The Lofty Fierce Consort

Chapter 78


Luo Huaiyuan is not as he said at the beginning, he will come back in just a few months, and he has stayed in Fuzhou for the past three years without returning. His Fourth Prince's Mansion seemed to be forgotten, and Emperor Xi didn't think of this son, so naturally no one else in the palace would mention it.

During this period, he wrote to Yan Yan several times, all of which were reported to be safe. It was also later that Yan Yan could not hide it, and only then did Yan Yan know what he had experienced in the past few years.

Luo Huaiyuan and others went all the way to Fujian, and the closer to the coast, the more desolate the town.

It was also at this time that he realized what the so-called Kou Suan really was. Pirates went ashore to make trouble, burning, killing, and looting everywhere. The common people along the coast moved away everything they could, and those who couldn’t move away were all those who were old and infirm, or whose families had no relatives in other places.

In a situation like this, when the pirates make trouble, they can only give what they want without hurting people's lives. Of course, it depends on luck at this time, and those who only seek wealth will naturally not, but there are also many vicious people. Those with daughters and wives at home left their hometowns one after another, even if they were begging on the street as refugees.

Between the eyes, ten rooms and nine empty!

Unable to move forward, Luo Huaiyuan could only turn around, and when he arrived near Fuzhou Mansion, he seemed to have returned to the human world.

Luo Huaiyuan was unlucky. As soon as he arrived in Houren County, he was wandering on the street to investigate the local customs and customs, when he encountered a group of pirates.

It is not quite accurate to say that it is a pirate, because except for a few people who speak Fusang, most of them speak Chinese, and some speak Goryeo, even though they all wear Fusang clothes.

This group of pirates was not many, only about 20 people, but wherever they went, it was as if hungry wolves had entered the flock, and the streets suddenly became chaotic, with screams, curses, and cries everywhere. .

Luo Huaiyuan grew up listening to the story of how the little Japanese devil invaded China when he was modern. Even though this might not be the space he was in, he could not help but want to beat the bird. , and the Japanese dress, he couldn't help but red-eyed.

Coupled with the screams and calls for help on the street, Luo Huaiyuan became angry.

I copied something that I didn't know if it was a wine jar or a vegetable jar, and smashed it, and said something very embarrassing, "Grass, copy it!"

He thought that what he said was jargon, and he naturally dared to obey. Who knew that the four guards and Madam Hui were all stunned, and Xiao Anzi was so frightened that she cried a long time ago, and kept pulling his arm to make him run away.

He pushed Xiao Anzi away, grabbed a stick and held it in his hand, "Fuck your grandma, you can run away in this situation, don't run away, copy things and fuck him!"

The chaotic crowd saw a little fat man in his teens, grabbing a long stick in his hand and swiping it on a lonely pirate, while beating and scolding: "I'll take care of your grandfather, let you be okay. If you don’t learn and learn badly, I will call you an inappropriate person and a beast.”

Then he scolded the chaotic crowd: "They all copy things, they are just so few people, not everyone has a knife, and one spit will drown them."

In fact, people are reflexively afraid. They always hear how brutal the pirates are, killing people like numbness. As soon as they see the pirates coming, they can't react in time and run away subconsciously. The more you run, the more chaotic you are, and there are too many people to trample on.

In fact, if you calm down and take a look, you can see that there are not many pirates in this group. Except for the leader who holds Japanese swords in two hands, most of the weapons in their hands are shaped, including all kinds of farm implements and sticks. There are also a few kitchen knives that I don't know from whom.

Luo Huaiyuan calmed down when he saw this situation clearly, and still had the leisure to teach others to pick up bamboo poles as weapons, and demolished the sheds of the small vendors, just for the first few bamboos there.

If the first person resists, there will naturally be the second and third. Some men also feel that they are cowards, and it is better to be a child. dry up.

After being infected, everyone stopped running, and smashed something on the pirates if they had something in their hands.

The guards who came with Luo Huaiyuan were stunned for a long time, completely forgetting that they were martial arts masters in the eyes of the common people. But this time Luo Huaiyuan and the others all dressed up as ordinary people, and when they saw a few of them in a daze, at most others would think that these big men looked strange and strong, how could they be fools, and they didn't know how to run.

