The Longevity Project

Chapter 102: Underground River and People in the River (2)


He crumpled the note in his hand quietly into a ball and threw it into the drain on the side without a sound.

No wonder the Black Jacket was the first to know the movement of the snakes. No wonder Gao Xia dare not say anything. It turns out that the hearing of the Black Jacket is different from ordinary people. It is really a wise choice to let him be the eyeliner in the team.

As for what Gao Xia said, the black jacket was cruel and cruel, I didn't see it. Although the man didn't look angry, he often had a smiling face, which was really unpleasant.

However, my understanding of the black jacket is definitely not as good as Gao Xia's. Since he has said so, I have made up my mind secretly. I have no choice but to have too much overlap with the black jacket.

After handing out the note, Gao Xia and I were as okay, but I was a little more relaxed in my heart. If Gao Xia kept things from me, I was not upset, it would be impossible, but if it proves to him It was also a last resort. I, the one who made him a friend, naturally let go of a rock in my heart.

The black jacket came back soon. I didn’t tell anyone about the situation ahead. He just walked in the middle of the team with a smile. He had already explored the way three times before and after. I didn’t think much about it the first few times. I figured out that he and After Gao Xia's position in the team, I have more guesses.

Neither of these two men is the true leader of the team. Gao Xia, as the nominal leader, has the power to lead the team, and the black jacket knows the true purpose of the team.

Neither of them gained the trust of the upper management of the company, and those upper-ranking ones played a trick of checks and balances. Gao Xia didn't dare to talk nonsense, and the black jackets couldn't dominate the whole family.

The Black Jacket’s several path-finding behaviors are also a manifestation of his distrust of Gao Xia. He has no power to know the route of travel, so he can only personally explore the path to verify the correctness of Gao Xia’s leader.

This makes me even more curious about their purpose.

As I got deeper, I raised my flashlight and shook it everywhere, and found that there were no signs of manual excavation in the tunnel. The scouring marks of running water are becoming more and more obvious, and smooth water patterns appear on the walls of the surrounding tunnels.

It is not so much a drainage system, it is better to say that we are really walking in an underground river. The difference between the two does not seem to be big, except that the former is a drainage system excavated manually, and the latter is a drainage system excavated naturally.

The ground under my feet is getting wetter and wet. It is no longer the dry fine sand ground, and even in some places, a pile of mud is brought up when I step down.

And in this secluded and dark space, the sound of water slowly came, and the real underground river appeared.

The water flow is relatively gentle and not deep. It is only when you step on the calf when you step on it. The water is very cold or cold. It is also very clear, and the light can easily illuminate the black silt that has been deposited on the bottom for hundreds of years, the slowly wagging green silk algae, and some plankton that travels through it.

Walking in the meantime, there is a kind of coldness deep into the bone marrow.

"This water is really shallow." I said.

"If it had been a few years ago, we wouldn't dare to come here." Gao Xia took the lead, holding the map with a waterproof clip. "When the people of our company came here for surveys more than ten years ago, where would they dare to go down the river? After hearing a sound, I went back. The groundwater level has dropped drastically over the years."

"So we don't have a map for the next road?"

"No." Gao Xia said, "Who dared to find a way along the underground river ten years ago."

"Your company has been staring at this for more than ten years."

Gao Xia chuckled twice and didn't say much. (End of this chapter)