The Longevity Project

Chapter 105: Underground River and People in the River (5)


The group of people continued to move forward, but the scene completely cooled down. Since the death of a team member, everyone has rarely spoken, always paying attention to the soles of their feet, for fear of being dragged down again. No one cares about air quality anymore.

As for the thing that sneaked on, Gao Xia and the black jacket obviously didn't have any precautions before they were hit by it.

"What do you think it is?" The black jacket asked Gao Xia on the initiative. This should be the first time I have known.

Gao Xia thought for a while, "It should just look like a human being. It's impossible for a person to ambush us under the silt alone. It's probably a ghost trick of the Qi tribe."

Chongyang carried Gu Tang on his back and seldom spoke. I walked in the middle of the team with him. It really wasn't me hiding in the middle of the team, after all, the three of us had the worst physical condition in the team.

I don't need to mention it. I don't know how many injuries I suffered from bumping and bumping along the way. Gu Tang couldn't get into the water even more, so he had to rely on Chongyang to carry it on his back.

The psychological comfort of staying in the middle of the team is really extraordinary. I thought the thing below, no matter how stupid it is, I have to pick up people on the outside.

Others obviously think the same way. They seem to be on the way, but in fact they are all focused on the few players walking on the periphery, ready to go, and a slight change is a thunder strike.

The water was deeper than before, it was no longer at the knees, it was still as cold as the bones, and there were more algae.

The light shone through the water surface, shimmering to the bottom, and the luxuriant green algae swaggered under the broken light.

When you step down, the whole calf will be submerged in the silt, and it will make a cupping-like sound when you pull it up, ah, it's like a beating.

Walking in chaos, I stepped on it with one foot and found that the texture was a little strange.

My foot seemed to have stepped on a spherical object under the mud. I lifted my foot and looked down.

The thing was not buried deep, and the mud on the surface was rubbed away by my feet, revealing a greyish texture.


I bend down, that's...

A blue-gray face!

Under my sight, the swollen face showed a waxy texture, soaked in the silt in the water, under the shade of the green silk algae, a smiling face appeared.

"Ah!" Before I could say a complete sentence, I felt a hand attached to my ankle.

"Help..." Then there was a force of being pulled from the whole body, and the whole person sank. Before the help was finished, a mouthful of water was poured in.

I don't know how other people reacted. I only know that the pressure of the mud quickly squeezed into my chest cavity, forcing me to exhale one last breath.

There was a roar in the ears, and the taste of ** pouring into the ears was uncomfortable, just as the world suddenly became ethereal.

When the mud poured into the nasal cavity, everything stopped.

My raised hand was held by someone, and it was held by several hands.

The change came suddenly, and there was only one scene in my mind at the moment, and that was a half-length body with a bunch of scarlet intestines dripping with mucus dripping down.

Then, it should be my end. I just don't know how the things underneath tear the human body apart. I hope it can be faster. It is not good to move too slowly.

The pulling force below got bigger and bigger, and the people above didn't let go, and the situation was at a stalemate. However, even if the thing below didn't break me, I would be suffocated to death.

I had already vomited out in one breath, coupled with the mud spilling into my nose, I had reached the limit.

The lungs were fierce and painful, the airway seemed to be split, and the strong instinct forced me to breathe.

At this moment, something seemed to be entangled from underneath, and was wrapped around my waist! (End of this chapter)