The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 36


As soon as the sky was bright, Xue Tingxiang woke up.

He opened his eyes, and the room was dark.

The kang was a mess, and the quilts of the two of them were mixed together at some point, no longer looking upright when they woke up in the morning. Xue Tingxiang thought about it, and it seemed that it was too hot to sleep at night, so he lifted the quilt.

It seems that both are the same.

She was very close to herself, her sleeping appearance was unsightly, her right leg straddled her own leg, she was slanted, only half of the pillow was on the pillow, and the other half was hanging on the edge of the kang.

Still sleeping soundly, Xue Tingxiang seldom saw Zhao'er look like this. At this time, he looked over and found that such a move was a bit cute.

He couldn't help but leaned a little closer, so close that he could feel her slight breath. She could also see more clearly that the material of her middle clothes was very thin, and there was a big red rope hanging from her thin white neck.

He continued to lean over there, but bowed his head for a moment before approaching, and pressed his forehead to her cheek. After a long while, he slowly raised his head, and his lips drew a meandering straight line along her face.


The grunt rolled in his throat a few times, but he finally swallowed it. He lay down next to her face, trying to hold his breath, not wanting to wake her up.

When Xue Tingxiang woke up again, it was already bright.

There was no one around, and Zhao'er was not in the house. He sat up abruptly, wearing his clothes, inexplicably panicked.

Just after getting off the kang, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Zhao'er walked in with a normal expression: "Awake? You slept really hard this night, but I left you breakfast."

He followed her out of the house. The sun was fine today, a little dazzling. Da Hei was lying under the eaves and wagging his tail, and when he saw him coming out, he leaned over to his legs.

Xue Tingyan slowly used a willow branch dipped in salt to brush his teeth, and then washed his face.

Zhao'er had already brought out the breakfast.

It is white flour steamed buns and baogu porridge.

Xue Tingxiang took a sip, took the steamed buns, and sat on the small tumbler under the eaves to eat without going in.

"Then you eat, I'll go to the back vegetable field to see."

He didn't speak, and was still thinking about what kind of expression she would look like when she woke up, and why he fell asleep.

Sun shi stood in the house and looked out, and only came out of the house when he saw that Zhao'er had gone to the back.

"Dog, just get up."

"Four aunts."

"It's hard work in the academy, why do I look at you as if you've lost weight again?" Mr. Sun was at a loss for words.

"Is there?" Xue Tingxiang subconsciously bit the steamed bun in his mouth and touched his face with his free hand.

She sighed and said, "You too, don't be too harsh on yourself, just learn slowly."

Sun rarely spoke to him in this tone, which made Xue Tingxiang a little uncomfortable. Just thinking about what she wanted to do, Mrs Sun went straight to the topic.

"Dog, my fourth aunt wants to discuss something with you. You see that your fourth uncle walks around the streets every day, wearing a few pairs of shoes every month, but you can't earn a few cents. I listen to you. The fourth uncle said that Zhao’er is doing a good business now, and he wanted Zhao’er to bring some of your fourth uncle. Think about it, it’s better to be cheap to your own family than to cheap outsiders. After all, we are relatives…”

Mrs Sun was a little nervous and licked her lips: "Of course, in addition to being good for our family, it is also for you and Zhao'er. After all, Zhao'er is a big girl's family, and Jiang Wu is a big guy who hasn't married yet. It's a little bit bad to always go in and out together, but it's different with your fourth uncle."

Xue Tingxiang's eyes flashed, and he asked, "Why didn't the fourth aunt go and tell Zhao'er that I didn't do the business, and I couldn't be the home."

"Why can't you be a family?! You are the pillar of the second room and the man in the family. You must listen to your words. The fourth aunt admits that it is a bit selfish, but it is also for the sake of you and Zhao'er. You two children belong to the family, It's terrifying to not understand what people say."

Just as he was talking, Zhao'er suddenly came out from the back of the house and asked, "What people say is terrifying and terrifying?"

Sun didn't expect to be heard by Zhao'er, and laughed a little embarrassedly. She still wanted to hesitate, but Xue Tingyan said, "Zhao'er, the fourth aunt wants you to take the fourth uncle to do business."

"Doing business?" Zhao'er looked at the Sun, and the corners of his mouth pursed.

Sun shi was very cramped, and Zhao'er looked a little flustered.

