The Legitimate Daughter Doesn’t Care!

Chapter 73: Meet


Xu Xinduo looked at Tong Yan for a while, then took out his mobile phone to send a voice message to Wei Lan: "Wei Lan, Tong Yan said he was afraid of living in the dormitory alone. Can you come and stay with him for a few days?"

Tong Yan immediately snatched Xu Xinduo's phone after listening, and sent a voice message: "I don't need you to come, get out."

Soon, Wei Lan replied: "You two are still together so late, okay, I get it, hahaha."

The last laugh was too lascivious, and Xu Xinduo couldn't recover for a long time.

After she reacted, she kicked Tong Yan immediately: "You bastard!"

Tong Yan pretended to be innocent and asked: "What happened to me?"

"I'm leaving, regardless of you."

Xu Xinduo hurried to open the window after she finished speaking, but Tong Yan came over to help her put on the down jacket, then jumped out of the window with her and sent her away.

Finally, seeing Xu Xinduo in Deyu's car, Tong Yan was relieved. No matter how strong Xu Xinduo is, he still needs protection in his heart. In many cases, lone tigers are afraid of packs of wolves.

When walking back, Tong Yan saw Shao Qinghe sitting in the room of the vending station, with the window open, smoking a cigarette and looking at him.

Tong Yan: "..."

The schoolmaster in the Rockets class is even more arrogant than him.

Shao Qinghe still smiled. He didn't panic when he was seen. Instead, he said indifferently: "Secrecy of each other."

Tong Yan nodded and replied: "Okay."

Tong Yan walked for a while and then turned back, stood in front of Shao Qinghe and asked him: "What is your attitude towards her...?"

Shao Qinghe really thought about it, and then said, "I'm very interested."

Tong Yan raised his chin slightly and continued to ask: "What then?"

"No more, I'm afraid you can't get anyone in between." Shao Qinghe likes to observe others, so he can see that the friendship between Xu Xinduo and Tong Yan is extraordinary.

This kind of relationship, if it weren't for what Tong Yan did that made Xu Xinduo completely desperate, Xu Xinduo would not leave Tong Yan.

Similarly, Tong Yan will always guard Xu Xinduo, even if he keeps a distance after school starts, his eyes are always locked on Xu Xinduo.

There is a shackle between the two people, and no one else can get in.

This answer pleased Tong Yan. His attitude towards Shao Qinghe was a little better, and he asked again: "Are you a human being?"

"It doesn't count, I don't have her to accompany you when you are tired."

"Where is Mu Qing?"

"He is also very annoying, why bother to contaminate each other."

Tong Yan didn't say much. He glanced at Shao Qinghe again, and saw that he took a puff of cigarette and exhaled smoke from his nose. When he smoked, he was silent and low, and his movements were skillful. He was obviously not a novice.

Tong Yan really felt an eye-opener, and suddenly remembered what Xu Xinduo had said that Shao Qinghe might commit suicide.

After Tong Yan returned to the bedroom, he sent Xu Xinduo this matter.

Xu Xinduo was in the car, and he responded very quickly: I think Shao Qinghe is making a choice, whether he is a hundred or so, or to leave his original family. The first choice is that he can get rid of himself and take revenge on the family. It hurts the parents to lose another child. The second choice is to live for himself.

Tong Yan: Yo! Quite understanding.

Xu Xinduo: I only like you.

Tong Yan: Okay, let's coax it.

Xu Xinduo: University, I'm afraid Shao Qinghe will choose the time. I don't know if he can stick to it this year and a half.

Xu Xinduo: Actually, I sometimes feel a little afraid of him. I always feel that he is more vulnerable than anyone else. I'm really afraid that one day he will suddenly disappear.

Xu Xinduo: He said that he regarded me as his support, and he always wanted to see how I managed it.

Tong Yan: Do you want to save him

Xu Xinduo: It doesn't count, in fact, they all take care of themselves, there is no kind of kindness, just a little embarrassed.

Tong Yan: Well, I suddenly remembered, where do you want to take the college entrance examination

Xu Xinduo: I never thought, I can take the exam wherever I can.

Tong Yan: What about me

Xu Xinduo: You are talking about.

Tong Yan: Have you ever thought about where to take the test

Xu Xinduo: You choose to enter the country for me, and I choose a university for you. It's fair.

Looking at the phone, Tong Yan suddenly sat up from the bed and continued reading.

Damn, what sleep? Learn!

Xu Xinduo promised to meet Mu's mother, but she will wait until her company is free.

In this way, the time was arranged two weeks later. After the filming, Xu Xinduo stopped work at 7 o'clock in the evening, and took the car to Mu Mu’s residence at this time.

