The Longevity Project

Chapter 116: End point (8)


The huge worm nebula is still some distance away from us. "Let's think of a way." I said, "Or escape back into the cave."

"Where did Gu Nanshan go?" Gu Tang didn't answer me, muttering to himself and looking around, "I'm going to find Gu Nanshan."

What he still remembered was the safety of Gu Nanshan.

Gu Tang limped and got up and walked to the edge of the meteorite. Below, is the underground palace of the Xiao Clan, "They should be there."

"You are crazy!" I held him, "You don't need your legs!"

He glanced at me, "Ning Chuan, don't follow up."

In fact, in his opinion, I came here because of him.

Gu Tang gave me a push. I was caught off guard and backed up a few steps. He quickly climbed down the roots attached to the outer wall of the meteorite, and went to the vicissitudes of the underground palace below, looking for Gu Nanshan.

I was uncomfortable for a while, and when I was hesitating, a gunshot suddenly came from behind. I turned around in surprise and found that Gao Xia had fallen on the ground with his legs in his hands. A man in black was squatting beside him. Knowing when he appeared on the high platform, he looked at Gao Xia who was shot with a smile.

That person is Li Yuanyi.

Li Yuanyi was covered in blood, his left hand was weirdly twisted behind him, and he was injured on one head. It should have been broken. He actually survived the explosion, and even crawled out of the sealed hole.

I looked back and saw that the hole had been exposed again, and the green-faced monsters had disappeared.

The only remaining team member pointed a gun at the desolate Chongyang and motioned for me to walk over.

Obviously, he was on Li Yuanyi's side, but why did Li Yuanyi act on Gao Xia? Although the two of them have conflicts, they also belong to the same company.

Li Yuanyi seemed reluctant to bother him with Chongyang and I, and signaled that the only team member would like us.

The state of Chongyang was not quite right, and he didn't seem to notice what was happening beside him when he squatted there.

I also had no time to take care of him, so I squatted beside him and raised my hand, indicating that I would not resist.

Li Yuanyi smiled and looked at Gao Xia who was shot, "You really are the ghost of the company."

Gao Xia gritted his teeth and said nothing, the blood on his legs was flowing unstoppable, and his face was pale.

"The detonator you threw at me is faulty, I know, otherwise it wouldn't explode so quickly, and judging from where Ning Chuan was standing at the time, he could just die, right?"

I was shocked. So, Gao Xia was going to blow me up? The astonishment in my heart became stronger, even if I didn't want to believe it, because he was my friend and classmate, and a good playmate.

But the reality made me have to believe that Li Xiaohe asked Gao Xia for a detonator at that time, and Gao Xia pulled a detonator away and threw it to Li Xiaohe, and the detonator exploded very quickly, but I was not standing there. far.

I closed my eyes and didn't want to see how Gao Xia was dying. I would rather believe that the detonator that exploded early was Gao Xia's fault.

Li Yuanyi held the gun weakly and said, "Although you have calculated very accurately, even a detonator with sufficient weight is ready, and you have deceived the upper management of the company, but I am still guarding you."

"I have saved my strength a long time ago. In fact, those monsters are not that difficult to deal with." He shook his head, and even smiled on his pale face due to excessive blood loss: "Because I have been guarding you for a long time, you know that I and Ning Chuan, why? Although both of us were bombed to the point of being horrified, we were still alive."

A strange color flashed in Gao Xia's eyes, but he still didn't speak.

"Why is this?" Li Yuanyi smiled and looked at Gao Xia, looking forward to seeing a look of doubt on Gao Xia's face, then smiled triumphantly, "I won't tell you." (End of this chapter)