Well, she admitted that it was her fault to instigate her nephew behind her back and let her do business with her family. But since she opened this mouth, Sun didn't plan to give up halfway. She thought about it all night last night, but she still didn't want to give up this opportunity. No one thinks that money is tied to her hands, and she can earn a few dollars from farming. She also wants to send Mao Dan to study, and how much money it costs to study, Xue Juncai is the best example.

She repeated what she said before, and after that, she stared at Zhao'er.

Zhao'er's face was very serious, and Sun thought to himself that it wouldn't be possible, and the beginning would not be very smooth, but Zhao'er nodded and said, "Okay, when the fourth uncle comes back from the field at noon, you Let him come to me."

It was obvious that Zhao'er was a junior, and she was still an elder, but Mrs. Sun nodded like a slap in the face, but she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Zhao'er saying that Xue Qinghuai came to her.

Zhao'er got up early in the morning and chopped up the pig's trotters he bought yesterday.

The hoof is braised, first blanch it and remove the blood on it with water, put sugar in the oil pan, fry the sugar into syrup with low heat, stir fry the hoof, add wine and soy sauce to color, then add onion, ginger and garlic Stir fry the seasoning for a few times, add water over the hoof and simmer over a small fire.

She also stewed the pork leg bones that were picked out. Before stewing, she broke the bones, threw a few slices of ginger and green onions, and put two star anise cinnamon.

Stew in a clay pot, fragrant!

These two dishes are time-consuming, so Zhao'er smashed the fire in the stove into a small fire and left it there.

When it was almost noon, Zhao'er went to the kitchen to fry two vegetarian dishes.

She still delivered some to the main room as she did yesterday.

Not much, just enough for an old couple to eat. Zhao'er is not a person who repays grievances with virtue, but after all, he still eats together now, and he doesn't live separately. When the juniors keep a small stove behind their backs, it is always unreasonable not to give them to the elders.

The meals were all set on the kang table, Zhao'er had already seen Xue Qinghuai coming back, and he and Sun were locked in the room and didn't know what to say. She greeted Mrs Sun through the window, and Xue Qinghuai came over after a while.

As soon as people entered the house, they said that they didn't mention it. Xue Qinghuai had quarreled with Mrs Sun before, but it wasn't that Zhao'er was still waiting, I'm afraid it wasn't over yet.

"Fourth uncle, sit down, let's eat first and talk while we eat."

"How can the fourth uncle have the face to eat your family's food, don't listen to your fourth aunt, she can't get out if she falls into the eyes of money."

"Let's sit down and eat first. Could it be that I and Gou'er can't keep the fourth uncle for dinner?"

Seeing this, Xue Qinghuai could only sit down on the kang.

If the entire Xue family is the best at the stove, it should be Zhao'er. The Xue family is generally recognized as good, especially in cooking, but Zhao'er rarely cooks.

Zhao'er also prepared wine, Xue Qinghuai picked up the soft and rotten hoof with chopsticks, took another sip of the wine, and said, "Zhao'er's hoof is authentic, crispy and not greasy."

Zhao'er smiled, and gave Xue Tingxiang a pair of chopsticks to let him eat more. These were originally made to make up his body.

"It's the same thing, your fourth uncle doesn't cooperate with your business. Seeing that your nephew and niece made some money from doing some business, you just use your love to help each other. What's this called? Don't pay attention to your fourth aunt, she's a woman. The family has long hair and short knowledge, and likes to interrupt at random."

Zhao'er pursed her lips and listened to Xue Qinghuai's words, until he stopped talking, then she said: "Actually, Fourth Uncle, it's not because of my relationship that I promised this matter, but I have some other ideas, but it is only because of me and Jiang Wu, there is really not enough manpower. You also know the origin of my business. The money is good, but it can't be done for a long time. When I was running around outside these few days, I thought, since we can sell this kind of clothes To make money, can you make it into ready-to-wear clothing and sell it around?"

"do it yourself?"

Zhao'er nodded: "After all, the number of these clothes in the pawnshop is limited, but it's different for us to do it ourselves. I calculated the account, a piece of ordinary dyed cotton cloth is converted into about 300 yuan at the market price, and a piece of cloth can make about five clothes. Clothes, that is to say, a piece of clothing costs about 50 to 60 cents. But this is the market price. In fact, if we buy more fabrics, the price will be about 30% lower than the market price. The more we buy, the cheaper the price. The more difference we can make out of it.”

Xue Qinghuai can also calculate such a simple account. He calculated it in his heart and asked: "But after buying the cloth and processing it, you have to calculate the wages. Who else should you ask for it? What is the size? These are all discretionary."

