The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 101


Xue Qingshan is sitting at home, and disaster comes from the sky.

He heard rapid footsteps, and before he could react, a group of people rushed in front of him. In the yard, Niuniu was so frightened that she cried, and Widow Xue hugged her daughter, trembling all over.

She seemed to realize that something was wrong, and when there were so many people, she quietly ran along the dishes behind her with her daughter in her arms.

"What's the matter?"

Squinting at the people in front of him, Xue Qingshan was at a loss.

While he was looking at each other, the villagers were also looking at him. Some villagers hadn't seen Xue Qingshan for several days, but they didn't expect him to become like this.

In the past, he was tall, fat, decent, and gentle, but he was very different from ordinary villagers when he went out. Now the whole person is thin and collapsed, his face is sallow, and there are many purple scars the size of fingernails on his face and neck.

But if you look at the other parts of his head and face, you will know that it is far from simple as a scorpion, because there are several other places that seem to have poisonous sores. Nasty.

Many villagers covered their mouths and noses subconsciously. Once there was one, there would naturally be the next one. In an instant, everyone covered their mouths and noses, including Zheng Lizheng and Patriarch Xue, who were standing at the front.

Although Xue Qingshan has been expelled from the clan, he is still in the blood of the Xue surname. But looking at the situation now, even people with the surname Xue are burying him.

"Brother Xue, looking at this look, I'm afraid it really looks like Nao Shizi's flower willow disease."

Patriarch Xue's face stiffened: "Is it true, I won't know when someone from the county government comes. If it is true, I will deal with it as I should. He has been removed from the clan long ago. Not to mention he was removed, even if he did not. If he is removed, our surname Xue will not favor him."

Zheng Lizheng smiled and said, "Brother Xue said, it's not difficult for me to do the errands here." He turned his head and instructed: "Find a few people, seal all the doors and windows, and leave a place to deliver meals. As for the others, wait for someone from the county government to come over."

This group of people retreated like a tide, and Xue Qingshan was stunned on the spot. He didn't realize what happened until he heard someone nailing wooden bars to the doors and windows.

Willow disease

He fell off the kang at once, and slammed on the door regardless of the pain: "Hurry up, open the door, I don't have the willow disease, but I have poisonous sores, so let me out..."

No one paid attention to him, and the room suddenly darkened, as if all the light was blocked. The people outside have also left, and it feels like a cemetery.

Xue Qingshan had never been so frightened when he grew up. He slammed the door hard, but it was of no use.

Outside the courtyard, a group of people was about to leave, and Zhao shi ran over from a distance while crying.

"Don't leave my son alone, he just has poisonous sores, not that kind of disease!"

She wanted to break in, but a villager stopped her: "Auntie, don't go in and cause trouble."

Zhao Shi was reluctant: "How could my boss have some kind of ailment, I come to see him every day, if he really has it, he will give it to me!"

Mr. Xue, who was on the side, tried to cover her mouth without covering her mouth, so she was sweating.

The scene immediately quieted down, everyone looked at each other for a while, and someone said, "Auntie, why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

"That's right, what if it's passed to our big guy?"

After a while of talking, someone called Zheng Lizheng.

Zheng Li was talking to Patriarch Xue and a few villagers. He actually heard what was happening, but he still said, "Call an egg, lock the person first and then talk about the rest."

When Patriarch Xue heard this, his face was ugly and scary, but he didn't say anything.

Immediately, some villagers crowded out and said to the Zhao family from a distance: "Auntie, you better not toss, find a place to stay first, and wait for someone from the county government to come."

"Uncle Lian Xing, you can take care of your aunt. This kind of thing is not a joke."

"That's right, Lianxing, you still need to find a place to isolate your mother-in-law. Before that, there were a lot of them in the village, and they didn't target anyone alone. It's really... You are also reasonable, don't make it difficult for big guys. "

The words have been said like this, what Mr. Xue can say, he can only say with a smile that he will go back and lock up the Zhao family.

"It's not just Aunt Xue. You can't have one of your family members. Who knows if your family has been taken over." Someone in the crowd said something.

The field was quiet for a while, and the villagers didn't speak. They all looked at Mr. Xue with their eyes, and some looked at Patriarch Xue in the crowd.

