The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 84


That night, even Lin Miao knew that there was a candidate who was eating cakes and meat in the exam room today.

Not to mention Chen Jian and several others, Mao Badou even looked at Xue Tingxiang and laughed, saying that he really made a splash this time.

It's not a big show. Nowadays, no one knows that there is a candidate who eats cakes and meat in front of the Futai adults. As a result, the rules of the government exam have been changed, and the Futai adults have not commented in the hall. exam papers for candidates.

The other candidates didn't mention it, and the candidates who raised their seats would probably hate Xue Tingxiang to death.

After all, there are still a few people with stage fright, and most of them are in the top ten. They just want to show off in front of Lord Futai, and maybe they can come out on top. In any year, there are candidates who have been appreciated and won't be eligible to participate in the remaining two exams.

Because of this, when the second test started, Xue Tingxiang looked at him everywhere he went, and he didn't know which evil person helped spread the word, but no one knew his appearance.

Of course, in addition to looking sideways, there are many gloating misfortunes.

Still the chief? Offending Lord Futai, he will probably be the only candidate who is the leader of the case this year, but has been dropped!

Not to mention these, the remaining two games will be over soon. Because everyone's attention was on the first round, not only the examiners but also most of the candidates were careless in the next two rounds.

Ten days after the case was released, there was no depression everywhere in the city, instead it became more noisy.

Generally, after the candidates have finished the exam, they have to wait until the case is released before returning to their hometowns.

There were also people who came to invite Xue Tingxiang, but he always refused.

Now it is the cusp of the limelight, and I know that it is not good to invite him there. On the other hand, Mao Badou couldn't be idle for two days, so he and Li Datian accompanied him to various places of poetry clubs.

Going out this day, Mao Badou and Li Datian came back in the second half of the day, with anger on their faces, obviously something happened. After I asked, I found out that now someone outside has given Xue Tingxiang a nickname, and the beautiful name is 'Bread with Meat Case'.

This is naturally not a good word, it is obviously a sarcastic remark.

It is also crowded, and Xia County is not only a few Mao Badou who came to take the test, but some people told others that Mao Badou was the attendant of the 'pie and meat case head'.

Someone wanted to invite Xue Tingyan through the two of them, but Mao Badou naturally wouldn't agree, so there was that cheap guy.

"Let me say, that Wang Qi and Li Song must have done a good job!" Mao Badou sat down on the chair so tired after scolding the world.

"Okay, what are you doing to get angry with these people? If a dog bites you, you can still bite back?" Xue Tingyan said with a light smile.

"The problem is that this dog is too annoying. Let me say that the teacher shouldn't bring these two with me. They don't know the way!"

I really can't blame Mao Ba for being too vicious, but Wang Qi and Li Song are not with them. Usually, even if they met, they would be polite, but when the two entered Qingyuan, they originally wanted to become Lin Miao's disciples. Suddenly, there were a few more people in Xue Tingxiang out of thin air, so naturally they had nothing to do with them.

People never look for reasons in themselves, but habitually like to express their anger, so the two do not get along well with the four.

Forget Wang Qi, especially that Li Song. You say he's daring, but he's not. If you care about him, it seems that you are not generous enough. If you don't care about him, you feel uncomfortable.

"Don't say this kind of angry words casually. Be careful if the teacher hears you and will talk about you again." Li Datian said aside.

"Anyway, I think Ting Yan will definitely be able to pass the exam. If the Lord Futai really won't take you because you ate a piece of cake and meat, let's go to the government office together to make trouble! Eating is allowed in the exam room, so why is it contempt? I didn't bring it, if I brought it, I would eat it." Mao Badou slapped his thigh.

In addition to laughing, Xue Tingxiang was also moved, and said, "Okay, put your heart in your belly, and Lord Futai will not refuse to take me."

Although the other three didn't say anything, they were apprehensive.

For Chen Jian, he will definitely pass the government test this time, while Mao Badou and Li Datian are doing their best to obey the destiny. As for Xue Tingxiang, in their hearts, they were stable, and even Xiucai was not a problem. It would be a pity if he really fell at this level.

