already around the black dome.

Around this black dome, there was also endless mist of devilish energy. These mistlike devilish energies turned into the images of fierce ghosts and monsters, lying directly on Yunchuan's body, constantly gnawing at him.

This kind of monster image transformed from the surrounding black dome is also a great harm to the current Yunchuan. In an instant, Yunchuan was bitten by these evil spirits until his flesh and blood were blurred. However, despite this, the crazy smile at the corner of Yun Chuan's mouth has not receded. On the contrary, anyone can see that the sarcasm contained in that smile is also getting stronger and stronger.

"Since you want to break out of your shell, then I will deliver the baby for you so that you can come out as soon as possible!"

The next moment, with Yunchuan's loud roar, the power of Tao in Yunchuan's body suddenly burst out, and all of it was integrated into the Luoyun Sword, making this sword tempered by Yunchuan to the level of the Divine Master. Zhibao's divine sword burst out with endless dazzling light at this moment, just like a small sun blooming suddenly here, emitting endless light and heat.


A crisp sound appeared from here again. Along with the crisp sound of the eggshell breaking, there was also a shrill roar, which contained deep unwillingness and hatred.

When the Lord of Heavenly Ghosts and others saw this scene from a distance, they felt dumbfounded and jaw-dropping for a moment.

Following the gazes of several people, I could clearly see at this moment that the black dome that was previously full of cracks, under the power of Yunchuan's full sword, actually clicked directly from the center area. It shattered into two halves.

Because the three Lords of Heavenly Ghosts temporarily blocked the influx of all the demonic energy, all the demonic energy that was constantly flowing from all directions were also blocked from the black dome, allowing the defense of the black dome to At this moment, he had fallen to an extremely weak point, and was split open by Yun Chuan.

The Dark Creator and others, who had run out of oil and were extremely weak in power, were also stunned after seeing such a scene. They had tried hard to make the black dome really break out of the shell, but they failed. I didn't expect that it would appear like this.

"Lord Holy Demon!"

But then, these demon lords reacted and roared. Regardless of their already exhausted bodies, they suddenly rushed towards Yunchuan. In the roar, in addition to the previous anger, there was also Deep fear.

Because these demon lords know that the current emergence of the dark will, they are very clear about the consequences. It is not that the power has accumulated to a certain level, but that it is forcibly pulled out of the eggshell, which means The dark will in this eggshell has not been conceived to a certain extent. It is like a premature baby among humans. Its strength is greatly damaged, leaving many wounds that cannot be repaired in the future.

And after the black giant egg was split open, a black baby covered with mucus flowed out of the eggshell with a splash. This baby was extremely tall, a giant baby, and the purple-black little one. The face does not have the innocence shown by normal babies, but is full of distortion, pain, resentment, unwillingness, and other extremely strong negative emotions.

The Lord of Heavenly Ghosts can clearly see from a distance that because it was not born naturally, but was forcibly pulled out, the body of this giant black baby is not fully developed, and even the fingers and toes have not grown. came out, but there were black veins all over it.

And its aura is also fluctuating. It fluctuates continuously from the peak of the God Lord Realm to the early stage of the God Lord Realm. It seems that it is also because it was forcibly dragged out, so even the cultivation strength has not stabilized.