The Lofty Fierce Consort

Chapter 110


There are two layers of curtains inside and outside of this bunk bed, and the outer curtain is put down, as if it were an independent space.

Luo Huaiyuan got up from his feet and sat on the edge of the bed.

This fellow's attitude was too calm and natural, and he kept talking to Yan Yan, and Yan Yan didn't notice the strangeness at this time.

Luo Huaiyuan naturally said that this time he was kicked out of the palace, including the reasons for it, and it was exactly the same as what Yan Yan thought at the time. But he's a very good storyteller, telling it in a way that's compelling and engaging. Yan Yan listened attentively, but she didn't notice that this fellow came over a little bit.

When he discovered the abnormality, he was already very close to him, and his hand was also grabbed.

"Sister Ayan, do you like the flowers I gave you?"

"Which color do you prefer?"

"I think that purple rose suits you very well!"

"Have you been thinking about me lately? Are you thinking more than you used to?"

"I miss you every day, and I really want to marry you home quickly!"

It was like a barrage of cannons, one sentence after another, causing Yan Yan to not know how to answer for a while.

The person in front of him was familiar, yet unfamiliar. Familiar is because almost every day he will be sent flowers, with a small card in it, in which he will say some nonsense, strange because it seems that he has not seen him for a long time.

He actually gained some weight again!

"Why are you getting fat again!" Yan Yan said in disgust in order to cover up her embarrassment.

The fat face that smiled like a flower suddenly turned into a bitter face.

"Really? Are you really fat?"

It looks like a mourning exam, pitiful, the dimple on the left cheek is gone, the corners of the eyes are not raised, and the corners of the mouth are drooping. He covered his eyes with his fat hands and pretended to cry, "You despise me for being fat. I've been fat since I was a child, but it's not like you don't know, why do you despise me now! The Lun family likes you so much..."


Yan Yan didn't expect this kind of reaction from the other party, and was a little stunned all of a sudden.

Luo Huaiyuan seemed to be extremely sad, so he rushed up, hugged Yan Yan and began to express his feelings of injury.

"Then what, I didn't despise you..."

"You have!" a mournful voice.

"Not really."

"You have it!" He was absolutely determined, with a righteous accusation.

"I really don't."

"You have!"

hum hum hum...

Luo Huaiyuan squeezed his fat face against Yan Yan's neck, rubbing while squeezing, complaining and humming in his mouth. His hands and feet also began to become dishonest. His hands were fat and soft. In addition, he was constantly tossing, and he had already wiped several handfuls of oil secretly, but Yan Yan didn't even notice it.

It wasn't until the snort of this guy started to go wrong that Yan Yan realized that the little pigeon on her chest was actually caught.

This guy's attitude is too arrogant, he says 'I was disliked by others, my heart hurts so much', but he touched and rubbed his hands excitedly.

"You, you, what are you doing!"

"I didn't do anything!" The fellow let go of his hand as if nothing had happened, and said shamelessly, "I found that you are swollen, I will rub it for you!"

Yan Yan's brain exploded.

Even if she is not familiar with the world, she will not take obscenity as a good intention!

Her hands reacted faster than her brain, and she grabbed Luo Huaiyuan's shirt and turned over to press him down, waving her fists on it.

"You fat bastard, stinky bastard..."

Luo Huaiyuan cried out in grief and kept begging for mercy. It seems pitiful, but if you observe carefully, you can find that this product is pretending, with a look of enjoyment on his face. During this period of being beaten, his 'panicked' fat hand touched Yan Yan's jade leg inadvertently.

Rub it, rub it again, and enjoy it.

There was too much movement inside, and Evian, who was watching the night outside, seemed to hear something wrong, and the voice came in from outside.

"Girl, something is wrong!"

Yan Yan froze for a while, cleared her throat, and said, "It's okay, I had a nightmare. I woke up now, you don't need to come in."

Evian responded vaguely, and seemed to be in a sweet sleep again.

The house was very quiet at this time.

The huge bed was tossed and messed up, the pillow fell to the ground, and the futon sheets were messed up.

I don't know when the two's postures became extremely ambiguous, Yan Yan was on top, Luo Huaiyuan was on the bottom, Yan Yan was riding on Luo Huaiyuan's soft stomach. Only then did she react, and she moved slightly, and the cushion under her swayed.

Yan Yanyu's face was flushed, and she wanted to get down, but was held tightly by someone, and then she turned over and was pressed down. She was about to break free, but someone grabbed her hand and blew it nervously.

"Yanyan, does it hurt? Does your hand hurt?"

The voice was close to murmuring, and it seemed to be full of endless pain and pity.