Hearing this, Zhao'er smiled and said, "It's not for nothing that I've been running outside for a while. The clothes we wear are already wide, and we can wear larger or smaller ones, as long as they're not too different. Women's clothes. The left physique will not exceed a range, we can choose two suitable sizes within this range. As for men, you need to choose a few more sizes. Generally, if you buy it back, even if it is big, it is not too much trouble to change it yourself. ."

"But your clothes sell well because the fabrics are not ordinary goods. If you replace them with ordinary goods, many people will probably not consider buying ready-made clothes, but will buy cloth and make them at home." This is the fact that poor people rarely buy them. Ready-to-wear is the main reason for buying cloth back to do it.

"So what we have to do is to find a cheap source of cloth, and win by quantity, so that our ready-to-wear must be cheaper than everyone's own, so that people will buy us. I think there are too many places to use, and the acquisition of The benefits are also great, that is, it needs to be calculated in all aspects. As for labor, it is easier, which woman in our village can’t make clothes? With some meager wages, many people are willing to do it for us.” These tricks are early. I knew it when I found the cloth from the embroidery workshop and distributed it to someone to make a purse.

Xue Qinghuai didn't speak any more, smashing the wine in the bowl in small sips, falling into deep thought.

After a long time, he said, "Okay, what are you going to do? If you have a lot of money, you won't be able to pay for it, but there are still a few taels. In addition, your fourth uncle has a lot of strength, so he can help."

That's what Zhao'er wanted, but she had other ideas about Xue Qinghuai.

After that, she reiterated that every time she went to sell clothes in various villages, she always exchanged food, eggs and other things. He added: "Fourth Uncle, you should know that I used to collect vegetables and sell them in the town. In fact, I had an idea at that time. There are many rich families in our town, not to mention some restaurants. , restaurants, etc., this kind of shop selling food. These places need all kinds of food, and where the food comes from is nothing more than the various nearby villages. Of course, some rare food must be shipped from outside. , but in the end ordinary food accounted for the majority.

"We are all country people. I know that it is not easy for country people to go to the town. There are so many farm work in normal times. It is not worthwhile to go to the town for a little thing. I thought before that if I have the capital someday. With the manpower, I can specialize in this kind of work of collecting things from various villages to the town and selling them in the county, and I will definitely make a lot of money.”

If it is said that it is made into clothes, Xue Qinghuai is still a layman, and it sounds a little hesitant to say it, but it is because he does not understand and is not sure. But speaking of these, Xue Qinghuai is Men Qing.

His eyes lit up immediately and said, "Zhao'er, what do you think about your head? Anything can make you think of different ways. If it is said that it is made into clothes, the fourth uncle is still a little hesitant. But if you say do this, the fourth uncle thinks it can be done!"

Zhao'er laughed: "Fourth uncle also thinks it can be done? We have too little capital now. The cost of making clothes is huge, and it's not enough to make small troubles. So I want to do this first, as for the ready-to-wear, we can take it with you. , accumulate some capital first, and then we will make a big one."

After that, the two talked about some supplementary details while eating. Because the most important part was still missing, they could only say that they would call Jiang Wu over at night to discuss in detail.

Xue Tingxiang didn't expect that he just wanted to put someone between Zhao'er and Jiang Wu, and it would develop like this.

Sure enough, some things can't escape the trajectory he should have, just like he went to school to study, just like recruiting children to do business in that dream.

But compared to the man in the dream, he is stubborn, domineering, sensitive, and doesn't know how to give in and tolerate. He just doesn't want Zhaoer to do business, and he doesn't want Zhaoer to contact Jiang Wu. ridiculed. Now he has learned to detour and restrain, and at the same time, because of his different mood, he can see it more clearly than the one in his dream.

Zhao'er may love money, but she loves more, but it's the fun of it.

He could see the light in her eyes when she talked about it all, the light that appeared most in his dreams. Can be like a star, gorgeous and dazzling, confuse people's souls.

He remembered the most intense quarrel between the two in that dream.

In order not to let Hong'er have a mother who is a businessman, she chose to retire, but she was unhappy and unhappy. He tried his best and couldn't make her happy, and he thought a lot about whether she was still thinking about Jiang Wu, just in time for him to go to Beijing to take the exam, and the two parted.

Since then, people have been separated forever, and that appearance has become the last portrait of her in his memory, and it has even become a nightmare that he can't get rid of every night after that.

Maybe he shouldn't kill her happiness for the sake of worldly vision and his ridiculous self-esteem.