The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 70


Zhao'er said that she wanted to do a big fight was not empty words, she called Jiang Wu, Gao Sheng and others the next day.

Jiang Wu and others were responsible for going out to sell in various villages and villages in Huyang Township, while Xue Tingxiang and others wrote at home. As for Xue Tao'er, Sun's, Zhou's and others, they are responsible for logistics at home, while Zhao'er is responsible for allocating.

From the 19th of the twelfth lunar month until the 24th, the villages nearby were finally run out, and more than 2,000 sets were sold, along with countless blessing characters and scattered Spring Festival couplets. Xue Tingxiang and others are the hardest. They almost always write from early to dark. When they are tired, they take a break. When they are rested, they continue. Everyone is in a hurry, because this is all money.

Zhao'er can't do anything else, she can only cook at home to make up for a few people.

During this period, the rest of the Xue family were also curious about what these people were doing hiding in the second house every day.

Recently, the Spring Festival couplets are booming. In the past, if anyone wanted the Spring Festival couplets, they had to ask the scholars in the village to write them. Every year by writing Spring Festival couplets, Xue Qingshan has to mix a lot of wine and meat. When you come to ask for something, you always have to mention the meaning of something, usually a jar of home-brewed wine, or a piece of meat or something.

But this year was also surprising. No one came to the door. Xue Qingshan was still wondering about this. Later, he found out that there were people in the village selling Spring Festival couplets this year, and the family who sold the Spring Festival couplets was the Jiang family.

Xue Qingshan was annoyed and curious. What he was curious about was where the Jiang family got the Spring Festival couplets. There were no scholars in their family. Naturally, he was so angry that he couldn't get any benefits this year. At Widow Xue's place, he also promised to buy New Year's gifts for the other party.

Now that the wine and meat are gone, can't I buy it myself with money? But how could he have any money, his purse was cleaner than his face.

Who ever wanted to make trouble to the end, this guy who robbed his own business turned out to be his own.

Well, you second room, those two little brats are against him every day!

It's a pity that no one helped Xue Qingshan this time. Needless to say, the third room and the fourth room are clearly behind the second room. For Mr. Xue and the Zhao family, what they seek is not money, but the harmony of the family. Although Zhao is partial, but this time her eccentric grandson is also in it, she will naturally not turn her face with the grandson, let alone Yang, now Xue Juncai says what he says.

Especially Xue Juncai took the money back. He worked a day's work, and the next evening Zhao'er gave him the money. The next day, because of the abundant manpower, I went to many villages, and each person was divided into two taels.

This is the first time Xue Juncai has made money. Needless to say, he is excited. He also knows that his mother has a prejudice against the second room.

Not to mention how complicated Yang's mood was, but he no longer objected to his son to work for the second room. She also didn't ask for Xue Juncai's money. After all, this was the first money her son earned, no matter how tight her money was, and the Chinese New Year was coming soon. The family has yet to buy anything.

However, Xue Juncai forced it on her. He knew that the family had no money, and all the money in the family fell on him, and of course his father took a lot of it.

"Mother, what are you going to do with the money for the New Year? You can't always let grandma stick to us. Besides, grandma has no money anymore." Yes, the money in the hands of the old couple has almost been drained, and it will be harvested this autumn. I also received a lot of grain, but once I paid the tax, I left enough seeds and rations for next year, and there was hardly much left.

In particular, this year's harvest was bumper, and the price of food was cheap. After finally selling two taels of silver, Xue Qingshan took it to Xue Juncai and handed it over to Xue Juncai next year.

This was what Yang shi told Xue Juncai, just so that he wouldn't have to worry about Shuxiu, but Xue Juncai told her that Xue Qingshan must be a liar, and the money must be spent on the widow. Therefore, the New Year's goods in Dafang have not yet been held this year. Only by waiting for the slaughtering of the pigs and dividing the meat, keeping some for the family to eat, and selling the rest for money, can we hold other New Year's goods.

Seeing that Mr. Yang was still talking about waiting to kill the pig, Xue Juncai said, "You can take it, and I will save it myself if I get the wages from Sister Zhao'er."

Yang Shi just accepted it.

Since the 24th, some people in the village have started to kill pigs, and the snow and ice outside can't stop the villagers' enthusiasm for killing pigs. It is not easy for the country people to eat meat, so they can only open it when they kill pigs during the Chinese New Year.

But this open-ended eating actually means that no one is willing to bear it. Next year's meat money, children's clothes, and some shrewd people in the house will all have to be taken out of this pork money. Therefore, even if people kill pigs, they only keep enough food for Chinese New Year, and the rest will be sold to villagers who do not raise pigs at home.