She was already in an embarrassing situation, and in such an ambiguous situation, coupled with the murmur of pain, Yan Yan's face turned even redder, and even her ears turned red.

This guy continued to blow the pain shamelessly, and it was not enough to blow, so he kissed him twice, and he just nibbled on it.

"What are you doing, throw it away, get up—"

Unconsciously, the voice became charming like a pool of soft water.

Luo Huaiyuan naturally discovered this change.

Hey, I'm not afraid that you are just steel, as long as you are enlightened!

One struggled to remember, the other pretended to be dead and didn't move, which was an extremely awkward posture, and it was not right to rub against it.

Yan Yan saw that the other party's expression was extremely strange, like pain and pleasure, so she couldn't help but push him.

"What's the matter with you? Get up quickly, I'll be angry if you play dead again!"

Luo Huaiyuan struggled to turn over and lay down for a while before sitting up.

"You dare to do this next time, I'm not, I'm not..."

He smiled thiefly, but said pitifully: "This time it was purely an accident, Yanyan, did you hurt your hand? I have thick skin and flesh!"

Flatteringly, he came over and wanted to hold Yan Yan's hand to see.

Yan Yan waved him away and raised her eyebrows coldly: "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

He smiled dryly, and said, "I just told you about the palace."

"Now that it's over, you can go!"

He looked like he didn't want to leave.

"Men are not allowed to come to my daughter's boudoir, especially if you dare to visit my boudoir at night!"

"Aren't we getting married soon? I miss you, and I was afraid that you would worry about me, so I ran over to talk to you."

Yan Yan blushed, "I didn't worry about you!"

Luo Huaiyuan smiled and mumbled softly: "I know Yanyan must be worried about her husband, it must be like this..."

When Yan Yan raised his fist, he jumped out of the bed with lightning speed.

"Then what, Yanyan, let's see you on the New Year's Day. I'll pick you up to enjoy the lanterns then."

After he finished speaking, he opened a window, clumsily turned out the window, and closed the window sash very considerately after he went out.

Yan Yan was about to get out of bed when she suddenly heard Evian's footsteps.

Evian put on a thin coat, carried a candlestick, and walked in.

"Girl, are you asleep?"

"not yet."

Evian snorted, heard the rustling sound of clothes, and heard a few doubtful whispers: "Why is this window sash not bolted? The slave remembers to check it before."

Yan Yan froze for a moment and said, "Evian, come and help me make the bed."

Abandoning these words, she went to the inner clean room.

After he came out, Evian had already made the bed extremely neat.

Evian was a little surprised by the level of chaos, but Yan Yan was practicing martial arts, maybe it was because the people who practiced martial arts were powerful, and when she had nightmares, she dreamed of fighting with others, and it would be like this.

Yan Yan was still a little nervous, afraid that Evian would see the clue, but he didn't expect the other party to find an explanation.

After the Fourth Prince left, Xiao Anzi was always in a state of nervousness and worry.

His Royal Highness, who used to like to be a demon, actually went to visit the girl's boudoir at night. Even if that is the future prince concubine, it can't be like this! It's a pity that Xiao Anzi's protest was too low, and Luo Huaiyuan automatically ignored it.

Luo Huaiyuan was swept in from the outside with a chill, and Xiao Anzi hurried up to meet him.

"Your Highness, you're finally back—"

Before he could finish his words, he saw a few red marks on Luo Huaiyuan's face, and he suddenly turned surprised, "Your Highness, you have been beaten. But you were arrested now? My God, how could this be a good thing? People can see your face, if this matter comes out, it's really..."

Luo Huaiyuan looked impatient, "You've never finished! It's a bit underwhelming that you didn't send you to sing a big show! Your master, I'm such a suffocated person, and I was arrested for doing this? You won't give me something to read. Good scripture?"

"But your face—"

"This was accidentally touched red."

Press not to mention.

The next day, when Xiao Anzi was cleaning Luo Huaiyuan's bed, another suspicious object happened.

He was full of worries, how could this happen

But soon he didn't have the time to continue worrying. People came to the palace and sent four palace servants to the fourth prince.

The four palace people were all around fifteen or sixteen years old, with good looks and graceful figures. At first glance, it was not sent to do chores. The eunuch who brought these palace servants here also said very frankly that this was arranged by the palace to teach the fourth prince.

There is such a rule in the palace. After the prince is first refined, he will arrange a few palace servants to teach the prince's personnel. One is to let the prince learn the way of luck, so that he can take it easy during the big wedding, and give birth to an heir as soon as possible. Secondly, it is also to prevent the prince from indulging in women's lust because of novelty.

