The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 74


After eating lunch, Zhao'er started to get busy packing.

There are five exams in the county exam, which means that they have to stay in the county for at least five days. The clothes and sundries used by the two of them, as well as Xue Tingxiang's personal belongings, had to be discarded.

Zhao'er prepared two big bags, and two other small bags that the two of them carried with them. Xue Tingxiang looked at him and shook his head, untied the burden and deleted things.

"You don't need to bring so many clothes, three bodies are enough, and you don't need to bring a mattress. The inn has them. What are you doing with these things, do you plan to stay longer?"

In fact, Zhao'er also felt that it was a bit too stupid, but she didn't expect to pack so much, cut and cut one pass, two bags became one bag, but the rest of the Zhao'er would not let go.

Outside, Xue Qinghuai had already set up the car, and this time he was in charge of sending the two to the county. There is also Xue Juncai, Xue Juncai also applied for the test and will go with them this time.

After a while, Gao Sheng also came, and several people drove to the town in two cars. When they arrived in the town, they picked up Mao Badou, Li Datian and Chen Jian before turning around and heading for the county.

At this time, the county was full of lively and prosperous scenes, and scholars in school shirts could be seen everywhere, and inns everywhere were overcrowded. Zhao'er is a careful person. She had booked an inn a long time ago, but she only booked two rooms. Now there are two more people, Mao Badou and Xue Juncai.

Xue Juncai went to the store and asked for a guest room, and there was only the last one left, so there was no need to live in two places.

After paying the rent for each, Mao Badou smacked his tongue: "This rent is too expensive, it's eating people."

Li Datian glanced at him: "I know, maybe even if you have money, you won't be able to live in a room." Because there are too many scholars who come to take the test.

"Fortunately, we made a fortune with Sister Zhao'er before the Chinese New Year, otherwise it would have been distressed, but there is only one room, how can we sleep with so many people?"

"Let's make a bunk, how can I sleep. Don't worry, I won't fight for a bed with you. You sleep with A Jian, and I sleep on the bunk."

When it was Zhao'er's turn, Xue Tingxiang pondered and said, "Well, the fourth uncle and Shengzi share the same room with the uncle and Juncai, and I share the same room with Zhao'er."

Xue Qinghuai nodded cheerfully: "Okay."

No one else objected, and the matter was settled. However, Mao Badou's eyes were a little weird, and he glanced at Xue Tingxiang and Zhao'er several times.

Xue Tingxiang and Zhao'er's room was with Mao Badou and others. Xue Juncai's room was going to be far away, and the room was a lot worse. It's just that there is nothing to pick on now, especially if the country people can afford hardships, so there is nothing to pick on.

After settling down, several people planned to go out for a walk, first to see the situation in the county, and secondly to relax.

But there are too many people in the county, and people go out for a while. After going out for a while, a few people lost interest and simply went back to read a book, just cramming.

Until it got dark, few people went to eat. Generally, the inn has a place to eat, although it is much more expensive than the outside, but it is convenient to map left and right.

At this time, the lobby was very lively, and there were almost no empty tables. Most of them were a table for several people, and there must be at least one scholar among them. It was a family member who came to accompany the exam. Of course, there were also several scholars who sat at the same table and talked eloquently. Those who didn't know thought it was a high-ranking official in the court who was worried about the country and the people.

In fact, it's just the current trend. If scholars don't talk about current affairs, they will be embarrassed to say that they are scholars when they go out. How come Mao Badou and a few bastards have seen such a scene and listen to it with relish.

However, at the time of Xu, almost all the people in the lobby had dispersed. Tomorrow, I would have to get up for the exam before dawn, so I wanted to rest early to refresh myself.

Back in the room, Zhao'er realized that there was only one bed in the room.

This bed is not a kang in the countryside, and a kang in the countryside will not feel crowded for five or six people, but this bed is just right for one person, but it is a little more difficult to sleep two.

Zhao Er was in charge of the buddy to borrow the bed and cover, only to find out that it was not there after I asked.

It was also because there were too many people who came to stay. In order to make money, not only did the inn provide people to live in firewood houses, but also the bedding was rented out to make the floor, which meant that the two of them could only sleep together.

How to do

Xue Tingxiang didn't think he was embarrassed at all, and had already taken the initiative to make the bed. Here, Zhao'er was still in ink and ink, and the shop assistant was puzzled. What happened to the couch.

"You rest early, the little one is still busy." After that, the guy ran away at a speed that Zhao'er couldn't react to.

