The Longevity Project

Chapter 124: Hanging back to the old file (1)


Hu Zhiping didn't tell me too much. He just asked me to get to the restricted area. I couldn't help it. I regretted not bringing something out from the underground palace of the Xiao Clan for him to take a look.

After returning to the Yuanshan Garden, we started a black game with Chongyang. The people who were scolded were to death and hand mutilated. A group of people on the opposite side would push the crystal when they went to the high ground. Up.

The next day I was going to see Bai Ye, and I told him to find a time to go back to the hall and tell me something.

As a result, I remembered that the next day was my brother’s birthday, and I had to rest today.

Early the next morning, he flew to Beijing with Chongyang. He didn't want to take this kid, and then he seemed to sigh inadvertently—he said he would take me to eat Peking duck, alas...

Then he came.

Although Ningshan is in a trench, many things are quite low-key. For his birthday, he just opened a table at the father's house, and the family happily had a meal.

Since I live far away, it was the end when Chongyang arrived, and I had some things in my hand, but I didn't dare to bring any middle-aged and elderly health care products.

Chongyang followed me. As soon as I entered the gate of the courtyard, I saw the old man watering the flowers with his hand on his back. When I entered the door, he immediately raised his head and looked behind me.

I don't know it well, and I promised that the old man would definitely follow his girlfriend when he walked in next time.

I acted as the wind by the ears, the old man did not act as the wind by the ears, I turned my head and looked at Chongyang with expressionless face and looked at the old man.

"Good uncle." Chongyang is still educated. When I came here, I taught. When I saw the old man, I just called my uncle. When I saw the middle-aged Man Sao man, I just called him brother.

The old man didn't say anything, nodded, and went back with his hands behind his back.

My sister-in-law also took time off at the table, looked at me and said enthusiastically, "Xiao Ning is here, sit down, your brother will be almost healed."

"Sister-in-law is getting more and more beautiful." I flattered.

My sister-in-law smiled, "This young man is very handsome, it's Xiaoning's friend, sit down quickly, and stay for dinner later!"

Chongyang nodded, "Okay."

My sister-in-law smiled and went in to give my brother a hand.

I'd rather sit under the tree and play with my phone, and when I saw me lazily said hello, "Brother Xiaochuan."

"Well, big nephew."

Chongyang looked at me with a look of doubt, not knowing what the relationship was, I ignored him.

After a meal, nothing happened. In the end, I didn't stay overnight. I took the same day's flight and returned to Chongqing.

I used to think that my family is just a close look. Everyone doesn't seem close, but they still care about others. But over the years, I always feel that the family's affection has been diluted and weak.

After a day's rest, and promised that Bai Ye's business could not be dragged on any longer, he found a time for him to go back to the hall to see Bai Ye.

As soon as he entered the door, a capable man greeted him, and a scent of Chinese herbal medicine rushed toward him.

"Go to the inner hall." I kept walking and said to the man who led the way.

Xuanhuitang is different from the general Chinese medicine museum. It is bigger for a reason. The key to this is that it is divided into internal and external halls.

The outer hall is a place understood by the world to seek medical treatment and inquiries, while the inner hall, not many people know of its existence, can be lucky enough to be in contact with the inner hall because of a relationship. The place where people stay in the night is the inner hall. Can't see him.

But so far I don't know what makes them different from ordinary people. (End of this chapter)