The Little First Grand Secretary in My House

Chapter 91


When Xue Tingxiang heard Zhao'er's intention, his eyes darkened on the spot.

He tried his best to hold back the violent feeling in his heart. For some reason, the closer he and Zhao'er's wedding date in the dream was, the more nervous he would somehow get. Always afraid of accidents, always afraid of repeating the same mistakes, always afraid - she will die...

It was clear that the reality and the dream were very far apart. At this time in the dream, he was still studying hard at the Qinghe Academy, and he was awkward with Zhao'er. But now he has won the office in a row, the fame of Xiucai has been obtained, and the two are about to get married. So he will definitely not repeat the same mistakes, and Zhao'er will definitely not die, but he is just afraid...

Maybe because of that dream, the most crucial part was missing.

Xue Tingxiang took a deep breath, suppressing the urge to say no, and instead asked Zhaoer what to do.

Zhao'er was a little hesitant, but he told the truth.

After listening to this, Xue Tingxiang breathed a sigh of relief, but was also somewhat dissatisfied: "Why didn't you tell me about this?"

Zhao'er blinked, but didn't speak, but that obviously meant that you didn't know how to do business. What should I tell you to do

Xue Tingyan pursed her lower lip lightly, and had to admit that Zhao'er was the only person who could make him feel frustrated. Even in that dream, it seemed like this. He would always feel frustrated and powerless towards her.

He once analyzed that it was nothing more than Zhao'er's character.

She is independent, autonomous, and capable, and it seems that it doesn't matter if she has him or not. She could support herself, and she might be better off even without him.

That's it, it's too light to be too heavy, frustrated and powerless but want to hold her tightly, never lose her hand. The one in the dream couldn't handle such complicated emotions at all. Fortunately, he had this dream and matured a lot.

"We are the closest people in the world. I will tell you everything. Shouldn't you tell me anything? Even if I can't help, I can always share." Xue Tingxiang said silently.

When Zhao'er heard the closest person in the world, she couldn't help but think of the scene of her and the little man after her parents died. His eyes softened, let alone his breath.

"Even if I wanted to tell you, I couldn't help it, you weren't home at that time." After a pause, she added, "You don't know now."

"Then what are you going to do now?"

Zhao'er told him what he had left behind and what he planned to do this time.

There was surprise in Xue Tingxiang's eyes, but he was not surprised. In that dream, Zhao'er was quite talented in business, but unfortunately that talent was stifled by him.

Thinking of this, his eyes darkened: "I'll go with you."

In a certain village in Wanqing Township, Xia County, dozens of villagers gathered around a carriage.

This carriage is no different from ordinary carriages. The only difference is that there are two big characters 'Hu Ji' printed on the wall of the carriage, and the clothes of the black and thin man who is driving also have the logo of 'Hu Ji' on the clothes. .

The villagers were very indignant, blocking the road to prevent the carriage from going, and insisting that the driver say something ugly.

The driver was a black and thin man. His appearance was not outstanding at all, but his tone and attitude were very arrogant.

He stood up from the cab, stared at him and said, "If you still don't let go, do you still want to sell the vegetables to us, Hu Ji? I've told you several times that the price of the vegetables is set by the above. It doesn't matter if I run errands, why are you stopping me!"

"Why doesn't it have anything to do with you? We don't know any nonsense or not, we know you! In less than a month, the price of vegetables has been forced by you from ten cents to several cents. You are trying to make a fool of yourself. Our hard-earned money!"

"Yes, yes!"

"Usually, even if the price of vegetables has fallen, it will not fall so fast."

"I have a relative in the town who is working in the restaurant. He happens to be helping in the back kitchen. You take the cheaply bought vegetables from us and sell them to the restaurant at a high price. Don't think we don't know!" In the crowd, there was a Villagers Road.

"Black-hearted profiteer!"

"If you don't give an explanation today, don't leave today!"

The villagers were filled with righteous indignation, and the black and thin man couldn't help feeling a little flustered when he saw this, and scolded: "Who said that we Hu Ji buy cheap and sell high, stand up for Lao Tzu and see if I don't smash his mouth, who doesn't know that we Hu Ji are the best in business. It’s about integrity. You dare to sell meat for a few rotten leaves, why don’t you be robbers!”

