The Longevity Project

Chapter 126: Hanging back to the old file (3)


"I went back to the old shop in Guangxi when you were away." Bai Ye poured me a cup of tea, and said in a reminiscence tone.

The old shop in Guangxi was Xuanhuitang’s original shop face, and it was considered the origin of Xuanhuitang. At that time, there was only one store in Xuanhuitang.

The fourth floor of Bai Ye is an old shop in Guangxi. This branch in Chongqing can only be regarded as a branch that was developed later. Therefore, let Bai Ye come here to play. I don’t have much impression of Bai Ye’s dad. He is mainly responsible for overseas business development. It is said that Xuanhuitang family has a great cause.

"The stalls at the old shop are going to be sorted out. They are all old files many years ago, and there are many confidential information. This requires my family to sort them out by themselves. You can't ask the guys in the shop.

I nodded and motioned for Bai Ye to continue.

The Bai family is considered to be a witch doctor who has been handed down for many years. The disease files suspended in the inner hall of the hall must record things that are unacceptable to the world. There are also some witch doctors who are the foundation of their lives. Naturally, they can’t. Rumored.

Bai Ye should have seen something from these old files now. To tell me, it is a kind of trust in me, no wonder I can't say anything on the phone.

He took a sip of water and continued: "Most of these old files are messy, with huge volumes. I don't have much to sort out, but they are the most confidential part."

"The old file is organized once in twenty years, and who will become the next successor will be seen in the old file. Who is responsible for the most confidential part? Who will be the future person in charge. This time it is personally assigned by the grandfather. Mine, it’s me who wants to take over."

He smiled triumphantly and glanced at me provocatively, "There will be no food for Brother Bai to support you in the future."

"Go away, I have my brother, you go on."

"I sorted out the old files and looked at them. It's not too difficult to understand. Most of them are recorded old recipes and so on, which is meaningless."

"According to the regulations, the old files must be sorted out within three days, which means that I can't read all the responsible parts at all. There are too many, I can only read selectively..."

"I'm relatively lazy, I really don't bother to look at the intractable diseases. I'm just interested in some clinical essays left by the old lady when he was in the house."

"The old lady has passed away for many years. This humanistic literacy is very high, and he writes a lot of doubts about seeing a doctor. I am more interested in these things, so I sorted out and read the old lady's clinical essays."

"It didn't matter for the first few days, but on the last day, I saw a story, or you might be interested."

I will be interested in the story

I thought about it, there are not many stories that I would be interested in. I haven't drank the white night during my recent trip to the underground palace of the Xiao Clan. I think it is not related to this aspect.

That should be what I told Bai Ye about Meng Qisheng after I returned from Inner Mongolia.

"Is it related to Meng Qisheng?"

"No, no," Bai Ye waved his hand, "Who is willing to have something to do with that abnormality, but there are still some similarities in time."

"What's that about?"

"Do you still remember the story of Undead Village? What happened to my grandfather, Bai Fourth Floor, in Guangxi in 1973?"

I nodded: "When I came back from Inner Mongolia, you told me, I listened to it as a story."

Bai Ye also nodded and said: "When I listened to my grandfather, I thought it was just a story, but this time I actually saw the original origin of this incident on the old file."

"The original origin?"

"Yes, what happened in 1973 was not accidental." Bai Ye took another sip of tea. "That was the story of the late 1940s. It was my grandfather who was still very young..." (End of this chapter)