The Little Crying Bag and his Mr. Grumpy

Chapter 1: do not Cry


1. Don't cry

"Don't cry!" Qi Ming frowned, his straight facial features with thick eyebrows and big eyes were squeezed into a fierce and domineering look by him.

Tang Miao was so frightened that she hiccupped and cried even more fiercely.

Qi Ming slapped the table with his small palm, "What's there to cry about?!"

"He... they stole my candy." Tang Miao's mouth flattened, he had tooth decay, and his parents restricted his sugar intake, and the candy his grandfather brought him from abroad was the last one left. A few.

Qi Ming was very annoyed. He had never seen such a boy who loved to cry. When he was irritable, he couldn't control his temper. But he remembered that when his father reprimanded his subordinates, he said that killing chickens to warn monkeys is for monkeys, not chickens.

The culprit that made him irritable

Very good, who stole Tang Shuishui's sugar

2. Tang Shui Shui

Tang Miao cried again.

Qi Ming gritted his teeth, "What's wrong?"

"They called me Tang Shui Shui..." Tang Miao cried out of breath.

Qi Ming was silent, he seemed to call him that, but it was just that he loved to cry so much, what was it? !

"Just because of this?" Qi Ming wanted to punch him down to make him quieter.

"... He and the others also said that I was like a girl... " Tang Miao's tears were directly stuck on Qi Ming's workbook.

Qi Ming watched helplessly as the words on his workbook became dizzy.

He heard his fists creak.

very! it is good! Who the hell said that Tang Shui Shui looks like a girl? !

3. Candied haws

"Tang Shui Shui." Qi Ming regretted it as soon as he finished calling. If he cried on the road, what should he do

Who knew that Tang Miao was nibbling on the candied gourd, and when he saw Qi Ming staring at him, he stopped reluctantly, "Do you want to eat it? Here it is."

Who's going to eat that stuff? ! Qi Ming looked at the crooked teeth marks and saliva on the sugar gourd with disgust, "Eat it yourself."

After a while, Qi Ming asked again, "Tang Shuishui, why didn't someone come to pick you up at home today?"

"Ah?" Tang Miao blinked and whispered, I want to go with you.

It's a pity that Qi Ming didn't hear it. He frowned and said viciously, "You cry like that today, and I called you Tang Shui Shui, why don't you cry?"

Tang Miao was startled by his fierce appearance, and moisture began to accumulate in his eyes.

"Don't cry!"

"Oh." Tang Miao sniffed, took back the water, and whispered, "You are different."

Qi Ming stretched out his hand and rubbed his face to make himself less irritable. He lowered his head and took a bite of the candied fruit he handed over. It was sour and sweet, and he didn't know why some boys would like to eat this kind of shit.

"Running for what?!" A car galloped past Tang Miao, and Qi Ming's forehead jumped and roared.

Tang Miao stared at his hand that was grabbed by Qi Ming, and suddenly grinned, although he drooped his eyes, he still looked very unhappy.

Qi Ming looked at his little face that finally didn't cry, frowned and snorted, the candied fruit was really too sweet.

4. Unsatisfactory

"Why are you crying?" Qi Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at his deskmate who had not changed since elementary school to junior high school.

The girls in the front row shivered with fright, and hurried to the toilet with the same table.

"I don't." Tang Miao retorted in a low voice.

Qi Ming snorted, and Tang Miao's tears that she was about to hold back fell again, "I didn't."

Qi Ming loosened his fist and waved threateningly in front of him. Tang Miao sniffed, "I was scolded by Teacher Xu."

"That old woman scolded you again? Why?" Qi Ming stared, angry.

"She...she said to let me give up this essay contest."

Yes, Mr. Xu's daughter is also in this grade, in the next class.

"how about you?"

Tang Miao closed his eyes, he suddenly didn't dare to look into Qi Ming's eyes.

"Speak!" Qi Ming tapped on the table impatiently.

"I... I agree."

With a bang, when everyone turned around, they saw Qi Ming in the last row kicked his stool over, and the corner of the stool that hit the wall showed an unnatural bend.

Qi Ming slammed his fist on the table, and when he saw Tang Miao's mouth twitched and started to cry again, the anger in his heart began to rise uncontrollably, "Fuck! Can you be a little bit better?!"

As a result, Tang Miao's tears fell even more fiercely.

very good! What is the name of the teacher's girl? !

Tang Miao looked at Qi Ming's aggressive back with his mouth open, and quickly chased after him. He wanted to tell Qi Ming that he was not disappointed.