As for Madam Hui, a woman who was very careful, she didn't help, and went to the two men with Japanese swords in their hands. This fusang man with a Japanese sword is a fusang warrior, but he is actually a refugee who can't get along in the mainland. Naturally, he can't compare with a master like Hui Niang.

As soon as they met, the knife in his hand was snatched, and he stepped down with both feet, and collapsed on the ground with his crippled legs.

Immediately afterwards, angry people came up and smashed them with various objects. The two fusang people were shouting words that everyone could not understand, and their expressions seemed to be wailing.

The pirate who was beaten by Luo Huaiyuan was also unlucky. He was following the large army to drive the crowd recklessly. He laughed proudly, and was suddenly hit on the head by a jar coming from the sky. As soon as I recovered from the dizziness, I heard a child say that he was going to drown himself with saliva.

Wherever this group of people went, everyone avoided it, they were used to doing whatever they wanted, and suddenly they encountered a maverick, the key was a little fat man, and they were stunned.

After this moment, he fell into boundless hell, and was swung with a big stick by someone without a brain, so that he just wanted to call his mother.

Luo Huaiyuan made a random call before letting out the anger in his heart. He dropped his stick and kicked the guard beside him, pointing with a fat finger. Only then did the guards react, and they went up and down three times and couldn't pick them up, and by the way, they took ropes and tied them up.

The matter soon came to an end. This wave of pirates had few people. One could not beat one, five or six would always win, and people hiding in the shops along the street also came out to help.

When a group of pirates were bound by their uniforms and thrown to the ground, everyone let out a burst of cheers that broke the sky.

At this time, a team of officers and soldiers arrived. Looking at the clothes, he was a servant of the county government and soldiers of several local guards.

"You are so early!"

Why do people who should have been there appear only after the curtain is over? Is this an opportunity for the protagonist to show his personal tyranny? Luo Huaiyuan thought very boringly.

The leading soldier saw a child in the middle of the crowd talking like this, and seeing that although he was not well-dressed, he was not as imposing as an ordinary person.

"This little brother, it's not that I was slow to wait, it's just that several waves of pirates suddenly appeared in the county, and there was a shortage of manpower for a while."

There were people on the side who heard this and were talking about it.

"This pirate actually came to Houren County?"

"I heard that it was in Changle County a few days ago. Why did you come to us so quickly?"

"What do your county government eat? The pirates don't even know when they enter the city?"

"No, no, I have to move out to avoid it."

Everything was said, and it was extremely noisy for a while.

The guards and the yamen all had wry smiles on their faces. Pirates like this were all collusion between the inside and outside. The pirates had dispatched insiders to step on them well before they entered the city to loot. Naturally, this kind of thing is not easy to tell the common people, so I can only try my best to appease them, and hurriedly organize the people to carry those injured people for medical treatment.

In the end, it was cleared up, and there were no casualties!

You must know that they came from the west of the county seat, where a lot of people were killed and injured. Finally, when I asked about the situation, I knew the whole story. The eyes of the people who looked at Luo Huaiyuan changed.

The leading soldier stepped forward and bowed his hands in salute, "This little brother is extraordinarily heroic. If I and the rest of the people are as bold and heroic as you, why not worry about pirates."

This person was also impressed. Although the pirates were in chaos, a large group of people would not come to a small place like them. Most of them went to besiege and loot the big county of Fucheng. Those who can come to them are all scattered soldiers, but they are only a few dozen in a group, but they can disturb the lives of the people in the county.

The whereabouts of the pirates are uncertain, and there are many roams and chaos. The local guards are too scattered, and they are tired of running around, but they have little effect. If the people could resist heroically, why would they suffer such heavy losses

Before coming here, the county town's west gate had counted the injuries, and there were countless trampled and trampled injuries, and they were massacred by pirates. In just a quarter of an hour, there were hundreds of casualties. The pirates who made trouble were only about twenty people.

Seeing this man's strange expression, Luo Huaiyuan couldn't help but ask, "The casualties elsewhere are very serious."

The man's eyes were red, and he only groaned miserably.

