The Lofty Fierce Consort

Chapter 54


Recently, a very novel food has appeared in the streets and alleys of Beijing.

A small cart, a slender iron box with a hollow in the middle, and red burning charcoal in it, a neatly dressed peddler, old or young, the iron box is covered with densely packed wood. The skewers of the skewered skewers constitute the whole door face of 'Good Come Back Secret Lamb Skewers'.

They are either in the lively market, or on the streets where people come and go, and wherever they can set up a stall, there are stalls of 'good to come back secret meat skewers', as if they have traveled from the capital overnight. popped out.

First of all, people are reluctant to eat such strange things.

But I can't stand the smell of other people's things. It's really fragrant.

And then people follow the scent...

The hawker has a warm attitude and talks generously, and informs the passers-by that they can try a bunch of them when the store opens today, and the top 50 people need to queue up.

It's very rare to eat for free without paying, and needless to say, there are long queues in front of the stalls.

I saw that the hawker moved as calmly as running water, handing the meat skewers to the people who tried them one by one, while setting up the raw meat and grilling it.

The meat was grilled on the charcoal fire, sizzling with oil, and the hawker grabbed a handful of brown-yellow powdery seasoning and sprinkled it on. A thick smoke rose, and the aroma of the whole street became more intense.

When the meat is cooked, it is golden brown with a slight browning around the edges. It smells strong and fragrant, and it tastes fragrant.

The first few people who tried it first took a tentative bite, and then quickly bit the mutton on the wooden stick. The action is urgent and the food is ugly.

But this also shows that this thing is really delicious.

After eating the free string of meat, some people who tried it smeared oil on their mouths with their sleeves, squeezed them up, and asked loudly how to sell this thing.

The peddler smiled slightly and pointed to the 'Hope' hanging on the trolley while he was busy. I saw eight big characters in black on a red background on the 'Hope'—

'Okay come back to secret kebabs'.

There is a line of small characters next to it, 'Come again if you look for it, come again if it's delicious', and a few small characters are written horizontally at the bottom, "one string of three cents, four strings of ten cents".

The three cents are a bit expensive, after all, there are only three small pieces of meat on the wooden stick, and they add up to nothing more than a taste.

But, it's delicious!

Although it is difficult to live in the capital, people in the capital are generally richer than those in other places.

The quota for tasting has been allocated, and the people in the queue didn't say much. They all bought a few skewers to try. Yes, that's how it was sold.

The hawker is not in a hurry, keeps greeting, moves his hands, and asks the customer if he wants more spicy, if he needs it, he sprinkles some red powder, and if not, it is only brown Seasoning.

People who haven't eaten this kind of skewer do not understand that the more they eat, the more they want to eat, and the more they want to eat. Don't you see that when you go to eat skewers in modern times, you can only walk around 20 skewers, and they are only used as snacks, so there are constantly customers who eat and then squeeze over to buy them.

When some pedestrians saw this, they couldn't help but want to come up and join in the fun. Some people who are in the back are cut in the queue, they will criticize and say that the seller's rule is to queue up. So reluctantly, the team was still lined up, so it wouldn't be chaotic.

Of course, there is no need for urging, but the hawker is very calm, telling everyone that 'I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry'.

There was that person who couldn't wait to leave, and came back after a while, shouting to the people in line, "There is also a family at the entrance of such and such alley."

Everyone was puzzled, and the hawker nodded and smiled, and said, "Please look for the trademark, as long as it is our 'good to come' brand name, it is the most authentic."

'Okay, here comes the secret kebab' is on fire.

There is an endless stream of people buying, and there are often long queues in front of the booth. This is the case in a stall, and it is like this in every family. One pass, ten pass, one hundred, word of mouth.

Have eaten, remember this delicious, next time will come again. If you haven't eaten it, you will hear how delicious it is when you hear people describe it.

It is especially good to come back to the secret kebab stalls all over the streets and alleys of the capital. Every time I see a place that exudes a strong aroma, it is fascinating and breathtaking. There are many people around, holding a wooden skewer. It will attract many pedestrians who come to smell the fragrance or watch the excitement.

Well, the meat skewers that come again should be freshly grilled to eat the most fragrant, and it is more beautiful to eat while it is hot.

Seeing other people eat like gobble, will inevitably feel suspicious, take out the copper plate and sell two skewers to try. I was surprised, it was really delicious.

In the Daxi Dynasty, there was no chengguan.

They are not only responsible for public security, fire control, burglary prevention, and arranging the streets of the city, of course, they are also responsible for the 'city appearance' of the capital, which is somewhat similar to the complex of police/posts, municipalities, fire departments, etc. in modern times. .

For all kinds of small business hawkers, businesses, shops, etc., there are designated areas in the capital for them to operate, just like you must not go to other places to sell clothes, fabrics, jewelry and other places to set up stalls. In the same way, if you sell food, you must not go to other elegant places such as high-end calligraphy and painting.

But the stalls of 'Happy Come and Secret Kebabs' never pay attention to this set, and they haunt the streets and alleys of the whole capital without saying hello, even the places where the officials and nobles of the inner city live. There are also decorations on the streets and alleys.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are many people and many people, there will be a lot of people, especially in the capital, where a plaque can be smashed into a few small officials, this hawker who makes secret kebabs again. , bold and unexpected!

Could it be that there is some background behind this small food vendor? !

