The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 39


The next morning, the speed of the four of them getting dressed was much slower than usual.

Also, I slept too late last night. The morning bell rang outside, and a few people sat on the bunk, unable to wake up for a long time. But the last one was Xue Tingxiang. When he went to bed, the other three were already asleep.

I went listless all the way to the dining hall for breakfast, and then went to the lecture hall. Mr. Meng was lecturing on the scriptures, and several people had to cheer up so that they would not fall asleep.

It was like this for a whole morning, but Mao Badou didn't take it seriously, but Chen Jian said seriously: "No matter how good-looking the book is, you can't do it like this. Don't forget the quarterly test in two months."

When it comes to this, several people are all excited, Mao Badou said sullenly: "I don't care, I can't learn it in the first place, who knows if I can pass it by then."

Li Datian also looked hesitant.

"If you want that Gu Ming to step on you forever, even if you don't learn to go home in the future, someone will tell you that you are not as good as that Gu Ming, so just keep doing it." Xue Tingxiang suddenly interjected. .

"I guess there are a lot of people waiting to see our jokes, but I don't care, it's up to you." Chen Jian said.

It is not estimated that there is, but there is already.

After the mess in the dining hall, the four of them offended a group of students who had entered A, headed by Yu Ziyou and Hu Lianshen, and now few students in Class B are willing to talk to the four of them. In the past, Mao Badou was very popular in the academy, but now many people see him and hide if they can.

This was also the reason why Mao Badou was willing to work hard with the three of them before, because no one wanted to play with him, he could only stay in the dormitory. Who would have thought that now he has come up with a storybook, and seeing that tone is vented.

"Anyway, I'm not particularly interested in these words, I'll accompany you." Li Datian said.

Since then, two-to-two has become three-to-one, and Mao Badou can only bow his head in dejection: "Then just don't watch it."

At this moment, Xue Tingyan cleared his throat: "leave that book to me."

"I didn't even watch it, you still watch it? It's over, I've taught Ting Xian badly."

Xue Tingxiang glanced at him and said, "Among us, your concentration is the worst, and you can't help but keep the books with you. When you go back later, lock all the books in my cabinet, if you want to read them. No, I'll supervise you."

In just a few words, Xue Tingxiang has changed from a conspiracy to a custodian, and he can even know that he has these words.

Mao Badou was stunned by his virtuous appearance, thinking that Ting Yan was really loyal, and he completely forgot who last night blew the lamp to sleep. Only Chen Jian seemed to notice, and glanced at Xue Tingxiang.

Not to mention this side, the other side recruited the three of them to buy mules.

It was also a coincidence that it happened to be resold by someone.

It was a black-brown mule, just over two years old, with very healthy teeth and eyes.

This mule and mule are also very different, and they are divided into horse mule and donkey mule. Like Daqing, it is a donkey and mule. It is born from the mating of a male horse and a female donkey. The shape and color follow the donkey. It is larger than ordinary donkeys, has strong endurance, and is good at running.

The mule is born from the mating of a female horse and a male donkey, and its shape and color follow the horse. The mule is large and has a good load. Although the ploughing and pulling force is not as good as that of the cow, it is also very good. At the same time, it also has the speed that the cow does not have.

The only thing is that mules have no reproductive ability since they were born. Therefore, in general, the sellers of mules, except for resale, only the dealers will sell this kind of animal.

And this mule seller pulls out the most valuable animal in the family because he needs money urgently when he encounters difficulties at home.

Jiang Wu has a family background and often deals with livestock. He can see it, and it can be done. When asked about the price, the family was waiting for the money, and the price was not high or even low. Generally, mules are more expensive than donkeys and mules, but the price of this mule is similar to that of donkeys and mules, only twenty-five taels.

It doesn't look like a liar, and Zhao'er didn't bargain, so he just bought it.

This man is also sincere. Since the mules were gone, he simply gave the car away. However, this car is somewhat different from Zhao'er's expectation, but it is a free gift in the end, don't give it for free, it's a big deal to make a new car in the future.

After that, the three of them drove two mule carts to Yuqing Village.

As soon as he entered the village, countless people gathered to watch.

The Jiang family has a mule cart, and the villagers have known for a long time that when a family borrows a car in an emergency, the Jiang family has nothing to say. Now that I have seen another one, and the driver of the car is still the fourth of the Xue family, the village suddenly exploded, and they all gathered around to ask for details.