Teacher Xu said that if he didn't give up the game, he would move him and Qi Ming from the seats, but he didn't want to.

It's really embarrassing.

5. Don't be angry

Qi Ming was nurtured by his family and would not look down on women, but he would also not beat women. Of course, he wanted him to be friendly, hum, probably in the next life.

The little girl opened her mouth wide, she still didn't understand how the Bancao next door would find her.

At that time, the most attractive things for little girls were boys who were tall, handsome, who could play cool, who could fight, and who could play basketball well.

"Do you understand?" Qi Ming thinks there is something wrong with the girl's brain? He talked for a long time and only knew that he smirked at him.

What are you laughing at? It's not as good as Tang Shuishui's crying.

The little girl shook her head.

Qi Ming gritted his teeth, "I—say—if you have the ability, just use your real ability to compete with Tang Shui...cough, compare with Tang Miao once, don't let people look down on you."

"A Ming, don't be angry." Tang Miao found Qi Ming, "I went to tell her that I would not give up the game, and also told her that I would still sit with you."

Qi Ming turned his head to look at Tang Miao, whose eyes were still red, with a twitching corner of his mouth, he took out a tissue that was always in his trouser pocket, and slammed it on his nose, "Wipe it, it's ugly."

Xu Jiaqi recognized the boy walking beside Qi Ming, who was the first in the next class. His composition was very good. I started to care about my appearance.

6. Thank you

"Thank you, I'll invite you to dinner." Tang Miao's composition won the first prize in the city. Although it wasn't the best, it was also very good. After winning the prize, he took Qi Ming out to eat.

Qi Ming was not happy, "Thank you!"

Tang Miao got used to it and handed him the menu as if he didn't hear it.

"Whatever." Qi Ming pouted. In fact, the two of them had a good family background and had never eaten anything, but it was inevitable that the two of them would be a little nervous when they came out to eat Western food alone.

Tang Miao watched it over and over again, until Qi Ming's frequency of tapping on the table became impatient, and he began to cry. He clearly didn't want to cry, but he couldn't help it.

Qi Ming hurriedly sat next to him from the opposite side and covered the mouth of the little ancestor, "Don't cry!"

Tang Miao blinked and shoved the menu to him.

Qi Ming took the menu resignedly, wondering what the hell he had done in his last life.

Fortunately, this kid didn't cry. Could it be that he was going to beat himself up when he cried? Qi Ming felt that he couldn't do such a stupid thing.

7. Open yellow cavity

What the brothers of Qi Huitang feared most was not competing with the young master.

Although it is also very scary, God knows where the young master got so much strength.

What are you most afraid of

Compared to teaching the young master's classmates to practice martial arts, they are more willing to compete with the young master.

It's not that Tang Miao is stupid. Tang Miao's hands and feet are slender and his limbs are very coordinated, but at this time, the instructor who is training with him has a cold sweat on his back.

"Let's be here today." The instructor quickly let go and looked at Qi Ming who was watching from the sidelines tremblingly.

"Thank you, instructor." Tang Miao is much more polite than their young master, but please don't talk to me or laugh at me.

Sure enough, Tang Miao smiled politely at him, and the gaze that hit him seemed to be materialized in an instant.

"Instructor, are you cold?"

The instructor quickly shook his head, "Cough... The young master is waiting for you."

"Oh." Tang Miao turned her head towards Qi Ming and smiled even more happily. The instructor felt that he felt a lot better, but in the next second, Tang Miao stumbled on his left foot and fell instantly.

The instructor took a deep breath and finished. The brother who waxed the floor today is expected to suffer.

Qi Ming raised his eyebrows and ran over to help him, "Are you stupid?!"

"Huh? Are you stupid? Is your brain a decoration? Speak!" Qi Ming scolded him carefully behind his back.

Tang Miao reminded him in a low voice that he was wrong, "The cerebellum controls the balance."

"To shut up!"

Tang Miao stared at the back of his head and thought, Qi Ming is so fickle, can he speak

He smeared Tang Miao with medicinal wine, "Isn't it good just now?! My dad came to watch it for a while and praised you, I think, it's a compliment!" Qi Ming's concern was like sparks.

"Hiss..." Tang Miao sniffed with tears in her eyes, "It hurts."

"What does it hurt?!" Qi Ming lightened his hand, but still said in a bad tone, "Hold it up."

"Oh." Tang Miao looked at Qi Ming's eyes focused on the blue and purple of his knees, but his handsome brows were wrinkled fiercely at this moment, and he suddenly wanted to laugh.

So he really laughed.

Qi Ming lowered his trousers, "... crying and laughing, are you a little girl?"

