The Lofty Fierce Consort

Chapter 117


Luo Huaiyuan was really worried about handing over the matter to someone else, and planned to go to Pingsha Pass in person.

After making a decision, he sent a letter to say goodbye to Yan Yan.

Who would have thought that Yan Yan knew that he was going to risk himself, so he had to follow him. Thinking that the little princess is not an ordinary woman, and Luo Huaiyuan was a little happy in his heart, he agreed.

Shen Yiyao knew what her daughter was going for this trip, but she couldn't say anything to stop her. There are many guards around the fourth prince, Yan Yan also brings Hui Niang, and Shen Dong is stationed at Pingsha Pass, so there is no need to worry about safety for the time being. Who knows, in the end, Shen Qi will have to follow him. Naturally, Shen Qi's following is not a useless effort, he is covering Luo Huaiyuan and Yan Yan.

The group of people walked lightly and traveled lightly. They took the waterway first, and the official ship carrying the flag of the Zhenguo Gongfu went unimpeded all the way. When there was no waterway to go, he abandoned his boat and changed his horse, and there were few stops along the way. When he reached Pingsha Pass, it only took ten days.

Seeing that his nephew and niece were here, what annoyed Shen Dong the most was that the fourth prince was also here. Although they have many guards, what can three teenage children do! But the fourth prince had Duke Zhen's handwriting in his hand, and asked Shen Dong to assist Luo Huaiyuan to act cheaply, and after listening to Luo Huaiyuan's explanation, Shen Dong couldn't help but be impressed.

Really, really shameless!

But it should be useful? !

With such thoughts in mind, Shen Dong began to make various arrangements.

The Shen family has been operating in Pingsha Pass for many years, and it can be said that they only cover the sky in the local area. This place is close to Beiyi, and it is not that the Shen family army has never penetrated into the hinterland of Beiyi, so it is not that there are no soldiers who are proficient in Beiyi dialect. A group of such soldiers were selected, and after disguising themselves, Luo Huaiyuan led them out of Pingsha Pass and into the boundary of Beiyi.

Beiyi has a vast territory, but most of them are endless grasslands. Because of the great reputation of the Shen family army, in recent years, Beiyi has often been beaten and dared not to take the lead. Therefore, in the grassland area near Pingshaguan, it is almost impossible to see Beiyi people. Luo Huaiyuan and his party came to Beiyi almost without any obstacles. territory.

Shen Dong was naturally worried that a few hairy children ran in, and he also dispatched a few confidants to follow. If something happened, with these people and the other good horses he brought, it should not be difficult to run out.

This old man named Mu A was a logistics officer under Shen Dong who was disguised as a logistics officer. The old man Mu A grew up in Pingsha Pass, and he has been dealing with Beiyi people since he was a young man. For decades, he knew all kinds of affairs and customs of Beiyi like the back of his hand, and it was even more powerful with his help.

Knowing what this Young Master Yun wanted to do, the old man Mu A pointed to him and found this place.

This place is close to a water source. If people come from Wang Ting, they will definitely stop here. Sure enough, Luo Huaiyuan and his party are caught.

The old man Mu A is naturally not called Mu A. His surname is Li, his name is Ergou, and he is known as Li Gouzi.

However, Luo Huaiyuan and others were all juniors, so naturally no one dared to call them that, they were all called Uncle Li.

Seeing that the people outside had also solved it, Luo Huaiyuan made up his mind and said with a smile: "Uncle Li's acting skills are good, and these Beiyi barbarians are stunned for a while."

Uncle Li smiled and took off the leather hat on his head, which revealed his differences with the Beiyi people.

It turns out that Uncle Li has a full head of hair. It must be known that Beiyi people have the habit of straight hair, that is to say, all or part of the hair on the top of the head is shaved, leaving only a small amount of hair decoration on the temples or forehead. The Daxi people are orthodox Han people, and they pay attention to 'the body and the skin, the parents should not be damaged in the slightest'. Fortunately, although it was almost April at this time, the grassland climate has always had a large temperature difference, and wearing a leather hat is not abrupt.

