The Longevity Project

Chapter 13: Undead Village (3)


Bai Silou began to think about how to deal with the current situation.

As a medical doctor, I have spent the days of medicating and medicating since I was a child. When I was a teenager, I would go to towns and villages with my family to treat people with illnesses.

He has seen a lot of weird things, and it is not uncommon for him to have more dangerous situations than now.

Once he and his cousin went to see a doctor in a remote village dozens of miles away. At that time, Bai Si Lou was only fifteen years old.

It was midnight when they finally returned. The two spent the night in a broken cave. They were blocked in the cave by a few wild wolves. They escaped by noon the next day, and the cousin broke his arm.

The fourth floor of the White House was unharmed, but since then, it has been more stable than ever. Coupled with the fact that he has been traveling north and south for so many years, he has developed a calm temperament when things go wrong.

He was blowing a cold wind, thinking that he would still spend the night in place as he had previously thought, and find his way after dawn. Maybe he could meet the Orion who went into the mountain to find people in the stockade.

According to Bai Silou's speculation, he is likely to be inside the canyon, but he doesn't know if he has gone deep.

And the people in the stockade use this as a forbidden place, there must be their reason, it is better to be more cautious.

He wrapped the clothes around him, the torch was completely extinguished, but he could still feel the mist in the darkness with a cold breath on his face, bringing a moist chill.

As this continued, fearing that his body would gradually become soaked, he cursed softly, and the sound spread slowly.

The fog was really too big. On the fourth floor of the White House, I found some large tree leaves in the dark, covered it in a fairly spacious place, and found some leaves to cover my body. Although they can’t keep warm, they can still block some. Misty.

The plants and leaves he looked for all had a pungent smell, which could be used to reduce the probability of being spotted by beasts in the mountains.

Although after entering this weird and quiet forest, there are almost no other living creatures seen, but it is better to be more cautious. If not, there are some kind of beasts that grow up and down at night.

But this kind of animal mostly finds its prey by smell, and it may be useful to cover itself with some pungent grass leaves.

Bai Si Lou curled up under the leaves like hibernation, but still shuddered unavoidably.

His body temperature is now very low, and the mist soaks on his body from the gap in the leaves, gradually drenching.

A rustling sound came from far away from the fog.

That is the sound of the plants being moved.

It sounded very far away, but he still heard it clearly, indicating that the object was not small and the sound was intermittent, indicating that the speed was not fast, it was just moving slowly.

The thing was actually very quiet, it just made a sound when it touched the vegetation, and it didn't make the neigh that beasts are used to at night. So it is impossible to know what it is.

Time passed slowly, and the fourth floor of the White House prayed that the thing would not come here.

Getting closer, the voice is getting louder and louder, still intermittently.

A sour smell began to fill the air, as if... I smelled it somewhere.

By the way, Bai fourth floor was shocked. After every sacrifice in the stockade, such an aura would permeate the stockade.

So, this thing that is slowly coming now must be related to the sacrifice in the stockade.

wrong! This is not a beast, but a group! The sound distribution is very scattered. Obviously, this is not the sound that a single individual can make.

He began to think about the gregarious creatures that he knew about that came up at night, and his movements were slow.

It doesn't seem to be.

Bai Silou held his breath, trying his best to control the shaking of his body.

Maybe it's cold, maybe... Fear.

The sour breath is getting stronger and stronger, indicating that those things are getting closer and closer.

Bai Si Lou opened his eyes, trying hard to see from the outside, but what caught his eye was only the moonlight that disintegrated in the mist.

Finally, the first shadow appeared.

It appeared not far from the fourth floor of the White House, breaking through the fog, vaguely showing a dark shadow in the moonlight.

It is a human form.

The sour smell came out, and the humanoid shadow leaned forward slightly with his upper body, his arms drooping weakly, and he swayed slightly with his stiff pace.

This is... Zombie

Bai Si Lou was shocked and almost jumped up, but due to the freezing of his body, his brain still barely controlled the subconscious movements of his body.

He stared at the shadow not far from him, preventing it from attacking at any time.

If it is a zombie, it will bite. White thought on the fourth floor.

But the shadow of the suspected zombie didn't seem to find the fourth floor of the white floor lying under the tree leaves, but almost swayed forward. Soon it melted into the darkness.

Subsequently, one after another, many more black shadows appeared around the fourth floor of the white building with their arms dangling.

But they didn't seem to find him, or that White Fourth Floor was not their target.

The rustling voice faded away.

After the group of dark shadows walked over, the tight nerves on the fourth floor of the white floor relaxed suddenly, and then a feeling of fatigue surged, and he fell into a drowsy sleep.

I didn't sleep well, and I woke up many times in the middle of the cold, but at any rate it stayed until dawn. Before that, the group of dark shadows that seemed to be zombies never appeared again, and the sour smell in the air faded a lot.

