The Longevity Project

Chapter 114: End point (6)


Thinking came out of the stone path, because the familiar cold light came from the top of the head, which was the light emitted from the dome.

We are on the top of the meteorite. The soles of our feet are still black and smooth, and the edges are 100 meters of cliffs. Below, you can see the magnificent Shao Clan underground palace.

The most striking thing is the invisible giant tree growing in the middle of the meteorite.

It turned out that that huge tree grew on top of a meteorite, and its roots plunged directly into the underground river hundreds of meters deep.

The surface of the meteorite is covered with the dry roots of many giant trees. I think there is not enough strength to penetrate the meteorite, but it is entangled on the surface.

The air is still filled with the smell of gunpowder after the explosion. Here, it must be everyone's final destination.

However, the person who knew the ultimate goal died.

Gao Xia and his only remaining team member looked at me with a wry smile, "Now Feng Shui turns around, Ning Chuan, I have to rely on your care."

I had no intention of joking with him, "What are you going to do, you can do it now."

Gao Xia shook his head, "Where do I know what the purpose of the company is. I am only responsible for leading the way. Li Yuanyi is also dead. The situation is not very good. I don't know what to do next. I can't just do it. Go back? Damn... So many people died."

"What are those monsters?"

"Maybe there is still here." Gao Xia smiled bitterly. "You don't know Li Yuanyi's ability. It took him so much work with just one monster in the underground river. Presumably none of us add up to be that monster. Opponent."

"Let's look around first." Gu Tang said.

Seeing his absent-minded appearance, he seemed to be observing something around.

It suddenly dawned on me. Since this is the end point, Gu Nanshan will eventually come here.

The purpose of Gu Tang's follow-up was to worry about Gu Nanshan's safety, but he didn't want to speak out.

The huge canopy above the head spreads its teeth and dances its claws, bringing the entire Shaan Clan underground palace under its protection.

Beside the tree trunk, there is something quietly placed there, which has been covered by roots, and the whole picture is not clear.

Gao Xia cut off all the roots with a mountain knife, and the whole picture of the things underneath was finally revealed.

This is a black sarcophagus, the texture is the same as the meteorite at the foot, a coffin made of a meteorite.

So, who is lying in the coffin

On the murals left by the army of the Song Dynasty, the Song army helped him into the mountain, expelled all the people from the Qing tribe, and buried the coffin in the underground palace of the Qing tribe.

Presumably, it is the sarcophagus in front of me.

"Do you want to open the coffin?" I looked at Gao Xia.

He hesitated, "This is a crime of tomb robbery."

"Why don't you think about it when you have guns and explosives."

He smiled, bent down to study how to open the coffin, and found that the sarcophagus did not have a lid at all, or that the lid and the body of the coffin were closely connected.

"Tsk." He frowned. "Stupefy me, a novice tomb robber."

Chongyang frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Behind, there is a sound." He turned and pointed at the exit of the cave that had been bombed.

"Could it be Li Yuanyi?" I was surprised, and quickly dragged a few people over to help remove the gravel, leaving Gao Xia alone to study how to open the coffin.

The place where it collapsed was mainly a few larger pieces of gravel blocking the exit, and other gaps were blocked by some small pieces of gravel.

Several people hurriedly moved some gravel away, and Li Yuanyi over there obviously knew that someone was helping him, and speeded up.

Finally, a few stones came loose, and fell to reveal a swarthy gap.

A hand stretched out from the inside and grabbed my arm, as if to ask me to give him a hand. As soon as I felt something was wrong, I saw a blue-grey smiling face poking out of the crack. (End of this chapter)