"These barbarians from the northern barbarians are not savage, they don't know etiquette, they drink blood, they are arrogant, and they are extremely savage. Since they can come from the king's tent, they are naturally not mediocre people. They are used to bullying the weak. It is true that the Beiyi people worship the strong, but they hate robbers more, but they dare not speak out. Since they like this set of things, they will find the right medicine, and naturally they will easily hide from them.”

Luo Huaiyuan nodded with admiration on his face.

The Beiyi woman who had been pulled over by the big man just now had tears in her eyes and lingering fears on her face.

"Young master, Xiao Anzi is scared to death."

Seeing this, Luo Huaiyuan laughed loudly, touched Xiao Anzi's face, and joked, "I didn't expect Xiao Anzi to be a hooker. Also, compared to them, you are quite handsome."

The other few people dressed as Beiyi women laughed hoarsely.

This kind of situation is very strange, but the people on the side don't take it seriously.

It turned out that these Beiyi women were all dressed up as men. Because the women of Beiyi have always been sturdy, they can easily pass the test.

Xiao Anzi was a eunuch, with fine skin and tender meat. He was born a head shorter than these big men in the army. Although his face was rubbed red, his eyebrows and eyes were quite handsome. It was no wonder that the big man was so hungry just now. . Compared with the others, Xiao Anzi is also a standout.

Yan Yan wanted to laugh when she saw how pitiful Xiao Anzi was. However, she was kind and didn't laugh out loud, but changed the subject: "Wake up the leaders first, and then ask for more."

This kind of occasion is naturally not suitable for women to be present, so Yan Yan went out, but Luo Huaiyuan stayed.

A bowl of cold water was poured down, and the person woke up.

After waking up, he first used a special method to remove his lower jaw, and then various methods took turns.

Don't say it, keep going.

Luo Huaiyuan has a few ruffians around him, and he knows this very well. When they divide their muscles and bones, these Beiyi people who are not useful will be recruited.

It turned out that this group of people were the pioneers sent by the Beiyi Royal Court to connect with the 'Guangguang'. Because this place was very close to Pingsha Pass, for the sake of caution, the group moved separately. There is a group of people behind who are helping to transport the goods. Only when they receive a signal from the pioneers will they rush over.

After listening to this, Luo Huaiyuan scolded: "This rat dares to invade my Daxi. If you come together, the medicine I brought is really not enough to overthrow all of you. Fortunately, you are timid!"

Luo Huaiyuan spoke Chinese, and Uncle Li acted as the translator and said something in a murmur.

The big man in the golden ring stared at the fat man with pigtails, and he didn't know what he was scolding.

Luo Huaiyuan didn't understand Beiyi dialect, and he didn't bother to listen to what the other party scolded. Li Shu wanted to translate, but he waved his hand to stop him.

"The funniest way to scold someone is to listen to me, but not talk." With a wicked smile on his face, he pointed at the big man in the golden ring and said to Uncle Li, "Tell him that Beiyi people are weak chickens. , is not worthy of my Daxi as an enemy. Any conspiracy, tricks and evil spirits will be under the scorching sun, there is nowhere to hide!"

Uncle Li could not laugh or cry.

I have been in contact with this Young Master Yun for quite a while. Seeing that he is young, but he is very cunning, and he is not careful about small details. He can fight with the soldiers who follow. It's just a little bit of that, out of tune, when the interest comes, and often do something that makes people laugh and cry.

For example, before coming here, Young Master Yun said that he wanted to disguise himself as a small tribe of Beiyi, so he suggested that it is better to bring some women, but he vetoed it, saying no, and was very determined.

After arriving on the ground, he realized that his idea was to let the man disguise himself. After all, it was not convenient to bring a woman here. Originally, it was not too late to make up after seeing someone coming, but Young Master Yun insisted that cramming was not enough, so he made people make up in advance to get used to it, so as not to show his feet when he got it.

The words are correct, that is, in the past two days, there have been various jokes in the camp.