In the last life, Luo Huaiyuan had been living in the palace before he became a vassal. In this life, because Luo Huaiyuan left the palace early and built the mansion to live separately, the Fourth Prince's Mansion did not report it, and there was no movement in the palace.

Is it because he is about to get married soon

Because of the experience in his previous life, Luo Huaiyuan naturally would not interpret this kind of behavior as good intentions. He has seen too many such dirty things under the guise of 'rules and good intentions'. The key is that this kind of tenderness means that you can't notice it for a while, and it's too late when you realize it.

It's like he didn't know until after his last life that after the prince's big marriage, there will be different numbers of concubines and concubines. This is the serious wife of the princes. But if there are a group of beautiful women around, and these women are sent here under the guise of their elders, how can it be safe in the backyard of the mansion.

Unexpectedly, in two completely different lives, some things will happen again!

Luo Huaiyuan did not come forward, and asked Eunuch Xi to take these palace servants, and then arranged to go to the most remote courtyard of the Fourth Prince's Mansion.

A day later, in the middle of the night, he visited Yan Yan's boudoir again at night and told her about it.

"You mean the palace sent you some beautiful palace servants? What is that for?"

For a while, Yan Yan was still unable to understand the meaning of this behavior.

Luo Huaiyuan looked at her embarrassedly, and whispered, "Well, he taught me about personnel."

"Teach, guide, people, things—" Yan Yan whispered softly.

Before she could figure it out, Luo Huaiyuan voluntarily surrendered, "It's the so-called Tongfang girl, let me use it to practice my skills, so that I don't get married with you... uh... what... "

When Yan Yan heard that the room was opened once, Yan Yan came over, but she still didn't understand what it meant to practice hands. But she also knew that it was not a good thing, so she didn't ask.

"Then what do you mean by that?"

Luo Huaiyuan patted his chest and said sternly: "Of course I'm here to show my sincerity, sister Ayan, don't worry, I will definitely not touch them. It's just a little bit of a mess, what more teaching is needed..."

Yan Yan squinted at him: "You mean you are very experienced and don't need to be taught at all?"

Mouth slipped by lightning!

Luo Huaiyuan was startled and coughed twice, and hurriedly said: "Yanyan, don't misunderstand, I mean there are many books that can be copied, and there is no need to teach." He raised three fingers, fat With a very serious face, "You have to believe in my character, you are so flawless, I will definitely ensure that I am pure and flawless, and then we will learn and improve together..."

Talking and talking, this product began to be serious, not only in the mouth, but also in the hands.

Yan Yan, who was sitting on the couch, was hugged by this shameless man.

"What are you doing!"

"Yanyan, let me hug you. You don't know, I think your heart hurts when you think about it. If you don't believe me, feel it." He grabbed the girl's little hand with his fat paws and pressed it against his own heart. "I miss you so much, I can't sleep every night."

A good voice, a soft voice, and a smile on his face. There is no way for anyone to turn his face on the spot, especially if this person has an unusual relationship with him in the future.

"Why are you so-"

"What's wrong with me? This kind of behavior between husband and wife is normal! You see, I don't let the palace staff teach, just so that we can learn and improve together. Now let's practice this first step and embrace each other! This is the first step in the exchange of feelings between men and women, the source of love... You see how soft my arms are, do you feel warm, caring, comfortable, and reassuring when you lie in it... "

If Luo Huaiyuan were to use his mouth gun mode, it is estimated that none of the ten Yan Yan would be his opponents.

The environment is very special. It was in the middle of the night, and it was in his own boudoir. There was a night watch girl outside. This shameless entanglement is endless, if you shake your face, people will ignore it; if you kill him, he will smile; if you push him, he will get closer.

She kept her mouth and hands, and Yan Yan's head was swollen by what he said, and before she could recover, she was taken into her arms. Luo Huaiyuan's embrace was extremely broad, and as he said, it was so soft that Yan Yan couldn't exert any strength even if she tried to struggle, so she was embraced like that.

He doesn't do anything else but hold you. When I hold it in my arms, I will coax you softly, and I will tell you love words one by one. If such a person is shameless, it will be a bit too much, and if the relationship is deep like the sea, it will be awkward. All in all, Yan Yan was no match for Luo Huaiyuan at all.

After Luo Huaiyuan left, Yan Yan sat on the bed for a long while, Xia Fei's cheeks.


Soon it will be the New Year's Day.

Today last year, Yan Yan spent with her younger brother and Shen Qiluo Huaiyuan, and this year is the same plan.