The soldiers of the local guardhouses like them all grew up here, and the people who were talking and laughing with them a few days ago were suddenly hit by disasters today, not to mention that their guards also suffered casualties, how could they not feel sad.

He found out that Luo Huaiyuan and his group came from out of town to look for relatives, and now they have not found a place to live.

Luo Huaiyuan didn't refuse. Now the town is in chaos, and if he doesn't find a place to live, he should sleep on the street tonight.

When I went to the county office, because the lobby of the county office was full of injured people, Luo Huaiyuan and the others were only divided into two rooms.

In the past, he, who had been pampered for two lifetimes, naturally wouldn't have wronged himself so much, but this time is different from the other, and now there is no way to do it. I haven't seen the county hall full of people.

He and Xiao Anzi were not very old, so they shared a room with Madam Hui, and the other guards lived in another room.

The next day, when he was about to leave, the soldier named Qin Shan suddenly came to visit.

After coming yesterday, Luo Huaiyuan also knew that Qin Shan was not an ordinary soldier. He was the general banner of a nearby hundred-household establishment, with ten small banners under his command, and he could be regarded as a small military attache. However, Luo Huaiyuan was someone who was accustomed to seeing the royal family and relatives. In his eyes, the general flag was just a pawn.

After a few conversations between the two, Qin Shan explained his intentions in the future.

It turned out that the county magistrate Ruan Datong wanted to lift Luo Huaiyuan out as an example and commend him.

Qin Shan came up with this idea, and he had no choice but to do it.

The Hundred Households Office where Qinshan is located is responsible for the security of the entire Houren County and several nearby villages and towns. It is a pity that there are only more than 100 people in the entire Hundred Households, so for the entire Houren County and nearby villages and towns, it is impossible to find them in the crowd. In particular, the pirates are running around in chaos, and they have no idea how they appeared and how they appeared. They only know that they must have insiders, so they often choose to make chaos in places where the guards are weak.

Qin Shan was inspired by what happened yesterday, and deeply felt that the strength of ordinary people is still important. If he said yesterday, the people are all heroic, so why should they be afraid of pirates.

Especially in these extraordinary times, it is necessary to inspire people and inspire people.

It took Luo Huaiyuan a long time to understand that this is to 'recognize advanced individuals' and set an example for model workers, so as to motivate the people below to be positive, protect themselves and fight against the pirates together with the government

As for why he was chosen instead of others, Qin Shan also gave the answer.

First, many of those present yesterday saw Luo Huaiyuan, a heroic young man, who took the lead in fighting the pirates. Second, Luo Huaiyuan was young.

Well, there are benefits to being small too.

If you think about it this way, the people below will see that such a young boy can muster the courage to fight against the pirates, what are you and other manly men doing now? He will definitely be ashamed and cast aside his cowards, and he will be inspired by the incident in the south of the city yesterday. Next time there is a pirate attack, everyone will be less afraid and more courageous.

This is righteousness, and it doesn't hurt anything anyway. Although Luo Huaiyuan is embarrassed, he still accepts it.

Luo Huaiyuan had never experienced anything like being commended in public in the modern era, and today it can be regarded as an eye-opener.

At this moment, the county town was crying everywhere, and white flags were hanging everywhere. The momentum was sluggish, and passers-by hardly saw any pedestrians. At this time, a simple platform was erected on the grounds in front of the county yamen. There were yamen officers running quickly in the streets of the county town, blaring gongs as they ran. After a while, the people in the county town knew that the county government had something to call everyone. .

About half an hour later, the grounds in front of the county yamen were full of people from the county.

The county magistrate, with a thin physique and a goatee, appeared on the stage with the Qin Mountain General Banner. Two armchairs were placed on the stage, and the two sat down.

There was a sound of gong, and after the silence, the county magistrate took a piece of paper in his hand and read it aloud.

The people below also generally understood the meaning of the people above. This is to commend a heroic young man in public. Everyone has heard about what happened at the South Gate. It is said that a boy under 11 or 12 years old led the people to fight against the pirates. All the city gates suffered heavy casualties. There were many injuries, but none died.

At such a moment of grief, this is already very good news, so no one raised any objections when considering how to deal with the pirates when their parents had nothing to do with their officials.

