The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 44


"Well, you Wang Zhao'er, you really are an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf. Our family has raised you for so many years..."

Zhao'er stepped out of the door of the main room, throwing Zhao's scolding behind him.

The moon is sparse and the night wind is cool, but she is full of tiredness.

Before the change, she would never speak like this, but today, for some reason, those words that she wanted to say for a long time just came out like this. Maybe it's because there are too many moths in the family recently, which wears out all her patience, or maybe it's because she's too tired recently.

But soon Zhao'er knew why, she actually had a menstrual period.

She also found out when she went back to the house to undress and lay down that her menstrual period was not smooth, and every time she came, she had unbearable abdominal pain, so her temper was extremely grumpy, and her patience was not as good as usual.

Zhao'er pulled out the menstrual belt from the closet and put it on, threw the soiled clothes and trousers on the kang foot, and changed clothes and lay down. The blunt pain, all the feelings were concentrated in one place, she turned over on the kang, and finally found that it was more comfortable to curl up, so she curled up and lay on the bed.

It was supposed to be a warm blanket, but it was cold.

Zhao'er's hands and feet were cold, and she lay there thinking silently: Zhao Shi wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to make trouble, and her seizures were just right for her. The machine cried and complained that something was wrong by the way.

Who will the little man go to? No matter what, the Zhao family is also his pro-grandmother, and if there is a big trouble, he will carry a reputation for being unfilial. So even if he had her in his heart, he would definitely settle for the surface, and he might even reprimand her.

All the tricks have been thought out, so this is what happened.

Women and Daoists are ignorant, aren't they? Like a big house with three bedrooms and four bedrooms, it has always been like this. Some inappropriate words are always said by women. Even if there is an accident, men don't have to be afraid of not being able to step down.

In a daze, Zhao'er fell asleep, and when she fell asleep, she still felt so cold in her dream.

But she still underestimated Zhao's tossing. After she left, Zhao started making trouble in the main room, forcing Xue Qingbai to go to the town, knocking on the door of Qingyuan Academy, and calling Xue Tingxiang on the grounds that her grandmother was seriously ill return.

When Xue Qingbai was on the road, he briefly said the matter: "Don't blame your grandma, she is too worried about your sister-in-law. Zhao'er is also, if you can't say anything well, use that kind of words to anger your grandma, Your grandmother's old problem has happened again."

Zhao has a heartache, but it's not serious, and it happens from time to time.

In the entire Xue family, only Xue Qingbai was still deceived by Zhao. Anyway, Xue Tingxiang knew that Zhao's heartache was precisely the trump card for his sons, and he never used it at will.

No wonder the third uncle came, not the fourth uncle. It is estimated that the fourth uncle refused, and his grandma used the third uncle who was the best. Xue Tingxiang thought silently in his heart.

"Your sister-in-law also did this kind of thing. I heard from your grandfather just now that your sister-in-law was pregnant, so she was forced to rush through the door. And the Zhao family took advantage of the danger and proposed not to give the dowry gift. It's a matter of your own. Your mother also wants to save face for your sister-in-law, so as not to make a mistake."

Mostly because of the night road, Xue Qingbai talked a lot today. On the quiet and uninhabited path, only an angry wind lamp in front of the mule cart was lit, and a small orange light illuminated the road ahead.

This lamp was newly bought by Zhao'er, and it cost a lot of money.

The two soon arrived at Yuqing Village, and before entering the village, dogs barked one after another.

Accompanying the dog barking all the way to the door of Xue's house, Xue Qingbai drove the car into the yard, and just stopped, Xue Tingxiang jumped out of the car.

Seeing him rushing to the second house, Xue Qingbai also said, "Ting Yan, don't say Zhao'er."

Xue Tingxiang ignored him and entered the room.

The room was dark, and the only thing I could see was a bulge on the kang by the window. After Xue Tingxiang came in, she realized that Zhao'er had forgotten to fasten the door, which she usually never does.

He walked to the kang and touched Zhao'er's forehead, which was cold.

"Zhao'er, Zhao'er..."

Zhao'er woke up in a daze and said, "Why are you back at this time?"

Xue Tingxiang didn't speak, but there was a voice calling him outside the door, and he probably couldn't wait. He reached out and patted her, let her go back to sleep, and then she went out.

When they went to the main room, Mr. Xue, Mrs. Zhao and Xue Cui'e were still waiting, as for the others, they all went back to the room.