At this time, Xue Tingxiang's bed was also made, and he patted it: "Come and rest soon, we sleep in the same place every day, why are we so particular now."

This time is not that time. Zhao'er can only pass.

Xue Tingxiang undressed and lay down, while Zhao'er only took off his coat. She was still dawdling, but Xue Tingxiang, who was already lying down, pulled her over and hugged her: "This is the only way to sleep comfortably."

Zhao'er struggled subconsciously: "What do you want to do?"

"I don't do anything. What, what do you want me to do?"

"If you don't study well, you are becoming more and more glib!" Zhao'er reprimanded.

Xue Tingxiang didn't speak, Zhao'er was wondering if he was angry, the arms around her tightened in vain, he turned over and came up.

"Call me a slicker, right? I'll let you know what a slicker is now!"

With lightning speed, he grabbed Zhao'er's mouth.

This time, it's not like before, it's just a matter of taste, but as ruthless as you want. Zhao'er was out of breath and wanted to push him, but he had no strength at all, and he was already meandering down.

Zhao'er panted heavily and pushed him. He didn't panic, grabbed her with both hands and pressed them under him. It was only then that Zhao'er realized that the little man was so strong and ruthless. Her arm was broken and it hurt. Because she was pressed under her body, her chest was pushed forward, and then she felt a pain in her neck, and a burst of coolness hit her. .

"I've wanted to do this for a long time!" he muttered, in love.

Zhao'er's mind was muddled, and she remembered the situation that day.

Her meat was actually eaten, eaten by a little man!

Eat so hard, so fierce.

Right at that moment, she suddenly felt something creep in, just like that day and night. And the little man suddenly turned into a wild wolf, devouring her in a vicious manner.

It took a long time for all the aftertaste to pass.

Zhao'er shivered all over, and at the same time tears came out.

Xue Tingxiang was still panting when she heard that the voice was wrong, so she was looking at her.

"What's wrong?"

"Stay away from me!" She shrank into the bed like a frightened little beast.

Xue Tingxiang just wouldn't let her go, and hugged her fiercely. After hugging for a while, he reached out and grabbed something under the quilt. After a while, the two pants were pulled out and he was thrown at the foot of the bed.

Zhao'er was almost unobstructed, and pushed him even more ruthlessly.

"Okay, go to sleep, I have to get up early tomorrow to take the exam."

He put his chin on her neck and hugged her from behind like this: "What are you panicking, when I get hit this time, we'll get married."

Zhaoer does not speak.

After a while, he said again: "We are a couple, what's wrong with making out in advance."

"Actually, you also like it, or you would have reacted like that just now."

"Get out!" After a long while, Zhao'er choked out such a sentence.

"I'm not going! You almost killed me just now, if I didn't think... I'm not going anywhere, just here!"

The next morning, everyone woke up.

Tomorrow is not yet bright, but there is a restless atmosphere in the whole inn.

The shop clerk was already too busy, but seeing that the time was coming, Xue Tingxiang and the others hadn't had breakfast yet, so Zhao'er went directly to the kitchen and used the stove to get the pot and noodles.

Although it is noodles, it is extremely rich, including meat, vegetables and eggs.

Everyone had a warm meal. Xue Qinghuai and Gao Sheng had already covered the car. Xue Tingxiang and others checked the test basket and book bag respectively. Finally, during another inquiry of Zhao'er, they made sure that they had brought everything they should bring. Push the door out.

It was still pitch black outside the door, with only a little yellowish light from the lights, which seemed to be very far and very close.

Zhao'er was holding a lantern in front of him, and all the people in the black filed into the car.

The mule cart quickly drove out of the back door of the inn and headed for the examination room. No one said anything along the way, and seemed to be perturbed. Han Chuang has been studying hard for many years, and only watched one day. Although he only talked about practicing his skills before coming here, who really wants to come here.

Mao Badou couldn't stand the loneliness. He lifted the curtain of the car and looked out, and saw the stars outside, but it was the lights held by the people who went to take the test. Those in the richer family still have a car to sit in, while those in the poor family have to get up earlier than others and walk by on their own.

In the darkness, in addition to the sound of the wheels, there were countless whispers, which seemed to be the sounds of family members' warnings and relief.

By the time we got to the front of the county government office, it was almost five watch.

Looking around, there was a bustling crowd in front of the door, including adults in their thirties and fifties, and children in their teens who were still young. According to the Dachang system, if you can pass the county and government tests, you will be a child. If he passed the county test, but failed the government test, he wouldn't even be a Tongsheng. If you take the exam again next year, you still have to start from the county exam.

