The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 111


Before and after the township examination, Taiyuan, the provincial capital, is always the busiest, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is overcrowded.

Scholars, supervisors, and yin students from all over the world came together, and the inns everywhere were packed. In order to make money, some inns even packed out firewood houses and warehouses to serve guests. It is no longer rare for some ordinary people with spacious houses to rent out their extra rooms. Even in some temples, there are scholars who come to stay there.

Because Xue Tingxiang and the others arrived half a month early, they still had room to choose their accommodation, so they chose an inn that was closer to the Gongyuan. Because they had a lot of people, they built a yard. Xue Tingxiang thought that the money for the yard needed to be collected by themselves, but who would have thought that it would come from the academy.

Later, I asked Mao Badou to find out that Beilu Academy is a famous big landlord nearby, and the farmland at the foot of the mountain is all the land in the academy. The rent collected from the fields alone is enough for the academy's various expenses, not to mention the subsidies from the imperial court.

No wonder since Xue Tingxiang and the others entered the academy, no one has ever mentioned to them about the practice. This is the reason. Xue Tingxiang only thought it was because of the light of his disciples and grandsons, which was a special case. Only after this incident did he know that he did not practice.

The reason why Mao Badou knew about it was because he had extensive contacts and was familiar with all parts of the academy. In fact, it is good gossip, and you can ask about it.

After settling down, the group traveled together in twos and threes.

In addition to Lin Miao this time, a steward named Hou Si came with him. It is reported that he is specially in charge of the peripheral affairs of the academy, and he was accompanied by him and took care of some trivial matters this time.

The academy is not restricted to the students, as long as they return before sunset, the rest of the time is free. In fact, it is also taken into account that at this time, some scholars will inevitably go out for outings in groups, organize some poetry parties, wine parties, etc., which can also be cheaper for everyone.

The only thing that must be observed is that it must not be disclosed to the outside world that they are from Beilu Academy. After arriving at the place, Lin Miao and Hou Si explained this matter.

The reason for this is also to consider that every year of the Great Competition is an eventful year. It's okay to be alone, but in groups, there will always be some unnecessary troubles.

Xue Tingxiang also went out with Mao Badou and the others, and even participated in two poetry gatherings.

He wasn't good at writing poetry or anything, but just for fun. Of course, there are other purposes, just to be smarter.

As I said before, it was an eventful time before and after the township examination, and it was well-informed and convenient.

It's not ineffective, at least Xue Tingxiang knows who and what background the several candidates who are currently in the limelight. Especially at this time, there are many famous halls, such as the Eight Great Masters of Lu'an and the Seven Sons of Datong. Like Xue Tingxiang and the others, they also have a title called the Fourth Son of Qingyuan.

In fact, it should be a place name, but Xue Tingxiang and the others came a little late. Long before them, the five Pingyang sons came out.

In a fit of rage, Mao Badou, mother, even before the case leader came, dared to call him a son, so he simply used the title they used to be in Pingyang Mansion, and called him the fourth son of Qingyuan.

Whenever someone asked where Qingyuan was, he would take the trouble to tell them that Qingyuan was an academy. Don't look at the academy without going out, as long as the students are famous, do you know who is the head of the examination this time? It is our Qingyuan people.

It can be regarded as a sign for Qingyuan Academy in disguise. After Lin Miao found out, he couldn't help laughing and laughing.

The literati are light-hearted, since ancient times.

It is said that there is no first and no second in martial arts, and most of them are young and vigorous, so they will inevitably give birth to some right and wrong. Wandering in the city of Pingyang, it is inevitable to hear people say that some so-and-so's poems are overwhelmed, and so-and-so's articles are slightly better than others.

Among the four, Xue Tingxiang was the most famous, followed by Chen Jian, followed by Mao Badou, and finally Li Datian.

The reason why Mao Badou overwhelmed Li Datian was not because he did a good job of writing, but in fact he was not as good as Li Datian and always hung his tail. Just like this time, Xue Tingxiang and Chen Jian were directly recommended for the township examination because they were in the top 20. He and Chen Jian passed the subject examination before they were qualified for the township examination.

The two leading people are very low-key, and the remaining two naturally can't shake.

For this reason, Mao Badou complained a lot about Xue Tingxiang and Chen Jian, and if they went out casually, they were able to suppress a few of those who were tired. But the two of them ignored him. Even when they went out, they all had a kind expression on their faces. Anyone who wanted to fight poems and texts would push them again and again. The number of pushes has been increased, and it has naturally gained a reputation that does not live up to its name.

