The Lofty Fierce Consort

Chapter 80


Yan Yan has really grown up. She had her first cramp last year, and the factors were properly adjusted every day, and it was not like other girls who came for the second time after a long interval.

Once a month, neither early nor late, very punctual. The only downside is that it was uncomfortable and inconvenient when she came here. Every time she came, she couldn't even practice martial arts that she never pulled off. She needed to stay in the house for a few days, which took a lot of patience.

When Shen Yiyao heard that her daughter was not coming to eat, she didn't say anything, and ordered Cuiping to let the kitchen stew a cup of Ejiao, red dates, and brown sugar to send to Guiyan Pavilion. Luo Huaiyuan had some guesses just now, but now he understands.

His little princess has grown up.

After the meal, Luo Huaiyuan accompanied Shen Yiyao to talk for a while.

Shen Yiyao had known Luo Huaiyuan's identity for a long time, and also understood his situation. In her thoughts, she couldn't understand the situation in the palace where there were no children, no parents, no mothers. She could only give Yuan Er some love to the child she could.

Even if the child is already taller than her.

Luo Huaiyuan brought a lot of novelties from the West on this trip, most of which were prepared with Shen Yiyao's mother and daughter and Yan Mo. Assorted gems and spices. Ivory, fragrant dew from the West, etc., especially a box of ruby and sapphire are particularly dazzling, rich in color, large in size, and extremely precious.

Shen Yiyao declined, feeling that it was too precious, but Luo Huaiyuan said that this was a stone from Xiyang. It was not only better in quality than Daxi's, but also the price was several times lower. It was not a valuable thing, so let her not mind.

Indeed, many foreign merchants who come to Fuzhou Port to trade are from Luzon, Siam, Ryukyu, Java, and even the Frenchman from the other side of the ocean. Those places produce these because of the geographical environment, but lack the others. Only Daxi Unique things, such as silk, porcelain, tea, etc., even the most common Songjiang cotton cloth of Daxi, can only be enjoyed by the top nobles in their eyes.

Shen Yiyao couldn't push it, so she had to accept it. She understands that this is also a part of the child's heart, and when she decides to cut clothes again, she remembers to make Yuan'er a suit.

Luo Huaiyuan didn't stay in Zhuangzi for a long time.

The Fourth Prince's Mansion has not returned for a long time, only relying on Eunuch Xi to be deceived and supported, but fortunately those people in the palace thought he did not exist, never announced him, nor rewarded anything, and when he was in the mansion He seldom showed his face in front of people, and many uninformed palace eunuchs only regarded him as withdrawn, but it was not too difficult to hide it.

Luo Huaiyuan returned to the mansion and walked around the garden to show his face. Eunuch Xi received a letter saying that the fourth prince had returned, and he almost shed tears when he came to welcome Luo Huaiyuan.

No one knew what kind of torture he had endured in the past three years, and he was worried every day, for fear that a letter from the palace would summon the fourth prince and reveal his fault. When the time when I was afraid of revealing the stuffing had passed, and I was afraid that the fourth prince would not come back, he would have no choice but to be poisoned. Fortunately, the fourth prince, Shounuo, sent someone back on time to give him the antidote, otherwise the father-in-law would be crazy.

Even so, after not seeing him for a few years, the well-maintained father-in-law Xi is also much older than before, with more wrinkles on his face.

Seeing Eunuch Xi who was described as withered, Luo Huaiyuan touched his nose, feeling a little embarrassed. He patted Eunuch Xi on the shoulder and comforted: "It's alright, don't be afraid."

Eunuch Xi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and his expression was distorted.

Luo Huaiyuan hadn't returned for several years, and everything in the Fourth Prince's Mansion was business as usual.

The Fourth Prince's Mansion was deserted, and no one came to visit. His Highness was withdrawn and did not like to show his face in front of others. Eunuch Xi was in charge of everything in the mansion, and the eunuchs and eunuchs in the palace below followed step by step, and nothing went wrong.

Everyone didn't know, in fact, their master went out for a circle and came back.

Luo Huaiyuan pretended to care about the situation in the lower house, and took Xiao Anzi back to his yard.

After sitting in the room for a while, I didn't know what to think, so Xiao Anzi went and called a maid who was serving in the yard to come in.

He also kicked Xiao Anzi out, leaving only the nanny in the house.

After a while, the not-so-young grandmother came out with a blushing face, and Xiao Anzi went in again.