That's the way the country folks buy something big, and soon the whole village will know about it. And very enthusiastic, I can't wait to get to the bottom and want to know how to be so rich.

Generally, there is no evil intention, just curiosity, and of course, there are jealousy and jealousy. However, in Yuqing Village, Xue and Zheng are both big surnames. Even if Xue is jealous in their hearts, they are very happy on the surface.

Therefore, before Xue Qinghuai and others came back, the Xue family knew that they had bought a mule cart, and it was the fourth eldest Xue Qinghuai who rushed back.

Yang's footsteps kept going to the private school in the village, which was built next to the Xue family ancestral hall, not far from the Xue patriarch's house. Back then, Xue Qingshan wanted to open a private school, but Mr. Xue originally planned to let him open it at home. Later, Patriarch Xue personally went to Zheng Lizheng and asked the village to build houses on the approved homestead in the name of being of great benefit to the village. He also sent a message in person, and the clan pooled money to build two tile-roofed houses.

Although it is a bit rudimentary, in the end, the Xue family can be regarded as having a clan. There are other children in the village who want to go to school, and they have a place to go.

When Mr. Yang arrived at the private school, Xue Qingshan was hiding in another room and dozing off.

She pushed the door open, and he was about to wake up.

"You're still sleeping, how can you sleep! The fourth family bought a car, and I said that I wanted to split up with the family in a hurry, but it turned out to be a private house. The father also kept saying that the fourth child worked for the family, but the money No greed for the next article!"

Xue Qingshan was stunned for a moment, and then said in disapproval: "It's not just a car, it's worth a few dollars."

"It's not an ox cart, it's a mule cart!"

This sentence immediately made him stand up from his chair.

Xue Qinghuai and Zhao'er were almost frozen with laughter before they drove the car back.

In fact, they are all from the villagers. Buying a car is different from others. It is also a big happy event. When people say congratulations to you, you shouldn't say that you don't have family education, you look down on people, and you look down on your fellow villagers when you have money. But so many people have to deal with them one by one, it is really exhausting.

"Zhao'er, you go back to the house to rest, and the fourth uncle will serve him. I will build a shed for this big guy later, and always make him live comfortably."

Xue Qinghuai's voice was filled with intimacy, and it seemed that men had deep feelings for things like cars. Just like when the Jiang family bought a car, Jiang Wu couldn't put it down, just like Xue Qinghuai now.

In fact, Xue Qinghuai did this for a reason. Not to mention that mule carts are a rare big thing in the countryside. In the daytime, he stalks the streets and alleys to sell things. He can wear out several pairs of shoes a month, and the soles of his feet are thick with calluses. Shi washed his feet and cried in distress.

His biggest dream was to have a car. It doesn't matter whether it is a donkey or a mule, and now this wish has been fulfilled.

Zhao'er said that most of the cars will be driven by him in the future, so he needs to wait on good guys.

Zhao'er laughed. She could understand the fourth uncle's mentality. She didn't want to have a mule cart, so she could go wherever she wanted.

She opened the door and went in to drink water.

As soon as the water entered, I heard a dispute outside.

The big couple came back. Not only that, but also called back Old Master Xue and Xue Qingbai in the field.

"Okay, the fourth child, you don't even say hello to your family when you buy such a big thing. My father kept saying that the fourth child worked hard for the family and didn't dare to keep any of the money he earned, so he gave it to the family. It's been a few days since the family split, and the fourth child, who dare not be greedy, bought such a car!"

Old Master Xue still had mud on his feet. Judging from his complexion, there was nothing abnormal, but it was this lack of abnormality that made it seem a little abnormal.

After all, the old man is suspicious.

"Big brother, don't be so suspicious of the fourth child, the fourth child is not such a person." Xue Qingbai advised from the side.

Xue Qingshan waved him away: "You drive it for me, but you are an elm-headed person, and the fourth child is not such a person. You work in the fields, and people go to buy a car and go around in trouble. During the autumn harvest The food handed in by each family is not to be divided with you.”

When I mention this, I will talk about how the land was planted and how the grain was distributed when the family was separated.

It was impossible for the second room to farm, so she was very decisive when she recruited her, so she only needed 60% of the food she received, and the remaining 40% was taken out and shared equally among the farmer houses.

Dafang didn't want to be so generous, but Dafang didn't have a farmer, so he could only do this. These two houses are convenient, but the third room, the fourth room and the old man Xue are not easy to distinguish. Later, the old man Xue made the decision. Except for the 60% of each house, the remaining 40% of all the land, and then the three people per capita Points, this matter is considered to be troubling to understand.