"Gouzi, do you know what Zhao'er did? She made her mad!" Xue Tingxiang stood still, and Xue Cui'e sued the villain first.

Xue Tingxiang looked at each other's face, feeling both strange and familiar.

Unfamiliar is that it feels as if we haven't seen each other for a long time, but familiar is the look on the other person's face. His sister-in-law is the best at fighting back, and the wicked will file a complaint first. If it wasn't for the reconciliation between him and Zhao'er, would it be like the one in that dream today? Caring about the reputation of himself and Zhao'er, in the end, he can only do what the other party wants.

Although he also knew that Zhao'er was innocent, he still complained about her after he went back, so that the relationship between the two who had finally eased up became stiff again. It was only later that he looked back and realized how wrong he was at that time.

However, in that dream, her sister-in-law didn't have an unmarried pregnancy, but she didn't have a good time. In fact, she thought about it and knew that it would be too good to be on the pole? Especially his aunt, but she never liked Xue Cui'e.

Xue Tingxiang thought sarcastically, and he didn't even hear Xue Cui'e and Zhao's singing and harmony.

"Little aunt." He suddenly called out, making the voices of the two people on the opposite kang stop.

"I know you're in a hurry, but that's not how you do things in a hurry."

Abandoning this sentence, he ignored Xue Cui'e and Zhao's family, but looked at the old man Xue and said, "Grandpa, grandma thinks that she is afraid that she will lose face of her aunt, and she will always marry in a beautiful and beautiful way. Is there any I thought about it, since this happened, there will be no scenery at all."

Under the halo yellow light, the young man looked innocent and innocent.

In fact, Xue Tingxiang has the kind of appearance that is very easy to deceive. He is fair and gentle, and his face is immature. No one could bear to reprimand him like this, so he clearly went too far, and the three people on the kang didn't say anything. Maybe he was also thinking about the meaning of his words, but he didn't react.

"Look at the misbehavior of my little aunt, who had an affair with a man before marriage. In the countryside, if this kind of thing happened to the girl's family, it would be a pig cage, and the whole family would be reviled and stabbed in the spine for a lifetime. If there are other girls in the family, don't expect to get married later, it will cause scandals all over the family. It is because of this soft spot, plus the Zhao family's disregard for relatives, the monk's face does not look at the Buddha's face. Look, that's what happens."

With his words, Zhao's heart throbbed, Xue Cui'e wanted to be violent several times, but she endured it, but Mr. Xue's old face was getting darker and darker.

Because they knew that they couldn't see people, the Xue family didn't dare to mention it, and kept it a secret. And Mr. Xue annoyed his two sons only because he knew the seriousness. He knew that this act of forcing his son to pay was too much, but he always had to think about the rest of the family. , that's why the entire Xue family didn't have the face to go out to meet people.

So he knew that the two sons didn't want to, so he still let the old woman make trouble. He knew it was wrong, but what could he do? The boss had no money, and this matter couldn't be delayed for a day.

So we can only sacrifice the ego and complete the big ego.

Now Xue Tingxiang said something that the family didn't dare to mention, so nakedly said by Xue Tingxiang, and said it with reason and evidence, which made Mr. Xue's heart skip a beat, and at the same time annoyed his mother-in-law and this useless girl.

"But grandpa, have you ever thought about it, this is the shortcoming of our family, but also the shortcoming of Zhao's family. If my grandson remembers correctly, then Zhao Jinrui seems to be studying too. A scholar who doesn't know how to be polite, honest, and shameful, is actually living with the sojourner at home. My cousin is fornicating. That's it, how dare you use this to coerce the woman. This is different from those scoundrels who go to the kiln for whoring, but don't want to give money because of their pants. "

Having said this, he smiled shyly and said, "The grandson has lied, but that's the truth. That's why I said that grandpa and grandma are blind, and our family is impatient. In fact, his family is even more impatient, don't forget. While we are worried about this shortcoming, his family is also worried that this shortcoming will ruin his son's future, not to mention that my sister-in-law is holding the other's biggest shortcoming in her hand."

"What's the shortcoming?" Xue Cui'e asked, forgetting that she was still angry for Xue Tingxiang's comparison of prostitutes to herself.

"The child in my aunt's belly." Xue Tingyan smiled: "If he has the ability, his Zhao family will not want his own children and grandchildren!"

Father Xue was silent, as if weighing the pros and cons.

Xue Tingxiang said again: "Master, milk, you have to think about the little aunt. If this head is lowered, the little aunt will not be able to raise her head in Zhao's house for the rest of her life."