Old Man Xue's face flushed red: "Okay, let's go back and stay behind closed doors!"

Patriarch Xue walked out of the crowd and said, "That's right, one yardage is one yardage, and the general knowledge of Lianxing, everyone must learn from Lianxing, and make a big deal. Go back quickly, it's true and false, It's not true." The latter sentence was said to Mr. Xue.

After hearing Patriarch Xue's attitude, the villagers felt relieved immediately, and some people stood up to smooth things out: "It only took a few days, after all, it was for the sake of the whole village, and when the people from the county government came to see it, It'll probably be fine."

"That's right, let me say that the patriarch is a man of great benevolence and righteousness, and he never let anyone pick on him when he does things."

Everyone touted it for a while, but in the end it was Xue who was lost.

Not to mention the fact that Mr. Xue took the Zhao family back, someone asked where Widow Xue and the child went. This Widow Xue and Xue Qingshan are pestering under the same roof every day. If she is sick, it should belong to her.

Several villagers searched for a while in front of and behind the house, but did not find Widow Xue. At this time, someone remembered that when they came in, they saw Widow Xue. Could it be that she looked wrong and ran away? But she is a woman with a baby girl, where can she run.

Zheng Lizheng attached great importance to it, and asked the villagers to look for it separately, making sure to find Widow Xue.

Not only Mr. Xue and Mr. Zhao, but also the other four rooms of the Xue family were found.

Although the villagers didn't say it directly, the meaning was obvious. Since they are under the same roof as the Zhao family, it is better to be taboo now.

After the villagers left, the house fell silent.

Sun's face turned pale, just as he was about to say something, Xue Qinghuai pulled him and the couple pulled them back to the house.

Everyone else went back to their houses, and the Xue family was shrouded in a haze.

Zhao'er was also a little flustered. She thinks more, not only under the same roof as Zhao's, but also in the past when Zhao's repeatedly went to the top of the hill to eat rice. Country people don't pay so much attention to eating, and they use public chopsticks or something. Shi was really over, others could run away.

Xue Tingxiang seemed to know what she was thinking, patted her hand and comforted: "Okay, don't think too much, it will be alright."

"you say… "

"You think that the disease can be passed on casually. Besides, except for the first two times, the dishes after that are not all made for her alone. When she eats away, we will bring fresh ones to eat."

This is true, Zhao's food looks so ugly, she can choose all the meat in a bowl of vegetables, leaving only the vegetables.

If it's just the Xue family, and there are Wang Zhaodi and Gao Sheng's mother and son, this is not the case. Anyway, Zhao'er didn't care about the money for the order, so he simply made two servings each time.

Being so comforted by Xue Tingxiang, Zhao'er didn't panic anymore.

Feeling that the room was too quiet, she thought about finding something to do for herself. She went to wash the clothes, and gave Xue Tingxiang a book to read, so that he would not be too idle to think about it.

Zhao'er went out, and Xue Tingxiang was the only one left in the room.

He held the book in his hand, but his eyes darkened.

In that dream, this happened before, but later than in reality. It is also the beginning of the outbreak of the epidemic in Xiahe Village, and the implication of Xue Qingshan at the end.

In fact, Xue Qingshan had a clue long ago. At first, the family thought it was a poisonous sore. I heard from Zhao Shi, and I have also looked at Lang Zhong, but it didn't work at all. The poisonous sores on Xue Qingshan's body were rotten and rotten, but everyone didn't take it seriously.

At that time, people in several rooms were not separated, and they were still eating in the same pot, so they lived alone in the second room. Because it was too stiff with the big room, Zhao'er didn't like to be popular, and the second room started the fire alone.

As for him and Zhao'er, one spends most of the time in school, and the other is always busy with business outside. But even so, it was almost implicated.

When it happened, he was in the Qinghe Academy and didn't know about it at all. By the time I got the news, it was too late.

In addition to Xue Qingshan, the Zhao family, Yang family, Xue Youcai, as well as the emboli and hairy eggs in the third room, were all infected with this disease, but a few adults escaped this disaster.

This incident was undoubtedly a disaster for the Xue family.

