The Long Chase for the President’s Spouse

Chapter 47: The Queen vs Passers-by (5)


The way of getting along between Ma Shangqian and Xu Yale is very similar to that of lovers, but it seems that the two of them have not exposed this similarity. Others, including themselves, think it is just a friendship between girlfriends.

It just so happened that Ma Shangqian was just a man.

After Xu Yale knew what she wanted, she felt awkward facing Zhang Heng for a while. Often, when she saw Zhang Heng coming around the corner, she immediately ran to get under the seat of Ma Shangqian, who was closest to her current position, and hid.

But it’s so hard to die, Zhang Heng just came to discuss some design matters with Ma Shangqian, because Ma Shangqian finally turned Xianyu to participate in the design work of a major design project.

"Can you tell me what elements and why you adopted this Kanban board?"

Knowing that Xu Yale was hiding under his desk, Ma Shangqian hunched over his waist and nervously tugged at his trousers, thinking in his heart - "Go! Go!"

Ma Shangqian calmly replied to Zhang Heng: "This is for a better fit..."

Then Ma Shangqian talked a lot, and Zhang Heng listened to it for a long time. Naturally, Xu Yale squatted for a long time, because he had to worry about the problem of losing his skirt, so squatting was very hard.

After Ma Shangqian and Zhang Heng finished discussing, Xu Yale came out from under the table—"Did you do it on purpose?"


Half and half, of course Ma Shangqian didn't dare to talk nonsense, he would be beaten.

He wanted to say that Zhang Heng and Xu Yale could still be friends even if they couldn't be in a relationship. After all, we all played together since we were young... although we didn't have any childhood sweethearts.

Xu Yale pulled Ma Shangqian's chair, sat on it, crossed Erlang's legs, rubbed his sore ankle, and complained: "You want me to be friends with Zhang Heng, right? We can't be lovers, we should be the most familiar friends It's possible too, right?"


Xu Yale knocked on the table and said, "Don't you know that's embarrassing?"

"Of course I know... But how long are you going to escape like this? You will run into each other one day, right? After all, they are in the same company."

In fact, Xu Yale can resign and go home and quit, but as a young lady, she has a kind of self-improvement and self-esteem. She wants to show those people that the rich second-generation young lady can also make a career in other people's companies!

Besides, there is a project on hand to follow up, and it will be difficult for someone to take over the work so quickly. In fact, with so many words, I just don’t want to leave anyway.

Ma Shangqian was speechless, but Xu Yale thought of something instead, slapped the table, and said to Ma Shangqian, "Aren't you always running away?!"

"Who am I running away from..." Originally, Ma Shangqian didn't know who Xu Yale was referring to, but when he thought that Xu Yale knew what he was interested in Gu Zhun, he immediately reached out and covered Xu Yale's mouth that was about to say.

"Sister! You can't hurt me like this!" Ma Shangqian begged Xu Yale with a wry smile.

As if Xu Yale was about to go to heaven, she turned her nose up and said with an expression on her face, "Oh—you know that too?"

"Then you kid still haven't expressed your heart? Look at you, from the first encounter in the previous chapters to the present, you and Gu Zhun have no part in the scene at all!"

"Sister! Official complaints!"

Xu Yale shook off Ma Shangqian's hand, stood up, leaned into Gu Zhun's ear and said, "I'll help you."

help me? how

Before Ma Shangqian could ask her clearly, Xu Yale limped towards her office. She was too tired from squatting just now and hadn't recovered yet.

Xu Yale knocked on the president's office. This time, Zhang Heng and Gu Zhun were quietly busy with themselves.

The job at hand seems to be safe and sound.

Who knows, the two of them were still there a few minutes ago, tired and crooked.

—The thing is like this.

Zhang Heng opened his work mailbox and saw an unfamiliar email, the sender’s mailbox number he didn’t recognize. When he clicked on it, it turned out to be an alumni invitation letter from his junior high school alma mater—Chengxi Middle School—a special guest for the centennial celebration of Chengxi Middle School.

"..." Zhang Heng pulled the scroll wheel of the mouse to look down line by line. I saw the sincere invitation sent by the students from the Student Union, and then there was a warm reminder saying - "It would be even better if we could record a video encouraging students from Chengxi. We support bringing family members to participate."

Zhang Heng closed the mailbox, got up quietly, walked behind Gu Zhun, and bent down. Zhang Heng walked over lightly, even holding his breath while bending down. So Gu Zhun was not aware of Zhang Heng's approach at all.

"You, do you want to go back as my family member?"

Zhang Heng's voice was intentionally soft, but the tone of his speech was still a very seductive groan... moan-like gasp.

Gu Zhun was so frightened by the sudden sound, and with this tone, that he got goose bumps all over his body. Gu Zhun habitually leaned back and leaned against Zhang Heng's stomach. Gu Zhun looked up at Zhang Heng. The two stared at each other, Zhang Heng leaned over slightly, getting closer to Gu Zhun, their noses were close to each other, and they could easily feel each other's breath.

Zhang Heng planned to take advantage of the situation to come to a Bobo, since seven years ago... Although there was no Bobo seven years ago, he did those indescribable things. How can you not have a wave at this time

"...No kissing." However, Gu Zhun bluntly refused.