After a moment, I saw a chubby young man with a fat face and round eyes, with a big red flower tied to his chest, came to the stage.

There was applause on the stage and off the stage. The yamen soldiers were trying to build momentum for their superiors, but the people below were really applauding.

This county is not big, and if something big happens, it can spread throughout the city in half a day. What I discovered yesterday, although very sad, is not without inspiration. Many people who survived the disaster are thinking, if they did not run away, but turned around and fought against the pirates like the people at the South Gate, would it not be so miserable

This question is worth pondering.

Luo Huaiyuan stood in front of the stage awkwardly. He wanted to die now. Although he had already prepared for it, he still didn't expect it to be so embarrassing. He even had a red cloth tied around his chest. The safflower he made was not a big fat pig for sacrifice.

Madam Hui, who was standing under the stage, pursed her lips and smiled, Xiao Anzi also laughed so hard that she could not see her teeth, and the guards couldn't help but laugh.

Luo Huaiyuan stood there dumbfounded, and continued to listen to what the county magistrate said.

After a while, he also understood, the so-called 'mobilization words', but unfortunately it was not exciting at all. He glanced at the faces of the county magistrate and Qin Shan. The magistrate was fine. He was originally from a college. This kind of mobilization speech was quite appealing to him, and he might have written it. On the other hand, Qin Shan looked a little hesitant, but he was not a local parental official, so he could say something.

According to this kind of mobilization, only the ghost can be effective!

Suddenly, Luo Huaiyuan was nudged from behind, and a yamen officer whispered to let him come forward.

With one hand in front and the other behind, the county magistrate looked at ease and encouraged, "This little brother Chen Yun, would you like to say a few words to everyone?"

This Chen Yun was the pseudonym used by Luo Huaiyuan for this trip, taking his modern name.

Luo Huaiyuan raised his eyebrows, "Really tell me?"

The county magistrate nodded, the county magistrate nodded, and Qin Shan also nodded.

Luo Huaiyuan took a deep breath, took two steps forward, and looked at the crowd. There were many people standing under the stage, and everyone had different expressions, some were impatient, some were lethargic, some were numb, but most of them looked at him with kindness, admiration, and admiration.

Suddenly, there were a few cheers, Luo Huaiyuan looked at it, some familiar, it seemed to be the 'little buddies' who fought together on Chengnan Street yesterday.

"Hurry up and cheer for Brother Chen. If it wasn't for him yesterday, maybe the South Gate would have suffered heavy losses. I am a big old man. When I panicked, I only knew how to run. It's not as brave and courageous as a young man!"

There was applause and cheers from the audience.

He has never been so admired before!

Luo Huaiyuan wiped away the tears of excitement he imagined.

He showed a big smile and said slowly: "Actually, standing here, I am deeply ashamed, because I am not as brave as everyone thinks, and I am also afraid."

The magistrates and the magistrates looked at each other in dismay. They called this young man to boost morale, not to discourage him! I want to drag the child down, but how can I demolish my own stage in this battle

The county magistrate stared at the county magistrate and whispered, "Didn't you tell him what to say beforehand?"

The county magistrate shrank his neck and did not dare to speak. In just a short time, how to formulate the words, of course, he mentioned to this kid, but before the words were spoken, he nodded with a look I understand. He thought that someone who could do the same thing as yesterday would not be an idiot, who would have known that he would do such a thing.

The county magistrate smiled stiffly, staring at Luo Huaiyuan's back, wishing to eat him.

Luo Huaiyuan was still talking nonsense there, exaggerating how scared he was at that time.

"... At that time, my legs were very weak and I was very scared, thinking that if this were to die, how could I be worthy of my mother... "

Suddenly, his voice changed, "But at that time, there were so many people on the street that running wouldn't solve the problem. When I picked up the stick and beat the pirates, I realized that they were human too. They were just like us. People with hands and feet, people who feel pain, bleeding, fear, and fear."

For a while, it was quiet on and off the stage, everyone listened with a thoughtful look on their faces.