These soldiers are all veterans, and they may be a little embarrassed at first, but they will get used to it after a while, and they have not less flirted with other people dressed as Beiyi men. That is to say, this little Anzi can't get used to it, and everyone else is at ease.

People stopped them, and everyone knew what they wanted to know. Naturally, the fate of these Beiyi people was not good.

All who should be killed were killed, and only the big man with the golden ring was kept as a backup, and the big man was scolded in various ways and his jaw was removed, not to mention it.

According to the time provided by the Golden Ring Dahan, Luo Huaiyuan and others set off the next day.

After they left, another group of people dressed as Beiyi came, some stayed behind to help, and some followed.

After the big shopkeeper was released, it was inevitable that he was a little proud, but he was still vigilant.

Seeing that the batch of goods was finally returned to his hands, and all the subordinates who were arrested also came back. It was not until he left Pingsha Pass with the goods that he was really relieved, and he couldn't help but feel complacent.

"The shopkeeper, you are really amazing. You have come out of the hands of the Shen family army. The brothers are still thinking that this is going to be planted."

The big shopkeeper stroked his beard and only smiled.

After leaving Pingsha Pass, the further you go, the more desolate you become, and the sight gradually opens up, from the barren sand to an endless prairie.

"The shopkeeper's, or the old place?" the second-in-command asked.

For those who do smuggling like them, every time the goods are shipped out of customs, there will be a handle in the fleet, who is responsible for coordinating the affairs of the entire fleet. This commander will not show up easily. The people below do not know who it is. The second commander is responsible for ordering the entire team, and only the second commander knows who the commander is.

Such an arrangement is naturally for safety reasons. For the convoy like this trip, in addition to the second-in-command who knew the big shopkeeper, others who saw the big shopkeeper only thought that this person was the second-in-command's entourage. No.' The big treasurer.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the three caves of the cunning rabbit.

The big shopkeeper nodded, the second one hesitated for a while, and then whispered, "Aren't the shopkeepers afraid that those officers and soldiers will follow in secret and use us to catch them all?"

The big shopkeeper hesitated for a moment and shook his head.

Since General Shen let them go, naturally he would not do such a useless thing. The second boss thought that the big shopkeeper had smashed a lot of gold and silver to buy himself and this batch of goods, and he even had some disdain for the iron-clad Shen Jiajun, but he didn't know that the big shopkeeper smashed a lot of gold and silver, but his hands There are other fatalities in it.

Naturally, the second-in-command didn't know about such a thing, but the big shopkeeper knew it.

Seeing the big shopkeeper shaking his head, the second-in-command was still a little worried, but he also knew that the big shopkeeper was not someone who was aimless.

Going north all the way, there is not a trace of people in sight.

It's still a little cold before April. The weather in the grasslands has always been like this. The temperature difference between morning and night is huge. Most of the people in the convoy were veterans who had been to Beiyi several times. Seeing that the sky was getting dark, they followed the water plants to find a water source, and the group camped on the spot.

Early in the morning the next day, the people of the caravan began to cook rice.

After the meal, the team continued to move forward.

This place is very close to the joint place set before, and the big shopkeeper can't help showing a smile.

The shopkeeper and others came earlier than the other party, and stopped to rest when they reached a grassy slope. The other party did not let them wait too long, and soon everyone felt the ground shaking, and it seemed that many people came on horseback.

Some horses in the convoy seemed startled and began to neigh, and the driver hurried to appease them. There are also other people in the convoy who are disturbed, after all, not everyone has dealt with the Beiyi people.

In the impression of the Daxi people, the Beiyi people are all evil spirits, all monsters that drink blood.

Not all of them are bad people, just like the coachmen and laborers who came with the convoy, they may be out of helplessness or trapped in money, so they carry their heads on this trip. After all, after a trip, you can go back a few years without worrying about your livelihood. But they are also afraid, so many people are a little nervous when they hear this movement.

Soon, a cloud of dust appeared in the distance, and a large group of people came on horseback. The momentum was so violent and aggressive that everyone couldn't help but take a step back.

closer, closer...

