The Longevity Project

Chapter 11: Undead Village (1)


Bai Ye's grandfather is called Bai Si Lou, which is said to be named because he was born in a tea house called "Sifang Lou".

This person is a well-known doctor. The skill of Chinese medicine depends on accumulation, but when the fourth floor of the White House was established, he was already regarded as a small celebrity, and he solved the intractable diseases that many colleagues were helpless.

In old age, the silver needle in one hand is extraordinary, and he has reached the point where he does not rely on drugs to diagnose patients. He is called "the old white fairy" by his colleagues, and his skill in rejuvenation is evident.

Of course, these are things to follow.

The story that Bai Ye tells happened in the 1960s and 70s of the last century. According to Bai Ye, it should have been in 1973. At that time, the fourth floor of Bai Ye was not the fascinating "Old White Immortal", but was just walking around to see the sick A middle-aged doctor in his early forties.

At that time, no one in every household had a headache, so the people in the ten miles and eight townships have been more or less favored by him.

Later, for some reasons, Baisilou lived in a minority village in Guangxi for a short period of time.

It was a fairly closed ethnic minority village in Guangxi at that time. He had only reached the ethnic minority village surrounded by mountains for a few days and nights with the bumps and bumps of the mountains, and there were only more than 70 households.

At that time, ethnic minorities were still quite xenophobic. In addition to the language barrier, Baisi Lou did not often suffer anywhere, but fortunately, he was a man in his prime, and he was able to hold it.

As a doctor, what he pays attention to is "seeing, hearing, and asking."

Most people think that these points are only used to observe the patient's condition. In fact, these four points are also used to observe the patient's living environment.

Because of the different natural environment, food, clothing, housing and transportation in different places, the same disease will often have different symptoms when placed in different places, and there will be different diagnosis and treatment methods.

A doctor will habitually observe the natural environment of a place, and speculate on the local conditions, which diseases may be more serious, and which diseases should be used and which medicines are all knowledge.

After Baisilou arrived in the stockade, he habitually paid attention to the little things in the stockade.

Although the population in the stockade is small, the proportion of middle-aged people is particularly large, while the proportion of elderly people is obviously abnormal.

It stands to reason that there are more than 70 households in the village, and a dozen old people should have them, but there are only a few old people in this stockade, and they are delirious, and they wander around the stockade all day.

This is absolutely abnormal. Even in a slave society, a normal village of more than 70 households will definitely not have only a few elderly people.

It must be considered from an abnormal perspective. There is a possibility that the natural environment in which this village is located has problems that prevent people who live here for a long time, such as water sources and food, which may affect the lifespan of residents in a region.

The second possibility is the custom of this isolated village—abandoning the old man in the mountains. However, this custom usually occurs in villages that lack food and food because they cannot afford to provide for the elderly. Although the stockade is currently closed and backward, but relying on mountains to eat mountains, relying on water for draft, the rich products in the mountains make the residents here do not lack food, and there will be no custom of abandoning the elderly.

The last unrealistic possibility is to be centrally managed in a place similar to a nursing home. At that time, there was a large gray-tile house in the middle of the stockade, which was a rare stone building in Guangxi.

It covers an area of about two hundred square meters. There are no windows repaired. The doors are solid, and they are locked with a large lock of unknown age. At first glance, it was dusty, and I didn't know what was in it.

After hunting in the mountains on weekdays, the hunters in the stockade would throw some of the dead animals in without treatment. Nor did the corpses thrown in have been taken out.

Outsiders like the fourth floor of the White House are not allowed to approach the stone room, but even if they are far away, they can smell the rancid smell from the sealed grey tiled house.

He originally thought that the old people in the stockade were intensively housed in it, but he never heard any noise coming from it on weekdays. It didn't seem to be a living thing.

Besides, the dead animals thrown in by the hunters are obviously not for humans. He has never understood the purpose of the grey tile house.

Bai Si Lou also speculated that the low proportion of elderly people in the stockade was because they were sacrificed as tributes during the sacrifice. This is not impossible. At that time, in many uncivilized places, sacrifices of living people did happen.

Villagers in some places believe that after the old people in the village are sacrificed, the rich production experience of the old people in this life will be transferred to the descendants of the old people.

Even those old people who are treated as tributes think that being sacrificed is also a kind of glory, a recognition of one's life, and there will even be people whose purpose of survival is to be sacrificed.

At that time, the village seemed to have a sacrificial activity in the mountain every month. On the seventh or eighth night of every month, the village falls into a deadly silence. Both men and women go to the deep forest to participate in sacrificial activities.

There are also some strong people carrying long wooden boxes. At first glance they look like coffins, but in fact there is a difference. These old wooden boxes painted with black oil are narrower than the coffins, and I don’t know what they are inside. What's installed.

Outsiders like Baisilou are forbidden to enter the woods. Every time on the day of the sacrifice, people in the stockade will take him to a wasteland a few miles away for a night. When they return to the stockade the next morning, they will find a piece of land. Chaos, there was a fishy smell in the air.

It's not the smell of rotting corpses in the gray tiled house, but an old, sour smell.

Bai Si Lou knew that there are some secret and strange customs in many closed places in China, so he didn't ask much.

