The Longevity Project

Chapter 104: Underground River and People in the River (4)


That is, half of the body.

The lights dangled, the scene was chaotic, and the remnant body fell into the water, spewing scarlet blood, and it rained on my face.

At the bottom of the water, the dark red blood snaking out has slowly spread to the darkness in the distance following the current of the water.

The black jacket climbed up from the water and ran over to lift the remnant body from the water. The broken red intestines were entangled and fell from under the body. In the water.


"help me… "


"help me… "


The scene fell silent for a while.

That half of the body... hasn't died yet. In ancient times, there was a punishment called slashing, which was torture, and it took a long time for the victim to die.

The sticky ** drips slowly from the intestines.


"help me… "

Everyone didn't speak, I turned around and couldn't bear to look anymore. Although I didn't meet that person, there was still some sadness.

The black jacket carried half of his body and straightened the head of the man aside, "Don't worry, we will save you."


It's impossible to live anymore.

"What's under the water?"

"... It's a... person..." The man was dying, and the words of the black jacket seemed to comfort him and made him feel that he could really live. "My... Lower body... It hurts..."

The weak hand hanging on his side was swiping in the air, seeming to want to check the wound on his lower body.


He held the dripping intestines and was stunned. The viscous blood dripped between his fingers, gastric juice, intestinal juice, bile, and more.




"This is... what..." Then there was a scream, "My legs! Where's my lower body!"

The black jacket held him expressionlessly with one hand, raised his other hand, and knocked on the side of his neck. The crisp sound of broken bones sounded in the dead space.



The black jacket raised his hand, threw the dead man into the distant waters, and turned around to look at everyone.

His whole person's aura has changed, no longer the temperament of an ordinary person. The figure also became fierce and decisive.

Until now, I understand why Gao Xia said that this person is cruel.

"There is something under the water. There is no time to care about him. Everyone can't act alone."

The remaining nine people stood together, and I stared at the silt on the soles of my feet tremblingly. According to the man who died, it seemed that there was a person under the water, and he was quite aggressive, otherwise... I wouldn’t tear his lower body. Cracked away.

It may be something like water ghosts. Although I didn’t believe in the existence of ghosts and gods, and after experiencing so much, I haven’t really seen a ghost yet, but in my subconscious mind, I have begun to believe in this evil. Chong's existence.

There is one more detail that made me feel unsure when I thought about it. It was the hand that the black jacket sent the man on the road.

It is certain that the person can't live, and the black jacket is also out of humanity, but his approach is indeed shocking to my heart.

Knock the palm of your hand on the joint of the neck, and the neck breaks. This is definitely not something that can be done with brute force.

This requires an extremely familiarity with the joints of the human body, and a precise point, a fatal blow.

Simply put, this is an anti-joint technique, which is extremely familiar with the vitals of the human body.

The various traditional Chinese grappling skills and various Sanshou techniques are the integration of joint skills into the opponent. There is a saying that there is a broken tablet.

In modern times, due to the development of anatomy, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu has brought the articulation skills to the pinnacle, fighting close to the body, which is fatal at every turn, and the deceased is the collapse of the skeletal system.

The black jacket hand, even if it is not Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, is not far behind. (End of this chapter)