The Lofty Fierce Consort

Chapter 38


Yan Ting returned home with the smell of alcohol, and went to Jinseyuan first.

He met Shen Yiyao and told him that he had been drinking with his friends whom he hadn't seen for many years. He knew that she didn't like alcohol, so he went to sleep in the study tonight.

Yan Ting's attitude was very calm, and Shen Yiyao didn't think much about it.

After leaving Jinseyuan, Yan Ting turned to Ziyuxuan.

Aunt Pei knew that her cousin stayed in Jinseyuan for three days, and she would definitely come to her place today, and she was ready to take a shower and change clothes early. When Yan Ting arrived, what he saw was Aunt Pei, who was extraordinarily charming and charming.

She was wearing a moon-white moiré crepe robe, which seemed simple, but actually had its own secrets. This gauze is extremely thin. At first glance, it does not look different from ordinary thin shirts. If you look closely or under the light, you can see the looming fragrant skin and snowy skin inside.

Aunt Pei is naturally graceful. Although she has given birth to two children, she is well-maintained. Her waist is still narrow and her breasts and buttocks are large, which makes her look particularly attractive.

Yan Ting's eyes darkened, his body was hot, and the rest didn't need to be said.

After the cloud/rain break, Aunt Pei began to tell Yan Ting what happened in the house in the past two years.

Yan Ting either expressed admiration or frowned and listened silently. Aunt Pei said everything that should be said, except that Yan Mo fell into the water, and of course, Yan Yan's riot and the reaction from the town's government were not mentioned.

Growing up with her cousin as childhood sweethearts, Aunt Pei knew Yan Ting too well.

He is cautious and disciplined. For Shen Yiyao's mother and son, he has always been considerate in everything, giving great honor and decency. He is a good husband and father, and even here he must be respectful.

Sometimes Aunt Pei even felt that not only Shen Yiyao's woman believed it, but he also believed it.

Together first, Aunt Pei also believed. She was aggrieved, she felt that her cousin had failed her. But why did she want to welcome her into the door again. If he didn't lose, why was he able to care for and dote on Shen Yiyao, and she was a little disrespectful, so he scolded her severely.

The unbelief came from a trial, perhaps because Aunt Pei was too aggrieved, or because she was really unhappy. She quietly moved her hands and feet in the dark. The movement was really small, but Yan Ting discovered it. But this time, instead of reprimanding her, he gave her a meaningful look.

This look made Aunt Pei uneasy and ecstatic, she felt that she had seen something. Then a little bit of testing, a little bit of beginning, finally let her figure out the deepest thoughts in Yan Ting's heart.

At that moment, she was overjoyed. She hated Shen Yiyao and felt that without her, she would definitely be able to marry her long-cherished cousin. Every time she did a trick or tricked her quietly, she felt overwhelmed with excitement.

She followed the trend and catered to her everywhere, and her cousin became more and more fond of her.

But gradually she had an inexplicable sadness. Everyone said that Yan Ting had affection for her, including her aunt. Only she knew that her cousin had always been indifferent to her.

Why did the attitude change? Become so dreamy? In the final analysis, it's still...because she compares his feelings with him.

In fact, he didn't love Shen Yiyao as much as he imagined. In fact, he hated Shen Yiyao quite a bit. In fact, he was not as close to Duke Zhen Guo's mansion as he imagined. Disgusted…

Every time she got to know Yan Ting better, Aunt Pei felt that her cousin was closer to her. He likes the weak and helpless, she is as weak as water, and he doesn't even like to communicate with his parents. He likes obedient and sensible people, and she is obedient and sensible. He likes to hide his thoughts inside, and she tries to guess his All kinds of intentions, do everything well.

What's the matter with indifference, that's what happened before, now my cousin's favorite person is her, never that Shen Yiyao!

Aunt Pei was very proud, but she also knew Yan Ting's taboos.

If Yan Mo fell into the water, Yan Yan made a fuss, and the Duke of Zhenguo was dissatisfied that these things were known to him, he would definitely be furious. Honger will be punished, including her.

