The Little Crying Bag and his Mr. Grumpy

Chapter 6: Outside the story, Xu and everyone have white heads


6. Alumni Association

"Tang Miao, will you go to the high school reunion next Friday? Bring your family to attend."

"Qu Yao? Morning. Bring your family? My family will accompany me to the class reunion..."

"Qi're crazy again..." One sentence turned eighteen turns.

"Qu Yao... I'll go, send me the address and time, happy honeymoon!"

Qu Yao stared at the phone and hummed, you were on your honeymoon, not me.

However, did she interrupt something good just now

Did she forget to say just now that Xu Jiaqi convened the class reunion

But Tang Boss shouldn't be so stingy.

"I'm crazy, do you like it?" Qi Ming gnawed at the back of his neck.

"I like... I like it... "

"Aren't you talking to people yet?" The sunshine in Italy is too enthusiastic, and the men and women who are bred are also too enthusiastic.

"I...I'm communicating normally..."


"Okay...Okay..." Tang Miao agreed "reluctantly", "Qi...Ming...heavier...ah...I like..."

"what do you like?"

There were tears in Tang Miao's eyes, and her voice was soaked with water vapor, "... I like you."


Tang Miao really came with his family, and clenched Qi Ming's fingers in a generous way. Others were not curious. They also thought about what Tang Miao and Qi Ming had in those days, but they also knew how powerful Tang Miao has been over the years. I didn't expect him to come out to them with a man openly.

The indifferent attitude really irritates some people.

Xu Jiaqi cleared his throat, "Aren't you going to introduce me?"

Tang Miao was at a loss, "What do you introduce?"

"That one of you." Xu Jiaqi felt that after so many years, Tang Miao would still pretend to be stupid. She was in front of Qi Ming back then, but this time she was not allowed to go down the steps in public.

Xu Jiaqi clenched his fiance's palm with his nails.

Tang Miao blinked and suddenly wanted to laugh, "I said Qi Ming, have you changed so much?"

Qi Ming? !

In an instant, the house was boiling. The affairs of the Qi family were so turbulent back then. Although many people didn't know the inside story, they still knew that Qi Ming had gone abroad without finishing high school, and he didn't know where he went.

Xu Jiaqi loosened his fingers, and suddenly felt a little stunned.

Qi Ming reluctantly took off his sunglasses and nodded to everyone.

In fact, except for Qu Yao, he is not very familiar with it. It is normal that others do not recognize him. Qi Ming is tall and strong, and his skin has turned wheatish. In fact, the most important thing is that few people dared to stare at Qi Ming. Lo and behold.

The squad leader of the year rounded up the field, and the atmosphere soon became lively.

Qi Ming was not familiar with them, and Tang Miao was not familiar with them either. After chatting, they only focused on talking to Qi Ming. Looking back, they had decided to start playing Truth or Dare.

Tang Miao and Qi Ming, who were deprived of their right to vote: "..."

"Tang Miao."

"I choose the truth." The point is that he really has no interest in big adventures at all.

"You... when did you fall in love with someone in high school?"

This is obviously two problems, but Tang Miao said very generously: "I realized it almost in the first and second year of high school, but I liked it for a long time before I realized it. The object, do you all know, Qi Ming."

Everyone: "… "

"Qi Ming, how about you?"

Qi Ming played with Tang Miao's fingers in a bored way, "I realized in the third year of high school that I liked it since I was a child. Don't you all know about the object?"

Everyone: "… "

In the last round, the bottle went directly between Qi Ming and Tang Miao, so both were asked questions—

Qu Yao thought for a while, "I want to know what the other party is doing. Would you be the worst?"

"Cry." Qi Ming pouted the corners of his mouth.

"How about you, Tang Miao?"

Tang Miao grinned and said, "I like him to kill me."

Everyone: "..." They are obviously here to show off their car, show off their wealth, show off their work, show off their babies and show off their husbands, why did they eat a whole belly of dog food? !

"Qi Ming." Xu Jiaqi chased after him, "I want to ask you a question."

Qi Ming raised his eyebrows, "Speak."

"... You clearly said back then that you hated others crying the most."

"Miaomiao is not someone else." Qi Ming didn't think this question was a problem.

"I'm not someone else." Tang Miao and Qi Ming, who had just washed their hands, said in unison.