"Even if you are robbers, you are still you, and you Hu Ji are robbers, and you will swindle our hard-earned money."

The villagers were scolding, and the black and thin man was no match for him, so he could only say: "Okay, we are robbers, we will not accept your food, okay!"

As soon as they heard this, the villagers panicked. It was true that they wanted to sell at a high price, but they did not want to sell.

What if you don't sell it? This dish is different from other things. In this weather, it will wilt after a day, and it will be worthless at that time, and it will be all in your hands.

"Why don't you accept our dishes, these dishes are obviously what you want."

"That's right, why!"

But in the end there is still little to say, most of them are hesitant.

Seeing this, the black and thin man is even more confident: "Don't listen to some people, you don't know how much this dish can sell? You didn't know why the price of the vegetable was high before? Let me say, you made a profit. It will be enough for a while, I really thought it was a golden lump of ginseng, and I plan to build a house with these vegetables, marry a wife, have children, and support the whole family? Come on, in the daytime, stop dreaming."

"Why are you talking like that!"

"What's wrong with me talking like this? Hurry up and start, don't want to sell, there are many people who sell it, the real master asks you to fail!"

The black and thin man was about to drive away, but was stopped by the villagers.

"Can you add another text?"

"Don't add a penny, do you like to sell it or not!" The black and thin man looked down at these people condescendingly.

In the end, these villagers succumbed, which is better than smashing vegetables in their hands.

And this kind of situation was also staged in many places at the same time, and Hu Ji, who was pleasant and pleasant earlier, changed his previous attitude and became evil.

Of course, there are also villagers who are reluctant to sell vegetables to Hu Ji at a low price, but plan to pick them up and sell them in the town.

There are many people who think this way, not a few.

It's a pity that they were stopped before entering the town. These people are Hu Ji's people.

"Where are you going to pick up the vegetables? You lied to us before that there were no vegetables at home, but now you are picking vegetables to sell in private. Who are you stupid, but don't forget that you signed a contract with us. Our master has someone in the county government office, and there are people who really take the deed seriously, so let's go to the county government office to discuss what's going on."

After this, some villagers were scared away, leaving only a few daring villagers, but unfortunately the number was too small to make it happen.

There were also villagers and Hu Ji making a fuss, but what was ushered in was a good fight.

The villagers have no resistance at all, and can only sit and watch the price of vegetables drop day by day, even lower than before Hu Ji appeared.

By this time, many villagers have regretted it. When Wang Ji and those people accepted their vegetables, the price of vegetables has been kept at a relatively stable level.

Even when the price of vegetables is the lowest in the year, the price of vegetables will never be lowered to this point. But now it's too late to say anything. They are greedy for money and join forces with Hu Ji to force Wang Ji's people away. Hu Ji lost his restraints and blackened his conscience.

Xu county magistrate returned to the mansion behind the county government office, and saw his always virtuous and gentle wife scolding a few servants with harsh words.

He sat down on the chair before looking at his wife who was sitting next to him, whose anger had not yet subsided.

"What happened, why are you so angry?"

"Master, you don't know, these scumbags are so heartless! We are a family of four. In the past, the cost of vegetables and meat was only two silvers a month, but this month it has more than tripled."

The Xu family was not very well-off, and he was born into a small family. The annual salary of a seventh-rank county magistrate was only a few dozen taels of silver. And Xu county magistrate still has to support the old mother at home and subsidize the brothers, so it is inevitable that the money will be tight.

Before, Mrs. Xu discovered that Cai Jin had been rising again and again, but the servants in this mansion were equipped by the county government. Unexpectedly, her tolerance has made these slaves more and more rampant, and this month's Cai Jin has climbed to an unbelievable height.

Now how can Mrs. Xu hold back, she will change her past temperament and reprimand Diao slave.

But just as Mrs. Xu was telling the truth, the people kneeling below kept shouting that they were wronged.

After speaking here, the other side is busy suing the grievance: "Master, it's not that I waited for the money to buy vegetables in secret, but the price of vegetables in the market has been high recently. Madam and girl are used to vegetarianism, in order to buy those fresh vegetables. We have tried our best to buy the dishes. Every day to buy those dishes, we only have to travel all over the county, and we really don’t deserve to be so slandered by Mrs.”