At a distance of five meters from the crowd, the leader of the cavalry stopped abruptly, and the hundreds of cavalry behind it stopped immediately, as if they had been rehearsed beforehand.

Beiyi people have been accompanied by horses all their lives. It is not an exaggeration to say that they grew up on horseback, so they are all masters of equestrianism.

After this group of Beiyi cavalry stopped, the leading cavalry took two steps forward.

"On the opposite side is the big shopkeeper of the 'Guangguang'? Harabaersi was sent by the king on other errands, so this time I, Yunhamuqi, came to contact you!"

Harabarsi is the big man with a golden ring, and he used to contact the big shopkeeper in the past.

Not seeing the familiar person, the big shopkeeper felt a little uneasy.

But this group of Beiyi people looked like the guards under the tent of King Beiyi. What's more, if it wasn't for Ulihan Khan's subordinates, he wouldn't know what the big shopkeeper of the 'Guangguang' said. After all, no one knew that he made such a trip in person this time.

The big shopkeeper drove his horse out a few steps, with a smile on his face, he cupped his hands and said in Beiyi dialect: "The next is the big shopkeeper of the 'Guangguang', I don't know why I have changed someone this time?"

This Yunhamuqi was a burly man in his thirties, with a beard on his face, a sand fox fur hat on his head, and a whip hanging from the back of his head. With a look of impatience, he waved his horse whip, "I didn't tell you, Harabaers was sent by the king on another errand!"

The big shopkeeper nodded, still smiling: "For safety's sake, after all, this batch of goods is unusual, please speak with me in secret."

code word

The leader of the big man was stagnant for a moment, his face almost invisible.

At this moment, there was a commotion in the crowd, and the Beiyi cavalrymen riding high-headed horses all avoided to both sides.

There was a ride in the middle, and I saw a rather chubby man riding on a strong blue-and-white horse. This person is very young, with fair and delicate skin, and is very gorgeously dressed. Especially when the big shopkeeper saw the small braids under his black fur hat and the earring inlaid with various colored gems on his left ear, he was shocked.

This outfit and this aura all show that this young man has a very high status, because the Beiyi tribe is a horse race, and they are all brave and good at fighting. How could they have such fair skin and a fat physique if they were not born rich! Especially the earrings with various colored gemstones, which cannot be worn by individuals. Beiyi men have the habit of wearing earrings, even nose rings, but only the royal family can wear gold rings with gemstones on them.

Sure enough, I saw that Yun Hamuqi turned around and bowed his hands: "Hadamba/Prince Ter!"

Hadamba/Ter nodded arrogantly, and didn't look at the big shopkeeper, but asked, "But what's the delay?"

"No, my subordinates are in contact with the big shopkeeper of the 'Guangguan'."

Hadamba/Tel didn't seem to have any patience: "Hurry up, it's the father's birthday soon, this prince is still waiting to get this batch of things back to ask the father for a reward! Now I see what else Zaha has. Qualified to compete with me for the favor of the king!"


Hearing this conversation, the big shopkeeper could no longer feel suspicious.

He has been in smuggling business all the year round, and he naturally knows that the King Ulihan, the king of Beiyi, has a very favored young son named Hadamba/Ter, and a second prince named Zaha. These princes are also very intriguing. It seems that This time, Harabarsi was pushed down, no wonder these people did not know the secret words between him and Harabarsi.

But what the businessman wants is money, and the intrigue in the other's nest has nothing to do with him. He only needs to know that the goods are delivered in exchange for gold and silver.

After a few words of conversation, more than a dozen people from Beiyi got off the horse and went to the convoy, and opened the boxes on the truck to check them one by one. The group of Beiyi people checked very carefully, and after about a quarter of an hour, one person came over and nodded to Yunhamuqi.

Yunhamuqi winked, and a strong man behind him brought up a few large boxes.

The big shopkeeper and the second man stepped forward to open the box for inspection. When the box was opened, a piece of gold dazzled. It turned out that the box contained a piece of gold bricks.