As for Xu Jiaqi, who was crying again, it doesn't seem to be their responsibility.

Qi Ming has always agreed that everyone should be responsible for their own life and not tie their own life to the lives of others.

But Tang Shui Shui is no one else. His little crying bag, Miaomiao, has always been an inseparable part of his life.

8. Curse

There is a spider web-like trace on Qi Ming's ribs.

No matter how Tang Miao cried or made trouble, Qi Ming refused to say when it happened, just downplayed an accident.

Until Tang Miao blocked a former brother of Qi Huitang.

"Tang Shao." Actually, they wanted to be called Mrs. Shao, but they were afraid of Qi Ming's fist.

"Brother Xiaohui, are you watching me grow up?"

Chen Hui quickly waved his hand, "Tang Shao, if you have any orders, just say it."

"Just reminiscing." Tang Miao blinked.

Chen Hui was silent, what should I do if the young lady looked very unhappy? !

"By the way, is the |Mucang| injury on Qi Ming's body okay?"

"It's alright, the doctor also said that it was fatal, and it happened to be stuck in two ribs."

Tang Miao clenched his fists, it was life-threatening, Qi Ming that bastard.

"It's so serious, Qi Ming even boasted to me that he woke up after the operation." Tang Miao tried hard to make her voice sound calm.

Chen Hui touched the back of his head, "Hey, the young master didn't brag. The doctor said it was impossible, but he tried his best to wake up. He even sneaked into the ward without telling the doctor." .

"So busy?" Tang Miao narrowed her eyes, feeling that some people owe a lesson. Gunshot wound! Operation! Do you think it's a cold? ! Almost died, still thinking about the computer? !

"Didn't I send you an email to Mr. Tang? As long as it's about Mr. Tang, the young master is very attentive." Although he knew that Tang Miao was also very affectionate to his young master, what should be promoted still had to be promoted, Chen Hui felt. Had a great day myself.


In those years, the only email Qi Ming sent him was on his birthday every year.

And the only day he was late was when he was a senior, the email he received at the last minute, the email that was pulled to the bottom and said, "Miaomiao, I miss you".

"Three years ago?"

Chen Hui suddenly reacted, if he remembered this correctly, it would seem that the young master had them shut up.

Chen Hui: "..." Is it too late to remedy it now? ! !

"Brother Xiaohui, I remember how many videotapes you gave me when I was a child?"

Chen Hui: "..." He, he, he, how did he know at that time that the young master was so strict with Tang Miao, no smoking, no swearing, no fighting, no talking, no watching, in front of Tang Miao Pornographic films.

"Brother Xiaohui, is it June? If yes, just nod your head."

Chen Hui, who was seriously threatened, nodded stiffly.

"Thank you, Brother Xiaohui, I'll play with you next time."

Chen Hui: "…"

"Qi Ming." Tang Miao hugged him and took a nap.


"I keep every email you send me, and I keep that cell phone from high school."

Qi Ming chuckled, "Tell me, what do you want to do?"

He and Tang Miao are both people who are immersed in the past. No one can mention the time and thoughts of the past few years apart. It must be mentioned for a reason.

Tang Miao pouted, "I remember one year I waited for your email for one day and one night." Counting the day before, he didn't sleep a night for two whole days and one night.

Qi Ming instantly knew what year it was, and solemnly kissed Tang Miao's mouth, which was clearly about to cry, "Don't cry! I apologize, Miaomiao, I was late."

In fact, the eight years have really changed a lot, just like Qi Ming is no longer willing to punch Tang Miao, arguing and being fierce are all fun, but he is willing to say soft words in private. Just like Tang Miao is different in front of Qi Ming and others, only in front of Qi Ming, Tang Miao is a child who does not grow up.

"It's not your fault, I forgive you, give me a hug." Tang Miao wrapped his arms around his waist, with a thin quilt between them, and his fingers rubbed the spider web-like scar.

Qi Ming thought that Tang Miao was asleep, but his chest suddenly became cold, and he pulled it again, but Tang Miao didn't move at all.

"Miaomiao, what's wrong? Wronged? Give my brother a kiss?"

"I...I drank too much water."

Qi Ming was very angry at his open-eyed nonsense, "Tang! Water! Water!"

When I touched it again, I found that Tang Miao's tears were soaked in thin blankets and penetrated to him, "Miaomiao talked, why did she cry like this?"