"I always hear people say how terrifying the pirates are, how cruel and inhumane, they burn, kill, loot, commit all kinds of evil, and before you see anyone, you only hear someone shouting that the pirates are coming, and you subconsciously persuade them. It's like the vicious dog. In fact, it doesn't do anything but barks and shows sharp canine teeth. People think it must be very vicious. Why is it so? It's because everyone imagines it to be vicious. When you muster the courage , pick up the stick, pick up the kitchen knife, and face it with a more vicious posture than it, you will find that the vicious dog will only bark a few times, then run away with its tail between its tail. Why? Because it is also afraid... "

Everyone was stunned. This kind of vernacular is easy to understand, let alone a scholar from a county magistrate or a county magistrate, even the 70-year-old and the four- or five-year-old children below can understand it. Plain words are like talking to people face to face, but surprisingly can move people's hearts

Qin Shan, who was sitting there, clenched his fists, his eyes full of red blood, with a hint of approval.

Yes, they are human too! They will be afraid, and they will bleed, and they will die!

"... Now the pirates are looting everywhere. They are hooligans, bandits, and murderers who destroy our homeland. They wounded our family, killed our friends, robbed our property, and kidnapped our women. Because we are weak , they are still waiting for the opportunity to rush up and bite down a piece of meat, until they tear us into pieces and devour them..."

"I just wanted to ask, do you want that kind of tragedy to happen again?"

In no mood!

These voices were a little hesitant at first, a little uneven, but after a few adjustments, they became neat and consistent. You could see someone below him blushing and the blue veins on his neck jumping, and it could be seen that he was roaring with all his strength.

"Do you want to?"

"In no mood!"

The sound of drinking is loud.

Even the old men and women in their 60s and 70s stood on crutches and echoed loudly.

"Well, it's time for us to stand up!"

This commendation meeting was more successful than expected.

The people in the whole county were all excited. Walking on the street, they could often hear someone paraphrasing Luo Huaiyuan's lines that day, and train people to the point where they couldn't lift their heads.

[They are hooligans, bandits, and murderers who destroy our homes. They wounded our family, killed our friends, robbed us of our belongings, and kidnapped our women. Because we are weak...]

This sentence is more widespread than imagined, and it can almost be used as a slogan.

Qin Shan strikes while the iron is hot, and organizes people in the county to participate in training from time to time, hoping that if there are any sneak attacks by pirates, everyone can go up and smash two bricks. The atmosphere in the county is very encouraging.

Nowadays, all parts of Fujian are fighting against the pirates. Ruan Datong, the county magistrate, reported the incident for his political achievements.

It seems that a model to boost the morale of the people is really needed. Luo Huaiyuan was commended by Fujian Chenghuan's Minister of Political Envoys as a 'Little Hero of Anti-Corruption', and his deeds were widely circulated in various prefectures of Fujian.

No one expected Luo Huaiyuan to start in such a way when he arrived in Fuzhou.

But now that the matter has come, he has no room for reversal. He can only be protected like a mule, dragged everywhere to be commended and tell his deeds.

He came here to make a lot of money and to be a businessman. How could he become a little hero of fighting pirates

In fact, Luo Huaiyuan also had a dark feeling in his heart, especially after his deeds were widely circulated, everyone looked at him with admiration wherever he went.

To say it is unpleasant, it must be nonsense.

Even after that, when he heard a widely circulated saying, he couldn't have any other reaction except for being embarrassed.

It's the phrase 'Grass, copy things for ah', 'Copy things for him'. Even after that, it developed into a fight in the market, and the opening remarks were like this.

Of course, this is another story.

This turmoil lasted for most of the time.

At this time, Chen Yun's anti-kosher hero had already met Xie Du, the commander of Fujian Dusi, by his own strength. Only then did Luo Huaiyuan take out the letter in his arms and hand it to the commander Xie Du.

It was the letter that his little princess gave him when she was leaving.

Commander Xie Du was stunned when he saw it. He didn't expect that the sons and nephews of the husband had become famous local heroes of fighting against pirates. Luo Huaiyuan touched his nose and was embarrassed to tell his own experience. Now he has only one request, can he continue to slip the mule.

Commander Xie laughed, patted Luo Huaiyuan on the shoulder and said to him.