Not to mention the disgust and indifference of the villagers, even my own people couldn't bear it.

In the end, it was Mr. Xue's fire that ended the disaster. After the incident, Xue Juncai disappeared without a trace, and the fourth uncle took the Sun family away to another country, but the third uncle and three aunts stayed in Yuqing Village because Xue Taoer married nearby.

Therefore, Xue Qingshan is not a pity to die, he has done too many sins.

After Jiang Wu and Gao Sheng knew what happened to the Xue family, they took over all the outside work.

Afraid that Zhao'er and the others wouldn't be able to go out to eat or wear clothes, Aunt Gao and Zhao Di made meals every day and brought them here.

After two days like this, someone from the county government came.

Not only came the yamen, but also the magistrate of Xu, and brought several doctors.

They went to see Xue Qingshan first, and through the doctor's diagnosis, Xue Qingshan really had the willow disease. Later, I went to see the Xue family. After the doctor's diagnosis and inspection, the Xue family was very lucky that no one was infected.

"I heard that it's about you, so the county rushed here. Your uncle is really... "

Xue Tingxiang smiled: "He was expelled from the house a long time ago, so he is not my uncle."

County magistrate Xu hurriedly smiled and said, "It's a slip of the tongue in this county. Fortunately, you drove this person out of the house, otherwise I don't know how many people will be implicated."

A majestic yamen guards the door. Not only that, the Xue family and even the Xue patriarch, Zheng Lizheng and several village elders were all guarding the door.

In the house, Xu County magistrate and Xue Tingxiang were chatting and laughing, like no man's land.

"The county heard that the owner of the Autumn Forest Pavilion is going to end this year, but I still don't know that Xue's case is going to participate? If he participates, this teacher and student will be in the same field, but it will be a good talk."

"Students naturally have to end, so I would like to thank the auspicious words of the adults in advance. I hope that the expectations of the teachers and adults will not be let down."

The magistrate of Xu left soon because he still had official business.

Xue Qingshan was also taken away on the spot, and it is said that he will be sent to the leprosy center set up in the county.

The leper was built in an uninhabited place, which is usually reserved for lepers. In recent years, because no one has been exposed to leprosy, this place has long been abandoned.

This time it was overcrowded again, and all the villagers who were infected with the willow disease were detained here, including Xue Qingshan of course.

It is worth mentioning that the woman who was the culprit committed suicide when the government came to her door. Along with her was her husband, who felt both hateful and pitiful.

It is conceivable that those who are imprisoned here are destined to die in the future. It could be a month, it could be a year, all in all, people who come here haven't been out.

Xue Qingshan's all kinds of panic, resentment, resentment, and despair, of course, needless to mention, when he was taken away, no one in the Xue family stopped him.

Including Zhao.

After this incident, the Zhao family became ill, not pretending to be ill, but really ill. But at this moment, another incident happened, and Widow Xue, who had never been found, was found.

Not the living, but the dead.

Widow Xue was found under a hillside. She seemed to have been hiding in the mountains for many days, covered in mess. On the surface, Widow Xue fell and fell, and right where she stumbled, a tightly wrapped swaddling clothes was placed there.

The reason why the villagers found Widow Xue was because they were attracted by the crying of the children.

Needless to say, this child is naturally Xue Qingshan's youngest daughter, Niuniu.

Such a child is destined to be rejected by others. One of her parents is dead, and the other is about to die. Even if she is not infected with that dirty disease, no one dares to adopt her.

After hearing about this, Mrs. Zhao climbed up from the kang with the sick body and took the child back to Xue's house, as if he planned to keep him by his side.

In this regard, Mr. Xue didn't say anything, and Mr. Yang didn't say anything.

Day by day, Yuqing Village regained its former calm.

On this day, Xue Tingxiang went to the ancestral tomb of the Xue family alone. After staying for a while in front of the grave of the second family and the couple, he went home to pack his bags and planned to leave Yuqing Village and go to Beilu Academy in Taiyuan.

This matter had been agreed for a long time, Lin Miao had already taken Mao Badou and the others to go first, but he was stranded because of some things.

Now that the matter is settled, it is time for him to leave.