"It's not." Tang Miao grumbled unhappily, "It's not like you haven't seen it."

Qi Ming: "..."

Damn, who did Tang Shui Shui learn to speak a yellow accent

8. Saki Ash Hall

For a period of time, the brothers of Qi Huitang had suffered unbearably.

You say they are a good gangster, why should they obey the law and be polite

"Quick, quick, put out the smoke!" Level 1 alert, the young master and his little classmates have already turned the corner, and they will be there in five minutes.

"Cough cough..." People in the room hurriedly snuffed out cigarette butts, opened the windows, cleaned the ash, and some people took a bottle of perfume from their mother-in-law and started spraying them into the air.

Just when they thought that all the evidence was wiped out, they just breathed a sigh of relief when a babbling sound suddenly came from the TV behind them. The oldest person was completely furious, "Fuck! What kind of idiot is it? Are you tired of living?! Hurry up and shut it down for Lao Tzu!"

And the new younger brother looked timidly at the elder brother who brought him into the hall, "Are we really a gangster?"

Big brother couldn't help looking up at the sky, and nodded with a heavy face, "Know more about the law, and it will be good for you in the future."

So, led by Qi Ming's impatient applause, the small auditorium used to hold gang conferences burst into thunderous applause.

Tang Miao blushed and bowed ninety degrees.

Qi Ming is in a very good mood. After so many simulations, he should not cry anymore when he represents outstanding graduates in his legal speech in the city.

9. I like

"I don't want to go." Tang Miao's voice was quiet but firm.

The second cousin Tang Suhuo, who was standing beside him, muttered, "Xiao Miaomiao didn't cry this time."

Tang Suqing, the elder brother in the lobby, gave him a sideways glance, and Tang Suhuo pulled a seal on his mouth.

Tang Miao's mother couldn't do anything about her precious son, "But your grades in No. 2 Middle School are really a waste."

Dad Tang looked at Tang Miao thoughtfully, "Are you sure?"

Tang Miao nodded.

"Reason." Father Tang, who came from a family of military and police, said succinctly.

"I just want to go to No. 2 High School." Tang Miao squeezed his fingers and held back the water vapor. "I promise, I can also be admitted to the best school in No. 2 High School."

"What do I want you to get into the best school?" Tang Zhan beckoned to his son. This was probably the first time Tang Miao had asked for something. He pinched his son's arm and found it was strong, and finally showed a smile. , "Okay, this is like a man, you can fight for what you like."

"I like it." Tang Miao answered her father seriously.

I don't know if this likes to talk about school, or something else...

10. Stupid

After the high school entrance examination was released, Qi Ming looked at Tang Miao's same admission notice as his own, and immediately became angry, "Tang! Miao!"

Tang Miao was delighted to see the admission notice, thinking about where to take Qi Ming to play during the holidays.

Qi Ming threw the admission notice directly to the ground. The younger brother next to him shivered and ran out quickly. Let's just tell the hall master the good news. The second middle school has a 60% key rate.

"You explain your admission letter to me!"

Tang Miao had candy in her mouth and said vaguely, "Second High School, the school is very beautiful, with red brick walls and a big bell tower. Didn't we go there together?"

"Is this the point?!" Qi Ming clenched his fists loudly, "Why are you, the tenth in the city, going to the No. 2 Middle School to join in the fun?!"

Tang Miao's eyes are actually very big, but the corners of his eyes are slightly drooping. He usually looks unhappy, but his unhappiness is different from Qi Ming's. Coupled with the frequent spread of water vapor, it seems to be watery at the moment.

"I..." Tang Miao rolled her eyes, "But did you fill in the wrong choice?"

The elated Dad Qi ran over to celebrate his son when he heard screams inside—

"Ah, don't hit me."

"Why are you crying? Did I hit you?!"

"woo woo woo woo… "

"Don't cry!"

" hit me."

"Don't cry anymore, take your hands away and let me see where you hit?"


"Where does it hurt? Talk!"


"Don't cry!"

"My feet hurt."

"I'll give you a rub, don't cry anymore... But did I hit you on the foot?"

"I... just seemed to hit the corner of the table."

"Tang! Water! Water! You! Stupid! Dead! It's gone!"

"You are stupid!"

"How dare you talk back?!"

"… "

"Okay, I'm stupid, I'm stupid, little ancestor, you are not allowed to cry anymore."

Father Qi turned around and left, couldn't help but sighed, suddenly a little worried, little Tang Miao is very cute, but what if Qi Ming really finds him a male daughter-in-law in the future.

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