In the 'Guangguang' convoy, many people swallowed their saliva involuntarily. The big man on Beiyi's side saw the frustration of the people on the opposite side, and they all pointed and laughed. Needless to say, it was natural to use Beiyi dialect to scold some unseen Chinese dogs and the like.

After a while, the big shopkeeper closed the lid and showed a satisfied smile to Yunhamuqi.

"King Ulihan is a man of integrity. I hope we can work together again next time."

Yunhamuqi nodded, "Naturally."

When the Beiyi people came, they also brought trucks, and these things were quickly transferred to the trucks of the Beiyi people.

After the Beiyi people rode their horses and drove the truck away, the shopkeeper also took his men and these boxes of gold to the direction of Daxi.

On the other side, the Beiyi people stopped not long after they left.

Hadamba/Prince Ter said to a thin man, "Yan San, I'll leave the matter to you this time, you follow along, my master is waiting near Pingsha Pass, and you must find this person. The old nest!"

The man clenched his fists slightly and disappeared at a very fast speed.

Hadamba/Prince Ter was so distressed that his fat face was contorted, and he hummed to a girl riding beside him: "Yanyan, my wife Ben, my wife Ben..."

The girl dressed as a Beiyi was very bright and comforted: "It's okay, even if you don't have a wife, I will marry you, and I still have a lot of private money."

"Woooooo... Yanyan, you are so kind!"

Everyone on the side can't stand being far away from this person. Xiao Anzi, who is familiar with His Highness's character, has a twisted face and howls in his heart. His Highness is twitching again!


People dressed in clothes of the same color as the grasslands were embellished not far behind the convoy.

There was too much movement on horseback, so this person named Yan San followed up completely with a pair of legs. This person was the person next to Luo Huaiyuan who was very light-handed.

If he wanted to return to Daxi from Beiyi, he had to pass through Pingsha Pass, so he soon reconciled with Huiniang, and the two followed her all the way.

The convoy of the 'Guangguang' was not blocked at Pingsha Pass and went in very smoothly. After entering the city, the shopkeeper did not stop, but left Pingshaguan overnight and went all the way to Jingzhou. The whole process did not stop.

It was not until a town in Jingzhou that he stopped for a while. The convoy was broken into pieces, and the boxes containing the gold bricks did not know where to go.

The big shopkeeper went around seven times, changed his clothes once after passing one place, and finally dressed up as a driver who was driving a car.

It's amazing to be so cautious, and I don't know if he knew that someone was following behind him or if it was natural. If it wasn't for Yan San and Hui Niang who were not ordinary people, and they only stared at people but not things, they would have really let him run away.

At the same time, Luo Huaiyuan and his group had already changed their appearance and returned to Daxi. The group changed their complexion to simplicity and dressed up as a rich young master and a young lady when they came out to play, and followed behind Hui Niang.

This one is nearly a month old.

The hard work paid off, and finally found the big shopkeeper's nest.

As the big shopkeeper of the 'Guangguang', he has been in the business of smuggling all the year round. It is no exaggeration to say that he is rich enough to rival the country. His real identity is actually a small landowner in the countryside.

Of course, this is also his disguised identity. Luo Huaiyuan's people have gone to inquire about it. This landlord surnamed Hao has the name of 'Hao Shanren' in a radius of 100 miles. There are two elderly Gaotang in the family, one wife and two concubines, three sons, two daughters and several grandchildren. There are dozens of people in the whole house.

Luo Huaiyuan was extremely excited.

Now let me see where you are going. Don't you like to threaten people? Let's try to see who threatens whom!

Luo Huaiyuan was never an indecisive person, so he summoned people to attack the 'Hao Mansion' at night, directly tying up all the housekeepers and even the chickens and dogs.

The big shopkeeper's face was ashen, but finally Luo Huaiyuan, who was not full of pigtails, laughed proudly. He took out the fan he had been holding in his hand recently, and knocked on the big shopkeeper's face, "Fight with your grandfather, you're still a little more tender! It's sour, do you know who I am? For your grandson, Grandpa came from not far from the capital to clean you up, remember to give me a benefactor tablet after you die."