The old woman next to me who was in charge of shopping also told how the price of vegetables had risen recently. From a few articles two months ago to a dozen articles recently, I have been lamenting that the price of vegetables is actually higher than the price of meat. But in order to serve the lady and girl well, they could only buy and do it.

How did these people know that Mrs. Xu and the magistrate Xu were married, and they had been living with magistrate Xu in the early years. Xu county magistrate has only been an official for a few years, because he has no background, and his family has no money to honor the peak.

The only difference is that the place where he was before is poorer and more remote than Xia County. To put it bluntly, it is a place where birds don't shit. And now in Xia County, it's much better than the place where birds don't shit.

The person's vision is so, before, no one flattered the magistrate's wife, because everyone was poor. Today, many wealthy households have come to make friends, but the magistrate of Xu has just arrived, and he has not yet established a firm foothold, and he does not dare to mess with people.

In Mrs. Xu's eyes, meat must be more expensive than vegetables. But her dignified magistrate's wife, how could she say this in front of her servants, she can only claim that in order to maintain her body, she not only eats it herself, but also eats it with her own daughter.

Therefore, the current situation of the Xu family is that the two women and Taoists like to eat vegetarian food, and they try to save meat and vegetables for Xu county magistrate and the only son. Who would have thought that such a thing would happen that the price of vegetables is higher than the price of meat , which is why Mrs. Xu is particularly unacceptable.

Naturally, this kind of thing can't be told to the next person, but Xu county magistrate knows it well. Seeing the lady with her head half bowed and her cheeks red with embarrassment, he sighed with love and sigh in his heart, all kinds of complicated.

But at the same time, he also realized that something was wrong. He had heard from the people under the county government before, saying that the price of vegetables was higher than the price of meat, but he just thought it was an exaggeration.

"There must be profiteers profiting from it. After I find out, Master, I will be severely punished."

Rising to such a height, Mrs. Xu's face was saved for a while, and she was covered in front of several servants. After the people went down, the magistrate Xu first comforted his wife, then turned his head and ordered the people below to find out what was going on.

It's just that this kind of thing is easy to find out. The yamen went to the market and asked each vegetable stall one by one. The price of the food is really high.

After careful inquiries, I found out that because last year's harvest farmers had a good year, this year, in order to produce more food, many farmers have planted their vegetable fields with food. And the land in Xia County is not very fertile, the weather is not very good, the weather is cold, sandy and flooded, and the output of vegetables is naturally not as good as those in the south of the Yangtze River.

Scarce means scarcity, and lack means high price. This is also human nature.

The yamen reported the incident to the Xu county magistrate.

The county magistrate Xu came from a slightly cold background, and he knew how much the farmers attached importance to food. But the price of this dish is really bizarrely high. It's only August now, and when there are fewer and fewer cold dishes in October, can this dish still be sold at a sky-high price

Just when he was at a loss, secretly wondering if he could grow vegetables at home and be self-sufficient, someone came to report Xue Xiucai to see him.

The magistrate Xu didn't know who it was at first, thinking that a scholar came to ask him to be the honor of the county. Immediately after the yamen reminded that it was Xue's case, he realized that it was Xue Tingxiang.


Not long after, Xue Tingxiang was invited up.

He was wearing a staff shirt, with red lips and white teeth, a tall figure and a dignified appearance. It's just that his face is a little more immature, but the calmness between his eyebrows has reduced this immaturity.

Xue Tingxiang stepped forward and saluted before sitting down at the next seat.

The two exchanged polite greetings for a while, and the Xu county magistrate seemed very warm, changing his usual majesty in front of people. In addition, in the name of Xue Tingxiang asking for teaching, the conversation between the two was not cold.

However, after this conversation, the county magistrate could see that Xue Tingxiang had come to the door for something. He didn't hold it, but took the initiative to ask.

"Students have some personal matters this time, and I want to trouble the county magistrates. Of course, it is also for the people's livelihood, and at the same time, I did something wrong because I was confused for a while. ."

Magistrate Xu became curious, but he was not curious about people's livelihood, but Xue Tingxiang seemed to be young, so why did he marry a wife

Seemingly seeing Magistrate Xu's curiosity, Xue Tingxiang explained it.