The Little Officials of the Song Dynasty

Chapter 116: The wind blows me to Zhongzhou


Lu Fang, the son of Taigong Lu of Lujiazhuang, the trapped island of Songjiang Mansion in Songjiang, is nicknamed the "Drilling Rat". He has four sworn brothers, namely, Han Zhang, the gopher mouse, Xu Qing, the gopher mouse, Jiang Ping, the river mouse, and Bai Yutang, the golden-haired mouse. , The five people are called the five rats, also known as the five righteousness, and Lu Fang is the first.

Earlier, the fifth brother Bai Yutang stole to Tokyo to provoke the imperial cat. Lu Fang was worried that he would cause a big disaster, but instead of a disaster, there was news that his young and vigorous younger brother had served as an escort in Kaifeng Mansion and also Invite their four older brothers to Tokyo.

Not to mention that Bai Yutang is now in Tokyo, this Kaifeng is a forest of heroes from five parties, a source of thieves and strong men. After discussing with the other three brothers, Lu Fang decided to go to Tokyo to have a look.

Lu Fang condemned Han Zhang, Xu Qing and Jiang Ping to go on the road first, and he himself settled here on the trapped island before going to Tokyo.

Lu Fang has been to Tokyo before, but it has been a long time, and this time, it is really different. He entered the city slowly, only to see the prosperity everywhere, and couldn't help but admire in his heart, as expected of Kyoto.

There were many teenagers near the city gate, holding some pamphlets in their hands to sell, and when they saw foreigners, they would go up to them. Lu Fang looked left and right, and immediately a half-old child came up, "Is Uncle a foreigner?"

Lu Fang nodded, "Someone is from Songjiang Prefecture."

"Looks like you, this is your first time here?" The child raised the pamphlet in Yang's hand, "I have Tokyo boutique travel guides, shopping guides and other items, which cover the fun and delicious places in Tokyo, and also Where to buy specialty products, you can get everything, as long as four cents, it's a good deal! And this content is absolutely reliable, it comes from the post station that receives foreign envoys, and they all wait for those envoys to go to these places. !"

Lu Fang found it interesting, "I'll take a look."

He took a book and flipped through it, and there were indeed many attractions written on it, with detailed addresses, precautions, etc., which was very convenient. As long as four cents, it is not expensive. Lu Fang directly gave him eight cents of money and bought both.

Lu Fang took two pamphlets and continued to walk into the city while reading. He did not immediately inquire about the direction of the Kaifeng government office, but planned to stroll around and eat something.

When I walked to a bridge, I saw some commotion on the opposite street. It was a horse-drawn carriage that was startled. The horse snorted and ran towards the river.

When Lu Fang saw it, he immediately stuffed the booklet into his arms. Seeing that it was too late, he flew down from the bridge, stepped on the ferry a few times, and landed by the river.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the driver jumped out of the car, but there were still shouts from the car, and there were obviously people inside.

Lu Fang took out a short knife and cut off the rope fastened to the horse. He supported the carriage, so the horse jumped into the river, and the carriage nearly overturned to the bank. Lu Fang stepped forward again and helped out a young man with weak legs.

The young man's face was pale, and he thanked him repeatedly, saying that if it wasn't for Lu Fang, he would have been planted here today.

At this time, the coachman came over timidly. The young man got angry when he saw it, kicked him and told him to dispose of the coach and the horse. He took out a big bag from the coach and told Lu Fang Dao: "Engong, it's noon now. If you don't have any food, I'll invite you to eat some."

Lu Fang was also refreshing, saying that he was a foreigner, so he would be troubled.

Since the young man can afford to sit in a carriage, he naturally has some wealth. He and Lu Fang passed the name. The original surname was Jiang.

"I don't like the brewed tea in Tokyo nowadays, but I was surprised just now. It's not bad to eat chrysanthemum tea." Jiang Liu said, and called Dr. Tea, "Bring me a pot of chrysanthemum tea, I want to smell it. scented tea."

That Dr. Tea smiled and said: "Don't you want to eat mixed herbal tea?"

Jiang Liu hummed: "I'm neither a girl, nor do I like arty style. The mixed scented tea looks good, but the taste is not as good as the scented scented tea."