Mu's mother was obviously waiting very early, even a little fidgeting. After seeing Xu Xinduo's arrival, he immediately walked out to greet him for a while.

Xu Xinduo is shooting today, with makeup on her face. Today is a very frustrating smoky makeup, dark and decadent. She came over in a hurry and did not remove her makeup, causing Mu's mother to be startled when she saw her, and then smiled and asked her, "Is it tired?"

Mu's mother was so nervous, she smiled like she was crying, and this very elegant woman turned out to be like this.

Xu Xinduo couldn't bear it, so he replied in a low voice, "Fortunately, I am not tired."

Mu's mother now lives in a small villa temporarily rented. The environment is pretty good, well decorated, and the rooms are in a simple Nordic style. Mu's living alone is more than enough.

This is a short-term rental homestay for vacation. Mu's mother is more generous. She rented it for a few months and moved out when all the divorce matters were resolved.

Xu Xinduo walked in and saw the boy's larger shoes, guessing that Mu Qing was also there.

When I walked to the kitchen, I saw Mu Qingyi standing in front of the pot, pinching his waist and looking at the pot, frowning, and when he noticed that Xu Xinduo came and asked her: "The lid of the pot is jumping, how should I close it to prevent it from being splashed by water? ?"

This question silenced both women.

Xu Xinduo walked over and turned on the gas switch bluntly. After turning off the fire, he actually received Mu Qing's admiration.

Xu Xinduo: "..."

Mu Mu came in and took out a rag and wiped the stove. At the same time, she explained to Xu Xinduo: "I live here alone, so I didn’t hire a nanny. After all, I don’t have much to do. I can do it myself. I was just anxious to pick you up. I forgot that I was making soup."

Xu Xinduo nodded, and then followed the mother and son to the living room.

Mu Qingyao was not there.

She seemed to have noticed that Mu Qingyao had been like an invisible person recently, wishing everyone in the class would not notice her, she and Mu Qing also had zero communication.

After Xu Xinduo sat down, she took out the makeup remover wipes from her bag, and chatted with the two of them while wiping her face: "Have you eaten yet?"

Mu's mother rubbed her hands and replied: "No, I'm waiting for you."

Xu Xinduo guessed it when she saw the soup, and couldn't help being surprised: "Didn't I say that I would eat some cakes during the filming?"

Mu's mother replied: "I still want to wait for you to have dinner together. It's rare for a family to get together."

Xu Xinduo thought for a while and said, "Well, okay, I will remove my makeup first. Where is the bathroom?"

Mu Mu immediately pointed a direction.

After Xu Xinduo took off her makeup, she saw the mother and son cleaning the table. Mu Qing obviously rarely did these things. She was clumsy. When she came out, she happened to see Mu Qing wiping the vegetable soup on the table.

It's better than Tong Yan, Tong Yan can at least make porridge.

Xu Xinduo walked over and grabbed Mu Qingyi's wrist, looked at Mu Qingyi's hand, there were traces of redness on his hand, and said, "Rinse with cold water."

"Oh..." Mu Qing also agreed and turned to the bathroom.

They also all knew Xu Xinduo's eating habits. During the meal, the three of them did not speak and finished the meal quietly.

Xu Xinduo wanted to help clean up, and Mu's mother hurriedly stopped: "No need to clean up, let's chat... It's late."

Xu Xinduo stopped and stood aside and said, "Well, okay, I'll stand for a while after dinner."

"Yes." Mu's mother looked at Xu Xinduo's face without makeup, and she began to struggle again. After a long time, she asked timidly, "How are you?"

In fact, Mu's mother wanted to hear Xu Xinduo's explanation of how she lived and how she was living. This is what Mu's mother wanted to hear.

After thinking for a while, Xu Xinduo replied: “I’m mostly a graphic model recently. I contacted a major magazine for a long-term job. Later, the editor-in-chief said that I need to observe again. Therefore, this batch of people did not sign me. It will not be decided until the middle of the year. Arrange a catwalk for me, even during my summer vacation, the appearance fee is very reasonable."

Mu's mother was still very worried and asked, "Will it affect my studies if I go out part-time during summer vacation?"

"It doesn't matter. In the early days, I was fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, and the results did not drop."

Xu Xinduo has been used to it over the years, going to Tong Yan for a few days and spending a few days on his own side, often studying intermittently.

This allows her to have extraordinary self-study ability, read the book, go to the questions, and understand it. If I don’t know how to do it, I’ll ask the teacher, and in the end my academic results are equally good.

Mu's mother said at this time: "After Mu Wenyan gave me compensation for divorce, I would open a beauty salon by myself. I haven't done anything else in these years. I also lost my university knowledge. Only the beauty salon often visits. I still know a little bit, so... ”

Because she angered Xu Xinduo last time, this time Mu's mother spoke cautiously, and she had to look up at Xu Xinduo's expression when she said a few words.