Shen Yiyao and Xue Shi are also going out to enjoy the lanterns this time. Yan Yan didn't think much about it, but after seeing Yan Ru, who seemed to be shy, she realized that it wasn't as simple as viewing the lanterns.

It turned out that the Xue family had picked a family for Yan Ru, and was going to find a chance to see each other. Shen Yiyao knew each other well, so they made an appointment with each other. On the day of Shangyuan Festival, women could have gone out, and they had their families to follow, so it was time to take a look, and let the two juniors not marry blindly.

Yan Ru seemed quite nervous early in the morning, picking clothes and jewelry in the room, trying and changing and changing. The same is true of Yan Ling. This time Xue's movement is not small, and she is going to do the two girls in the big room together. If they like each other and feel good, then settle down.

Since Shen Yiyao is going out, Yan Yan must be with her.

To this end, she notified Luo Huaiyuan and changed the itinerary from the outer city to the inner city. Anyway, the light market in the inner city is also very beautiful. Compared with the light city in the outer city, it is not as lively as the outside.

When the sky was getting dark, the whole family went out together.

These older ladies are naturally not as good as young girls when they go to the lamp market. Most of them reserve a box with a very good location in the restaurant. Therefore, the business of restaurants in the inner city is extremely good today. out.

Of course, it's not just here, there is the Royal Lantern Festival near the Meridian Gate, and around Aoshan there are lanterns set up by various prefectures. The main characters in the various houses are all there, but not everyone can set up lanterns there. Others who do not have enough status or do not want to join in the fun can only be scattered in the major restaurants. .

Shen Yiyao had already reserved a place, Luo Huaiyuan and Shen Qi had temporarily changed places, and there was no room to reserve at the moment, so the two were going to be with Shen Yiyao, anyway, they planned to go out to play.

When we arrived at the restaurant, the lights were all around, and the lights were bright and people were buzzing.

Shen Yiyao and Xue's took Yan Yan upstairs, and Luo Huaiyuan and Shen Qi were already waiting there in the box.

Luo Huaiyuan has the highest status here, but in terms of relationship, he will still be a junior in the future, so everyone nodded to each other, only Yan Ru and Yan Ling came forward to greet Luo Huaiyuan.

This is the first time that Yan Ru and Yan Ling have met the so-called Fourth Prince. They have been known to him for a long time but have never met. This time, they were somewhat surprised to meet them.

Unexpectedly, the fourth prince is actually such a person, completely inconsistent with the handsome and gentle scholar in the book they read. After thinking about it, the fourth prince is not a scholar, so it is right that he does not match. Just such a person, wouldn't Yan Yan feel wronged when she married

Of course, these thoughts are hidden in the heart, Yan Ling's face did not show at all, but Yan Ru showed a bit of surprise, from this you can see the gap between the two.

Xue glared at Yan Ru secretly, went forward with a smile and said a few lively words, covering the past.

In fact, no one noticed this. After seeing Luo Huaiyuan, Shen Yiyao was very affectionate and asked about his current situation in various ways. From their tone, it could be heard that the two were very familiar. It is conceivable that Yan Yan was accused of marrying Luo Huaiyuan, but Shen Yiyao did not There is resistance.

There is a lot of information in this header, and only a person with a delicate heart like Xue can find the clue.

It's no wonder that these two younger siblings have never said that they are worried about their daughter's future marriage. It turns out that the other party has long been familiar with each other, and maybe this marriage was planned by them.

Xue's naturally thought too much, but she was right, these four princes are definitely not as stupid as they appear, and there must be something special about them, which would make Shen Yiyao willing to marry his daughter to him. If not, it is not impossible to refuse because of the power of the Duke of Zhenguo.

Press not to mention.

A group of people sat down, and the restaurant brought all kinds of refreshments and fruits.

This location is excellent, just opposite the light market, looking down from the top, it is colorful and beautiful.

After sitting for a while, someone knocked on the door.

It turned out that Mrs. Liang, who was in the box next door, saw that this box was reserved by an acquaintance, and came over to say hello.

Mrs. Liang looked in her thirties, wearing a lotus-colored plain satin jacket and a sauce-purple horse-faced skirt. With a long face and fair skin, it can be seen that he is a docile person. She was accompanied by a young girl, fourteen or fifteen years old, with a melon face, petite physique, and a rather shy expression.

After that, there was a young man who looked sixteen or seventeen years old, with a green face, a tall and thin body, and looked very gentle and handsome.