Of course, she didn't think about it too seriously, after all, the matter has passed. She just felt that this matter could be discussed later. Cousin had just returned, and the spring night was short, so she should let it go first.

She didn't know that she failed to say it in time, which caused Yan Ting to suffer great insults, and even got angry after that, and she will show it later.


The Military Selection and Clearing Officer Division is a subordinate organization of the Ministry of War. It is in charge of the rank, selection, promotion, and reward of military attachés. It includes officials such as Langzhong, Yuanwailang, principal, pen-posting, and inheritance.

Early in the morning, there were people coming and going in front of the military election and Qing officials. From time to time, people in the appearance of military attachés could be seen coming in and out, and there were also people in the appearance of officials. There are also gentlemen who are military attachés, but most of them are reckless. From time to time, I hear someone come out cursing.

Yan Ting stood for a while, and there were several military attaches and officials in the yard quarreling. The little official in charge of the reception seemed weak, but he wasn't afraid of the five big and three thick military officers. He rolled up his sleeves and quarreled.

The military attache who wanted to beat someone finally left, and the receptionist took a sip on the ground and scolded, "What a ruthless act on Lao Tzu, if you have the ability, go and do it with your boss."

The little official's eyes moved to Yan Ting and the others. Judging from their clothes, they looked rich and noble, not to mention that there were two entourages standing beside them. He hung up a smile and leaned forward, and asked, "I don't know how many?"

"Our Marquis wants to see your boss!" said the attendant.

Lord Hou? The little official looked up and down at Yan Ting with doubtful eyes, and pouted his lips in disbelief.

"I don't know which principal I want to see, but we must know that there is more than one person in charge of our military elections."

Yan Ting reported the name of the principal, and the little official said with a smile: "So I want to see the principal, I am very sorry, but the principal is not here today."

As soon as the words fell, the little official bowed his hands and was about to leave, but was grabbed by Yan Ting's entourage, "What's the matter with you, little official, what are you going to do before you finish talking?!"

The little official pulled back his sleeve and scolded: "Just talk when you talk, what are you talking about!" Then he said to Yan Ting: "My lord, the boss is really not here. You also saw our Wuxuan Qingli Division. There are many things, and it is impossible to accompany your old man here, so please forgive me."

At the end of the words, there is a bit of sarcasm, but the voice is not obvious, and it is not easy to criticize.

Yan Ting squeezed his hand behind his back and gave the other attendant a look. This entourage seemed to have a mild temper, with a smile on his face, he stepped forward and took the hand of the clerk, "I don't know how I can find the boss of the king?"

The little official weighed the things in his hand, showed a smile, cleared his throat and said, "You all know that it is not easy to do our job, military officers are not like civil officials, they do it at every turn. There are also many things for the king, so let's do it, you guys Come over at this time tomorrow, and you should be able to find Mr. Wang."

After saying that, the clerk handed over and left.

"Bah, what the hell! Lord Hou, what should we do?"

Yan Ting's face was light and calm, "Come back tomorrow." After speaking, he walked out first.

"Master Hou is good-natured. A person like this should be beaten up, and he will be honest."

"As the saying goes, the King of Hell is good at seeing little devils, and that's what it means. In places like Wuxuan Qingli Division, who deal with military officials, a beating is useful. You have to change your temper, don't cause trouble for the Hou Ye..."

The two entourages muttered from behind, Yan Ting didn't show it on his face, but his heart was turbulent.

In fact, the so-called nobles are not as glorious as they imagined, especially those who see the end of the title, there is no powerful person in the family, and there is no other poor noble except a title hat. There are many such honors and honors in the capital, and their faces are bright, but in fact, no one treats these people as dishes.

It's like the little official just now heard that his servant claimed that his master was the prince, but he didn't change his attitude. Those who can be reduced to a place like the Wuxuan Qingli Division, it can be seen that there is no basis for anything, and others will not take it seriously.

Yan Ting was like this many years ago, and he will be the same many years later. In fact, it's not really. If he reports his identity as the son-in-law of Duke Zhen Guo, the person who comes will definitely invite him in respectfully. This is no longer the case. Difficult.