His body was soggy that he almost lost consciousness.

The morning fog still flooded the gorge, but it was not as thick as it was yesterday. In addition, it was dawning, and the fourth floor of the White House could barely see the surroundings now.

The dark shadows passed by last night did not leave any traces, but the surrounding vegetation was moved.

He found the tallest tree around him and climbed up. The squeezed branches rubbed several marks on his face, but he managed to endure hunger and climbed to the top.

From the shaky perspective, he barely saw the surrounding scene.

Sure enough, it was inside the canyon.

Bai Si Lou quickly judged it because the characteristics were particularly obvious.

The terrain of the canyon is very peculiar. The walls on both sides are inclined at an angle in the same direction. The walls seem to fall but not fall. People look up from the inside as if there is a huge dome standing above it, which seems to overturn at any time. .

Such an obvious feature, if it weren't for heavy fog before, Amo would definitely avoid this place.

But it was too late, and Amo was missing now and did not know if he had returned to the stockade.

Looking around, there is a vast sea of trees all around, and a white mist farther away, he seems to be in the deep inside of the canyon.

At the lower end of the clouds and mist in the distance, the forest gradually sparsed, and it seemed that you would be able to get out if you walk there. But it seems to be far from here.

It is impossible to go out in the short term. Now the most important thing is to find food.

The cold and the hunger eroded his nerves, and he hasn't eaten since yesterday.

After rubbing down from the tree, he looked around and thought it was better to avoid those things last night, so he chose a direction opposite to the group of dark shadows.

In any case, the people in the stockade can make sacrifices to this canyon moon and moon, and such a taboo thing, the fourth floor of the white house does not want to provoke it.

And if you walk in this direction, the trees will gradually sparse, and there is a possibility that there will be a way out. Maybe it is possible to meet people in the stockade on the way.

It is more convenient to stalk the branch that looks solid after the root is broken.

I’ve been walking for a long time, I have to climb the tree from time to time to see if there is any deviation in the direction. I still have a stick in my hand, just like the grandson monkey, I almost wear a golden hoop on my head.

He basically didn't have anything. He only took the herbal medicine that he picked for the child yesterday. He kept it in his arms and made it awkward, but he didn't throw it away. He thought it would be useful if he went out.

There are always tall trees around, no fruiting trees have been seen, but a few animals have been seen.

Rats, and surprisingly big, can be seen flying around like a shuttle in the daytime.

Later, the birds also got up, murmured, murmured, and occasionally I could see black wings flying over my head.

The trees are gradually sparse, but every tree is surprisingly large, maybe a hundred-year-old tree is like this.

Finally, a cliff appeared at the end of the line of sight.

Obviously, this is not the direction to go out.

Bai fourth floor is holding a wooden stick. This is already the fourth one. He has been walking in the woods for a long time. It is estimated that it is already afternoon, the sun is scorching, and the fog has cleared.

Approaching the cliff, the cliff is very deep, at least ten meters.

The cliff is connected to a basin that is not too big. The center of the basin is...

Bai Si Lou squinted his eyes, then leaned forward, almost falling under the cliff, and finally saw clearly—it was a complex of buildings, a complex of buildings many years ago.

In the deep gorge of the big mountain, in a small basin at the deepest part of the gorge, there is a complex of buildings.

The trees in the basin grow very sparsely, it can be said that there are almost no trees, and the surface is black ground. Pieces of ancient buildings stand silently on this barren land.

That is a deserted ancient city.

Even without the destruction of plants, the building is not well preserved. It is dilapidated and seems to have been in existence for many years.

Baisi looked around on the fourth floor, trying to find his way down.

It is impossible not to be curious. He has a hunch that the secrets of this canyon are in this city.

Walking along the cliff, finally found a way down in a lower place.

Yes, this is a road, something that shouldn't exist in this isolated place.

There is no road in the world, and when there are more people walking, it becomes a road. But if no one walks, no matter how wide the road is, it will disappear in the years.


When people still live here, it is possible to have a way. But the city has apparently been in decline for many years, and it is obviously no one.

But why there is still a road here, a neat and clean road.

Could it be that there are still people living here

Bai Si Lou squinted his eyes and walked down the road.

This is a road that extends to the depths of the building complex, and declining architectural remains slowly appear on both sides.

Gradually deepening, he tried to move on this road slowly.

There was a sour atmosphere in the city. It was very likely that it was the place where the group of dark shadows that I met on the fourth floor of the white building last night, but I didn't see anything here when I was on the cliff.

Was it hidden at dawn or went out

It was terribly quiet everywhere, and the sound of footsteps echoed through the streets.

The surrounding houses are not Qing-style buildings. It seems to be earlier. One of them is the Han style. It is relatively rare for buildings of this style to appear in Guangxi in ancient times.

He was hesitating whether to enter a house or not, but at the end of the street, a man appeared and stood there. (End of this chapter)