The two are Liang Qifan, the eldest son of the Liang family, and Liang Xiuhe, the first daughter. The population of the Liang family is simple, and Mr. Liang is a member of the Ministry of Industry and Technology. Although the family is good, the family has always lived a simple life. This group of people dresses decently and generously, but it has nothing to do with luxury and wealth.

Liang Qifan's expression was a little restrained, he came in and looked up at the room, then lowered his head.

After Mrs. Liang sat down, she talked with Shen Yiyao. The two sides introduced each other. One son and one daughter of the Liang family came forward to greet Shen Yiyao and Xue, and Yan Yan, Yan Ru and others also came up here. Greetings with Mrs. Liang.

"My daughter has always been timid, and usually she doesn't go outside the door. If I didn't force her out today, she would definitely hide in the boudoir and refuse to go out." Mrs. Liang took Liang Xiuhe's hand and smiled. on the road.

Xue shi smiled: "Every girl is like this, please be quiet. Ru'er, take your sister Xiuhe to the side to talk, your daughter's family is better than talking with us old ladies."

Yan Ru knew that she was here to see each other today, and the other party also came today. Now she just went away and was shy, how could she react. Seeing this, Yan Ling smiled and pulled Liang Xiuhe to the place where their girls were sitting.

Yan Ru followed with a blushing face, Xue Shi showed a meaningful smile, and the three women looked at each other and smiled.

Liang Qifan was taken to the other side by Shen Qi. Luo Huaiyuan knew that this was not the end of the day, and A Yan must have no time to go out with him to see the lanterns. He was not easy to come forward, so he encouraged Shen Qi to entertain Liang Qifan.

During this period, Liang Qifan always looked up at that place inadvertently, and Yan Ru also peeked at this place once or twice, naturally he didn't mention it.

After chatting for almost half an hour, Mrs. Liang took her son and daughter to leave.

"Seeing Madam Liang like this, she seems quite satisfied, what do you think?" Shen Yiyao asked after the Liang family left.

Xue's expression seemed to be excited. She was a little incoherent, clutching her chest and saying, "Second brother and sister, I'm so nervous that my chest is thumping right now, let me slow down."

Before she could recover, there was a knock on the door again, Shen Yiyao glanced at Xue Shi with a smile, and ordered the maid next to her to open the door.

This time it was from Qing Anbo's family.

After deliberating for a long time, the big couple finally settled on the two families they liked first.

Yan Ru has a soft personality and a simple person. The Liang family's situation is simple, and Yan Ru is a good match. And Bo Qing An's family, although the family is in the middle of the road, but after all, it is a family with a title, and the second son of the third family is considered to be a good person. His parents have a calculation, even if there is no Bo Qing An in the future. Brand, life will certainly not be worse than people.

This marriage was mentioned by Ma Quanfang, which made Xue's heart quite moved. After all, it was extremely difficult to find a good marriage because of Yan Ling's background.

If you want to be a full-fledged wife, you can only choose from a group of people from a poor family who have just been raised. This kind of marriage is also a good-sounding marriage, and the daughter will endure hardships after she is married.

Not to mention when he will be able to survive, the poor family married a concubine girl from the Houfu family, and he pointed out that you were asked to subsidize him. It's uncertain what will happen when he rises to prominence in the future. It is better to find someone with a wealthy family and live a good life.

The third wife of the third room of Qing Anbo could see that it was something that would come. As soon as she came in, she laughed and chatted with Shen Yiyao and the Xue family very warmly. I was talking with Mrs. Liang just now, all pointing to the Xue family to drive the atmosphere, but now it's the other way around.

The third lady came with her eldest daughter-in-law, daughter and youngest son, and the youngest son was the protagonist of the meeting. He was neither fat nor thin, with a moderate stature and a Chinese character face, and he was very calm.

The eldest daughter-in-law could see that it was not simple. After seeing each other, she stepped forward and pulled Yan Yan to talk. In fact, the main object of attention was Yan Ling.

Yan Ling was not afraid or timid, and dealt with it properly.

The third lady who took the time to look here was very satisfied. In their house, it is not good to have no wink and heart.

Pressing not to mention, when the third lady left, her face was full of smiles. ,,

The author has something to say:

ps: O(∩_∩)O hahaha~, laughing wildly with akimbo.

Mianmian: Xiaopang, you are too expressive, too obscene, too low-level and shameless...

Xiaopang: (complacently) As the saying goes, a strong girl is afraid of being entangled by her husband. You can be as hard-hearted as you are, I think I am soft and strong... (affectionate face) I am ugly, but I am very gentle, cold on the outside, fanatical on the inside, that's what I am... Ouch...

Mianmian: You are not using softness to overcome rigidity, you are just showing your face...

Chubby: Get out!