But he didn't want to, he felt it was an insult to himself, so he turned away silently, taking the humiliation full of lungs as a motivation.

It is impossible for a person to be low all his life, but one day he will rise!

The next day, Yan Ting came to Wuxuan Qingli Division again, and met the director Wang who was in charge of the matter.

Mr. Wang was very respectful to him. He was watching the table and serving tea. He said a lot of scenes, and expressed his admiration to Duke Zhen Guogong. Finally, he told Yan Ting that his transfer order was issued by the above, as for the specific situation. It's not clear what he will arrange after that. After all, in Yan Ting's identity, how could this kind of thing be in charge of his little sixth-rank official, and he had to find it.

The principals were Yuan Wai Lang and Lang Zhong, Yan Ting came twice again, found these two officials, and got the same result, and he didn't come back after that.

In fact, Yan Ting knew that he was asking for guilt, so he led Shen Yiyao to visit his old husband, and everything could be solved. But he was holding back his strength. He seemed to want to prove something, but it seemed that he couldn't prove anything.

Returning from Yan Ting, his movements were transmitted to the Duke of Zhenguo's mansion without a trace. After hearing this, Duke Zhen just let out an inexplicable smile and didn't say anything.

In the past few days, Yan Ting went out early and came back late. The big room couldn't sit still and came to inquire, but he was reprimanded by the old lady.

The old lady was mute for a few days and didn't want to add a psychological burden to her son. She couldn't keep her composure any longer and called Yan Ting to ask.

Knowing that he was born, Yan Ting said that he was fine at first, but after that, the old lady couldn't wipe away her tears, so she told a part of what happened to him after returning to Beijing. Up to now, he still hasn't figured out why he was transferred back, including the arrangement of errands in the future, and he didn't ask any questions. Even the Ministry of Military Affairs and Qing Li, who was in charge of the military attache assignment, said that it was done by the superior, so he could only go to the Minister of War and the two ministers on the left and right of the Ministry of War.

After listening to the old lady, she pondered for a while, and then she decided to call her eldest girl back to ask her to help.

Yan Ting frowned, a little unhappy.

It turns out that the old lady has an eldest daughter, Yan Ting's eldest sister, Yan Feng. Yan Feng was married to the Chen family in his early years. Although the Chen family is not a big family with hairpins, there are also many descendants born in the family. Yan Feng's husband Chen Chun is the second son of the Chen family, and his father is the left servant of the Ministry of War.

Yan Ting didn't like his brother-in-law, and it could even be said that he hated it.

When the Chen family moved from the local area to the Beijing Middle School for development, it happened that Yan Feng was at the age when he wanted to talk about his marriage. After repeated selections by the old Houye and the old lady, he married the Beijing upstart Chen family.

In general, families of noble families who rely on imperial examinations look down on these noble children who rely on their ancestors. The Chen family has this common problem more or less, but the Chen family is used to saving face, and on the surface it doesn't matter. It was Chen Chun, who said that if it sounds good, he is very strong, and if it sounds ugly, he is not good at being a man. Mingming had already obeyed his family and married Yan Feng, but he never concealed his disdain for his wife's family.

It was very difficult for Yan Feng to be caught in the middle, and in the end, she could only slowly fade away from her family. Of course, it's not that they don't communicate with each other, but they are very few.

This situation continued for several years, until Yan Ting married Shen Yiyao and became the son-in-law of Duke Zhen Guo, and the Chen family had a little closer contact with Weiyuan Houhoufu.

Everyone subconsciously forgot about this matter, but Yan Ting didn't. He still recognized the eldest sister, but the eldest brother-in-law didn't look down on it. Originally, this matter could have been solved in this way, but Yan Ting really hated Chen Chun's condescending or sarcastic appearance, so he never moved the Chen family's idea.

The old lady understands the knot in her son's heart, but the daughter is her own, and the son-in-law can't change her appearance. She can only make peace with the mud. The old lady promised the matter, but Yan Ting did not object.