This Luo Huaiyuan's words really don't have five or six words, everyone's family is dead, how can they give you a benefactor's tablet. If you die, you will also die in your hands. It's good not to curse you eight hundred times a day, and even offer a tablet to your benefactor!

It can really make the living people die, and the dead people live!

Yan Yan, who was standing behind him, secretly pinched his waist. Luo Huaiyuan in the front had a strange expression, as if he was in pain and at the same time very refreshing.

"Hadamba/Prince Tel?"

In fact, the image of this Hadamba/Prince Ter is so prominent that the big shopkeeper can almost recognize it without identifying it.

"Grandpa, I'm not a haha prince, you don't need to know who I am! That batch of weapons was not delivered to the Beiyi people. As for that halabalsi, I have already sent him to see the king of hell, if you don't want to see the king of hell , hand over the things in your hand!"

"Are you from the Shen family?"

The big shopkeeper twitched his lips, his face was ashen, his eyes seemed to protrude in horror, staring at the group of arrogant people in front of him, listening to the cries of his wife, concubines, children and grandchildren in the next room, his heart was split.

Luo Huaiyuan laughed, neither admitting nor denying it.

The big shopkeeper shouted hoarsely: "The dignified Shen family army, the dignified God of War Zhen Guogong, actually did something to kidnap a woman, how can he stand out in the world!"

Yan Yan's eyes were red with anger, she went up and slapped the man.

With a slap in the face, the big shopkeeper coughed a few times and spat out a few teeth. Even so, Yan Yan still felt uneasy. Don't talk about Yan Yan, there are people on the side who want to go up and teach him a good lesson. If it wasn't for military discipline, it would be easy to tear him apart.

Luo Huaiyuan hurriedly pulled her and patted her hand for comfort.

He laughed and took two steps forward, "I found that people like you are really double-standard, you can only be despicable and shameless to use the so-called handle that has nothing to do with the Shen family, and threaten others with your quarrel, and you won't. Are others threatening you with your soft underbelly? Sometimes I wonder how the brain of a person like you grows, and I really want to open it up to see if the structure is different from others."

"Stop talking nonsense, dozens of members of your Hao family are now in my hands, I'm not from the Shen family, we are just despicable villains who will do anything to achieve our goals! You see whether you pay or not, I I have plenty of time, I don’t mind playing with you slowly, but your elderly parents may not have the body to cope with me. People, when you are old, you can’t eat and get tired, and you can’t be scared. Play to death, then you won't regret it!"

"You are despicable and shameless!"

"Aren't you mean, shameless, or obscene?"

"I don't have you despicable and shameless!"

"You're not me, how do you know I'm despicable and shameless?"

When it comes to talking, Luo Huaiyuan has never met an opponent. Before he said a few words, not only did the shopkeeper roll his eyes from his choking, but the people on the side were also dizzy.

Quiet, constant silence.

The big shopkeeper's face changed constantly, resentment, resentment, regret, all kinds of emotions were intertwined on his face, and it was extremely distorted. Let the people who see it beside you can't help but feel fear.

For a long time, for a long time, he gasped violently and collapsed on the chair: "I gave you the things, and you let my family go!"

Luo Huaiyuan nodded, "As far as you know, I like to deal with smart people, because smart people know how to weigh the pros and cons. Some of those stupid people are tossed to death and survived, people die and suffer, but in the end they can't bear it. I explained, you said that this kind of person is not stupid or stupid? There is a future, brother, I am optimistic about you!"

The big shopkeeper was already furious, but when he was so angry, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Yan Yan was speechless, and gave him a twist, "Look at you, you're dizzy!"

Luo Huaiyuan smiled naively.

The author has something to say:

Cough, please don't say that the little fat is wretched, people are witty!

Back to Beijing tomorrow.

Xiaopang: (tosses her braids all over her head, looking very cheerful) Yanyan, is this look handsome, handsome or not

Yan Yan: Laugh without saying a word.

Xiaopang: What is your expression, (﹁ ﹁ ) ~→

Yan Yan: Tell me about your handsome face! o(╯□╰)o