Mr. Xue had already gone to the neighboring village to make an appointment with the butcher. On this day, the Xue family was busy early in the morning.

The butcher only kills the pigs, but doesn't care about other things. The pigs have been buried for a winter, and now they are going to go into their mouths. They have to be cleaned, so the first job is to bathe the pigs.

The two big fat pigs were washed and the butcher came.

He took Xue Qingbai and Xue Qinghuai to tie the pig. This big fat pig saw that it was usually too lazy to move and didn't even want to move, but now it was struggling a lot, screaming and screaming, it was extremely miserable.

Mao Badou originally wanted to go out to watch the pig slaughter, but when he heard this, he didn't dare to go out, so he lay on the crack of the window and looked out.

Li Datian laughed at him for being cowardly, how could Mao Badou stand up to the agitation, he immediately got off the kang, and Li Datian, who pushed the door open with a heroic appearance, was about to go out, but he saw the butcher took a sharp knife The pig-killing knife stabbed into the pig's neck.

This stab, the pig screamed even more miserably, and at the same time there was a lot of blood flowing out, Zhou Shi took the basin to collect the pig's blood. After picking up a pot, Xue Tao'er hurriedly changed a pot and handed it over. At this time, Zhao'er walked over with a small pot, poured the contents of the small pot into it, and kept stirring with a corn stalk to prevent the pig's blood from coagulating.

Mao Badou, a baby in town, had never seen such a scene before, and immediately retracted his head, his fat face turning pale with fright. Li Datian laughed straightly: "I also said that you are not cowardly."

Mao Badou, who has always been sharp and sharp, finally stopped being stubborn this time.

After a while, he regained his strength and asked, "What did Sister Zhao'er do with that blood?"

"Blood enema, it's delicious."

"Can I still eat? I won't!"

But he was soon beaten in the face.

The two pigs kept the Xue family busy for more than an hour.

Killing pigs is easy, but shaving pigs is difficult.

Here the butcher left with two pig trotters and a piece of pork, and the villagers came immediately after hearing the news.

"Huaizi, I heard that your pigs are going to be sold. How much do you plan to sell?"

Xue Qinghuai was stunned for a moment. At this time, Mr. Xue had come out of the house and greeted, "If you don't sell too much, you can keep it for yourself and sell it for fifty kilograms."

Lai Ren said: "Why are there so few sales this year? But also, you have a lot of family, and you can eat them all."

Mr. Xue laughed and scolded people, haha, how can it be said that the family has been divided, and the two pigs have taken out all the internal organs and bones, leaving only more than 100 catties of meat. Divided into five parts, a family is only 30 pounds. The 50 catties he sold were more than half of the big house and their old couple's share, and only 10 catties were left for the Chinese New Year.

Xue Qinghuai has already gone to call people pork. Usually, it sells pork for fifteen cents a pound, but it will rise to twenty cents during the New Year.

Fifty catties of pork sold for nearly a tael of silver, and Xue Qinghuai handed the silver to Father Xue and said, "Dad, why are you selling so much, what do you eat during the New Year's Eve?"

"What to eat, there is meat every three or five times, so you have to eat it during the New Year." Old Master Xue said stiffly.

Xue Qinghuai didn't say a word, but when he turned his head, he discussed with the third room. The family brought five pounds of meat and two jars of wine to the main room, which was a New Year's gift after the separation.

Naturally, the second room was also carried. When Zhao'er did this kind of thing, he never fell behind. Especially since there are few people in the second room, and she can't eat much meat, she also manages to cook pork-killing dishes. There is no one who kills pigs but does not cook pig-killing dishes. In the past, it was all public in the public, but now whoever takes the lead will come out.

This kind of thing can't let a younger generation emerge, Xue Qingbai and Xue Qinghuai are at a standstill, and the final conclusion is that the family produces five catties of meat, which is used for killing pigs.

The fat and thin pork belly is cut into thin slices. This thin slice is also very particular. It is too thick and greasy, and it is too thin to eat. The big iron pot is hot, put the chopped pork in the pot to make some oil, the meat is slightly yellow but not burnt is the best.

After the pork is cooked, put the oil in the pot with onion, ginger, garlic, pepper and other condiments. After frying for a while, add soy sauce and a knife, add the water that just submerged the meat, and let it burn. open. After boiling, change to low heat, simmer for a while, throw in the frozen pig blood slices, and throw in the tofu cut into pieces. Both of these things are resistant to stewing, and the longer they stew, the more delicious they will be.