It stands to reason that there is not much work to do in the field now, the spring ploughing has just ended, and there is no need to fertilize, water, and weed. It's just that Old Master Xue and Xue Qingbai can't be idle, so they toss in the ground, looking at where the seedlings are crooked and correcting them, or where the field ridges are not repaired.

But he never expected that Xue Qingshan would make a fuss about this kind of thing.

But Xue Qingshan was right. Xue Qingbai was in the ground, but Xue Qinghuai was outside. It seemed that Xue Qingbai suffered a loss.

In particular, there is another car here, as Xue Qingshan said, the fourth is greedy for the money from selling goods, and the third is even more at a loss. He Ze grows all the food for the whole family to eat, and the fourth surreptitiously saves a private house to buy a car.

The third child, Xue Qingbai, was fine, but Zhou Shi's eyes flickered on the side.

"According to this, this car should belong to the family, and every family has a share." Yang said.

"Believe it or not, I didn't buy this car alone."

"How come I don't know when my car has become home?" Zhao'er came out of the house and asked.

She ignored Xue Qingshan and looked at Mr. Xue: "Grandpa, I bought this car, not the fourth uncle. I haven't learned how to rush, so I will let the fourth uncle help me rush back."

These words caused a thousand waves, and Mrs. Yang immediately said: "Just you? Where did you get the money to buy the car? Zhao'er, it's not the aunt who told you, you better not take the blame for the fourth family, yes Who is who."

Zhao'er nodded: "It really is whoever it is. Seriously, I bought this car with Jiang Wu and the four uncles. We plan to do business in partnership. I have made a lot of money for the partnership. Do you think it can be considered as such? mine?"

Yang's heart was abrupt, but he still said strangely: "Red mouth and white teeth, you said it was yours and it was yours? I also said that the fourth bought it himself."

Xue Qinghuai was run on for a long time, because the couple in the big room were brothers and sisters-in-law, and he didn't refute much. At this time, I couldn't help it, and said: "Since you don't believe anything you say, if you don't believe it, then don't believe it!"

"He, Daddy, look, the fourth child admits it!"

This inversion of black and white is really eye-opening.

Zhao'er suddenly rejoiced at the foresight of the little man that day. They said they wanted to join forces, so they said verbally that the next day each family brought the money they wanted to pay, and they all mixed them up and put them in Zhao'er's hands. .

But before going out, Xue Tingxiang said something and asked the three to stand up for Qi. The business that is going to be done, the money that each family will pay, and how the dividends will be distributed in the future are all written down in detail.

At that time, Jiang Wu and Xue Qinghuai were not willing to be so troublesome, saying that they would not partner if they believed in it. Later, at Xue Tingxiang's repeated request, he personally wrote the contract in triplicate, and each three people had their fingerprints printed on it.

Xue Qinghuai was stunned by his elder brother's shamelessness, and his hands clenched into fists. Seeing that the situation was not right, Xue Qingshan hid behind the old man Xue, and even said that Xue Qinghuai wanted to hit someone if he didn't take care of him.

There was a lot of trouble on the field, but Zhao'er ignored him, turned around and went back to the house, and took out a deed from the house after a while.

"Since you don't believe me, let's take a look. Fourth uncle, have you forgotten the contract of your family?" She said with a sneer, "If you think that our two families are colluding, and the Jiang family still has one, I will do this. Let Jiang Wu prove it."

At this time, Xue Qinghuai also remembered the deed, and hurriedly went back to the house to find the deed, but the deed was kept by the Sun family. .

Two identical deeds were placed in front of Mr. Xue, and even if he was illiterate, he could read them against the same words. Not to mention that after seeing the deed clearly, Xue Qingshan's face turned pale.

Seemingly wanting to prove that he was right, Xue Qingshan suddenly said: "The fourth child has five taels of silver. Where did you get the money, the fourth child, and you said that you are not greedy for the family's money!"

Xue Qinghuai has been expressionless since he found the deed.

At this moment, his face suddenly turned to grief, and the grief was mixed with ridicule. He looked at Xue Qingshan and Mr. Xue deeply, and said word by word, "Whether you believe it or not, this money was Mao Dan's mother's dowry. She and her family have subsidized her for the past few years. Also, Dad, you really make your son feel chills! Big Brother Red Mouth and White Fang framed me, you just sit and watch!"

After speaking, Xue Qinghuai left without turning her head.