Based on this feeling, on the day the list was released, Mao Badou and Li Datian went to see the list early in the morning, and they also pulled Chen Jian on.

I didn't pull Xue Tingyan because I knew that he didn't want to go out, and I was also afraid that some ignorant person would come out and make sarcastic comments.

When it arrived, the list had just been posted.

In front of the school gate was surrounded by three floors inside and three floors outside, and it was densely packed with people, all crowding inside.

Chen Jian and Li Datian stayed away, but Mao Badou shouted 'Fight' and squeezed in.

He was born fat, took up space, and lost his strength, and wherever he went, he was shunned by ghosts. In the crowd, people kept scolding and scolding someone for being reincarnated by a starving ghost. But before I saw anyone, that person was crowded out of sight, and I couldn't find it.

Mao Badou finally squeezed to the front, first looked in the circle, and the first seat number made him laugh hahahaha.

He couldn't hold his breath with laughter, and someone next to him asked, "My dear fellow, did you pass the exam?"

"No, it's not me, it's my classmate."

For a time, everyone looked at him with the eyes of a fool, and you were very happy when your classmates were admitted!

Mao Badou was too lazy to pay attention to this group of people, and just as he continued to find other people's seat numbers, another yamen came to post with a big red list.

This list is full of names, in order from start to finish, that is, the fifty people who passed the government test this time. This list is also called the long case. On the group case, only the seat number is written, not the name. Therefore, many candidates can only find themselves when they look at the list, but not others. Unless it is like Mao Badou, who are very close and know each other's seat numbers.

The yamen left, and a group of candidates gathered around again.

Someone screamed: "Why, why is the countertop a pie with meat!?"

Following his call, everyone's eyes stayed on the top line of the long case, and Xue Tingxiang's three small characters were clearly written on it.

This realization made many people stunned, causing Chen Jian and Li Datian from the periphery to find an opportunity to squeeze in. The two laughed when they saw the list.

There was another horrific laughter, followed by a piercing excitement: "Ajian, you are at number five. Daejeon is at thirty-seven, hahahaha, I'm also here, although I'm hanging my tail again."

No, the bottom end of the long case, hanging precariously on the tail, is not written with three words - Mao Badou.

"Let's go, let's announce the good news to Ting Yan. What's wrong with the pie and meat? Only when you're full can you have the strength to write an article!! Hahahahaha..." There was another burst of wild laughter, and everyone watched the three go away. back, his eyes fixed.

Actually, all four of them were hit!

With Xue Tingxiang's 'famous fame', the names of the four Qingyuan sons were also known to everyone, and they knew that they were brothers and sisters, and they were still the same teacher.

Because of Mao Badou's words, the candidates who originally planned to leave after seeing the ranking did not leave. They waited for Cheng Wen to be posted by the government office. , what article was written.

After waiting from morning to noon, the yamen who posted Cheng Wen came slowly, and many candidates who were waiting in place were hungry.

It's not that the yamen is procrastinating, it's that the adults of his family, Futai, for some reason, have been hesitating to print out a candidate's article.

Finally, the words were sent above, and the print was rushed below, so it would be too late.

After the yamen officer left, all the candidates gathered around again. Cheng Wen of the other candidates didn't even look at them, so they went to the first place.

After reading it, some people are disdainful, some are contemptuous, some are thinking deeply, but no one is talking about anything in the street, and they all disappear.

In one day, countless people swarmed and dispersed. The next day, there were rumors that the reason why Biejiarou was able to get the case was not because he ate Biejiarou, but because he would flatter, and some people scolded Xue Tingxiang for being a hypocrite and shameless villain.

The reason why there is such a statement is because of the question of 'not following the rules'. When many examinees got this question that day, they secretly scolded this kind of outrageous question and took it out as the first question.

If you write according to the meaning of the original text, you will inevitably make a taboo and write it out of the original meaning, then it depends on how you write it.

How to write novel, to write brilliantly, to write eye-catching? This is nothing more than a must-have for Shiwen. In all the exam papers, if you can't write well, how can you show it.