Xiao Anzi had served Luo Huaiyuan for so many years, and he could be considered to understand the person of this master. In the master's heart, except for Miss Yan, no one else is in his eyes, otherwise Xiao Anzi would really misunderstand something.

Even so, Xiao Anzi couldn't help but stare at Luo Huaiyuan with a suspicious look.

"What are you looking at? Disagreement!" Luo Huaiyuan slapped Xiao Anzi away with a slap.

After being soaked in a pool of ink for so many years, even if it is white, it has become black. In particular, Xiao Anzi understood the master's temperament, and even he was brought a little crooked, and he didn't feel that there was anything disrespectful to the master, so he told his own thoughts.

"Then what, Your Highness, if you have any thoughts, the servant will go and tell Eunuch Xi that the palace will arrange for the princes to teach the personnel of the palace."

Luo Huaiyuan's hair instantly exploded, his plump body jumped up in a very agile manner, and his plump fingers pointed directly at Xiao Anzi, who shrank his neck.

"What are you thinking? Xiao Anzi, you've learned badly!"

Boys are more mature than girls, not to mention Luo Huaiyuan, a fake young man who has been an older man for two generations. On weekdays, Xiao Anzi cleans up the bedding and underwear, so she naturally knows that the master has had that kind of mind a few years ago.

Xiao Anzi wanted to tell Eunuch Xi, let him report it, and let the palace arrange to teach the prince to know the personnel. Who knows that his face is still too tender, and the little thought in his heart has not hidden from Luo Huaiyuan, who is so hard on him that he is blind. But Xiao Anzi loves her master very much, so she can't help but worry about it.

Xiao Anzi pursed his lips, and did not continue to be ignorant. Otherwise, on the first day of his arrival, His Highness would have arranged to run ten laps around the courtyard to pass the time.

Luo Huaiyuan glared at him again: "You think too much, really!"

Just as he was talking, the maid from the palace just now came in again, holding some needles and threads, fabrics, cotton and the like in her hands. This time Luo Huaiyuan didn't rush Xiao Anzi out, and let him stay inside the house.

First, pick the fabric, mostly cotton.

Luo Huaiyuan was not very satisfied with the selection of several pieces, so he picked a piece of fabric that was both thick and soft, and then picked a piece of fine white cotton.

After that, I drew on the mammy's pen and asked her to take the scissors and start cutting the cloth. During the process, I kept telling me that it was too big or small, so I cut two pieces of cloth with irregular shapes, and followed the instructing mammy to put cotton wool on the cloth. , layer by layer, almost half a finger thick to let it stop.

Then there is the stitching, stitching all the way around, and then adding a few lines in the middle and on both sides.

Luo Huaiyuan instructed the mammy to sew the other two triangular pieces of cloth. After sewing, a string was threaded on the top end. This mammy's workmanship is excellent, the stitches are neat, although the appearance is a little simple, but the general shape is not bad.

He rubbed the muslin pad with butterfly wings, then picked up the pair of briefs and looked at it, imagining that the little princess' round buttocks were wrapped in it, and suddenly there was a feeling of suffocation.

Fortunately, the two people in front of them didn't know what they were doing, but they didn't make Luo Huaiyuan feel embarrassed. There was even a strange excitement, which he blamed on the man's inferiority.

He pondered for a moment and said: "This is not good, the stitches are too thick, use thinner silk thread. This is not bad, but the pattern is too simple-" He pointed to a part of the waist of the triangular cloth, and then clicked on the middle of the back, "Embroider some flowers and plants in these two places for embellishment, and then sew a thin piece of leather here, and that's about it."

The maid thought for a while and said, "The slave will divide the embroidery thread into sixteen strands, and use one velvet to embroider, so the stitches will not be rough. Embroidering patterns in these places, but do you need to choose patterns?"

"These embroidered patterns of auspicious clouds are simple and generous."

Mammy came in without knowing, and nodded, "Then the servant will go down."

Luo Huaiyuan waved his hand, and after the palace maid had left, he poured a cup of cold tea to calm down.

At night, things are presented.

After Luo Huaiyuan saw it, he was very satisfied and rewarded the mammy with a silver ingot. After that, he thought about it, and called Xiao Anzi over to explain it in his ear.

Xiao Anzi listened, blushing and shaking her head. Luo Huaiyuan bared his teeth and grinned again, threatening and enticing him in turn, before Xiao Anzi reluctantly agreed.