Outside the blood sausage, pig kidney, pig heart, and lungs, etc. were also cleaned up, and Zhao Er swiftly cut them into pieces, threw them into the pot, and added salt. After about a quarter of an hour, the sauerkraut, Bai Song, etc. can be put into the pot, and then they are placed in a place to slowly simmer.

As time passed, the aroma of meat mixed with the sour aroma of sauerkraut drifted away, and the people in the house in the yard smelled this aroma and couldn't help swallowing.

And Mao Badou had been waiting at the door of the kitchen for a long time, with Heizi at his feet, one person and one dog walking around, all impatient.

The slaughtering pig dish was out of the pot quickly, and it was not brought into the house, so a square table was placed in the yard. It was a big pot, steaming hot, and I couldn't move when I smelled it.

Regardless of seniority, gender, age, or age, each person plays a bowl, and squatting and eating at any place.

Mao Badou was sweating profusely from eating, and he really wanted to take off the hat and scarf on his head, but thinking about the purchase of the mountain before, he still retained his last-minute sobriety.

The same is true of Li Datian, both of them are bitter in their hearts.

As for Xue Qingshan, despite his usual restraint, he is no better than others at the moment.

After finally waiting for the greed to pass, he was good at picking his teeth and said, "Zhao'er, this kills the pig and divides the meat, and you make a lot of money by selling the Spring Festival couplets. Don't you honor your uncle?"

These words made the field quiet, and almost everyone was shocked by Xue Qingshan's shamelessness.

Old Man Xue's face sank immediately, and he reprimanded: "Boss, you've eaten too much meat and you've been dizzy. You just can't fill your mouth with wine and meat just now!"

"Father, how can this be the same? In the past years, our family never lacked meat to eat. If they hadn't robbed me of my job this year, as for eating meat, I would have to make up for it. If she didn't make up for me, who would make up for it." Xue Qingshan had wanted to say it for a long time, but it was because of his face that he didn't say it. It was also recently that Widow Xue forced him to press hard.

That Widow Xue was a goblin. In the past, Xue Qingshan was dismissive of her and always thought such a woman was dirty, but since the ghostly mess, he fell into that pit and couldn't get out.

The key point is that he is still domineering. The woman he has touched doesn't want others to touch him again. Widow Xue listened to him and stopped interacting with other men. But if Widow Xue had to live, she had to ask for money. Where did the money come from? In the past, Xue Qingshan used to pick up the family, but since the family was divided, he felt that his money was tight.

"You're in a daze! You're still arguing with a few children! Besides, Zhao'er is also giving money to Juncai, isn't it better than your little wine and meat?!" Old Master Xue scolded ironically. Not only does he feel that the boss is too disrespectful, but also that there are outsiders in the family who are losing people.

"Divided money for Juncai?" Xue Qingshan was always running out recently, but he didn't know about this, his eyes flashed and he said with a smile: "Dad, why are you angry, I'm not joking with Zhao'er."

But no one wanted to laugh at this joke. The third and fourth rooms didn't make a sound, and Zhao'er didn't speak, so he didn't hear these words. Several of Mao Badou were outsiders and could only pretend not to hear, but Xue Juncai lowered his head in embarrassment.

After eating the pig-killing vegetables, I continued to write Spring Festival couplets.

Now that all the villages that should be run have been visited, Zhao’er’s plan is to go to three places in the next few days, the county, the town and the town of Anyang Township. Three more days of hard work.

However, with the money in their pockets, no one felt that it was hard work, and everyone did their own work in an orderly manner.

Xue Jun just went out to the toilet, and as soon as he came out of the toilet, he was blocked by Xue Qingshan.

"Give me the money in your hand."

Xue Juncai pursed his lips: "I have no money."

Xue Qingshan looked impatient: "I asked your mother, she didn't ask for your money, you give the money to father, and I will save it for you to hand over repairs in the spring of next year."

"You have asked for money from your grandma before, saying that it will be handed over to me for repairs next year. Dad, where on earth do you need so much spending, so you can't save it?"

"You still take care of your father, give me the money quickly."

"I have no money."

"Will you give it?"

"Father, tell me, is it because of that Widow Xue?"

Xue Qingshan was shocked, but he didn't expect his son to know about it. How did he know, how long had he known, and did he tell Yang

"What is Widow Xue and Widow Li? I'm too lazy to tell you, I won't give it if I don't give it." After that, he hurried away.