"He dares!" Zhao shi forgot to pretend to be weak and shouted.

"Grandma, people have already dared. Look at you, if you care about your old face, his Zhao family would dare to do such a thing?"

Zhao Shi suddenly closed his mouth, his old face twitched involuntarily, as if he was sad that his mother's family treated him like this. In fact, Xue Tingxiang was right. If the Zhao family really tabooed the Zhao family, they could do things like this.

"So auntie, if you are in a hurry, you can just stay at home. I promise that it won't be long before the Zhao family will come to the door. When that day comes, we will say whatever we say, and let the Zhao family beg you to come in. It's not like it's going up and down the door like it is now."

The room was very quiet, and it was obvious that the three people on the kang were thinking about it.

After a while, Mr. Xue suddenly slapped his thigh and said, "The dog is right, let's do it like this." After he finished speaking, he glanced at Xue Tingxiang and said, "It's different going to school in the town, you understand. There are many truths, that is, pay more attention to what you say in the future.”

Xue Tingyan showed a shy smile, and Mr. Xue waved his hand and said, "Go back to the house and rest, it's getting late." As for Zhao's messing up the house and calling Xue Tingyan back for the trouble, it was Not even mentioned.

Xue Tingxiang's brows showed a cold look until he exited the door of the main room.

The lotus seeds are bitter in the heart, and the pears are sour in the abdomen. Today's evil will be suffered tomorrow, and Zuo is only the result of his own sins.

After Xue Tingxiang returned to the house, Zhao'er was still asleep.

This is not normal. Thinking of her previous appearance, Xue Tingxiang touched her forehead again.

No fever.

He woke Zhao'er and asked her, "Are you not feeling well?"

Zhao'er didn't answer him, just frowned under the quilt. It wasn't until he pressed him that she said, "Don't worry about it, I'm not uncomfortable."

She looked so familiar, and he didn't remember one thing until he touched her forehead again and she reached out and pushed him away. Xue Tingxiang went to open the cupboard, found something in the old place, took it and went to the kitchen.

After almost a quarter of an hour, he returned with a bowl filled with reddish-brown sugar water.

"Get up and drink some."

It wasn't until the sugar water entered his mouth that Zhao'er realized what it was.

"Where did you get the brown sugar?" After drinking some brown sugar water, Zhao'er felt a little better, and her cold body was much warmer.

"You don't always drink some sugar water at this time. I got it where you put the brown sugar."

"How do you know that I always drink sugar water, and where do I put my brown sugar?"

Isn't this nonsense, it must be seen, not seen, can Xue Tingxiang know this

Since then, Zhao'er finally showed a shy side in front of Xue Tingxiang.

She came to live when she was ten years old, but at that time she didn't understand this at all, thinking that she had some incurable disease and was going to die. At that time, Mrs. Qiu was still there, and Mrs. Qiu comforted her, told her what it was, and took her to give her a menstrual belt.

Qiu said that menstruation is filthy and must not be known to men. This is Zhao'er's only awareness of the difference between men and women. Not only this, but also the daughter's body cannot be seen or touched by men.

Now that the little man knows his menstrual period, he has already known it, so it is no wonder that Zhao'er feels embarrassed. She pretended to lie back in the quilt as if nothing had happened, and only her red ears revealed a little of her thoughts.

"Come on, it's getting late."

Xue Tingxiang took the bowl back to the stove, and cleaned himself up with the remaining hot water on the stove before returning to the room to rest.

There was silence in the room, and Zhao'er turned over and over again.

"What's the matter with you?"

"It's alright, you go to sleep."

Xue Tingxiang reached out and touched her hand. Not to mention, there was no heat in her bed. Zhao'er's hands were also very cold and sweaty.

"Are you cold?"

"I'm not cold, you go to bed soon, you don't have to go to the school tomorrow."

Xue Tingxiang didn't speak anymore, Zhao'er just pretended to perfunctory him, but the quilt was suddenly lifted and a person came in.

"I know you're cold, you usually cover me, but I'll cover you today."

Zhao'er barely had any resistance, and was hugged from behind. A very unfamiliar and not strong body was clinging to her from behind. This feeling was extremely unfamiliar. She subconsciously wanted to struggle, but her hands and feet were tightly clamped from behind.

"do not move."

"I'm not cold, I don't need you to cover me."

"Just think that I want you to cover me. Go to sleep, it'll be warm in a while."