Luo Huaiyuan glanced at Xiao Anzi and said in his heart: If no one is available, you are a eunuch again, grandpa I will not let you go.

The next day, Luo Huaiyuan once again visited Hot Spring Zhuangzi.

Yan Yan stayed in Guiyan Pavilion and did not come out, so he could only go to Yan Mo and make Xiao Anzi go to Guiyan Pavilion.

Xiao Anzi went to the mysterious place, took out a package and gave it to Yan Yan, and said something in her ear.

Yan Yan seemed embarrassed and annoyed, her expression was very strange, and after a while, she asked, "Who sent this thing to you?"

Xiao Anzi choked and waved his hands again and again, "It has nothing to do with our Highness, it was made by the mama in the palace below for her own convenience. It is said to be very useful, and it was passed on to His Highness's ears, and His Highness ordered someone to do it. Come here, I want the girl to use it as well."

Children, don't you know that there is a saying that you don't recruit yourself

Yan Yan's face turned red all of a sudden, and she swooped from Xiao Anzi's eyes to the door with lightning speed, and then disappeared.

Hanging down the crystal curtain, Mei Xue probed her head and waved at Xiao Anzi, "Xiao Anzi, what did you say to the girl to make her so angry?"

Xiao Anzi laughed dryly, "It's nothing, it's nothing."

Your Highness, Xiao Anzi did everything you said, but nothing else was mentioned.

Luo Huaiyuan was uneasy in his heart. He was afraid that Xiao Anzi would not speak well when he went to make A Yan angry, but also that A Yan would not be able to feel his feelings. All in all, his heart was very complicated.

Yan Mo glanced at him curiously, "Why didn't Brother Luo listen to you today?"

Luo Huaiyuan laughed dryly: "Do I usually like to mention your elder sister?"

Yan Mo only smiled and did not speak.

At this moment, a figure rolled in like a wind. Yan Yanyu's face was crimson, she was out of breath, her almond eyes were slightly narrowed, and her expression was very strange.

Luo Huaiyuan jumped up and laughed dryly, shaking his chubby hand, "Hello, Sister Ayan."

Yan Yanyi glanced at him and looked at Yan Mo, "Amo, go out first, take all your maids out, I'll have a word with your brother Luo."

Yan Mo said honestly, and moved away with the people in the room.

The door was tightly closed, Luo Huaiyuan saw that the situation was not right, and shrank the corner of the kang, shivering.

"Sister Ayan, what's the matter with you? Don't be angry, say something if you have something to say. Did that idiot Xiao Anzi make you angry? I'll teach him a lesson for you later."

Yan Yan gave him a dignified smile, then rolled up her sleeves and rushed up. Putting this big fat Luo on the kang was a severe beating. Luo Huaiyuan held his head and curled up his fat body, screaming and wailing.

"Sister Ayan, I was wrong!"

"I will never dare again!"

"Xiao Anzi, you little bastard, I'll take care of you when I go back!"

"Ah, help!"

Yan Mo and Yan'er listened against the door with a strange expression.

Yan'er had a worried expression on her face, "Could it be that the third girl hit Master Luo?"

Ying'er nodded, "Listen to the movement!"

"What should I do? The girl is good at martial arts. Although Young Master Luo is fat, he is useless at first sight. I wonder if he will be beaten by the girl?"

"Last time I watched the girl practice martial arts, but a fist broke a pillar with a thick bowl."

"Master, do you want to find someone to rescue Master Luo?"

Yan Mo waved his hand and said indifferently, "Sister knows the seriousness, you go take a look, and don't let someone who is not sensible go to the madam."

After a fat beating, Luo Huaiyuan lowered his eyebrows and looked at Yan Yan with an aggrieved expression, sobbing.

"Sister Ayan, what did they do wrong? You want to beat them like this!"

"You said it!"

Yan Yan clenched her small fists and went up to punch two more times.

Originally, it was embarrassing at first, but who knew that Luo Xiaopang became more and more outrageous, and it was so cheap that Yan Yan became more and more angry.

Fat hands covered his face, "I won't say it anymore, stop hitting Lun's house."

Yan Yan snorted and her face froze, "Why did you ask Xiao Anzi to send that thing, you can also send that kind of thing." At the end, Yan Yan's face blushed again.

Luo Huaiyuan peeked at Yan Yan's expression from the crevice of his hands, put down one hand, and blinked his big eyes as pure as Barbie, "Aren't we friends?"