Lu Fang was a little confused, "I've heard of scented scented tea, but, what is this mixed scented tea?" In the past six months, scented scented tea has swept the Song Dynasty, and the tea has also been split into half of the country. Lu Fang himself had also drank jasmine tea, which was really good.

"Mixed scented tea is new, if your benefactor is from outside, you may not have seen it before." Jiang Liu said when he saw this, "In this case, you have a pot of mixed scented tea, and you want the country's beauty and heavenly fragrance."

Dr. Cha agreed, and when he went down and came up again, he had a set of glass tea vessels in his hand.

Lu Fang's eyes were a little straight, and he didn't know why he was drinking tea with a glass vessel.

The Dr. Tea placed the colored glass teacup in front of Lu Fang, and put something in it. The thing was round and round, like a ball made of many tea leaves. At this time, Dr. Cha heated the water again, and the tea balls slowly disperse in the water when they meet the hot water. Then, a purple-red peony flower actually bloomed from it.

The peony flowers bloom slowly and flow together with the color of the glass, which is really beautiful.

Lu Fang was amazed when he saw it, "Who came up with this, it's so beautiful."

Not only is it beautiful, but it is also very expensive, Dr. Cha thought to himself.

Lu Fang took a sip, and the tea scent was floral and light, which was completely different from ordering tea. Even if Lu Fang doesn't know how to taste tea, he can feel something interesting.

Jiang Liu bent down again at this time, and took out a green melon from the bag he was holding, but it didn't look like a winter melon or any other melon. I don't know what it was.

Lu Fang was amazed, Jiang Liu had already called someone to bring a knife, and while cutting the melons, he said: "I just bought three watermelons today, Engong, let's try it. I'm afraid this is not available in other places in the Song Dynasty, unless It is a prefecture and county close to the Liao Kingdom."

"Watermelon?" Lu Fang didn't know what it was anymore, but when he saw the red flesh of the melon, everything was juicy, and even though he hadn't tasted it, he couldn't help swallowing.

At this time, another diners came over and asked to buy Jiang Liu's melon. The price was so high that Lu Fang couldn't understand it, and it was even more expensive than the eggplant gourd.

Jiang Liu refused with words, saying that there was no market at the moment, and it was rare for him to buy three.

As soon as Lu Fang heard that it was so precious, he quickly said, "Then the virtuous brother should take it back by himself!"

Jiang Liu shook his head, "Don't say that. Although the price of watermelon is high, your kindness is more valuable. Besides, you have cut everything and brought it back. Are you kidding me?"

Lu Fang is not a person to be pranked. Hearing this, he nodded, "Then it is your kindness."

Lu Fang took a piece of watermelon and ate it, only to feel thirst-quenching and refreshing, sweet and delicious, he drank tea, ate the melon, and chatted with Jiang Liu.

Lu Fang took out the shopping guide and travel guide he bought to Jiang Liu. Jiang Liu is an authentic Bianjing native. He also said that the guide was compiled very similar, but it seemed a little different to say that it was spread from the inn. Too reliable, I am afraid it is to raise the price.

Lu Fang agreed, and when the dishes came, Lu Fang ate the special dishes of this restaurant and thanked him again, "My brother-in-law is on duty at the Kaifeng Mansion, I thought I would go to him after finishing the meal myself. Unexpectedly, I met a local man called Brother Xian, and took me to eat such a good meal, which is really cheap for me."

Jiang Liu heard it, but had a strange look on his face, "Engong, why do you have to settle the meal yourself and then go to Kaifeng Mansion to find your brother?"

Lu Fang chuckled, "One is to go shopping, and secondly, at noon, he must also be eating public chefs, so I won't join in the fun, and wait for him to come out for wine and meat at night."

Jiang Liu: "..."

Jiang Liu couldn't help laughing and crying: "Aiya, then you have suffered a great loss! Eunuch, you may not know that there is no better food than Kaifeng Palace!"

Lu Fang: "Huh?"

Lu Fang listened to Jiang Liu's detailed explanation, and only then did he know that after Bao Zheng, the prefect of Kaifeng Mansion, took office, he made a lot of adjustments in the mansion. Among the public chefs, experts were invited, and the meal was so delicious that even the official family had passed down the dishes, and the recipes that came out casually were spread all over Bianjing.