Although curious, he didn't give birth to the thought of peeking in the mountains in the past.

We must know that these ethnic minorities have aggressive folk customs and are extremely cruel to offend outsiders.

He once treated a man who had escaped from the death in Xiangxi. The man somehow offended the Miao people in Xiangxi. He was poisoned. At the time of diagnosis and treatment, the man was already wounded and unconscious. The wound is full of squirming, dense white fleshy insects the size of needle-eyes, reproducing almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, that person also became one of the few people who still died after being diagnosed and treated by the hands of the fourth floor of the White House.

It is precisely because Baisilou is afraid of ethnic minorities and has never thought of spying on the secrets of the stockade, so he and the residents of the stockade can be regarded as the well water and the river water, and there is nothing wrong with each other.

Until then, a child in a family in the stockade had a fever, and he was already feverish.

For modern people, a cold and fever may be insignificant, just take some medicine and hang water for a few days at most. But in a closed place like that at the time, colds and colds were a particularly serious illness. If it appeared on a child, the death sentence was basically pronounced.

For the villagers at that time, they didn't know how horrible cancer AIDS was. They only knew that once they caught a cold, they could die.

The child was in a coma with a high fever, and tried many local methods in the stockade to no avail.

Seeing the person's breath a little weak, the kid's family was already desperate at the time.

On the fourth floor, Bai threw the hoe in his hand and said that I'll take a look.

This is not to please or want to get something, it is just out of the most direct instinct of a healer-to save people. Although the people in the village are looking at him with alertness, he still feels obligated.

There are all kinds of medicinal materials in the corners of the big mountains in Guangxi. It is not a problem to see a cold.

The child was given a set of needles. The needles were only to stabilize the condition, and medicine was needed to heal. There was no drug store in the stockade, and it was unrealistic to prescribe a prescription to grab medicine in a city dozens of miles away from the mountain.

On the fourth floor of the White House, he planned to go to the mountain to dig some herbs to save the child's life.

Guangxi has deep mountains and dense forests. Even in the daytime sunlight can hardly get in in the old forests. When people walk in, it is dark.

The terrain in the deep mountains is complex, there are many places, even the experienced hunters dare not go deep.

On the fourth floor of the White House, a local orion named "Amo" took him to look for herbs in the mountains.

Amo is a middle-aged man about forty years old. He doesn't talk very often, showing a kind of silent skill.

The cramped trees in the mountains make people feel depressed. The mountains are filled with faint miasma all year round, and most people tend to feel bored after staying in them for a long time.

Amo took out a hexagonal tree leaf from nowhere and handed it to Bai Si Lou. After chewing it, he held it at the base of his tongue. There was a sudden chill, giving birth to a feeling of clear mind.

He took it in his hand and carefully recognized the name of this medicinal material. After thinking about it, he was relieved. There are many species in the world. Who can recognize it

Later, Amo told him that this is called Sangkun. It usually grows at the source of the water. Usually people in the village will dry the Sangkun and apply it on the neck. It is said that the wild beasts in the mountains will not bite this person’s neck. Use freshly picked sangkun leaves to refresh yourself.

According to the habits of medicinal materials in memory, Baisilou looked for places in the mountains where medicinal materials might grow.

It all went well at the beginning, but when he finally tasted the medicinal materials, he and the man named Amo had a disagreement.

The last medicinal materials are said to be precious and not precious, but they are not very common. This medicine is yin in nature and requires harsh living conditions. It must grow in a place where it is not exposed to sunlight all year round.

Although the forests in Guangxi are dense, it is really uncommon for places not to be exposed to sunlight all year round.

Bai Si Lou originally thought it would take a lot of effort to find this last medicinal material. Don't want to, the look of two or three miles deep in the woods made him find a place that is uncomfortable with light.

This place can be said to be a canyon on the ground, but the mountain walls on both sides are not perpendicular to the ground, but form an oblique angle to the ground.

It was like two huge mountain walls collapsed and not collapsed, and people standing underneath could not help but feel terrified and oppressed.

Looking inward from the entrance of the canyon, you can see that there are many shade-loving plants growing in it, layered on top of each other, and the depths are covered by mist, showing some outlines of teeth and claws.

The last medicinal material is likely to be found inside.

The fourth floor of the White House was secretly celebrating that he was lucky, and finding such a canyon saved a lot of effort. After all, the child's illness was unstoppable, and he didn't want to be stopped by Amo when Bai Sifang was about to go deep with joy.

For a doctor, the most joyful thing is to pick the medicinal materials by hand and cure a patient. At this time, he was stopped by others. Of course, the fourth floor of Bai frowned secretly, not to mention that the patient's condition was serious and there was no delay.

But he also knew that this matter could not be compelled. Firstly, this was the site of other people's family. Secondly, the gorge was very likely to be the place where people in the stockade offered sacrifices.

A place of worship in a village can be said to be the most sacred and hidden place in the stockade, and it does not allow outsiders to step into it.

He sighed, saying that ignorance kills people, and now he is really seeing that for a place of illusory sacrifice, the vitality of a dying person is a little slim. (End of this chapter)