Yan Yan suffocated, and then growled again: "Friends can't, can't... That's it!"

"Well, I just saw that you seemed to be very uncomfortable, and I was very worried, so I went back and asked a nanny. The nanny said that this is the case with girls when they grow up, and she said that you should pay more attention, so she took the I came out with that thing and said it was very useful. I was overjoyed, thinking that I would be able to help sister A Yan, and I even rewarded her. What is the use of that thing? Mammy said that I can't know it, just tell her Xiao Anzi."

Yan Yan was dubious, Luo Huaiyuan tried his best to make his expression purer.

Seeing that Yan Yan's expression gradually softened, he changed to a look of injustice.

"I'm really wronged. It's that Xiao Anzi who cheated on me. Sister Ayan, please don't listen to Xiao Anzi's nonsense..."

Yan Yan thought: Maybe she really wronged Luo Xiaopang

Thinking about what Xiao Anzi said just now, she really didn't mention what Luo Xiaopang did. Did she misunderstand

Luo Huaiyuan climbed on the kang, raised his face to face Yan Yan, and pointed at his blue eyes with his fat finger, "I am so miserable, Sister Ayan, look at how miserable I am!"

Don't look at it, it must be green. After so many hits, it hurts the most here.

"How could you do this to me? I'm so kind..."

A snot and a tear.

How could Yan Yan have played with Luo Huaiyuan, a chicken thief, and gradually became at a loss, "I, I am also embarrassed... You are so bad, uh, I apologize to you..."

After thinking about it, I still think it's him that's wrong, how could it be like this.

For something so personal, how dare he—

But he said he didn't know what it was!

Yan Yan stomped her feet and said sternly, "It's obvious that you are wrong, so don't cry."

In fact, where does this guy cry, it's just howling.

Luo Huaiyuan twitched a few times, and the little daughter-in-law stopped.

"Then why are you here, I'll go back first." After a pause, "Also, don't tell my mother that I beat him."

After speaking, the person was swept away like a gust of wind.

Luo Huaiyuan sat up straight and rubbed his cheeks. Admiration in my heart: The little princess is a real murderer!

He got off the kang, moved his muscles and bones, touched the corners of his eyes, bared his teeth and smirked.

In fact, it seemed that Yan Yan played very fiercely and didn't use much energy at all. Otherwise, Luo Huaiyuan, who had broken bones and suffered horrific internal injuries, would not have been able to get up.

Yan Mo was stunned and swept away like Yan Yanfeng. Seeing that there was no movement inside, they did not dare to go in for a while. After hesitating for a moment, I saw someone walking out from inside.

He has all arms and all legs, and a dark blue brocade robe with dark patterns makes him look like he is not very fat, but he is still quite round. Everything is fine, except for the blue circle around his left eye. There was a happy smile on the corner of his mouth, which seemed to be happy.

Are you still happy to be beaten

This young master Luo is really weird!

Yan Mo was a little worried, "Brother Luo, are you alright?"

"Okay, of course, okay!"

The next day, Xiao Anzi, who stole the chicken but failed to lose the rice, had a blue circle on his right eye, which was exactly symmetrical with his Highness Luo Huaiyuan.

Xiao Anzi decided not to play with Your Highness again in the future. Just like what His Highness said yesterday, I am the ancestor of playing with Your Heart!

Woo... it hurts!


Luo Huaiyuan could not be all right when he came back.

Since he hasn't returned for several years, he has to come back. Second, the Fuzhou side is on the right track for the time being, with Xie Mao and Shen Xuan watching, plus the few helpers he has brought out in the past two years, there should be no serious problems, and the business cannot be rushed, since Already on the right track, let it develop gradually. Then there is one thing imminent, so Luo Huaiyuan had to leave the business and return.

That is, the second prince Luo Jin is already eighteen, and it is almost time for a big wedding.

Princes are not allowed to make courtiers, and marriage is the best time to make courtiers, and it is the most natural thing that makes people have nowhere to choose. In the previous life, Concubine Xu chose Cheng Guogong's direct daughter as the second concubine for this son, but she gave Luo Jin a lot of help.

Cheng Guogong is also a veteran of the battlefield. He was born in the military. Although he is not as famous as Zhen Guogong, he is not a good stubborn. Cheng Guogong was also born in the founding of the country, and he was very powerful. In the previous life, King Jin was able to conspire against the superior, but he contributed a lot to it.

Once again, Luo Huaiyuan naturally wanted to make some trouble for him, but he couldn't let Luo Jin wish him well.

The embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant's nest. He didn't believe that he had to work again, and he knew so many opportunities. Would he still be able to overcome this future Jin emperor? !

Press not to mention.

Yan Ting has had a very fulfilling life in the past three years. Although he still has no serious errands, he has also made friends with many honorable ministers. It can be said that the conversation is full of Confucianism, and there is no white Ding in exchanges. These people are different from those he has come into contact with before, and most of them are the mainstay of the court.

Xu Xiangrong values and trusts him very much. Most of the time, he takes him with him when he interacts with others in private. Gradually, the power of Concubine Xu's family has also made Yan Ting aware of it. Even the second prince and the third prince had seen each other, Yan Ting sighed when he saw the second prince, no matter where they looked from, they should not be underestimated in the future.

Full of majesty, Yushu Zhilan, is really a dragon among people.

Compared with this, the prince is a lot worse.

Yan Ting once again affirmed that his original idea was right and his decision was right.

Away from Shen Yiyao and indifferent to Duke Zhen Guo, in front of him was a completely new sky that he had never imagined before.

Of course, Xu Xiangrong had also mentioned to him whether he would get along with Duke Zhen Guo, and even proposed that he wanted to meet Duke Zhen and let Yan Ting lead the way.

Yan Tingtui said that the old man has a weird temper, and that his wife, Shen Yiyao, has been in poor health for the past two years, and has been living in Zhuangzi in Tangquan for recuperation.

Xu Xiangrong nodded, showing an 'I understand' expression, and did not mention it again. Of course he didn't know his 'I understand' look, but Yan Ting was angry for several days.

Yan Ting also pushed it here as to why he had no errands on him. Xu Xiangrong sighed more than once, that your wife is really delicate, and that is not the way your father-in-law spoils his daughter.

Yan Ting could only helplessly smile.

Of course, Yan Ting also implicitly expressed his desire to be independent, implying that Xu Xiangrong did not want to rely on his father-in-law, but wanted to do great things on his own.

Xu Xiangrong didn't show any expression at that time, and didn't follow up.

After that, Yan Ting mentioned it twice, Xu Xiangrong sneered at Yan Ting, this person is really arrogant and ridiculous, not because your husband knows who you are, but in order not to hinder the friendship between the two sides, he also expressed that he can understand Yan Ting In this mood, he helped him arrange an errand in Jinwuwei, and Jinwuwei commanded the same knowledge.

Emperor Daxi had a Guards Army which was independent of the five military governors and the Ministry of War, commonly known as the Twelve Guards of the Pro-Army, and Jinwu Guard was one of them. Commanding Tongzhi is from the third rank, although the level is not high, but it is a good job to be able to enter and leave the palace forbidden area, and to win the eyes of His Majesty.

Knowing that her son has an errand, he is still in the presence of His Majesty. The old lady was proud of it for a few days. If it wasn't for Yan Ting's dissuasion, she really wanted to hold a big banquet for three days to celebrate. During this period, he naturally scolded Duke Zhen Guo for being stingy and Shen Yiyao's ignorance of flattery, so he didn't mention it.

Yan Ting naturally did not miss the news that His Highness the Second Prince was going to choose a concubine.

Seeing Xu Xiangrong pondering the list of candidates to hand to Concubine Xu, of course he was moved. The court of Weiyuan Hou's mansion is naturally not worthy of the second prince, but he knows that there is another person in the mansion who is suitable.

His eldest daughter, Yan Yan.

He went back and thought about it for a few days and felt that the idea was feasible. He knew that Xu Xiangrong and Xu Guifei were currently more interested in the youngest daughter of the Chengguo family, but after all, Chengguogong was not as good as Zhenguogong in front of His Majesty, and his power status was slightly inferior. Although A Yan was not the daughter of the Shen family, She is the granddaughter of the Shen family.

No one in the capital knew that the Shen family had few daughters, who were as precious as eyeballs. Shen Yiyao is the only jewel in the palm of the Duke of Zhen. So far, A Yan is the only girl in the generation of Shen Yiyao, who is very favored by Duke Zhen.

Who dares to say granddaughter is worthless? It also depends on whose granddaughter!

Yan Ting showed a little bit that there was a cute and unruly daughter in the family. Now it's time to talk about kissing. Xu Xiangrong showed great interest.

On another day, in the high autumn weather, Yan Ting visited Tangquan Zhuangzi again.