"I didn't expect it..." Lu Fang scratched his head. After all, it was always recognized that the Yamen's public chef's food was average, and the world was the same. Who would have known that the Kaifeng Yamen's food turned out to be very good. He didn't hear the fifth brother mention it in the letter. what.

If this is the case, Lu Fang is looking forward to the days to come. After all, he will live in Kaifeng Mansion, and he has to consider whether to join the government.

After having a meal with Jiang Liu, Jiang Liu also gave Lu Fang the remaining half of the watermelon, and the two of them said goodbye.

Lu Fang carried half of the watermelon and asked all the way to Kaifeng Mansion, and informed him of his name. The concierge immediately knew that he was the righteous brother of Bai Yutang Bai Guard, and three had already come before, so he skillfully went in to find him. Bai Yutang.

Lu Fang entered Kaifeng Mansion and was startled again.

It's not like a government office, it's like... a vegetable field.

In addition to the walking places, vegetables are grown almost everywhere, but there are no flowers and plants. At a glance, there are many prisoners who are busy with farming under the supervision of the guards, carrying water, and fertilizing. Occasionally, some officials in official uniforms can still be seen, and they are also busy.

Lu Fang suddenly became a little dazed, "What is this... doing?"

The person who led the way saw Lu Fang's appearance, and said quite proudly: "This is the characteristic of our Kaifeng mansion, and other officials are also envious. I want to learn it, but not everyone can approve it. Although there are cases of criminals growing vegetables, but usually After the official business is over, everyone will still be the same as before, planting vegetables and relaxing. The vegetables that are planted will not be eaten in the house, and they can still be sold."

This... This is the most unusual government office Lu Fang has ever seen. Is the fifth brother working in such a place

Lu Fang's eyes and ears are sensitive, he turned his head and noticed a raccoon cat jumping over the roof.

The person leading the way said quietly: "That's the rat catcher of our government office..."

Lu Fang: "..."

Although it took less than a cup of tea to come in, Lu Fang felt that this Kaifeng Mansion was really poisonous...

He followed the man to the shift room, and saw an official who touched his stomach and took out a bunch of melon rinds.

Lu Fang thought to himself, just now in the main store, Brother Jiang clearly said that this watermelon is difficult to buy. He also saw with his own eyes that someone raised the price and mentioned that it was higher than the eggplant, but now it seems that since the officials of Kaifeng House can Affordable, should not be so rare, right

Entering the classroom, Lu Fang saw his fifth brother, Bai Yutang, sitting on a chair with his feet on the table, holding a glass of iced watermelon juice in his hand, sucking with a reed tube in his mouth, with a lazy expression on his face. Yes, someone next to him was saying to him seriously: "Yutang, this is the third glass of iced watermelon juice you've had. If you do this again, you'll have a stomachache..."

"You care..." Bai Yutang was talking when he caught a glimpse of Lu Fang and jumped up, "Big Brother!"

Bai Yutang put down the watermelon juice, rushed up and hugged Lu Fang with a smile, "Brother, you're here, I've been waiting so hard!"

Lu Fang smiled and said, "I see that you are very happy, where are you suffering?"

Bai Yutang blushed and quibble: "My heart is bitter, my heart..." He looked at what Lu Fang was holding and changed the subject, "What are you holding?"

Lu facilitated to take out the watermelon and told him that he had saved a person before, and that person gave it.

Bai Yutang nodded, "This person is not bad."

The person who said Bai Yutang earlier also came over and said, "Brother Lu Fang, it's been a long time!"

Lu Fang looked at him curiously, "Who is Your Excellency?"

"In Xia Zhanzhao, I met Brother Lu Fang in Mohua Village, but you never knew me." This person is Zhanzhao.

Only then did Lu Fang know that this is Zhan Zhao. He was worried that his fifth brother would go to Beijing to find Zhan Zhao trouble, and he stayed in Kaifeng Mansion. There would be a rift between the two of them, but when he saw it, it was much better than he imagined.

"It turned out to be Nanxia, I've admired it for a long time!" In front of Bai Yutang, Lu Fang would not be ignorant to mention the name of the Royal Cat.

"Don't dare, just call my name." Zhan Zhao had a chat with Lu Fang. He knew that Lu Fang was called by Bai Yutang. He had seen Lu Fang's person before, and naturally hoped that Lu Fang would also stay, so he knew that Lu Fang was called by Bai Yutang. Very nicely told him about things in Fuchu.