"Why?" Zhang Heng pursed his mouth and played with his temper like a child. On weekdays, in front of others, he is a decisive and neat president who scolds when he should scold, without ambiguity at all. But when he was in front of Gu Zhun, he changed back to seven years ago overnight, and became a scumbag boy who suffered from secondary illness at that time.

"There's no reason... I'm not mentally prepared yet."

"But didn't we say we were going to try?"

"Try... I've kissed you before, isn't that enough?" As he spoke, Gu Zhun's earlobes turned red.

"But I still want to try." Taking advantage of Gu Zhun's inattention, Zhang Heng kissed Gu Zhun's lips, and naughty bit Gu Zhun's upper lip to show his sovereignty.

After that, he fled back to his seat in a hurry, afraid that Gu Zhun would raise his hand and beat him up.

After all, seven years ago, Zhang Heng was beaten up by Gu Zhun a lot.

Xu Yale knocked on Zhang Heng's office this time. Because Xu Yale came to Gu Zhun because of Ma Shangqian, so when he met Zhang Heng, he felt no pain or itching, and there was no such thing as avoiding during the day.

"Zhang Heng, step aside."

"exm?" Zhang Heng's inner expression was a black question mark face, but in reality, his facial expression was "Oh, then I won't bother you guys" and got up, walked past Xu Yale and walked out of the office, leaving behind Gu Zhun and Xu Yale The lonely man and the widow are in the office.

"Will you be free tonight?"

"What's wrong?"

"I want to be a matchmaker."

... Gu Zhun also has a black question mark face, but it is impossible for the paralyzed Gu Zhun to show such a funny expression, what a pity...

"Yes, but why are you looking for me?" Of course, Gu Zhun asked cautiously. Who knows if Xu Yale wants revenge because he was dumped by Zhang Heng? After all, Xu Yale also knew that Zhang Heng liked her. It's not good to cause love to kill.

"It's not me, it's my little brother."

After finishing speaking, Xu Yale stepped out of the office, pulled the doorknob and turned back to add: "Pay attention to the text messages on your mobile phone, I will notify you of the location and time."

Then this notification was transmitted to his mobile phone ten minutes later.

At eight o'clock in the evening, at Muyue KTV.

Gu Zhun attended this strange invitation on time, and walked around the lobby on the first floor of the store. Many women of all kinds passed by, but they didn't meet Xu Yale.

On the contrary, someone noticed Gu Zhun standing at the door looking around and waved him over. Gu Zhun took a closer look and found that it was Ma Shangqian.

He walked over, pulled out a chair and sat down.

Ma Shangqian respectfully handed over the menu and asked, "Senior, what would you like to order?"

"You called me senior again, didn't you get used to calling me by my full name not long ago?" Gu Zhun was a little dumbfounded.

Ma Shangqian was nervous, and was suddenly pulled over by Xu Yale, in order to confess his love...

"Sorry, you can order first."

Gu Zhun couldn't laugh or cry again and said: "This is a KTV entertainment place, is it a buffet? I just ate at a ramen shop near the company. I'm not very hungry. If you want to eat, go to the buffet area to get it. I'll order a cup of coffee."


After Ma Shangqian took the buffet for two, ordered two drinks, sat down and settled down, it was time to get down to business.

"Gu Zhun, do you know why we meet here?"

Gu Zhun said thoughtfully: "I guess, Xu Yale suddenly had something to do and couldn't fix me, so I sent you to fix me, right?"

"Absolutely not!" Ma Shangqian hurriedly clarified excitedly, and kowtowed on the table, wanting to show his sincerity.

"Don't be so excited." Gu Zhun felt that his joke was too much.

Ma Shangqian raised his head and said, "Although, I also admit that I was an indirect factor in causing you to be framed. If I wasn't..."

"Then do you hate Xu Yale for using you?"

Ma Shangqian shook his head.

"That's really strange." Gu Zhun was very strange because Gu Zhun had a negative EQ. Later, when Zhang Heng came to pick Gu Zhun home, Gu Zhun told Zhang Heng about this matter in the car, and Zhang Heng, who had a high EQ, had already guessed what was going on—love with each other for a long time.

"No... I've decided!"

"What has been decided?"

It seems that what Ma Shangqian said next will be what he has made up his mind to say...

what is it? It made Gu Zhun a little nervous, more nervous than the high school entrance examination, a few levels lower than the college entrance examination...

(I am convinced by this metaphor!)

Ma Shangqian took a sip of the Bloody Mary cocktail, closed his eyes, and frowned, as if he had exhausted all his strength and courage to say—"I like you, Gu Zhun."

"ah… ?"

Eh? ! !

Zhang Heng listened to the conversation between the two in the car, and then heard a very critical part.

When Zhang Heng sent Gu Zhun to Muyue KTV, he pretended to shoot dust and put a monitor on Gu Zhun, and Xu Yale also put one on Ma Shangqian.

At this time, the expressions of Zhang Heng and Xu Yale are really different - a wtf? ! I am very angry! There is actually someone chasing the person the CEO likes! — A nice job! I am so happy that I am about to fly side by side with the moon and fly into the sky!

(end of this chapter)