Seeing Mu's mother like this, Xu Xinduo felt his heart tightened. Isn't it hard-hearted, he sighed and said: "Don't drive in this city. It's best to leave this province and go to another city to drive away. Stay away from here. Don't tell me the address. A lot of people."

Mu's mother: "But my connections are all here..."

Xu Xinduo: "Mu Wenyan is here. After your beauty salon is opened, he may come to trouble from time to time. You have to go to a place where he can't find it and start again. Networking can be used to gain experience or supply channels. , Don’t leave hidden dangers just because of this relationship."

After listening to Mu's mother hesitated for a while, knowing that Mu Wenyan would indeed be entangled, and then nodded.

"Also, stay on the front line in everything. Don't be desperate. If you lose everything, you will lose your money. You have been at home for many years, and the risk is still very high. You can save some money to buy a house and invest in financial management. Try to open another shop, a small one, rent a shop and simply decorate it, and make wontons. Isn’t this a store run by your family? This shop is used to protect the capital and be your trump card. The wontons you make are pretty good. delicious… "

Hearing Xu Xinduo's praise, Mu's mother was delighted for a moment, and then nodded: "Well, good."

Mu Qing also sat and listened without speaking, as he agreed with Xu Xinduo's proposal.

Xu Xinduo took a quick look at Mu's mother, secretly clenched his fist and released it.

"I can accept you. Although it is really embarrassing, I can try to have a brother and a mother. I can try to work hard." Xu Xinduo turned her head to one side awkwardly after speaking, and added again, looking at the ground. "However, I don't want to have that so-called real identity, I don't want to change my surname, nor do I want to have a legal relationship..."

In other words, Xu Xinduo is willing to accept them and is willing to continue this family relationship.

But this is only for friendship, not legal. If something really happened someday, she would be able to get away immediately without having any involvement with the family.

The main reason is that Xu Xinduo doesn't like that father and doesn't want to be entangled by his father.

She still talked about the idea with Tong Yan. Some things are not given to her when she desires, and then given to her later, she doesn't want it.

Who knows, this kind of unreasonable request Mu's mother also agreed: "Yes! As long as you are willing to accept my brother and me, you can do whatever you want. I divorced him so that you can be willful with us. . Even if you are not so cautious, it’s okay. You can quarrel with us, or you can quarrel with us. You are my daughter. It’s normal to have friction between your daughter and your relatives. It doesn’t matter."

Xu Xinduo bit her lower lip and frowned slightly, always feeling that her well-maintained willpower was collapsing little by little.

Mu Qingyi, who hadn't spoken all the time, said suddenly: "Then can I call your sister in the future?"

Xu Xinduo let go and replied: "Oh, yes..."

"What about Dodo?"


Mu Qing has always been indifferent and indifferent, but at this time he suddenly laughed, raising the corners of his mouth, smiling purely and without impurities.

Mu's mother was undoubtedly happy, seeing the two children letting go, she was a little bit tearful, and she began to say something: "Can Duo Duo live with me in the future? If I don't have time to work after university, I can also take care of you. Living expenses. Can my family meet more often?"

Faced with such a question, Xu Xinduo hesitated for a while. Before answering, she saw Mu's mother coming to hug her, and she hurriedly avoided.

"I... That's what I think, but can you give me some time... I'll go first." Xu Xinduo finished speaking and picked up his jacket and walked out quickly.

She looked a little embarrassed, which made Mu Mu be astonished.

Mu Qing also reacted earlier, got up and said, "I'll see you off."

Xu Xinduo and Mu Qing also walked out side by side, fearing they might misunderstand, they still explained: "I am not very comfortable, let me... go slowly?"

"For you, we are strangers. It is indeed a bit embarrassing to deduce the deepest affection to you before we get along. It will be embarrassing, I understand."

"Um… "

"Don't worry, the days are still long, take your time."

Not far after the two walked out, they saw Tong Yan waiting near Deyu's car, and when they saw Xu Xinduo coming over, they greeted him immediately.

Xu Xinduo asked in surprise: "Why are you here?"

"I'm afraid you will be bullied, so I don't worry if I come to pick you up."

"I'm fine."

Mu Qingyi used to be worried when he saw Xu Xinduo and Tong Yan together, but when he saw that Tong Yan had actually transferred to the Rockets class for Xu Xinduo, she gradually felt that Tong Yan was serious about Xu Xinduo.

Seeing Tong Yan coming to pick her up, Mu Qing was relieved and said, "Thank you for giving her the opportunity. I will make it clear to her."