"I swear, I will never be late in the future, little ancestor, look up and take a look at me."

"Don't be late." Tang Miao said vaguely.

"Do not be late."

Tang Miao's lacrimal gland burst again, "Did it hurt at the time?"

Qi Ming suddenly understood what Tang Miao knew.

"It hurts." Qi Ming's soaked quilt was removed, "Give brother a kiss and it won't hurt."

"Qi Ming, Qi Ming, Qi Ming..." Tang Miao wanted to get angry and wanted to ask him why he didn't take good care of himself, but in the end he couldn't say anything, only called his name.

Qi Ming followed his back, "Actually, I have to thank you, Miaomiao is my little lucky star."

"The killer was aiming at my head at that time, I didn't know it at all, the red rope you gave me was broken for no reason at that time, and when I squatted down to pick it up, the bullet flew past like this, and my face looked like this | , stuck in his ribs was his last bullet."

Tang Miao bit his lower lip firmly, it turned out that he and Qi Ming were just a little off.

"When I was sent to the hospital for rescue later, if I hadn't been thinking about sending you an email, I might not have woken up so quickly. When I finished sending the email to you, someone pretended to be a nurse and sneaked into my ward."

"So, I can be fine now, thanks to Tang Shuishui."

"Then... what about the person?" Tang Miao suddenly felt so cold, the whole person seemed to have fallen into an ice cave, and his teeth were shaking, what if, what if.

"Dead." Qi Ming wrote lightly.

He carried Tang Miao to the bathroom, and Tang Shuishui cried so much that his whole body was wet, and he had to catch a cold if he lay down like this.

When he was in the bathtub, Tang Miao finally slowed down and put his arms around his neck, "Qi Ming...Fortunately you're fine..."

Yes, Qi Ming is also lucky that he is fine. Tang Shui Shui is a little crying bag, or a heartless man. If something happens to him, what should Tang Miao do

So he changed his mind and added at the end - Miaomiao, I miss you so much.

Tang Miao didn't want to know why Qi Ming was shot and how that person died. He only needed to know that his Qi Ming was fine.

"Stop rubbing."

"Let's do it." Tang Miao stretched out her fingers to expand herself with the water in the bathtub.

"I'll come, I'll come, don't hurt yourself clumsily."

"I'm not stupid."

"Really? Not stupid and lubricated with water? I often wonder how you are considered the champion."

"I was admitted with your IQ." Tang Miao was very proud.

Qi Ming: "..." Which one do you choose for beating or kissing? Online wait, very urgent.

"Why... why are you still here?"

"Thanks to those tonic soups you simmered." Qi Ming made Tang Miao cry directly.

He hoped that his Tang Shuishui would keep his tears at such a time more than those thoughts and sadness.

"That's for your gunshot wound." Tang Miao whispered, "My mother and aunt gave the recipe."

"What did you tell them."

"I said you hurt your waist."

Qi Ming: "..."

"Ah... Qi Ming, take it easy, uh... ah... um ah... light... light... "

"Study Committee, let's review the difference between waist and ribs."

Tang Miao was very aggrieved, how did he know that mothers were so rude to their sons.

"Miaomiao?" Qi Ming touched Tang Miao's dry and soft cheeks.

"… Um?"

"Let's go to the Taoist temple where you asked me for the title of the Golden List."

"That's not a gold medal title."


Tang Miao lowered her voice: "It's a curse."

Qi Ming squeezed his fleshy buttocks, "Don't say it? Don't say it again."

"Curse your hair slowly turning white..." Tang Miao's eyes cracked with laughter, "Come with me."

9. Wish

After that, Tang Miao took Qi Ming to visit Yuelao Temple, and respectfully repaid the wish. When they met the little Daotong again this time, they asked for two red ropes again. The color was removed and replaced with a new one.

Although Qi Ming still disliked the chirping of the concubines, he also seriously helped Tang Miao fasten the late red rope.

In this life, I only wish to have one person to stay with each other, and allow one person to grow old together.

—Extra END—

The author has something to say:

You have to stand by each other for a long time, and let them grow old together.

"Little Crying Bag and His Grumpy Mr." are all over.

Are you going to be spitting up by Tang Shuimeng =v=

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The author's Weibo has TXT, ID: the peach of the code word, and updates are generally posted on Weibo =v=

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