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye it was the sixth day of the eighth lunar month.

On this day, all examiners have to hold the ceremony of 'entering the curtain', which is actually the entrance of the examiners into the examination room.

There are 15 examiners in this township examination, of which the two examiners are the largest, and there are ten other examiners. After these examiners enter the Tribute Courtyard, they each live in a room to mark papers, also known as room examiners. In addition to the examiners, there are also officers, and there are also prisoners, promotion officers, and surveillance officers.

Among them, the governor is in charge of the prison, and the promotion officer is in charge of the governor. It can be regarded as a strong lineup.

Whenever the examiner enters the curtain, many candidates will come to watch.

Xue Tingxiang didn't want to go, but was pulled out by Mao Badou. Thousands of scholars were crowded and crowded. Xue Tingxiang stood in the crowd. Because the distance was too far, he could only see a mighty group of people dressed in various official uniforms, under the background of drum music and honor guards. , entered the gate of Nagong Courtyard.

After the door was opened, it was quickly closed, and there were many officers and soldiers guarding the door.

Since then, the examiners can no longer go out, and the examination questions are all made by the chief examiner on the spot in the Gongyuan, and printed and printed.

To be so careful, it is also the case that there have been many frauds in the township and the meeting. The township test is easier to manipulate than the master test, after all, it is not like the test under the emperor's eyelids.

It was not until the gate of Nagong Courtyard was closed that the onlookers dispersed, and when they came again, the students of the eighth grade of junior high school entered by name.

In fact, these scholars came to watch the examiner enter the curtain, not only to join in the fun, but also to know who the examiner was.

Because there have always been fraud cases in the field, the court is now becoming more and more cautious. The two examiners, the main and deputy examiners, will only issue an imperial decree to announce their names when they arrive at the local area, and the same examiners have never been revealed.

Only when you see yourself when you enter the curtain, do you know what the examiner is.

This time, the chief examiner was Huang Mingzhong, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, and the deputy examiner was Ye Ju, the director of the Imperial Academy. Both of them were jinshi backgrounds, and there are no special requirements for the main and deputy examiners in the township examination. Regardless of official position, as long as they are Beijing officials and jinshi backgrounds, they can participate in the selection.

As for the same examiners, they are selected by local officials. On the way back to the inn, Xue Tingxiang already knew that Zhou Zuoxin, the prefect of Pingyang Prefecture, Fang Jin, the prefect of Taiyuan Prefecture, and Su Youjian, the Xuezheng of Shanxi were all included. However, Fang Jin exists as a tribute, not a room examiner.

Xue Tingxiang kept frowning, and Chen Jian saw this and asked, "Tingxiang, but what's the matter? I saw you coming back from the Gongyuan, and you seemed to have something on your mind along the way."

Xue Tingxiang came back to his senses and smiled: "Nothing, I'm just thinking about an article."

Chen Jian nodded and said nothing. On the other hand, Mao Badou gags for a while, making fun of Xue Tingxiang and worrying about making a fuss.

Afterwards, several people went back to their rooms, Xue Tingxiang sat quietly in the room behind closed doors, and then continued what he thought before.

If he is not mistaken, Huang Mingzhong is the old man of Wu Ge, and since the deputy examiner Ye Ju is not in an important position, he has no impression in his memory. There may or may not be someone behind him.

Regardless of whether there is or not, according to common sense, it should not be in the same vein as the old Wu Ge.

In fact, between the main exam and the sub-examination, Xue Tingxiang was not a candidate for the exam, but he was a junior who won three consecutive exams.

In the hearts of outsiders, he and the Shen family have probably been linked. Even if it wasn't at the time, the Shen family wouldn't give up on trapping him afterwards. Outsiders don't know about Wang Zhaodi, they will only associate him with the Shen family, and the examiner is the old man of Wu Ge.

According to his understanding of Elder Wu, even if the Wu and Shen families have reached an agreement at this time, Elder Wu will not let the Shen family vigorously cultivate their own wings.

Wu Ge is such a small-minded person, but he has done a good job of face and kung fu, and many people don't know that.

But Xue Tingxiang knew this person very well, even better than himself. After all, in that dream, this person was the one who he wanted to get rid of quickly, and he even sacrificed too much to bring him down...

He thought that if he avoided the Shen family, he would be able to avoid Wu Ge.

