The Longevity Project

Chapter 100: Chrysanthemum Snake (3)


The black jacket patted me, squinted and smiled, "Don't be stunned, this thing is also in the equipment bag we gave you, take it out." Of course, the spray can shook in his hand.

I quickly dig out a spray can from my equipment bag. It should be something that Su Mu's team used to drive off snakes. I remember it was pungent when used.

It seems that the snake has already appeared, but I don't understand how the black jacket was the first to know.

"They haven't sprayed yet." I pointed to Chongyang and Gu Tang who were watching.

The black jacket chuckled, "They don't use it, look at others."

Upon his reminder, I found that all the other people sprayed the spray in their hands on their companions, not letting go of any corners, and spraying them very seriously.

"This is a spray that covers the breath of the human body, which can make humans disappear into the perception of many animals." Gao Xia explained to the side, "You also spray all over your body and don't let go of your equipment bag."

After I got it, I hurriedly sprayed the spray on Chongyang and Gu Tang with the spray in my hand, and sprayed it all on the face. I don't know if this thing is very toxic.

As soon as the spraying was finished, the black jacket greeted everyone, "Turn off the lights, don't breathe, don't move!" They have experienced it many times at a glance, saying so much is to remind us the three newcomers.

Dead silence, the surroundings seemed to fall into dead silence for an instant.

However... Beyond the dead silence, in the darkness of the tunnel behind, there seemed to be rustling sounds from far away, very dense... It seemed that many reptiles were advancing.

This made me nervous, sweat oozing from my back, but still squatting on the ground motionless, closing my eyes and not breathing. I have vaguely determined that the thing behind me is the snake I have ever met.

Thinking of this, I first got tight, and then told myself that he couldn't move, let alone breathe!

The self-rescue measure we are taking now is to hide our breath. If we breathe, it will cause the breath of people to float in the air along with the airflow. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to say that holding your breath in zombie movies can avoid the pursuit of zombies.

As the rustle's voice grew louder and louder, it had almost reached the feeling of grandeur, and the strange fishy smell in the air became heavier and heavier.

The first thing to hear the weird touch was the calf, and almost immediately the whole body was overwhelmed by the sticky snake pile. The whole person is not afraid to breathe, but unable to breathe. The whole body is covered with a layer of mucus on the body of a snake. I know that I am in a pile of snakes.

There seemed to be mucus in my ears, just a roar. When I was about to suffocate, the weight on my body gradually disappeared, and then I was lifted up. I don't know when I changed from squatting to lying on my stomach.

I wiped the mucus on my eyes. The black jacket pulled me up. He was also very embarrassed. There was a thick layer of transparent ** on his face. What was more disgusting was the breath in the air. I wanted to vomit. , But did not eat anything, just a few twitches in the stomach.

Gao Xia coughed a few times over there, "This is the third time I have met a group of snakes, and the first time I have suffered a lot."

"I don't know why there are so many snakes here. It's the third time I have encountered them. The ecosystem will not collapse if they are so overwhelmed."

"There were no such snakes in the ecosystem here before." Gao Xia smiled bitterly: "Our people forcibly exploded the mountain when entering the underground palace, but accidentally exploded the snake cave of the Qi tribe and released these things. ."

Blast the snake cave? The night that Su Mu's team and I were camping outside, we were alarmed by a dull sound. The next morning, the camp was flooded with snakes. It turned out that Gaoxia's team blasted the snake cave below. (End of this chapter)