Wucheng Soldiers and Horses are the yamen of the imperial court, and they are in charge of such a large area of the capital and such complicated affairs. Naturally, it is impossible for everyone to be an 'official organization'. In addition, they have always dealt with the three religions and nine streams. He hired a group of rascals and the like to be responsible for the 'city appearance'.

After all, you let a serious official to rush a hawker who sells vegetables and fish, which not only destroys your own image, but also lowers your identity

At this time, those with special identities came into play.

They use the group as the calculation and the number is divided into different 'organizations', which are responsible for both management and protection. Of course, this is not unpaid labor, and people need to charge fees, commonly known as 'protection fees'.

Because it's the 'official default', and these people don't charge a lot, plus there are some rogues who don't pay for things or eat an overlord's meal or something, someone will come and take care of you when you say hello, so This 'convention' is followed by everyone.

Of course, it is impossible for this group of people to swallow the money alone, they can only get a small part, and the rest must be 'turned in'.

In this way, it saves the soldiers and horses of the five cities from trouble, and also feeds a group of ordinary people who are related to social unrest, and they can also get oil and water on them, which can be said to be happy.

Therefore, when the stall of 'Good Come Back Secret Kebabs' appeared in many places where it should not have appeared with such a rapid momentum, and did not say hello to anyone, everyone was stunned.

It's like a group of people who stick to the rules, suddenly there is a person who plays cards out of the way. First there was consternation, then doubt, and then imaginings.

Where is this bum who has entered the city, or is there some big man supporting him

Judging from these people who are not under the name of Wucheng Soldiers and Horses, but help people with all kinds of chores, it can be seen that there are some tricks.

First of all, this 'good come again' appeared almost overnight, and the 'door face' was unified, not to mention it must be a family, and then these people were extremely daring, not only in many places outside the city that should not appear, Even in the inner city, where there are no small vendors allowed to appear, they also appeared.

This kind of way of playing cards out of the way of the cards kept these people silent for several days. Several parties got together to discuss it, but they didn't dare to act rashly, so they reported it to the top.

These are just a few officers who have not yet been ranked among the soldiers and horses of the five cities. The officers were stunned when they heard it.

The idea is the same, is it possible that there is a big background

After dawdling for a few days, he appeared in front of a 'good to come secret kebab' booth with a calm attitude.

This stall is doing extremely well, and it is crowded with people.

In full swing, all of them ate their mouths full of oil.

Otherwise, how can everyone love being an official? No matter it is a high official or a small official, they all have certain rights, depending on the size of the rights, and the tolerance suit is the sign.

The guards came to the front without even lining up.

The hawker was so busy that his forehead was covered in sweat. Seeing the clerk, he smiled and said, "How many strings does this clerk come?"

The officer was stunned for a moment, then glanced around at the people who had bought them and ate them on the spot, "Come and try a few."

"Okay, wait a moment."

Soon, the skewers were handed to the clerk.

"A total of ten pennies."

The officer was stunned for a second, then took the money from his arms and handed it to the hawker.

After walking out, he reacted—

Did he give money? He actually gave money? ! ! ! !

You must know that on weekdays, not to mention that he buys things from small traders and hawkers, no one ever charges him money. When he goes to a restaurant under his jurisdiction for a meal, no one dares to ask him for money.

Didn't he recognize the clothes he wore as a soldier of the Five Cities

Not far from the corner of the wall, stood a few people dressed in civilian clothes, with sturdy physiques and different looks.

They slyly looked here and whispered.

"Hey, it's really strange. Brother Feng never gives money on weekdays, but today is the sun coming out from the west?"

"Yeah, I also saw him giving money!"

"Is it impossible, really can't afford it?"

In this capital, there are too many people they can't afford to offend. It seems that many businesses and shops respect them with three points, but in the same way, when they encounter something they can't afford to offend, they don't even deserve to carry shoes. Especially in the capital city, there are many people who can't afford to offend, otherwise, there will be no 'good to come back secret kebabs' that will surprise them.

The slender officer was thinking wildly in his mind.

Holding the fragrant meat skewers in his hand, the saliva involuntarily overflowed in the mouth.

With a heavy heart, he leaned up and took two bites, but his expression was still stunned, but the speed of his mouth was much faster.

One, two, and four are all eaten.

While he sighed that it was delicious, he also made up his mind.

No, this can't be over like this, he knows that Zhao Lao Liu and the others are still peeking over there, but he can't lose his limelight.

So, he got back together again.

This time, unlike before, he was standing in front of the charcoal box, but leaned beside the hawker.

"Hey, do you know who I am?"

The voice was lowered.

The first customer seemed to have heard it, glanced at the clerk curiously, paid and left.

The peddler wiped off his sweat and said, "Of course you know, you are the messenger of the Five Cities Army and Horse Division."

The officer stiffened his back and nodded.

"Then do you know who I am?"

Seeing the hawker's calm demeanor and calm expression, the officer asked involuntarily, "Who are you?"

The hawker handed a handful of meat skewers to the customer, took the money, and stuffed it into a pocket hanging on his waist. He just got closer to the officer, and said in a low voice, "There is someone above me. If you don't know, ask your boss. If you still don't know, let him ask him."

After speaking like a tongue twister, the hawker started busy again, ignoring the sergeant who was stunned on the spot.

Is there someone up there

The officer looked at the sky.

Obviously no one!