Xue Juncai closed his eyes sadly, and after a while, he recovered himself and went back to continue writing the Spring Festival couplets.

This time, the Spring Festival couplets were sold, and everyone shared nearly fifteen taels of silver.

Especially in the last two days, the town was going crazy. It was not until later that several stalls appeared in the town that also sold Spring Festival couplets, and the business slowly slowed down.

Seeing this, Zhao'er cleared out the stock in her hand, and she closed it just after the twenty-eighth sale, which was similar to what she had expected before. People are like this, and it is inevitable to follow the trend when you see people making money, especially if you can write Spring Festival couplets, as long as you can write, you will be robbed of business sooner or later.

So Zhao'er didn't feel melancholy at all, divided the money and went home.

Twenty-ninth, Xue Tingxiang went to give Lin Miao a New Year's gift. Once the work was done, he was waiting for the New Year.

The reunion dinner on New Year's Eve is eaten in the main room, and after eating, they go back to their houses to watch the night. During this time, Xue Tingxiang and Zhao'er were very tired. They both fell asleep. They didn't know it was another year until they heard the sound of firecrackers outside.

On the first day of the new year, it is customary to pay New Year's greetings to the elders with the same surname in the village. On the second day of the new year, the mother-in-law and the mother-in-law are not dead. Naturally, she and Mr. Xue will go to the Zhao's house, not to mention the second and third bedrooms. Only Zhao'er and Xue Tingxiang had nowhere to go, so they stayed at home.

The two of them slept for a long time, and it was too late when they woke up.

I just ate two meals together, and after eating, I sat on the kang and read a book.

Today, the Xue family is very quiet, unprecedentedly quiet. Although I am not used to it, it is a good time to read.

Xue Tingxiang took the book and read it, and Zhao'er didn't bother him. He took a copy of the Book of Calculations and looked at it like a man. She is literate now, but she doesn't know too many words. There are several words on a page that she doesn't know, and sometimes she doesn't understand the meaning of them. In the past, she always asked at the time, but when she saw Xue Tingxiang was reading, she kept it in her mind for the time being, and asked together later.

I fell asleep after watching it, and I don't know how long I slept. When I woke up, there was no one on the kang.

Seeing the book buttoned next to it, Zhao'er thought to herself that she must have gone to the toilet. She yawned and took the book over.

Zhao'er never understood Xue Tingxiang's book, and this time she didn't think she could understand it, but who would have thought that this book was different from the little man's book she had read before.

In the past it was all wrong, and this one—

She turned over and looked at the cover of the book, which read "University".

But when I held it in my hand, I always felt that something was wrong, and after flipping through it again, I found that this book has two layers of cover. The outer layer is a serious dark blue background with "University" written on it. The book cover inside is much more fancy, with two people hugging together. Because the paper is of poor quality, the printing is not clear, anyway. Zhao'er didn't understand what he was doing, and three big characters "Jin x Mei" were written on it.

He, the little man actually reads miscellaneous books! There is still a serious cover on the miscellaneous books.

Although Zhao'er doesn't know what book "Jin x Mei" is, it is definitely not a good book if it can be hidden by cover.

Looking at it again, Xue Tingxiang turned to that page, and Zhao'er tried to identify—

This man was hit on the head by a fork, and he stood on his feet. When he was about to have a seizure, he turned around and looked, but he didn't want to be a beautiful and enchanting woman, but when he saw his black and crow's temples, green and curvy Crescent eyebrows, fragrant cherry mouth, straight long and long Qiongyao nose, pink and red cheeks, delicate silver basin face, light curling flower body, jade slender onion branches and hands, twisting willow waist , soft thick pink white belly, narrow stars with pointed feet, meat grandma's chest, white raw legs, and more...

Bah, what is this!

Xue Tingxiang hadn't come back, so Zhao'er followed along and saw that this man named Ximen Qing had bought Wang Po to help him have an affair with the married woman Pan Jinlian.

Seeing that Wang Po said: "Old officials, listen to me: the two words 'to suffer the light' are the most difficult. Why is 'to suffer from the light'? For example, nowadays it is common to call cheating. Okay. First, Pan An's appearance; second, donkeys are well-known; third, Deng Tong is as rich; fourth, youth is young and young, and soft and persevering; fifth, idle time. Five pieces, called 'Pan Lu Deng Xiaoxian'. All are completed, this matter will be obtained.

Zhao'er blushed, and at this moment she heard a movement by the door, she immediately threw the book to preempt others: "What kind of idle books are you reading?!"