Lu Fang was full of curiosity about Kaifeng Mansion, but now he naturally listens carefully and asks questions from time to time.

Bai Yutang also added, just as he was talking, a 16- or 17-year-old boy came in outside the classroom, holding a plate of grilled meat wrapped on bamboo skewers, "Who called for a barbecue takeaway?"

Bai Yutang stood up immediately, "I called it, why did you bring it here?"

"Have a barbecue in the afternoon... I happened to meet you at the door, so I helped deliver it along the way." The young man brought the roasted meat over, and Lu Fang suddenly smelled a very strong aroma.

Bai Yutang pointed to the young man and introduced to Lu Fang: "I said in the letter earlier that I swore to people in Bianjing, and this is my stepson, Yun Yanhui, who is my sworn brother. However, we Jianghu people have our own opinions. Seniority, just call him Brother Yan."

Lu Fang saw that this young man was handsome and cute. Judging from his footsteps and breath, he had no martial arts skills, but he was very endearing with a smile on his face, so he felt a little good in his heart and said hello.

The booklet Lu Fang had bought before was accidentally exposed, and asked Yan Ge'er to see it and stared at it. He simply took it out and said with a smile: "When I entered the city, someone was selling it, and I thought it was written. Yes, I bought two copies."

Before Brother Yan said anything, Bai Yutang had already shouted, "It's a loss, what are you buying this for? There's a living guide standing here."

Lu Fang looked at Bai Yutang in confusion, "What?"

Bai Yutang pointed at Brother Yan who was smiling shyly, "Well, the route in this guide was originally made by him."

Brother Yan also said: "I'm ashamed, I always mess around in the market, and I entered the Kaifeng government office, so I still know Bianjing well."

Lu Fang smiled, "It's my fault that I didn't know, I wasted eight copper coins in vain."

It's not that everyone is short of the eight cents of money, Bai Yutang just shouted, let's talk about it here, and ask Lu Fang to eat the roasted meat together.

There is no such kind of roasted meat in Songjiang Prefecture. According to Bai Yutang, it seems to be the flavor of the Southern Miao people. Lu Fang can't eat spicy food, but the roasted meat, or the barbecue, is really fragrant and tempting, so he endured it. Couldn't stop eating a few more.

Bai Yutang sighed again, "It's a pity that I'm on duty at this time, otherwise I'd be able to bring some wine to order. Big brother, I don't know, this wine is self-brewed by the Kaifeng mansion.

Lu Fang is also a person who loves wine. Hearing this, he felt itchy, and when he heard that it was made by the mansion, he sighed for a while: "I think this Kaifeng mansion is so particular about it, you guys are so happy. ."

Brother Yan then said with a smile: "So, my brother, didn't you call Big Brother Lu over to have a good time together?"

Not to mention, Lu Fang was really moved. The atmosphere in Kaifeng Mansion was much better than he imagined. When he came in, he could see that everyone was busy, but they were rigorous and friendly. Even his fifth brother remembered to relax and return home. Relax, no offense.

Lu Fang said in his mouth: "After I have talked with the second, third, and fourth brothers... Speaking of which, where are they now?"

"It's me who bothered them." Brother Yan said embarrassedly.

"What's the trouble? It's a good job," Bai Yutang said. "It's the famous Daxiangguo Temple Food Festival. It's about to start. I'll invite them to try it out. I'll be back every day these few days."

Lu Fang couldn't help laughing, "There is such a good thing."

Bai Yutang pointed at Brother Yan, "This kid is a lay disciple of the great monk there, so he put the three older brothers in, but the older brother came late, but when the food festival opens, you will have to pay for it. ."

Lu Fang nodded, "That's natural. When you come to Bianjing at this time, how can you not go to the food festival in Daxiangguo Temple?"

Brother Yan blinked, "Is this food festival also famous in Songjiang Prefecture?"

"That's natural," Lu Fang said. "Not only in Songjiang Prefecture, but also famous elsewhere. In Songjiang Prefecture, I heard that there are old gluttons who go to Beijing specifically to go to the food festival. After coming back, he talked about it for a year and a half. Zai. However, for you Bianjing people, especially if you are a lay disciple, it should be regarded as normal."

Brother Yan said embarrassedly, "Yeah..."