This is probably the so-called fight between gods and mortals. Originally, Xue Tingxiang's goal in this township test was to win Jie Yuan, but now it seems that Jie Yuan doesn't need to think about it, it's good not to be thrown out.

Xue Tingxiang has never been a person who likes to ask for troubles. After thinking about it for a while, he stopped thinking about it.

He didn't believe it, Huang Mingzhong dared to blatantly drop his papers, as long as he didn't get dropped, at least one person would be fine.

Don't mention it, it will soon be the eighth day of the eighth lunar month.

The same as the former court and the prefectural examination, they all have to leave for the Gongyuan before dawn. The difference is that before entering the test room, there were enough test baskets, but this time it was a big bag and a small bag, and everyone was carrying a test box.

Including Lin Miao, he also carried the exam box behind his back and carried a heavy burden in his hand.

There are three examinations in the township examination, each of which is three days in a row. During these three days, the food, drink and Lazarus are all in the Gongyuan. The Gongyuan will not provide daily necessities. These must be prepared by yourself.

Since yesterday, Lin Miao has instructed everyone to check the things that will be brought into the Gongyuan this time, and make sure not to make mistakes. Once you get in, you can't get out again. In order to prevent internal and external collusion and cheating, nothing is provided inside. If you really don't bring it, you can only take it yourself.

"Teacher, let me carry it for you." Li Datian prides himself on being strong and strong. Even if he carries one on his back and one in his hand, he can still carry another burden.

Lin Miao declined: "No, if you are a teacher and can't even handle these, you don't need to enter the exam room."

This is not the case. Those who are a little weaker after taking the exam for three days in a row may not be able to bear it. Lin Miao has also been here several times, so naturally he knows it.

"Are you all here? Let's go then."

All of them were holding the exam box and the burden in their hands tightly, like soldiers about to go to the battlefield, full of infinite fighting spirit.

"By the way, what about Badou?" Xue Tingxiang's voice made everyone's steps stop.

Just then, a voice sounded from behind: "Wait for me, I'm here."

He saw Mao Badou panting, holding a large bag and a small bag in his hand, and carrying a pole. He was already big, and he carried a pole horizontally, which was simply a humanoid killer.

Wherever you go, everyone avoids it.

"Badou, what are you doing?"

"I was looking for this thing, and I talked to the guy at the inn for a long time, and he just lent me one. It only cost me a tael of silver. I really want money."

The man who was desperate for money was standing under the eaves not far behind him, staring at this place with wide eyes. Anyway, Xue Tingxiang stared at the weak light and felt that the other party had an urge to rush over and take the pole away.

"What are you doing with the pole?"

"I have something to do with my disciple. As a teacher's disciple, how could I have the heart to let the old man carry such a heavy load. I tell you, teacher, you need to take off the test box, it just so happens that we are all on the same side." Mao Badou put down the things in his hand, and dragged two baskets to the side, and then put the pole on them.

"Badou, you..."

Almost not giving Lin Miao a chance to speak, Mao Badou quickly took down the burden from his hand and went to get the exam box on his back.

Lin Miao couldn't avoid it either, so he could only let him take it down.

Seeing Mao Badou folded everything in three or two strokes, he took two steps forward with a pick, waved his hand, and made a forward gesture: "Let's go!"

Can only go.

A group of people followed behind his buttocks, and beside him was Hou Si, who was holding a lantern illuminated.

It was still dark, and only the lanterns in front were glowing orange.

Just hurrying on the road and having nothing to do, Li Datian joked: "Badou, you are favoring one over the other. I didn't say that you would find two more poles and give us all an ambassador."

"That's right, Junior Brother Badou, you are treated differently."

"Go, go, you are not old and weak."

After the words were said, he remembered that the 'old, weak, sick' Lin Miao was walking not far behind him, and hurriedly turned around to explain: "Teacher, don't get me wrong, I'm not talking about you."

It was people walking next to each other, but when he turned around, the people behind him all stepped back and shouted, for fear of being swept away.

Li Datian hurriedly said, "It's alright, alright, hurry up and leave yours, don't make trouble."

The group continued to walk forward, but it didn't take long before someone whispered from behind: "Do you think Junior Brother Badou looks like a sand monk?"

"How does this look like Sha Seng, isn't it Zhu Wuneng?" An honest man said.

Mao Badou wanted to turn back this time, but he had no choice but to be caught by the witty Li Datian by the basket behind him. He struggled twice, but couldn't turn around, so he could only say harshly in front of him: "You wait for me."

With bursts of laughter, it was seen that Nagong Court was not far away.