"All the idle and miscellaneous people will retreat, and the carriages and horses will also retreat farther away to make room. Fifty people in a team, from the same town and the same hall, all go faster." A yamen shouted.

There was chaos in the field immediately, and Zhao'er hurried to see Xue Tingxiang and wanted to say something, but didn't know what to say.

"You study hard, I'm leaving."

Zhao'er was about to turn back when Xue Tingyan took her hand. Taking advantage of the chaos, he pulled her close and whispered in her ear, "You wait for me to come back from the exam."

The latter words were not said, and Zhao'er also understood what it meant.

"You can talk about it after you pass the exam first, I have to go." After speaking, Zhao'er mixed with the mule cart into the retreating crowd.

The lights in front of the yamen were brilliant, and many yamen officers came out with torches.

The huge field was empty, and there were hundreds of candidates who came to take the exam. There was already a team of fifty people standing up, walking forward one by one under the guidance of the yamen. There are special yamen who are responsible for searching the body to check whether there is anything entrained.

The county exam is not strictly searched. The yamen just checked the test basket, and then asked the candidates to unbutton their outer robes to see if there was anything in the linings of the two fronts, and then let them go. It is said that when it comes to the hospital examination, not only do you have to take off your coat, but you also need to have the yamen inspect it carefully, and even disband your hair.

Xue Tingxiang and others were a little behind in the line, and they waited for almost half an hour before it was their turn.

The group was finally released and went inside.

The examination room for the county exam is in the county courthouse, but the county courthouse is limited, and several examination booths are set up on both sides. Mao Badou and others were still smeared, Xue Tingxiang was not panic because of the experience in the dream,

Everyone was led to wait in front of the court, only to hear the sound of roll call and acknowledgment one after another.

When Xue Tingxiang and others arrived, there was a yamen calling the name: "Xue Tingxiang and Mao Badou in Huyang Township..."

He recited a series of names, all of which were students who ended up in Qingyuan this time. Of course, there are also several names that are very unfamiliar, but they were requested by outsiders. Generally, to participate in the county examination, you must have a linsheng as a guarantee. If you don't have a linsheng as a guarantee, even if you are a genius, you will be expected to sigh.

So every time at this time, all the students are very busy. Of course, it's not just someone who comes as a guarantee, it must be someone you know and are close to. Since it is a guarantee, if there is an accident, you must be jointly and severally liable, so it is generally difficult and difficult to invite Linsheng to be a guarantee, not only to spend a lot of money, but also to spend a lot of favor.

But if it happens that the teacher or the husband is a student, it will be much cheaper.

After the yamen finished reading his name, he said, "Lin Sheng Lin Miao will be your guarantee."

While Xue Tingxiang and others bowed their heads, they heard a familiar voice: "Student Lin Miao is on bail."

It was faintly heard from above that the magistrate Xu was talking to Lin Miao, and there was already a small official who handed out test papers to everyone and led them to their respective seats.

Xue Tingxiang and others were immediately dispersed. Xue Tingxiang followed the yamen all the way to a seat. He was lucky, he was not assigned to the examination room, but got a seat in the corner of the court. Yaoji remembered that in that dream, he was very unlucky and was assigned to a test shed next to a thatched hut.

After being seated, there will be yamen officers patrolling back and forth, and it is forbidden to look left and right, whisper to each other, or even move seats or change positions.

Xue Tingxiang spread out the roll paper in his hand on the table, and saw six blank sheets of paper as manuscript paper, and another three sheets of submission paper as the main volume. He heard a rustling sound all around, but someone was already busy grinding, so he took out the inkstone and ink ingot from the book bag, and then took out the bamboo tube filled with water.

As all the candidates entered the venue, the sky gradually became brighter, followed by a rhythm of three cloud boards, and the audience was silent.

At this time, if someone whispers or stands up to do something, they will be punished for cheating. Anyone who dares to cheat in the county exam has only one result. They are thrown out to the public, and then, depending on the seriousness of the circumstances, they will be banned from taking the exam or not allowed to take the exam several times.

At this time, the first magistrate of the court, Xu County, spoke, and said a lot. Most of them are scenes of encouragement and promotion of the great achievements of the imperial court. After about a quarter of an hour, there were a few more sounds of cloud boards, and some yamen officers came down with the test question stickers.

Although the candidates kept their mouths shut, they subconsciously stretched their necks to visit. Xue Tingyan kept calm and sat in his seat. What is the use of visiting now, it will always come before us.

Sure enough, the yamen holding the exam questions passed in front of him, and he could see the exam questions above—

Women and Hui are also healed.