The Long Chase for the President’s Spouse

Chapter 30: Reenact the legend of Aoba Castle West (3)


Nine p.m.

Gu Li arrived at the pier as scheduled, but there was no one around except the fishing boats and ships docked at the pier. The taxi driver also felt weird, stepped on the accelerator, and left quickly.

A few minutes later, another taxi pulled into the pier. The headlights of the car hit Gu Li's body, making Gu Li unable to open his eyes. After the taxi left and the headlights left, Gu Li finally saw who was coming—

"Gu Zhun?!"

"elder sister?!"

After organizing their thoughts and exchanging clues and information about why they came, the two couldn't figure out why. All I know is that it must be the same person who made them come.

"Zhang Heng?!" But among the acquaintances that both Gu Li and Gu Zhun knew, Zhang Heng was the only one who thought about it. And the nonsensical lines of "singing a big drama" and "legend" are quite in line with Zhang Heng's temperament. He usually looks like a domineering president, but in fact, he always retains his junior high school personality when facing acquaintances.

After about a few minutes, a large group of people suddenly burst out from the dock warehouse. In front were a man and a woman tied with ropes, followed by a large group of tall and mighty men in black vests or camouflage vests and thick gold necklaces.

A man and a woman were escorted in front of Gu Li and Gu Zhun. Under a kick from the man, they both knelt down with their heads on the ground, as if they were kneeling to Gu Li and Gu Zhun.

That man and woman are Lin Feng, a scumbag, and Su Qingmu, a whore. Both of them were swollen and bruised, and blood could still be seen at the corners of their mouths.

"You guys..." Just as Gu Zhun was about to ask, another man walked out from behind the tall and mighty man. He is tall and slender, although he is also full of muscles, but his skin is fairer, and he is wearing a white suit shirt, black tie, black suit pants, and a black suit jacket in his hand. He looks like a mafia outfit.

Gu Zhun took a closer look, only to realize that it was Zhang Heng.

Zhang Heng stepped forward and asked Gu Li, "Is it right to kill him?"

"... huh?" Kill him? Do you really mean slaughtered? Is it the meaning of chopping chicken into pieces? My sister doesn't read much, don't lie to my sister...

Zhang Heng said dumbfoundedly: "Of course it's not that 'zai'..." Then he helped the tall man behind him: "Wake them up."

A leader behind them slapped each of them, Lin Feng and Su Qing

He opened his swollen bun-like eyes one after another, looked at Gu Li and Gu Zhun in front of him, and finally understood why he was beaten so badly by a group of thugs of unknown origin as soon as he arrived at the pier.

"So it's you? Crazy woman!? Do you know who I am? I'm Su Dashun's daughter! Lin Feng doesn't like you! He doesn't love you! Shameless and pestering me! He even sent someone to beat me?!! !" Su Qing yelled hysterically, staring at Gu Li who looked weak.

"You don't take a mirror to look at yourself. You want breasts and no breasts, and you want money and no money! You have been dating for two years and won't let Lin Feng sleep with you. What you say about refusing premarital sex||acts, I think it's just pretending to be innocent That's all for the green tea bitch! In fact, I don't know how many men I have slept with, hahahahahaha—" Gu Li didn't speak, and Su Qingmu was even more unrestrained, laughing ragingly and arrogantly.

Gu Li took a step forward, and grabbed Su Qing's large curls with one hand, forcing her to look up at Gu Li. Gu Li's eyes at this time were like sharp knives, sharp and murderous. If Gu Li was really given a knife, maybe without hesitation, she would definitely insert the knife into Su Qingmu's throat and cut off her tongue.

Gu Li said coldly: "Unscrupulous start"

"..." coldly, a curse word, in English. The translation is - unscrupulous **.

Immediately, even swearing became grand, and even swearing seemed to be a reward for Su Qing.

Gu Li let go of Su Qingmu and walked in front of Lin Feng. Lin Feng immediately shed tears and snot, and begged for mercy: "Gu Li, you have to trust me, I didn't mean to lie to you, you have to know that my family's situation is not very good, I still have to..."

Gu Li was too lazy to listen to Lin Feng's words, so he squatted down, looked at Lin Feng at the same level, stared at Lin Feng's eyes, and slapped him coldly once, twice, three times... until Gu Li was tired from squatting, almost 100 bar...

Zhang Heng asked Lin Fengdao: "Why did you transfer the company's funds? Answer honestly, who ordered you?"

The mighty burly man at the back flashed a metal knife with a cold light on Lin Feng's shoulder, making a threatening gesture.

Lin Feng tremblingly said: "...No one instructed me... I was obsessed with ghosts, and I was crazy about money... I just put the money into a foreign friend's account... so that I can use it when I immigrate... That's all..."

Even now, Lin Feng is still lying. He took all the responsibility

Carrying it on himself, in order not to implicate his future father-in-law, and this poor motive is only for the needs of life, the court can sentence him to a lighter sentence and reduce his sentence.

However, Lin Feng did not expect that Zhang Heng had already figured out the relationship between him and Su Dashun and the transaction behind it.

"Since you refuse to tell the truth, then don't blame me for being rude." Zhang Heng pursed his lips, folded his hands on his chest, with a look of contempt and even a bit of joking joy. Zhang Heng has naturally integrated into the role of the mafia.

The knife slowly leaned towards Lin Feng's neck, the big man just let the blade touch his neck slightly, and a drop of blood oozes from his neck. With a little more force, more blood spewed out.

Looking at the blood, Lin Feng trembled more and more, and finally lost control, and a large area was soaked in front of his crotch.

"Hero, spare me! I'm just helping Su Dashun transport the money out...Su Dashun has always wanted to monopolize Qingcheng's financial industry. He has gradually acquired both high-end companies and low-end companies, but our company is still left behind. Horizontal companies are resisting... I just listened to him and helped him move the money out... If I knew he was laundering the money abroad and pocketing it, I wouldn't have helped him... Please let me go Bar… !!!"

Zhang Heng stopped the recording pen behind his back, the recording ended, and all the conversations just now had been recorded. There is nothing stronger than this evidence.

"I can let you go..." Zhang Heng raised the recording pen in his hand, and smiled evilly, "But I don't know if the country will let you go..."

"What?!!" Lin Feng, who was caught in the trap, widened his eyes and looked at Zhang Heng angrily. He didn't realize until now that this person never wanted to spare himself from the beginning!

The big man behind him took out two handcuffs and handcuffed Lin Feng and Su Qingmu: "You are under arrest."

I didn't expect that group of big men just now turned out to be policemen! ! ! But they were obviously very vicious, and they beat both of them until their noses were bruised and their foreheads were swollen. Isn't the police practicing humanitarianism

After Zhang Heng sent Gu Li and Gu Zhun to his car, he raised his hand to let the leading policeman come over, and handed the recording pen to him: "The next thing will be left to you. Thank you for me .I don’t know if I have a good citizen award and condolence money... "

After speaking, the cat got into the car, started the car, and left the pier.

(end of this chapter)