It depends on each person's skills and divergent thinking. Some people break the rules, some people break and then stand up, and some people find a new way. Of course, some people stick to the rules and write long stories about how important the rules are.

Now I have left the examination room to see it, and combined with some gossip about the adults in Futai that have been circulated in private, it is not hypocritical, shameless, or flattering, that Bingjiarou eats Bingjiarou in the hall, and turns his head to write such an article. what is it

Don't look at other people's eating cakes and meat, but as long as the flattery is good, and the Futai adults are comfortable, it is not the case that the desk is firmly in hand.

However, these remarks are only spread in private, and no one dares to make trouble on the stage.

Not to mention whether people are flattering or not, at least on the surface, their articles are of a certain standard, just because they are the object of public attention, flattering is also the original sin.

You don't flatter yourself, how do you study the preferences of adults in Futai? There are those who are righteous and outspoken, and those who have committed pink eye disease are blocked back in one sentence.

Hearing this, Xue Tingxiang could only helplessly smile. On the other hand, Zhou Zuoxin was furious when he heard these gossips.

Is he flattering, is he flattering

Pacing back and forth a few times, he sat down on the chair. He is really flattering, the key point is that this flattery makes him not take him because he is a waste of publicity, so he can only take it!

Xue Qingshan saw that Zhao's family was delivering food here every day, but he didn't mention taking him back, so he began to pretend to be pitiful in front of Zhao's.

It's also talking about his own illness, and it's also saying that Widow Xue has to take care of him with a big belly. Zhao Shi felt distressed when he heard this, but he had no choice but to go back and chat with Mr. Xue every day.

Don't look at Mr. Xue's insistence, but he can't stand the pillow wind like this every day. He also went to see Xue Qingshan twice. He really lost a lot of weight and his face was sick.

He was still hesitating here, but Zhao shi, who had listened to someone's instigation, actually fell ill at home. The doctor also asked, and the medicine was taken, but it was useless at all, so Zhou and Sun had to take turns to wait in front of the bed.

After two days of trouble, the family also saw that it was intended to make him feel uncomfortable, and he was going to make trouble for the whole family.

Sure enough, within two days, Mr. Zhao called to himself that this time it was probably not going to work, and he had to watch his son beside him when he died. Mr. Xue roared at first, and finally became silent.

Zhao'er saw it in his eyes, but he knew it in his heart. It is estimated that Mr. Xue might not be able to hold on anymore. If the Zhao clan really wanted to get Xue Qingshan back through this matter, I am afraid that the patriarch would have nothing to say. After all, filial piety is the first priority, and preventing other sons from being filial, not to mention that the government will take care of them, will also be punished by heaven.

Country people especially believe this.

If Xue Qingshan really came back to Xue's house and stayed with the excuse of Shiji, as long as Mr. Zhao didn't say that he was well, he would not leave for one day, wouldn't it still be the same as before

But other people can't say anything. After all, what they haven't done yet, how come you know it so early? !

Zhao shi has not been able to enter the rice for many days. At first, he could still howl, but now he can't even howl. The whole person lost weight, her face was sallow, and it could be seen that she was cruel this time.

The Xue family was silent, and a low pressure was brewing invisible.

"The third child!" Mr. Xue shouted from the front of the main room.

"Father, what's the matter?" Xue Qingbai came out of the three houses.

"Go, go and call your eldest brother back. Your mother is so ill, and she keeps talking about him. She always wants to show her."

This was finally said, and everyone was not surprised.

Zhao'er sighed in the room, but he was worried. What if the little man came back from the city and knew that Xue Qingshan was back

She has thought about it a lot these days, but there is no good way to stop this.

Outside the house, Xue Qingbai murmured and said, "Father, if Tingzi is back..."

Mr. Xue paused for a while before waving his hand: "Come on." He sighed: "Let's talk about it when he comes back."

Xue Qingbai turned to go out, and just as he reached the gate, a person ran in as if someone was chasing him.

He was out of breath, and as soon as he stood firm, he shouted: "Uncle Lianxing, your family, your dog has passed the government test, and it is, again, the chief of the case, the first name of our Pingyang Palace! The county magistrate! He came to our village in person, and is now at Lizheng's home."